Gambas3-x.x.x.sfs (IDE for Basic)

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#21 Post by Flash »

Hamoudoudou, have you heard of the curse of knowledge? You're the only one who knows what's going on in your head when you write something like that. Show a little consideration for the rest of us, will you? Explain what that means or I'll remove it as so much useless drivel.

First step is to load it, install it

#22 Post by hamoudoudou »

First step is to load it, install it, then you will ask questions.
If i had to imagine alone what could be right or wrong; i will be be pessimist.. Perhaps everything will work on somebody else computers..
What is sure is that you can download it, it was not the case recently. Just use 'emergency' process, normal one does not start anything (at home, for me)
(23.73 KiB) Downloaded 400 times

I am curious how Basic can be used into a Puppy..

#23 Post by hamoudoudou »

we are speaking of Gambas.. at least me... and how to download the last versions.. IDE for basic. Nobody is ppeaking about IMG2key But Argolance.
I am curious how Basic can be used into a Puppy..
For I= 0 to 100
Print 'Argolance'
Next I
To discuss bugs we must be two persons with Gambas installed, But if nobody install it, my remarks will be considered as bad spirit..

Caution :!: Either use Pupsaveconfig to be able to quit without saving or start a new session ...
Installed Triton 6.0.5, then what we do with it ?
(76.88 KiB) Downloaded 295 times

Gambas. Again ? they are programs available for use,

#24 Post by hamoudoudou »

Gambas. Again ? they are programs available for use, mainly from spanish guys. Gambas is the Spanish word for shrimp..
But it would be better to try it, simply... We are not spending our life to explain how it works if nobody use it. only because Did 18 compiled it.
Nevertheless i am interested by Basic, not to reproduce programs yet available in Puppy, but to sometimes help me for boring tasks.. To automatize them..
Gnee would be a solution too, but no dev yet cares of it (simply repeats what you did with mouse and keyboard)
here is the info to start
(23.73 KiB) Downloaded 234 times

no need to go further in explanations.

#25 Post by hamoudoudou »

Until people have not downloaded, no need to go further in explanations.
Russia : one. Well..
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#26 Post by did18 »


The latest version of gambas3-3.11.4 in".sfs" format (click on me) is available in 32 or 64Bit.

Have a nice day.
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#27 Post by Puppyt »

Hi did18,
thank you very much for updating the Gambas sfs package. Earlier this evening I downloaded your latest gambas3-3.11.4 32-bit sfs, for use in radky's Dpup Stretch 7.5 (RC3 - k 4.1.48 ). I checked first that the MD5 matched before I loaded the sfs (also 'copying' the sfs to root). Immediately I lost puppypin features - dock, menu/tool bar, and while I could left-click to get the start menu options I couldn't open second-level choices and select specific applications. I had to make a hard reset to reboot the computer. Then, X refused to load and even resetting xorg.conf failed to get the Dpup to reopen successfully. I used a rescue disk to remove the gambas sfs from the root directory before I was able to reboot correctly. It is a shame - I was interested in getting this to work,
Best Wishes.
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#28 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ puppyt:-

AFAIK, this is a fairly new scripting language, somewhat along the lines of QT & Python combined. It's been used in the construction of the I-Nex system resource app.....essentially the Linux version of the well-known Windows CPU-Z tool.

I detailed how to get this up-and-running in Xenialpup64 7.5, here:- ... 114119#top

.....but, due to the sheer quantity of other stuff required just to get the darned thing functional, it's not one I could recommend for Puppy use. Qt5 and Gambas together add up to the size of 1 ½ Puppies between them.....and this is just dependencies..!

Just out of curiosity, what are you thinking of doing with it?

Mike. :wink:
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#29 Post by rockedge »

thanks! I have the 32 bit Gambas 3.11.4 running on Tahr-RT-6.0.6 very nicely.
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#30 Post by Puppyt »

rockedge - good call on the TahrRT version - I'll have a look at that...

Mr Mike Walsh - we meet again :D!
Well - the son had a Yahtzee javascript assignment for school to knock off later this week, and I volunteered to put my head in the noose and help him out using only first principles I had from my (our??) high-school epoch of BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, etc. It's a recent addition to the curriculum, and the teachers are learning as they go - even I am able to spot errors in the coding they have been providing the kids (missing semicolons, etc etc).

I caught a recent post of yours reminiscing of the good ol' days with BASIC - and I've hassled the Puppy forums in the past for help with interpreters, use of Bacon etc etc. When Usborne first open-sourced their series of '80's books of BASIC games ( I was in on a series of Facebook posts with mates from Blizzard, former programmers from Auran (Brisbane) etc who stated how important their background in (early, line-numbered) BASIC was in providing error-checking discipline and structuring ideas for software. And lo - Usborne have picked up on that in their recent promotional material!

So I was looking for a way to motivate my children to write their own software/games, and built up a large library of code from GWBasic, QBasic, and line-numbered BASIC dialect sources including code from the Usborne PDF books. No dice :(
So then yesterday after some wins on the Javascript assignment I was looking for a solution to 'pipe' the BASIC into Javascript - and thereby kill all birds with one stone toolset. I found JSBasic - and while it will be a struggle for me to get it working in Puppy natively, I mucked around with the online converter and it looks promising as a possibility.

And while there are loads of javascipt Yahtzee tutorials online on youtube etc which my son has been working through, I am always(?) hopeful of inspiring him to actively create - rather than exist as a passive consumer of products. I thought a BASIC foundation would be ideal. GAMBAS could have been useful, in that regard.
Cheers :)

some references from a historical hunt:

EDIT: I haven't really given credit to those who have beaten the path properly for similar excursions back to / updating BASIC and Puppy - will outline properly back on the thread I started last year
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#31 Post by did18 »


Puppyt, I'm sorry for your misadventure.
To try to understand what happened, what is radky's Dpup Stretch 7.5 (RC3 - k 4.1.48)?
What is the basis of the nucleus? (precise, trusty, vivid...)?
Do you have a download link for me to try to compile gambas3 for this OS?

The version I compiled and put online is for the precise databases (whether in 32 or 64Bit) and were compiled in a tharpup session.

Otherwise you can find the sources I used in.deb format on this link (click on me)

Thanks to you and Mike Walsh and rockedge for your feedback.

Sorry for my bad English, I only speak French and "Deepl" (although better than "Google translate") is not perfect.

Have a good day

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#32 Post by musher0 »

Salut Didier.

DPupStretch-7.5, basé sur Debian Stretch*, est à :

Hi Didier.
DPupStretch-7.5, based on Debian Stretch*, is at:



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#33 Post by did18 »

Thanks musher0, I'll install stretch-7.5_k4.1.48.iso on a usb key and see what it looks like...
For the moment I haven't found a match with the gambas3 packages to recompile....
For Debian, there was "Jessy", "Wheezy" and now "Stretch", but none of these series appear in the gambas packages3....
What would be the closest to "strech" in terms of correspondence "Xenial", "Precise", "Cosmic", "Bionic", "Trusty", "Artful", "Zesty", "Yakkety", "Vivid", or "Wily" (we already know that "Precise" is not the right choice)?
I copy the original message, it will be easier for me (and for French-speaking Internet users) to follow the course of this subject.

Merci musher0, je vais installer stretch-7.5_k4.1.48.iso sur une clef usb et voir ce que cela donne...
Pour l'instant je n'ai pas trouvé de correspondance avec les paquets gambas3 à recompiler...
Pour Debian, il y a eu "Jessy", "Wheezy" et maintenant "Stretch", mais aucune de ces séries ne figure dans les paquets de gambas3...
Qu'est-ce qui se rapprocherai le plus de "strech" en termes de correspondance "Xenial", "Precise", "Cosmic", "Bionic", "Trusty", "Artful", "Zesty", "Yakkety", "Vivid", ou "Wily" (on sait déjà que "Precise" n'est pas le bon choix) ?
Je met en copie le message original, ce sera plus facile pour moi (et pour les internautes Francophone) de suivre le cours de ce sujet.
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#34 Post by fredx181 »

did18 wrote:What would be the closest to "strech" in terms of correspondence "Xenial", "Precise", "Cosmic", "Bionic", "Trusty", ... ...
Closest is Xenial, I think, looking at GLIBC version :
Stretch: GLIBC 2.24

Xenial: GLIBC 2.23

EDIT: Zesty has the same as Stretch: GLIBC 2.24

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#35 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks musher0 and fredx181 for stepping in and answering did18's queries for me - I appreciate it very much. Good luck for your recompile of Gambas3, but no hurry, cheers :).

UPDATE: did18, I've sent you a PM about some problems on the Gambas website I have encountered - I don't know if you know the website maintainer, but I thought it might be helpful to correct those issues to assist new learners to BASIC-type programming, Cheers.
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#36 Post by did18 »


Following the indications of fredx181, I compiled 2 versions of gambas3 (for Xenial and Zesty)...
As I assumed, neither of these 2 versions is 100% functional

Indeed, if it is possible to create and operate a new program, the use of an existing program (in development or executable mode) "plants" gambas3.
In addition, the packages for Zesty are in version 3.10.0...

Packages for Stretch seem absolutely necessary, I made a request to the people in charge for this purpose....

Have a good day.


Suite aux indications de fredx181, j'ai compilé 2 versions de gambas3 (pour Xenial et Zesty)...
Comme je le supposait aucune de ces 2 versions n'est fonctionnelle à 100%

En effet s'il est possible de créer et d'exploiter un nouveau programme, l'utilisation d'un programme existant (en mode développement ou exécutable) "plante" gambas3.
De plus les paquets pour Zesty sont en version 3.10.0...

Des paquets pour Stretch semblent absolument nécessaire, j'ai fait une demande auprès des responsables en ce sens...

Bonne journée.
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#37 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks for the update, did18 :)
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#38 Post by did18 »


I installed Debian 9 (stretch) on an HDD to test the latest version of gambas3....
Note that gambas3 version numbers do not seem to stick to distributions. Indeed the latest version for Debian 9 (stretch) is 3.9.1.

So the latest updated version for Dpup stretch is also 3.9.1.

It can be installed directly by the "package manager" of Dpup stretch.
Here is (in general) how I did it for a session mounted in RAM (knowing that for a session already recorded in a "pupsave" the approach is identical).

1) - Mount the zdrv_stretch_7.5.sfs (with sfs.load). This is necessary if you want to have (among other things) GNU translation tools.

2) - Run the package manager and "Update database".

3) - In the packet search field (next to the brush icon) type gambas3 then [Enter]

4) - Click on the first gambas entry then on the [Do it!] button and wait a few moments (while the manager calculates the available space etc.)

The number of packages to install plus all dependencies for the various tools (compression, distribution package creation etc.) is huge...

You can launch gambas3 through the menu/Utilities/gambas3.

With this version, I was able to recover and play with old applications, there are many examples (as for all versions) in the "Logithèque"...

Have a good day.

Translated with


J'ai installé Debian 9 (stretch) sur un HDD pour tester la dernière version de gambas3...
A noter que les numéros de version de gambas3 ne semble pas coller aux distributions. En effet la dernière version pour Debian 9 (stretch) est 3.9.1.

Donc la dernière version à jour pour Dpup stretch est également la 3.9.1.

Elle est installable directement par le "gestionnaire de paquets" de Dpup stretch.
Voici (dans les grandes lignes) comment j'ai fait pour une session montée en RAM (sachant que pour une session déjà enregistrée dans un "pupsave" la démarche est identique).

1) - Monter le zdrv_stretch_7.5.sfs (avec sfs.load). Ceci est nécessaire si vous voulez disposer (entre autre chose des outils de traduction GNU).

2) - Exécuter le gestionnaire de paquets et "Actualiser la base de données".

3) - Dans le champ de recherche des paquet (a coté de l'icone pinceau) taper gambas3 puis [Enter]

4) - Cliquer sur la première entrée de gambas puis sur le bouton [Do it!] et patienter quelques instant (le temps que le gestionnaire calcul l'espace disponible etc.)

Le nombre de paquets à installer plus toutes les dépendances pour les divers outils (compression, création de paquet de distribution etc.) est assé volumineuse...

Vous pourrez lancer gambas3 par le menu/Utilitaires/gambas3.

Avec cette version, j'ai pu récupérer et jouer avec d'anciennes applications, il y a plein d'exemples (comme pour toutes les versions) dans la "Logithèque"...

Bonne journée.
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#39 Post by Mike Walsh »

Thought I'd better post a warning here.

Similar experience to puppyt. Loaded your latest 64-bit Gambas SFS in Bionicpup64, since I wanted to try and get I-Nex up-and-running.

The instant I loaded the SFS, there was an immediate loss of all functions. Mouse, keyboard, terminal.....nothing. Only recourse was a hard power-off, followed by deleting the Bionic directory and restoring from a back-up.

Unless I've missed something out here.....but, like I said, this was immediate. The SFS didn't even get to tell me it had finished loading; no way did I have a chance to try anything to restore things, since there was a total loss of all input devices.

Something not quite right there, somewhere, methinks.

Mike. :(
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#40 Post by did18 »

Hello Mike Walsh

I tried loading one by one the 98.deb files on Bionicpup64...
But gambas3 does not start.
I get the missing indication gb.qt4 while the packets gb.qt4 and gb.qt5 are present.
Probably dependencies to satisfy....
I'll continue the investigation to try to help you out.

Have a good day.

Bonjour Mike Walsh

J'ai essayé en chargeant un par un les 98 fichiers.deb sur Bionicpup64...
Mais gambas3 ne se lance pas.
j’obtient l'indication gb.qt4 manquant alors que les paquets gb.qt4 et gb.qt5 sont présent.
Probablement des dépendances à satisfaire...
Je vais poursuivre les investigations pour essayer de te dépanner.

Bonne journée.
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