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by alejol
Tue 06 Apr 2010, 12:38
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: XP-like puppy ENGLISH version
Replies: 32
Views: 34372

USB disks do not work in XP-like live CD

I must correct a post I did. XP-like Puppy do not work with pendrives when started from live CD. The desktop icon appears, but the pendrive never is mounted, neither if you use the mount application.

But, in a full install in hard disk, the pendrives work OK.
by alejol
Sun 04 Apr 2010, 23:51
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: XP-like puppy ENGLISH version
Replies: 32
Views: 34372

I really like what I see of this distro, but I have a problem in that it doesn't appear to see or mount usb flash sticks. I've tried a variety of flash sticks on a variety of equipment without any luck whatsoever. Has anyone else had this issue? Sully Well, in my old Pentium II with 256 MB RAM, the...
by alejol
Sun 04 Apr 2010, 23:35
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: XP-like puppy ENGLISH version
Replies: 32
Views: 34372

Workaround for keyboard problem in XP-like Puppy

First at all, s-kami , thanks for your work!! I am using XP-like at this moment and looks great! For correcting keyboard issue, I have created a script with a simple text editor ( Geany ), with this two lines: #!/bin/sh setxkbmap es (I am a Spanish speaker, if you put setxkbmap us the US keyboard wo...
by alejol
Mon 30 Nov 2009, 20:42
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: lazarus
Replies: 8
Views: 5673

Hay otra opción

uh quedo zarpadamente pesada, lastima tengo una pc re vieja, era para hacer cosas de pascal para la facu, pero bueno la solucion fue, instlar win98 y usar el devpascal, porque no podia isntalar el lazarus... gracias igual a los que se gastaron! :D ahora me pregunto como se puede hacer anda el geany...
by alejol
Wed 25 Nov 2009, 00:03
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: ttuuxxx intenta llevar Puppy a las laptops XO
Replies: 2
Views: 2354

El LATU bloquea el uso de otros sistemas operativos en la XO

Hace un par de días, mandé un mensaje al Plan Ceibal preguntando si se podía instalar otro sistema operativo para las XO, que arrancara desde una memoria SD. La respuesta fue: --------------------------------------------- de Apoyo Técnico <> para Alejandro Lavarello <...
by alejol
Tue 24 Nov 2009, 23:58
Forum: Puppy Power
Topic: New page on Puppy and the OLPC project
Replies: 48
Views: 48741

LATU blocks another operating system in XO

Yesterday, I have asked to official LATU's technical support about a second operating system in uruguayan's XO. The answer is: " Hello Alejandro, The XO delivered in primary schools because of its security system not allow the installation of another operating system. Any question you have not ...
by alejol
Sun 22 Nov 2009, 15:52
Forum: Puppy Power
Topic: New page on Puppy and the OLPC project
Replies: 48
Views: 48741

I hope you can port Puppy to OLPC XO

Hi folks. Sorry by my insistence, but I suffer the horrible Sugar interface. When I tried to save the Journal's files from my daughter XO, we end with 400MB of obscure files. And I make this using command line, because in Journal you can not save multiple entries at once. The childrens here in Urugu...
by alejol
Sun 22 Nov 2009, 12:44
Forum: Puppy Power
Topic: New page on Puppy and the OLPC project
Replies: 48
Views: 48741

My name is Alejandro Lavarello and I live in Uruguay, the first contry to give XO for all scholar childrens. My daughter Emilia has a XO, and I have used it. I have some knowledge of working with computers, since 1992 I have used Z80-clones, PDPs, VAXes, XTs and now I have a Pentium 4, running Puppy...
by alejol
Sun 15 Nov 2009, 20:31
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Lazarus in Puppy 4.3.1: Ready to use! Download ISO!
Replies: 4
Views: 4404

Thanks MU! Thanks gposil!

Thanks MU for posting my .iso in your site!

gposil, I will try you .sfs : I was needed this... You are int the right direction,
a .sfs is more practical than an entire .iso.
by alejol
Sat 14 Nov 2009, 21:58
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: Puppy con Lazarus incluido: programación visual en Puppy
Replies: 0
Views: 2166

Puppy con Lazarus incluido: programación visual en Puppy

Hola gente!! Después de mucho tratar de instalar Lazarus, y putear por los "pxibuf" "gtk" y la mar en coche que hace tan fácil y divertida la instalación de cualquier pavada en Linux, al fin pude hacer andar el Lazarus. Con la intención de que menos gente tenga que pasar por aque...
by alejol
Sat 14 Nov 2009, 21:50
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: lazarus
Replies: 8
Views: 5673

Lazarus pronto para usar ! Solo agregue agua! :-)

Hola gente!! Después de mucho tratar de instalar Lazarus, y putear por los "pxibuf" "gtk" y la mar en coche que hace tan fácil y divertida la instalación de cualquier pavada en Linux, al fin pude hacer andar el Lazarus. Con la intención de que menos gente tenga que pasar por aque...
by alejol
Sat 14 Nov 2009, 21:39
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Lazarus in Puppy 4.3.1: Ready to use! Download ISO!
Replies: 4
Views: 4404

Lazarus in Puppy 4.3.1: Ready to use! Download ISO!

Hi folks!! Recently, I have posted a remastered Puppy 4.3.1 with Lazarus installed. Lazarus is an open source clone of Delphi. Is a visual Object Pascal IDE, multi-platform: "write once, compile everywhere" (Windows, Linux and MacOS). You can easily create GUI applications (drop v...
by alejol
Fri 06 Nov 2009, 20:49
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: lazarus
Replies: 8
Views: 5673

Lazarus en Puppy

Mira, recién hace poco pude hacer andar Lazarus en Puppy 4.3.1 Por suerte ahora Lazarus usa solamente gtk2, tuve muchos problemas con versiones anteriores que usaban gtk1.2. Ando escaso de tiempo, pero intentaré luego mostrarte cómo lo hice andar. Lo imprescindible es tener montado el dev-4...
by alejol
Fri 06 Nov 2009, 20:04
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: ttuuxxx intenta llevar Puppy a las laptops XO
Replies: 2
Views: 2354

ttuuxxx intenta llevar Puppy a las laptops XO

Hola amigos! En este foro: podemos notar la lucha de ttuuxxx para portar Puppy a las OLPC XO. ¡Ojalá lo logre! Recientemente se llenó el "diario" de mi nena, Emilia. Usando la terminal pude copiar sus archivos a un pendrive. Pero el afán d...
by alejol
Fri 06 Nov 2009, 19:49
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: XOpup Interest Group. Puppy Linux for the OLPC XO-1 laptop
Replies: 447
Views: 274697

Continue like that, man! Do not give up!

ttuuxxx, I live in Uruguay and my daughter Emilia has one XO. I am very dissapointed with Sugar, and very upset with Journal. It is the worst file manager, and one of worst MIT's ideas. Journal impedes the sharing or saving files in a simple fashion with non-XO machines. The use of .metadata files o...
by alejol
Thu 01 Oct 2009, 18:12
Forum: Programming
Topic: C/C++ Development in Puppy Linux
Replies: 77
Views: 90444

Please make the download available via HTTP

Hi Wosh!
I think that is fabulous your post of a C++ IDE. But,
I have FTP blocked by my administrator.
Can anyone make available the Anjuta IDE .SFS via HTTP?
I think that HTTP is by far more usable for all people than FTP.
by alejol
Wed 02 Sep 2009, 00:46
Forum: Usuarios de habla Hispana
Topic: Van 16 instalaciones ya estoy HARTO
Replies: 23
Views: 12761

registrofrv : te entiendo perfectamente!!

registrofrv, parecía que estaba leyendo la descripción de mis intentos por instalar Linux. Mi primera desilusión con Linux fue en el 2000, cuando presté mi PC en una demostración de Linux que se hizo en Florida, Uruguay. Funcionó el Suse , pero cuando llevé la PC a casa y conecté el monitor, parpade...
by alejol
Sun 30 Aug 2009, 20:44
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: wish list for next puppy release
Replies: 384
Views: 318966

My wish list for Puppy 5

Sorry, I know that many people think that Windows is the evil. But I think that the majority of users are comfortable with the Windows GUI, and that is not a good thing to reinvent the wheel. The things I like were in Pupy are: 1) A directory-tree with two panel file manager. I do not say to replace...
by alejol
Sun 30 Aug 2009, 20:06
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Please support Spanish character set used by Windows XP
Replies: 3
Views: 2161

Non-UTF8 characters

Hi, Lefty!

Well, the Spanish characters problematics for ROX are:
á é í ó ú ü
by alejol
Sat 01 Aug 2009, 23:19
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Should we change rox to other more beautiful ones... ?SOLVED
Replies: 94
Views: 29359

I vote for improving or removing ROX

I vote for improving ROX: * No more complaints about non-UTF8 characters. * Use of secondary mouse button for Copy , Delete and Send To * Two panes: left for directory navigation, right for directory contents. * Automount at boot time of every disk devide * A icon for every disk in top of the direct...