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How to copy, cut and paste in console? (Solved)

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 02:56
by ocpaul20
I cannot seem to copy and paste to and from the console windosw and it is a real pain....

I use this all the time when I am documenting things for myself. Is there a version of the console window where we can do this please?

Even if the executable is a little larger, I think the benefits would be worth it - to me at least!

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 04:17
by Libretto100ct
Highlight the text or code like you normally would.

You can copy holding down Ctrl + C.

To paste it's Shift + Insert .

Cut and paste all you want. :)

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 04:35
by ocpaul20
not in my rxvt window in puppy 4.00

all Ctrl+C does is give me a new hash prompt and then if I go to geany and try CTRL+V or shift+Insert I dont get what I have 'copied'. Are you sure you it works in yours?

I seem to remember there are some different ctrl+ commands (like ctrl+U which wipes out and restarts the line you are on). Maybe there is a different command sequence for the console windows.

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 05:17
by Libretto100ct
The commands I listed work inside RVXT in 4.2 but don't transfer out of console.

Which is odd as it works fine in other versions I use regularly. It works fine in the 2 series as I used it the other day to post debug messages on the forum.

I just tried it on my 4.12 Bare Bones laptop and it works on there just as the same as it works on the 2 series.

I just tried it on my 4.12 Retro full version and it doesn't work.

So........ :?:

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 05:56
by Libretto100ct
OK, I found a way around it. Although you can not directly copy & paste in some versions of puppy, I found this works:

Highlight (drag) the text like you normally would to c&p.

Hold Ctrl + C.

Open the Clipboard (Menu/Desktop/Xclipboard)

Paste with Shift + Insert.

Then from there you can paste into a txt editor, etc.

Kind of a PITA with the extra step, but it does indeed work.

I read a comment on the 4.2 repository ,regarding rxvt 2.7.10, that the paste function is broken.. That would lead me to assume that the reason some of my versions of puppy are working is because they are using earlier versions or a like reason. Maybe search the forum for an earlier version pet. :?:

Regardless I just tried the "fix" above in every version of Puppy I have loaded and it works on all of them.

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 08:12
by Pizzasgood
You don't need to explicitly copy at all. Just highlight the text, and then without clicking anywhere, middle-click in the location you want the text pasted into. Clicking the scroll wheel (yes, it is clickable) counts as a middle-click. If you have no middle button and no scroll wheel, you should be able to enable middle-button-emulation (probably is already enabled) which lets you middle-click by clicking both the left and right buttons simultaneously.

If you intend to click somewhere inside the area where you selected the text before you paste, so that it becomes unselected, then depending on which program you're using and which clipboard managers you have running (if any), you may or may not "lose" what was held in the buffer when it isn't currently highlighted. In those cases, you may need to explicitly copy using ctrl-c or the right-click->copy option.

AFAIK, there is no way to explicitly copy in the RXVT terminal. Normally though you can paste in it with shift-insert if you don't like middle-clicking.

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 08:31
by trio
try Sakura in this forum

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 08:53
by Billwho?
What I have been doing is to highlight what I want to copy in the console then right click in genie and choose paste from the drop down menu.

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2009, 00:06
by ocpaul20
Ok, thanks for the info. I tried the highlighting and middle click and it does work pasting into geany.

It would be nice if it worked the same as other copy and paste methods, but as long as I can do it, thats fine. I just have to think twice rather than automatically do Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V.

Posted: Tue 12 May 2009, 14:27
by Gorilla no baka
ocpaul20 wrote:Ok, thanks for the info. I tried the highlighting and middle click and it does work pasting into geany.

It would be nice if it worked the same as other copy and paste methods, but as long as I can do it, thats fine. I just have to think twice rather than automatically do Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V.

It took me a while untill i found this post...

bassically until today if i wanted to copy something from console the only thing i could come up with it was

.# cd .opera
# ls -a >opera.txt

because even tough the highlighting and middle click and it does work pasting into geany. it does not work if you want to paste in the forum`s edit/post box ...

Posted: Tue 12 May 2009, 22:23
by Bruce B
Shift + Insert
Press mouse wheel
Ctrl + V

Different results and different results with different applications.

Ctrl + V might paste different text than Press mouse wheel in the same application.

X has different clipboards, Applications have their peculiarities.

Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2009, 15:41
by zandarian
Gorilla no baka wrote:.... even tough the highlighting and middle click and it does work pasting into geany. it does not work if you want to paste in the forum`s edit/post box .....
I use Puppy v. 4.1 and SeaMonkey 1.1.11 and can paste here that way. For example this: # ls -la (doesn't matter if in Menu-Setup-Mouse...-Choose type of mouse... I have "Middel button emulated on a 2-button mouse" on or off-I have a touchpad with only 2 button in my laptop-)

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2011, 10:37
by meddyuk
I've got Puppy 5.1 and i'm on the laptop with no middle click or scroll button. I can't right click copy/cut and i can't do CTRL C, as it just brings up a capital C and a chevron.

I'm able to do all this in other packages but not the console. Any ideas?

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 00:47
by zandoval
I know this is an old thread but lately these are the methods I have used in most linux systems... In 2017

Ctrl/Ins (Copies the highlighted text)
Shift/Ins (Will paste the highlighted text into a terminal)

Also you can highlight and drag the text into a terminal.

Also don't forget that middle button you may have by pressing the scroll button down will copy highlighted text and then pressing it again can paste it into a terminal.

In some browsers Right click for a pull down menu to copy then press on the middle button again to paste...

Hope this helps for anyone digging around old threads...

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 01:31
by Flash
What I do is highlight the text I want to paste, then simultaneously click the left and right mouse buttons when the cursor is where I want the text to appear.

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 06:49
by smokey01
Most keyboards have two Ins keys. The Shift+Ins only works with one of them.

Well it does here anyway.

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 13:53
by Mike Walsh
Highlight the text in the terminal, and either middle-click to paste, or else use the app's rt-clk to 'paste'.

Works for me. You have to middle-click to paste into the terminal, since that's the only command Urxvt/Rxvt will, apparently, recognise. For copying out of the terminal, just highlight; if the app you wish to copy into has 'paste' in its context menu, it'll work. Middle-click will always work...

Mike. :wink:

and also

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 22:41
by Limbomusic
This also works:
In terminal - highlight text - CTRL+ALT + C to copy and then CTRL+ALT-+V to paste into terminal. If pasting into geany or something else - just CTRL-V

And vice versa - to copy from geany - ctrl-c and then ctrl-alt-v to paste into terminal :-)