Fatdog64 beta2

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Fatdog64 beta2

#1 Post by kirk »

This is a complete 64 bit rebuild with the T2 trunk:

Xorg 7.5
GCC 4.4.3
Cups 1.4.2
Gimp 2.6.8
FireFox 3.6
Kino 1.3.3
HandBrake snv 2/2010
Ripperx 2.7.2
openbox / Lxpanel
Blackberry modem support for Verizon.
Xine-UI 0.99.6

Xorg now auto configures itself and the default keyboard is "US" and the default timezone is gmt -5. You can change these in the setup menu. I went this direction because I had problems on intel graphics with the console being blank after the KMS modules would load, before Xorg started. The old xorgwizard is still there if you want a detailed xorg.conf, just hit ctrl - alt - backspace to exit the Xorg server and at the prompt type xorgwizard-old, and the xwin to restart Xorg.

Firefox now runs as user spot, anything you download goes into the Downloads folder on the desktop. At the first shutdown, after making your save file, you'll be asked if you want to move the Downloads folder to the same place as your save file. Most will want to answer yes to that. Lots of other small changes, grabbed Barry's latest scripts out of woof; added options to the right-click menu for the optical disk icon on the desktop so you can eject or explore a disk; fixed some bugs; added new bugs :) .

No lzma compression now, didn't want to use it for the main sfs file anyway, it would have been nice for the devx file though. You can look here for the details on that http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 2&start=90

So this is using squashfs 4.0, any old squashfs 3.1 sfs files won't work with it..

Changes since alpha2:

* Grub fixed
* Full hd install fixed
* PDF printer fixed
* Gimp crashing (hopefully) fixed
* recompiled GTK for Gimp problem.
* upgrade libxine and Xine-UI
* add Xine-UI plug-in for Firefox
* Various other small bug fixes

Changes since Alpha3:

* Firewall fixed
* Petget fixed
* DVDs play when clicked on.
* Removed the "Do you want to unmount" message when you click on a mounted partition.
* Xine now runs as user spot.

Changes since Alpha 4:

* USB printing hopefully fixed (Thanks Jamesbond).
* Firefox upgraded to 3.6.2.
* Kernel
* AUFS enabled for NFS.
* Save file switched from ext2 to ext3.
* NFS file sharing app added.
* Many other small bugs fixes.

Changes since Beta 1:

* Fixed rxvt screen color.
* Move Nouveau stuff to a pet package.
* Update kernel to
* Update Firefox to 3.6.3.
* Grabed Barry's updated rc.shutdown and init scripts out of quirky 018 and merge the changes.
* Add dvb-apps from linuxtv.
* Apply jamesbond's openbox menu fix.
* Update home web page with new links.
* Point the Puppy Package Manager to Fatdog's repo.
* Recompile SDL libs.
* Update to xf86-input-synaptics-1.2.2
* Update to xf86-video-intel-2.11.0
* Update to xf86-video-nv-2.1.17
* Update Vala to 0.8.x svn.
* Add Vala-IDE to devx.

I've uploaded the iso, devx, sources and all extra packages built with T2 here:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... ns/fatdog/


ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... ns/fatdog/

Ive also uploaded a ATI Catalyst-10.4 pre-release pet package.

The T2-packs folder contains all kinds of stuff I haven't test yet, like qt3, qt4, mysql, openldap. Everything the T2 build produced.

If you want to try the NFS file sharing thing here's some info:


* In the File Sharing folder click the green Start File-Sharing button on both computers connected to the network, the button should change to a red Stop File-Sharing.
* Wait a bit for things to settle and then click the blue Scan Network button. After about 20 seconds a new Icon should appear named Shared-on-x. If it doesn't try again.
* If you click on the new icon the remote computer's shared folder will be mounted on a folder in the mnt directory you'll see in the File Sharing folder.
* Make sure you unmount the shared folder by right clicking on the mount point that's in the mnt folder before you disconnect from the network or turn off the other computer. If you don't I/O will probably hang and you'll have to reboot.
* The default shared folder is My-Shared-Folder, you can change this and other things by clicking on the Configure button.
* This is intended for trusted internal networks with addresses of 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x.


I'm going to be out of town for the next several days.

#2 Post by oui »

Hi kirk

Thank you for your new build beta2 I am using at this time.

The rest memory appears now (416 MB) but I did create yesterday a much bigger save file (today 0.5 GB, yesterday 1.25 GB as precaution because is more great in "64" mode) so I can not really compare both together.

Very bad: the xorg.conf can't be saved and is helpless after start :roll: :oops: ...

Ayttm don't works (you can't add accounts and, as you have no skype, you are very alone with you PC... and can reach nobody!). meebo seems to work in Seamonkey 2.04 (I don't use Firefox at all...).

Didiwiki or Zim are not available.

That are my first impressions after 3 minutes use of the new beta2 :D .

A really good work. Gratulation.

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#4 Post by kirk »

Very bad: the xorg.conf can't be saved and is helpless after start
Yes, that's broke. I've attached a file, unzip it and replace the file in /usr/X11R7/bin.
Ayttm don't works
Yes, I just recompiled it and it works. But when I boot up ram only and try package it doesn't. Must be some dependency in the devx file. I'm out of time right now, headed out of town for a few days. If some one figures it out please share.
(2.99 KiB) Downloaded 1096 times

#5 Post by oui »

Hi Kirk

It works very fine now!

I did modify my xorg.conf as following:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc102"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,in,ro,pl"
Option "XkbVariant" "intl,,,"
Option "XKbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

so I can write in the most West European languages with "us intl"

see also following links:

http://dry.sailingissues.com/us-interna ... ayout.html



and can change between

us intl, Indian (add Devanagari TTF !), Romanian (about same keyboard disposition as us, but special char using CTRL + the adequate key excepted â, â is CTRL + "q") and Polish (about the same)

commutation: using ALT + Shift.

only 4 layouts possible at the same time.

if more keyboard needed, use in the "Rxvt" terminal

setxkbmap -layout ch

for ex. for Swiss layout ch or ch_fr for French variant of Swiss layout!

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fd64-devx_500.sfs - need permission to access

#6 Post by tozers »

Hello kirk,

Please, fix permission:

You don't have permission to access /pub/linux/distributions/fatdog/sfs/500/fd64-devx_500.sfs on this server.
Apache Server at distro.ibiblio.org Port 80

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#7 Post by kirk »

Duh, did it again! I think it's fixed. I downloaded a free ssh app for the blackberry, seems to work pretty well. MidpSSH.
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#8 Post by Flash »

I burned the beta 2 iso to the same DVD-RW that I used to test beta 1, using the same burning program (Burniso2cd.) The DVD wouldn't boot, so I downloaded the iso again and reburned it, with the exact same result. It gets as far as loading the big file off the DVD, plus a few more lines, then the screen goes black and all activity ceases. It happens so fast that I can't tell which line it hangs at. The only clue is that after it hangs, what appears to be a single red pixel is in the lower left of the screen. I believe that signifies something, but I don't know what. :lol:

I know there's a way to pause the boot sequence and then resume it, but I forgot how. :oops:
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#9 Post by jamesbond »

Flash, when the DVD boots off, can you put "puppy nomodeset" on the boot command line?
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date time fix

#10 Post by jamesbond »

Fix for rc.country. Without this, the date/time will be incorrect on most timezones.

How to use - download the attachment. Open the download folder and click on the the rc.country.gz (that should un-gzip the file). Move the resulting file to /etc/rc.d, overwriting the original file there.

(The fix: TZ must be set before calling hwclock. I checked - this fix is already in Q18).
Updated rc.country, setting TZ before calling hwclock
(816 Bytes) Downloaded 992 times
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#11 Post by Flash »

jamesbond wrote:Flash, when the DVD boots off, can you put "puppy nomodeset" on the boot command line?
That did the trick. Thanks!

Now let's see if it will save to my multisession DVD when I shut down.
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Fatdog stripped

#12 Post by emil »

Hello kirk and all,
first thanks for creating a 64-bit puppy linux.
Are there any plans to create kind of a stripped down version of Fatdog (eg. without Kino) in the future?
I ask because I recently created a puplet with sage which is a mathematic software. I guess computation speed would benefit from a 64 bit base. There are also other computation intensive scientific or engineering applications (e.g. CFD codes) which could use a light 64 bit linux.
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#13 Post by kirk »


Thanks as always, I'll grab that update to rc.country when I get back next week.


You didn't have to boot with nomodeset with beta1? I upgraded the intel and nv drivers, looks like I should roll them back. Flash, you do have intel graphics? I still didn't test multi-session, ran out of time b4 my trip and wanted to get beta2 uploaded. I did updated rc.shutdown with Barry's from Quirky 018, I hoping that fixed multi-session as well. I'm seeing a beta3 in my future.


I don't but others may. There probably is still 10MB of real fat in fatdog, but cutting it all out would take a while.

Thanks guys.
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#14 Post by Lobster »

booted up straight into connected desktop
- no need to set up lan net connection :)

however on the next boot (from puppy pfix=ram on the first)
it did not retain my connection settings

changing the locale and restarting x
did not change to UK local so my pound symbol came out as #

under utility
rxvt terminal appears twice

I believe the package manager downloaded the database - but nothing appeared on the restarted package manager?

jwm was more complete this time :)
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#15 Post by Flash »

kirk wrote:... Flash,
You didn't have to boot with nomodeset with beta1?
Nope, beta 1 booted fine from the DVD that I burned with Burniso2cd. It just wouldn't save to the (multisession) DVD.
... you do have intel graphics?
No, the motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-MA69GM-S2H with an AMD 690G onboard video chip. Definitely not Intel. :lol:
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#16 Post by kirk »


There's only a few pet packages available right now, you'll have to click on system or internet to see anything.


ATI graphics, that might be bad. I had set to default KMS off for ATI, man I hope that didn't get changed. I'll check the kernel config when I get home.


If you have not already started the nvidia pet you might want to wait, might have to recomple the kernel if KMS is on for radeon.
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#17 Post by jamesbond »

No kirk, no worries, I've just managed to download the devx and plan to do it within a couple of days or two. If you plan to update the kernel I should just wait.
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pppoe bug

#18 Post by wuwei »


thanks for the first Puppy ever that boots right into the desktop. Wonderful.

Yet, two things I noticed right off hand:

1. pppoe-setup doesn't work at all. I have a DSL modem connection only, no router. That means I'd have to setup pppoe, which usually works fine from the roaring penguin gui. Not in this case. Clicking on "Setup" has no effect.
2. The desktop is shifted to the right by about 5mm, which is normal for a fresh puppy. Usually this is corrected by the installation of a nvidia driver pet. How do I go about it in this case?
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#19 Post by kirk »

I checked the kernel config, it's the same as, so I'm not going to recompile the kernel. Guess they "fixed" something. I'll get the latest xf86-video-ati driver and see how that goes, maybe add radeon.modeset=0 as a default.


The pppoe package was not in there, I'll compile the latest and add it. I can't test it though.
Last edited by kirk on Wed 21 Apr 2010, 00:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by Flash »

I'm awaitin' :)
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