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What's puppylinux for me?

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 06:50
by puppyiso
Most young people in this forum wouldn't know what Atari, GEOS, TOS, Workbench, kickstart or Sinclair such stuff.

But anyway, I went through such stuff and times.

PC jr. wasn't exactly cup of my tea from the beginning.

I loved Apple and Amiga and some Ataries.

I walked and passed PC dominated world and sick and tired of commercialism and its counterpart piracy as well as Virus.

Thinking back all those days of not knowing virus when I was with Amigas, Apples, I started searching for Windows alternatives.

Maybe it was 2003 or so. Yeah 10 years ago, I found Linux but installation itself was difficult

Due to my affection to something small, light and fast, I found DSL and Slax.

But they were no match for PC. Soon I found Puppy Live CD.

Since then, I have tried very hard to make some sense out of something seemingly underdog to PC.

I have found some folks here in this very forum tried making puppy into Arcade machine, Video editing suit, graphics suit and so on

I don't think Puppy is for those purposes.

I see 50 dollar arcade consoles sold everywhere in the streets of China, I saw many many programs just good at specific tasks such as music making, video editing etc.

I read Linux toys book but none was interesting and none could be the answer for my quest of replacing desktop for my specific needs.

I checked youtube and found some usage like turning linux machines to hotspot or wifi station or media stations or game console.

When I came to Puppy scene, I had an impression that Puppy is mainly geared to lower powered old computers for environment.

With such lower powered computers, you can really expect satisfactory usage.

Today's movie video files are huge something like 32 GB in South Korea.
Turn the lower powered to media station?

Browsers are getting more and more resource hungry.

Web browsing puppy for lower powered? Hotspot? You can buy some cheap hardware for that. You don't even need a computer for the job.

Anyone who does some productive work cannot be satisfied with linux programs they can get.

I have tried many puppy derivatives like unsung volunteering beta tester for nearly a decade.

I just like to read and write in this forum and hear about somebody's new experimental achievements.

Not until recently did I find any real usage for Puppy. Not even for my own personal use, to be honest.

Finally, alas, Oh hell yeah, Finally, I have found THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE USAGE OF NOT JUST PUPPY BUT LINUX IN GENERAL.

The joy lead me to write something down in this forum even though no one actually care about this or even worse, someone might attack me with nasty words such as "You don't know s*** about this and that"

Whatever the case, I am happy that I didn't wasted all those years when my friends and family laugh and discourage me from using Linux.

I drifted for a long time but I have found a small light in the dark night on endless ocean. I will look neither right nor left. I will keep going to the light I see now

I do know I know nothing about the USAGE I found.

But no matter how long how hard it takes, I will keep moving forward.
I might end up with something other than Puppylinux. Maybe Gentoo? Maybe BSD?? I don't know. Whatever happens, the time I spent here aimlessly trying to find some real usage for puppylinux isn't total waste of time.

My only regret is that it took 10 years to find out what it is.

For those who make puppy derivatives, you either make puppy look good or just strip OFF the GUI altogether. Puppy might be better off without it.

Sep 17th, 2013 THE AWAKEN

Re: What's puppylinux for me?

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 09:58
by darry1966
Very nice thank you for sharing.

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 10:11
by Karl Godt
To me it is incomplete compiling environment with partly ugly and buggy code .

But it works most of the times , and if it does not work , I have to troubleshot manually .

I am incomplete and buggy also , so suits me .

Hope , you'll find your luck !

But never return or look back , if you post such !

Sep 17th , 2013 THE SLEEPER

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 20:41
by splot
My only regret is that it took 10 years to find out what it is.
I give up. What is it?

Now that Microsoft and Blackberry are the only two companies using something other than a Linux derivative, it must be good, this thing you discovered.

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 21:24
by simargl8
Karl Godt
why you're so nervious? Let the people tell what they have, it's their right to share their experience and thoughts about Puppy Linux including praise as well as critics, isn't that what's this forum all about. puppyiso that was nice critical analysis, and if I managed to understand correctly, your point is that Puppy is losing its relevance because computer hardware prices are going down, and Linux in general obviously doesn't have so many of the top quality applications.

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 22:02
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Puppy, what art thou??
Are you a "gateway drug" into the Linux world.
A rescue CD? A daily desktop? A secure portable system?

To GUI or not to GUI, is that the question?
Wheather it is easier to suffer the popups and freezes of the mainstream OS,
Or learn another.

Shall we have bling and glitter?
Or is that the users responsiblity?
Puppy can do whatever you want, if you train it.
With less resources than any other.
Sure, its a lot of scripting and could be more "streamline"
But it is open to whatever you can imagine.

So many have wanted Puppy to be an "end all" OS.
Others have narrowed it to a specific task.
I think Puppy is "computer play doh"
It can be whatever you want but you have to mold it.....
It is the swiss army knife of OS's...
I have used nothing else since 2007.
I record/produce music, edit video and graphics, play 3D games, do drafting, webpage editing, and use an old P4 desktop as a media server. I rarely use wine. Just Linux apps.

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 22:58
by runtt21
My puppy's do look good :lol: But I like puppy cause it's fun. And when I break it I can usually fix it or I know people who can :D

Posted: Wed 18 Sep 2013, 02:26
by greengeek
puppyluvr drafting,
Hi Puppyluvr - what drafting package do you use? And on which version of puppy? (Does it do basic 3D, and does it require accelerated video driver?) cheers