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Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:09
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

not a bad idea...
xastir would be cool too ay?

Sat 13 Dec 2008, 13:53
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: PUPPYLINK qtel and svxlink puppy
Replies: 12
Views: 10686

PUPPYLINK now available to download

Instant Echolink and repeater control now possible
Please go here

to download.

Feedback is invited.


"Ya can't have too many radios"
Sat 13 Dec 2008, 13:41
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

OK the url is here ENJOY!!
please let me know how you go


Mon 08 Dec 2008, 07:40
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

stand by! its close.
the warg webmaster has replied positively to my request.
I have snail-mailed the cd to him this morning.
give it a few days. as soon as I have a download url we're in business!!
I will announce it here and on the other forums as soon as I know.

cheers from vk6fun Pete
Sun 23 Nov 2008, 23:40
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

I should be able to get warg to host it. I'm working on it. just a little bit of jiggery-pokery and red tape I hope and then it should be up STAY TUNED.

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 13:23
Forum: Misc
Topic: Do you still use Windows sometimes? And why?
Replies: 226
Views: 145946

If puppy had some sort of non-segfaulting wine that was easy to set up I might be able to use it instead of ms but alas good nesting for profiling efficiency is resource-hungry. Whenever I have tried to wine them I get segfaults. I concede that puppy is the best computer program I have ever seen. It ...
Sat 22 Nov 2008, 03:20
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: PUPPYLINK qtel and svxlink puppy
Replies: 12
Views: 10686

PUPPYLINK qtel and svxlink puppy

I have built an iso which is 4.1-based and named it PuppyLink 0.0.1
The iso presently resides in /root/ftp on this Puppy 4.1 which is behind the fw of
See the thread "how to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile"

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 02:48
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

Yes I have built a "PuppyLink v 0.0.1". The iso is presently 129M and I am looking for somewhere to upload it and announce it and so on. Any help appreciated. I have not been able to do much coz the sound card in this Dell D600 is cactus. I'm running 4.1 Whats the best way to get the iso to you? I ...
Mon 17 Nov 2008, 07:08
Forum: Misc
Topic: Do you still use Windows sometimes? And why?
Replies: 226
Views: 145946

Sorry kids, stop deluding yourselves. Linux, (and that includes Puppy) will only ever be a TOY to play with. I am a profile-cutting programmer. There is NO linux or freeware program that even comes close to doing what I need, and I don't believe there ever will be. If I want reliable wireless ...
Sun 16 Nov 2008, 10:44
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

I have managed to get the qt3-mt-dev library working on puppy. Herre's what I did: In my ubuntu hardy installation I found /usr/share/doc/qt3-mt-dev/README.debian Here was the clue. The libs were in /usr/share/qt3 so I copied that directory, along with various stuff from /usr/include and /usr/lib ...
Mon 10 Nov 2008, 02:02
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to install libqt3-mt-dev?
Replies: 0
Views: 1467

How to install libqt3-mt-dev?

How can I make puppy do this library?
This is a 4.1 frugal with devx


Mon 03 Nov 2008, 12:52
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: radioactive puppy
Replies: 16
Views: 15891

DSTAR . this thing here looks about as close as we'll ever get to homebrew d-star still a bit pricey but not beyond the pale.... This page here explains how to get that platform to do it. Looks like no big deal ...
Thu 30 Oct 2008, 11:58
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

TNX! aragon you are truly a puppy trainer of rare perseverence. I got it to compile on Ubuntu Hardy no probs. The missing ingredient is "libqt3-mt-dev" How to make an equivalent puppy lib set is beyond me <8*{ cheers and 73deVK6FUN ========================================== "you can never have too ...
Sat 25 Oct 2008, 03:06
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

The tarball of svxlink can be found here Its puppy 4.1 kernel is The installation page is here If you can get this to work PLEASE tell me how ya did it ...
Tue 21 Oct 2008, 13:50
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: radioactive puppy
Replies: 16
Views: 15891

fldigi is fb indeed! The digipup page loads ok but all the links except euromirror go to this message: Not Found The requested URL /fldigi.1.34.distro/digipup-1.342.iso was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle ...
Tue 21 Oct 2008, 10:17
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

Thanks muggins for getting back to me with that cool info.I have never used turma before. Looks really useful! I have lifted the thread I have going at svxlink-devel and pasted it here. Me and Tobias the svxlink main man. > Yes Qtel is the main goal, and so is svxlink. > I have upgraded to Puppy 4 ...
Mon 20 Oct 2008, 14:06
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: radioactive puppy
Replies: 16
Views: 15891

thanks aitch I really like fldigi-puppy, its what got me thinking about this. regrettably the page you refered to appears now to be broken. seems the euro-mirror link works the rest are 404. I cant get qtel to compile because of its need for qt. None of the qtlib pets do the job. cheers from PeterB ...
Sun 19 Oct 2008, 14:39
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: radioactive puppy
Replies: 16
Views: 15891

radioactive puppy

Hi from Perth I have seen that puppy is capable of being customised into virtually anything. CoolCNC is a great example. Puppy's ability to make hitherto useless junk functional has changed my attitude to computing. Therefore I would like to get involved in any effort to develop a puppy amateur ...
Sun 19 Oct 2008, 07:28
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

Well qtlibs doesn't have an executable binary afaict. Its just a bunch of so's and headers. The whole qt environment is >100M zipped up and needs a bigger partition than puppy can provide in order to compile it all. Maybe I can just make some targets from the makefile......It will be an educated ...
Sat 18 Oct 2008, 14:30
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?
Replies: 20
Views: 7573

How to get qtlib dependent stuff to compile?

Hi Just booted up 4.01...HOORAY my broadcom wifi card works again! So I am starting again to try and make a svxlink/qtel puppy. The problem I keep running into is qt, which this very handy ham radio app depends on. All of the petget qtlib packages are somehow incomplete, so I tried to compile qt ...