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Thank you!

#1 Post by glimgliree »

The hard drive in my nine year old HP Compaq d530 died a cruel and sudden death recently. While making arrangements for a dignified burial at the county landfill, I await the replacement drive I've ordered, but until it arrives I'm making do with an 8 gb flash drive and Slacko Puppy 5.4 on a live CD.

So here's a shout out to Barry Kauler and the Puppy Linux community, and the Linux community in general, all of you guys. Without you, I'd be jonesing for an internet connection right now.

Consider this a love note, but don't expect any flowers or candy. :P
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#2 Post by starhawk »

Welcome, as we say, to the Kennels!

For future reference (not criticism for sure!) the "Puppy Power" forum is more in line with where you want to be -->

That said: no worries.

By the way, I have a habit of giving hardware I can spare to Puppy users in need. If you're in the US* and want a for-cost-of-shipping hard drive, shoot me a PM. I've plenty, so I can test drives till I find one that works for you. Please let me know if you have any brand preferences. Within the US, shipping should be no more than $6.

I assume, based on looking up the specs of the model you posted, that your computer takes desktop-style IDE drives (big ol' ribbon cable connection)? I've plenty, but they only go up to 80gb. I'm afraid I'm all out of SATA drives (red or blue thick "fettuccine" cable, compared to the more "lasagne" look of ribbon cables). I'm also out of notebook drives of any size. (Well, OK, I've got one -- a ~6gb model from a very old laptop, and I really don't trust it. It's from IBM, before Hitachi took over the Travelstar and Deskstar lines...)

*I'm willing to discuss international shipping -- but it is quite expensive, remarkably slow, and I'd be forced to use packaging that is not exactly optimal. That is, the box I'm allowed to use by regulations is a lot smaller than I'd like, so there's less room for padding, which as you can imagine, is quite bad.
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Joined: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 06:04
Location: Everybody knows this is nowhere...

#3 Post by starhawk »

glimgliree, it looks like our resident mod, Flash, moved your topic to the right place. (I know it was him because he's the only one we've got!)

I sent you a PM advising you of this, just so you don't think it got deleted or anything.

@Flash: never did understand why you don't PM people after a move/retitle that they didn't request... seems like it's the courteous thing to do, to me. Whatever, you're the mod.
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