Load up to 20 extra SFS's in Puppy 4.1.1 retro-k2.6.21.7

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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Joined: Wed 22 Jun 2005, 21:33

Load up to 20 extra SFS's in Puppy 4.1.1 retro-k2.6.21.7

#1 Post by Leon »

shankargopal wrote:Would this work with 4.1.1 retro too? I assume not?
Thanks to MU and JB4x4 I modified initrd.gz for Puppy 4.1.1-retro-k2.6.21.7 by adding JB4x4'code to the init file and merged the contents of his initrd-changes.tar.gz file that he posted at:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... c15a8cc3b6

I tested the modified initrd.gz by adding 4 squashfiles and it works fine.
JB4x4 wrote:Here we go.....

This was tested in a frugal install of Puppy 4.1.1 using GRUB to boot. You need to add an extra parameter to the kernel line in order for this it work. The proper way would be to recompile the kernel, but this is easier / quicker.


kernel /vmlinuz max_loop=25

You kernel line may look different depending on whether you have your files in a sub-directory etc. The important part is adding "max_loop=25"

Download and replace your initrd.gz file with the one included in this post. REBOOT

Open the Boot Manager and add away...... (Note the boot manager says only add 3, but you can now add more). Myself, I am now using Adobe Acrobat - devx - kernel-src - wine - VirtualBox - OpenOffice. That 6 :) 14 more to go......

Have fun - feedback is always welcome.
Posts: 256
Joined: Sun 30 Jul 2006, 22:44

#2 Post by JB4x4 »

Good Deal!!!

Hopefully this and the newer kerneled version get plenty of testing. It would be nice to know if this is solid enough to include in following releases of Puppy.

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