Puppy 4.00 in VirtualBox - problem after install

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Puppy 4.00 in VirtualBox - problem after install

#1 Post by over_soul »

I have rather unusual problem with my puppy 4.00 installation in VirtualBox under Windows Xp. After a full HD install (no matter if it's ext2 or ext3 formatted) it loads in to black screen with nothing on it. Which is very odd, because I do the installation from a live CD (since all puppies are live CD's :) ), and when it loads from the CD everything's fine.
But after the installation It only shows puppy start screen and the loading of drivers, than it's just a black screen - no mouse, no nothing. I'm running the installation under Xvesa, so there shouldn't be a problem with 3d acceleration. So why than?
Please help me, I need this puppy as soon as possible... I want 4.00, because I want it to have gnome and PCmanFM (I'll install them later of course). Why not using ubuntu in that case, you'll probably ask - simple - puppy is smaller and faster, even with gnome :)
Please, help...

Very easy actually - I just needed a swap partition of 256 MB. I hope my solution helps others with the same problem.
Oh, and don't forget - if you make a swap partition, put a boot flag on your primary partition :)
Cheers :)

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