Nagging hardware issues

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Nagging hardware issues

#1 Post by Jackm »

I am running Puppy 4.2.1 on a desktop, a laptop, and a netbook. The only issues I've developed involve the netbook (Sylvania with 1GB RAM). For what it is worth, Puppy is a much better fit on the netbook than the Ubuntu Remix that came pre-isntalled. Anyway, here are the three issues I can't solve on the netbook with Puppy configuration. BTW, the netbook isntallation is USB boot with the home directory on the USB drive rather than the hard drive.

One, the time zone setting is US/Eastern but the time displayed is 4 hours later that it should be. For instance, when the clock on my wall says 10 A.M., the time the computer displays is 14:00. I tried changing to the GMT setting but nothing fixes the time display.

Two, I have a 15" LCD screen I want to attach to the netbook. The netbook requires that the external monitor be cabled before the system is powered on or it doesn't see the external monitor. When I boot Puppy with the external monitor attached, the netbook's 8" LCD display mimics the external screen's distored resolution. I've had limited success with resetting the video. But when I power off and then return to Puppy WITHOUT the external screen attached, I have trouble getting back onto the desktop display without forcing a reset of the video. Is there a way to run an external monitor without screwing up the settings each time?

Third, the netbook has an integrated Eye Camera which Puppy does not see. I can not get the camera to show up in any of the camera apps in Puppy's menu. I can not find a setting in Puppy to locate the on-board camera. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for any suggestions to cure these problems.
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