Can't turn off autosave session feature

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Can't turn off autosave session feature

#1 Post by gennoveus »


For some reason even if I set the save session setting to 0 in the event manager, puppy still saves the RAM data to disk.

Anyone know why? I'm running off a slow SD card and this really get in the way when I'm playing games ... and it's slow as hell.

Any input or clues would be appreciated!
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#2 Post by Béèm »

Giving more info about which puppy, type install, configuration would be welcome.
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#3 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

Yes, more info would help others to help you, Gennoveus.

Assuming you're running a Frugal Install, try re-installing to the SD Card as a Full Install. I'm running Puppy 421 Retro on an SD Card acting as the HD in an ancient laptop and going to a Full Install fixed the probs you are talking about, plus lets the PC run faster.

When doing the Full Install you have to be VERY PATIENT because it takes quite a while to finish and although nothing appears on the screen for minutes at a time, the Full Install is still happening. You have to let it complete in it's own time, which can be up to one hour on a really old Pentium 2 PC.
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