How to boot Qemu-Puppy natively?

Booting, installing, newbie
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How to boot Qemu-Puppy natively?

#1 Post by WinXpNewb »

Followed instructions:

Qemu-puppy version: 2.16.1

USB: Kingston Data Traveller 1 gb/FAT32

OS: WinXp

Knowledge Level: Below Advanced WinXp Level/Tech Newbie

What I did: Followed the d: /syslinux d: by typing it into command prompt and it opened the usb folder

Tried to boot Qemu-puppy from changing bios boot priority to the USB and it won't detect. Idlinux.sys is in the folder though

It works inside WinXp though through double click on puppy.exe

Haven't verified download integrity yet. Not sure how necessary it is.

P.S. Is it safe to just close the window when exiting Qemu-puppy? and is there a way to speed up saving?
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#2 Post by WinXpNewb »

Sorry if this is too early for a bump but I'm not yet sure how active this forum is.

Did my post lack many details that's preventing people from helping me? What else should I add?
Bruce B

#3 Post by Bruce B »

The forum is active enough, but as I understand you problem, I think you are trying to boot Puppy in a Qemu emulator off a USB stick, without booting XP. If this is what you are trying to do please affirm, then I will offer more posts, explaining things.

If not please explain better.
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#4 Post by Everitt »

If I read the link correctly I think the aim is to boot from the puppy files on the USB stick. While the files can be loaded with QEMU they should also be bootable, like the standard files.
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#5 Post by WinXpNewb »

Yes, that's what I meant though please understand that I don't know anything about Qemu. I didn't manually set up Puppy with Qemu, I just downloaded Qemu-puppy as is and extracted the files to usb.
Bruce B

#6 Post by Bruce B »

Okay, now I can explain.

Qemu is a host / client relationship. It needs a host operating system. On your computer the host is XP the client is Puppy (with Qemu support)

In my computer Linux is the host OS and Windows 98SE is a client OS.

Qemu needs the host operating system in order to function. Booting Qemu from a USB stick will fail due to lack of a host OS.

I hope that explains. Any other questions please ask, I'll answer if I can.
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#7 Post by WinXpNewb »

Is there any way to have both? Qemu for when on other pcs and a native puppy boot for my own just to have faster speeds and full screen?

All in just 1 same OS I mean. I've screwed up two puppy live cds already so being able to put puppy in usb without live cd is my preference.
Bruce B

#8 Post by Bruce B »

You can install native Puppy on your flash stick or elsewhere.

It won't be the same Puppy as on the Qemu, or contain the same files.

Like one flash stick for Qemu and another for native Puppy, whatever you want.
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#9 Post by WinXpNewb »

Darn, can you point me into the right direction on how to install puppy on usb without having to make a live cd first?

Also will it work if I have Qemu-puppy and puppy on the same usb?
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Erik Veenstra
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Re: Newbie doesn't know how to boot Qemu-Puppy natively

#10 Post by Erik Veenstra »

> What I did: Followed the d: /syslinux d: by typing it into
> command prompt and it opened the usb folder

d: /syslinux d:

Should be:

d:\syslinux d:

I've checked the documentation; the documentation is correct. :}

Erik V. -
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#11 Post by WinXpNewb »

I don't know why it turned out like that. I could've swore I just copy pasted it.

Anyways, I did the correct command because doing the other doesn't cause it to open up the usb folder and also because I retried it.

Sorry for the typo.

Edit: I don't know what happened but idlinux.sys disappeared from the folder.

Btw I tried different combinations with no luck although eliminating the space did produce a brief commandline window that disappeared but same failed booting.

Edit: and now idlinux.sys would not pop up in the usb folder even when I retraced my steps
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#12 Post by WinXpNewb »

Bruce B

#13 Post by Bruce B »

There are easy and hard ways to do things.

I think the easiest way is:

Move your qemu-Puppy files off the stick.

Boot with Live CD, try and install Puppy on your USB stick, using Puppy's installer.

Test it and see if it works.

If it works, copy your qemu-Puppy files back to the USB stick, (if there is still room)
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