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Request: Vocabulary training pogram (flashcards)

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 18:09
by cf13

I need a flash cards program something like kwordquiz or fresh memory

Thanks a lot.

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 20:41
by Aitch

Try jmemorize 1.3.0, here:-

but you'll need java, available in the forums


Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 23:34
by gw

Interlex :
Teachmaster :
2 possibilities which run perfectly under puppy+Wine


Posted: Mon 12 May 2008, 12:04
by muggins
There's quite a few java based flashcard programs available. OpenCards allows you to create flashcards using OpenOffice Impress.

At the other extreme, being just one simple program, flashcards.tcl should work on any pupversion with a working tcl environment. But you would need to open the script in a text editor & paste whatever it was you wanted to flash before you.

Mnemosyne looks like it would be useful, as it has additional learning modules. But it requires python & pyQt.

There's also memaid. The version written with Fox library comes with a static binary, so should run on any pupversion.

Posted: Mon 12 May 2008, 12:22
by muggins
I've just uploaded a gtk2 flashcard program, granule, here. I think there may be a bit of a learning curve in using it properly.