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Pcd language support

Posted: Mon 03 Aug 2009, 08:20
by zigbert
_______Pcd language support__________________________________

Finnish - JSonic
French - Jean-Jacques Moulinier (esmourguit)
German - ?
Polish - (robwoj44) (1.5)
Portoguese - (vicmz ) (1.5)
Spanish - (Proudog)

For translators:
The file to translate:
- /usr/local/pcd/locals/en_US:english
This file are in the main Pcd package. It is important that you install the latest version to see how it all works.

Write your translation with charset UTF-8. If you doesn't understand this, it's convertable. :-)

username: puppy
password: linux

Pcd mainpage

Sigmund Berglund

Posted: Mon 03 Aug 2009, 17:13
by esmourguit
Hello zigbert,
Here is the french file for pCD 1.0
Cordialement ;)

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2009, 04:10
by Proudog
Here the Spanish file to:

pCD 1.x

Nice program Zigbert

locale filename

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2009, 08:10
by shinobar
hi, zigbert, great job.

i wonder why you convert the filename from LANG.
it must be more simple to use the LANG code itself, i mean the locale filename, say for english, to be 'en'.
next is a code to search locale files. the locale filename can be en, en_US, en_UK, en_AU, etc.
for example, where 'en' defines a word 'subway', 'en_UK' can override the same word as 'tube'.

Code: Select all

#-- simple localization for scripts by Shinobar based on MU.
# modified to search in $APPDIR/locals. APPDIR must be defined before
# set locale
for lng in C $(echo $LANGUAGE|cut -d':' -f1) $LC_ALL $LANG;do :;done   # ex.    ja_JP.UTF-8
# search locale file
lng1=$(echo $lng|cut -d'.' -f1)      # ex.   ja_JP
lng2=$(echo $lng|cut -d'_' -f1)   # ex.   ja
for L in C en $lng2 $lng1 $lng
   [ -f "$F" ] && . "$F"

locale filename

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2009, 08:23
by shinobar
hi, zigbert, great job.

i wonder why you convert the filename from LANG.
it must be more simple to use the LANG code itself, i mean the locale filename, say for english, to be 'en'.
next is a code to search locale files. the locale filename can be en, en_US, en_UK, en_AU, etc.
for example, where the file 'en' defines a word 'subway', another file 'en_UK' can override the same word as 'tube'.

Code: Select all

#-- simple localization for scripts by Shinobar based on MU.
# modified to search in $APPDIR/locals. APPDIR must be defined before
# set locale
for lng in C $(echo $LANGUAGE|cut -d':' -f1) $LC_ALL $LANG;do :;done   # ex.    ja_JP.UTF-8
# search locale file
lng1=$(echo $lng|cut -d'.' -f1)      # ex.   ja_JP
lng2=$(echo $lng|cut -d'_' -f1)   # ex.   ja
for L in C en $lng2 $lng1 $lng
   [ -f "$F" ] && . "$F"

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2009, 06:42
by zigbert
Great solution!!!
I'll consider it. The reason why I made my own way, is because in Pburn, Pbackup.... you can choose language from menu/preferences. I wanted the name of the language to show up, - not the cryptic codes. But Pcd doesn't have such a choice, and could be made your much easier way.


Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2009, 09:51
by zigbert
Because of upgrading language handling for pCD version 1.1, the naming of local files are no changed from 'spanish' to 'es_ES:spanish'. Package in main post includes new naming.


Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 18:23
by zigbert
Polish added

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 05:17
by JSonic
The Finnish translation for Pcd 1.x

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 06:18
by zigbert
Thank you for the translation.
Be aware that Pmusic now has better CD-audio performance than pCD.
- album artwork
- Lyrics and artist/album info
- slider to navigate in track
- Built in ripper
- ...

For that reason pCD is not a part of the upcoming official Puppy.

More info about Pmusic here. For translation, look here

Finnish is included in the NLS-package and main post is updated

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 11:39
by JSonic
zigbert wrote:JSonic
Thank you for the translation.
Be aware that Pmusic now has better CD-audio performance than pCD.
- album artwork
- Lyrics and artist/album info
- slider to navigate in track
- Built in ripper
- ...

For that reason pCD is not a part of the upcoming official Puppy.
Let's hope that I wasn't doing completely useless work... :)

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2011, 07:53
by zigbert
Meraviglioso wrote:any Russian translation?
No that I am aware of, but Pmusic (which now is the preferred CD-audio player) has an up-to-date russian translation.


Posted: Sat 17 Mar 2012, 18:19
by vicmz

Code: Select all


set -a

LOC200="Reprodutor de CD de áudio"
LOC201="Copiar CD"
LOC202="Extrair CD"
LOC203="Ler CD"

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2012, 13:20
by zigbert
portuguese added