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unloaded module not sure where to turn

Posted: Sun 17 Apr 2011, 02:43
by dr.dave
hi all.i am pretty new to linux,ivebeen using jolicloud for about a year.i tried macpup 5.2 the other day and i couldnt get on the net via ethernet cable and i believe i may have unloaded my etho adapter by it doesnt show up in device manager in windows and doesnt show up in any linux distro i try,i have been searching for days loading drivers and tarballs and reading lots,how can i get the adapter to work again,i dont want to reinstall windows 7. my system is acer d250 netbook with windows7 ultimate and jolicloud dual boot.any help would be great thanx

Posted: Thu 23 Jun 2011, 16:57
by jim3630
hi dr dave, having wifi issues myself. have you seen this?
