Google Earth Linux tries to start then errors out

Booting, installing, newbie
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Google Earth Linux tries to start then errors out

#1 Post by retry3 »

After the dialog box says it is installed and I click the Start button, the Google Earth welcome page, or at least a part of it, briefly flashes once or twice and then an Error message comes up.

The same thing happens when I try starting using the console even tho I don't know what I am doing with a console. I couldn't figure out the right thing to do in the MUT

The message says they are sorry but a bug caused it to crash which should not happen normally. It is the same message others have reported. The help suggested seems to involve the video card and/or memory. I don't think this is my problem because I am running Windoze also (forced to because of things like this) and installed and can run GoogleEarth o.k. in Windoze.

Running Puppy 3.01CD-AMD3800-1GBshared-512MB Pup save 400MB free.

I am a slow forever newbie and would appreciate the most basic simple advice possible.

Thanks - retry3
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#2 Post by Pizzasgood »

Did you install OpenGL and drivers for you graphics card? Puppy doesn't have OpenGL by default, so most 3d things won't work until you install it (there's a package called xorg_OPENGL in the PETget package manager). You might also want the xorg_DRI_MODULES package, and you may need to add lines to load dri and glx in the "Module" section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (there will be other entries in that section, so just use one as a template).

Then you'll need to restart X. Speaking of X, for 3d programs you'll probably want to use Xorg rather than Xvesa. I don't know if Xvesa can handle OpenGL, but it definitely doesn't let you take advantage of your graphics card.

This is just a brief overview. More detail can be found by searching the forum.
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#3 Post by retry3 »

Thanks Pizzagood -

Yes, I am running Xorg and have read page after page of search results. Your welcome reply sort of fits in with the other things I've read and I am glad to see you recommend a Pet pkg; I can handle that. You have made things a little clearer to me so I will thrash around with the rest of your suggestions.

Much appreciated - retry3
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goolge earth alternative

#4 Post by ndujoe1 »

Just my two cents worth : I like using in puppy it does similar things.
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#5 Post by retry3 »

Followed PG's advice and MU's suggestions in another thread and dowloaded and installed these packages from PETget:

sdl-1.2.11: Simple Direct Media Layer Library

The sdl pkg said I was missing dependencies of in five folders. I have no idea of where to get or how to install these.

The xorg.conf file in etc/X11 already had glx in Modules so I added dri and also added it to the xorg.conf0 and xorg.conf.NVIDA files.

Upon starting Googleearth again I did not get the Error message but the Welcome page appeared for about 6 secs once and only a half sec on further tries then the screen goes black and I get the Exiting X screen. Tried rebooting, cold boot and the XorgWizard--no go.

Is there a Puppy/Muppy or other distro(Ubuntu?) that will for sure run GE? I am going to take a break from this and do something useful, like fix that leaky toilet.

To ndujoe1; thanks for your 2 cnts.

Thanks - retry3
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#6 Post by MU »

I had installed it some days ago in Muppy 008.1.
It was a test savefile, but if I remember, it went very smooth.
I can look it up again, I also modified the theme of google-earth so that it looks nicer.
If you try and it does not run immedeatly, I easily could help by booting with that testfile.
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#7 Post by retry3 »

Many thanks MU-

I downloaded twice and made 3 coasters but I now have Muppy 008.1 up and running. Will try Google Earth after I sort out my email problems. Will advise.

I think your Muppy is the way to go with Puppy and I am going to give a try as the main system.

Regards - retry3
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#8 Post by retry3 »

Okay Mark, I will take you up on your kind offer of assistance in getting GE installed and running in Muppy 008.1

I managed to get it downloaded as a .bin file through Firefox but was unable to go any further.

Thanks - retry3
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#9 Post by muggins »

If it's this file: ... hLinux.bin

I think you need to give it executable permissions, then run it to install googleEarth:

Code: Select all

chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin
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#10 Post by MU »

ok,in Rox-filer,navigate to the folder where you downloaded it.
Right-click somewhere in that window, choose:
window - terminal here

This opens a console, with the correct path.
Now type:
bash G[tab]

[tab] stands for the tabulator-key.
This will expand the "G" to the full filename.
This simply saves you some typing.
You also could type:
bash GoogleEarthLinux.bin

Then press enter.
Now this installer will extract the installation-files, then a grafical setup should start.

This is pretty self-explaining, but please ask again, if things remain unclear.

When the installation is done, but google-earth is very slow, we might have to activate OpenGL, too.

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