Foundation Meeting February 2006

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Foundation Meeting February 2006

#1 Post by raffy »

Thanks, Lobster, for putting up the February meeting page in the Wiki.

Finding and using resources for Puppy is a concern often reported in the Forum, and people have come forward with suggestions. While the ideas are welcome, there are traditions - or perhaps styles - that have to be considered before certain solutions are adopted. The people who can describe these styles best are those who have already spent years with Puppy.

Although I had barely a year of working with Puppy, I can try and describe this style - I guess it is enabling the user to be in full control of the computer and the stuff in it. The wizards as well as the dotpups all try to make the user's experience with the computer as easy as possible. There are ways to do serious work as well as to play with one's computer - for example, just backup your pup001 (where your work is stored), and you can experiment with anything in Puppy.

Hmmm, it is very much like caring for a pet. I wonder if someone has coined a word before. Let's try compPET (comppet), a way of taking care of one's computer like a pet. Whether tiny, big, slow, or fast - you gain full control. You can dress it up simply or in whatever fancy way you like, easily.

And Puppy's surprise is that it makes thin clients (dumb terminals) full-fledged computers. So no more dumb comppets!

I guess we can use compPET (make your computer your pet) as a way of promoting Puppy and all its wonders for the user.

PS - If you like the idea, you can check out the copyright to "comppet" in your country and if it is still unused, register it for yourself and Puppy. This way, we get the Puppy idea and people registered unconventionally.

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Location: Manila

Transcript of Meeting

#2 Post by raffy »

The transcript of the meeting is available now - thanks to Jonathan.

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We did good

#3 Post by Lobster »

:D Thanks Raffy
Thanks to everyone who turned up. If your issues or ideas were ignored, pleased forgive - for example I was completely unaware Pizzasgood joined us - glad he made it.
I can not always type and read what is going on . . .

It was a concentrated meet and getting it all done in an hour was a great achievement. I know some issues were discussed after the meet. So please let us know of further ideas etc.

Two issues I certainly thought important were jabber and hardening - that will be on the next meeting. Please try and help by keeping on topic and to the agenda - which people did. So that was great.

We are I am pleased to say turning into an organisation. Into a viable and cohesive force. As you know Google (whom I have purchased - putting us in debt) have the motto "Don't be Evil".

Well we do not have a motto and I am glad we are sticking to those principles (whatever they might be)

Thanks again to everyone who attended. "We did good" . . . hey it could almost be a motto . . . :)
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