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[CLOSED]Calculator always where it was on "calc" menu

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 02:30
by ecomoney
The previous basic calculator program seems to be missing, only the relatively ugly scientific calculator remains.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 03:01
by Pizzasgood
Okay, now this is funny. After YEARS of people complaining that there are too many calculators...

now there are not enough???


But seriously, there is a fairly basic one. It's the "Galculator" option. And I wouldn't call the scientific one ugly. It's extremely plain, but at least it's clean.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 03:04
by ecomoney
Maybe keep the nice looking one? Scientific calculators are.....for scientists :roll:

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 03:20
by Pizzasgood
And now we're back to too many again. That was fast. :lol:

I'd take the other option personally - drop the basic one. Even Windows supports basic things like logarithms. Scientific calculators are not just for scientists. Nowadays the average school children need at least a scientific calculator for their (required) math and science classes.

EDIT: Actually, Galculator has a scientific mode, if you go to the "view" menu, so we can have the best of both worlds I guess.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 12:13
by ecomoney
Galculator...that was the one! Thanks for the feedback into the real world requirements....its been a long time since I was a student.

May we have Galculator as the (single) default.

I want the best for this world :lol:

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 13:18
by WhoDo
ecomoney wrote:May we have Galculator as the (single) default.
No. And stop using the royal "we"! While you're at it, stop using this forum to promote your own causes!

I have been progressively deleting your false bug reports in this thread. I will continue to do so, but have chosen to leave this one and a couple of others to demonstrate the folly of considering things you don't like, or don't agree with as "Bugs". They are not "Bugs", by any reasonable definition, and I don't particularly care why you choose to identify them as such. This forum is not your personal megaphone!