Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog

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#1261 Post by fredx181 »

johnywhy wrote:i ran the dpkg command in another window as soon as i saw the message. But does the dpkg alert indicate this iso is already borked?
Should be OK if the build finished for the rest without errors (required packages for running mklive-stretch probably already installed).
Did that dpkg command you ran "do" or indicate something ?

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#1262 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote: Should be OK if the build finished for the rest without errors (required packages for running mklive-stretch probably already installed).
Did that dpkg command you ran "do" or indicate something ?
Seems good! Booted fine.
i don't recall what happened when i ran dpkg, sorry!

I noticed some StretchDogs ask if you want to save the session before leaving xfce-- some give you a DOS-style dialog-box after leaving xfce4. And some don't ask, they just do it.

i prefer the type that does it without asking, and before leaving xfce.

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#1263 Post by fredx181 »

johnywhy wrote:Seems good! Booted fine.

Ah, great !
I noticed some StretchDogs ask if you want to save the session before leaving xfce-- some give you a DOS-style dialog-box after leaving xfce4. And some don't ask, they just do it.

i prefer the type that does it without asking, and before leaving xfce.

That depends on how the option "changes=" is configured in menu.lst or syslinux.conf
Adding "EXIT:" will result in "save only on exit" and you'll be asked to save or not, e.g.:

Code: Select all

So you want without the EXIT:

Code: Select all

EDIT: Oh, and booting with "live-boot" will not ask for save or not, it has different options though. (and save to folder not supported, only savefile or partition)
More info here: (live-boot 2 doesn't apply for StretchDog)

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#1264 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:booting with "live-boot" will not ask for save or not, it has different options though. (and save to folder not supported, only savefile or partition)
then i'm guessing that if my grub boots from iso file (instead of loose files), then i'll get the live-CD behavior, right?

i haven't tried that with DD yet, but here's my Porteus iso-boot:

Code: Select all

# Porteus-32
     set p32fldr=/porteus32
     set p32iso=$p32fldr/Porteus-XFCE-v4.0-i586.iso
     set p32mods="extramod="
menuentry "Porteus 4.0-32 ISO"   {
     set boot_parms="volume=33 reboot=cold $p32mods$p32fldr/modules copy2ram changes=EXIT:$p32fldr/porteussave.dat"
     search -f $p32iso --set=root
     loopback loop $p32iso
     linux  (loop)/boot/syslinux/vmlinuz from=$p32iso $boot_parms
     initrd (loop)/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
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#1265 Post by fredx181 »

You may want to try Isobooter for Stretch by rcrsn51: ... 028#964028

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#1266 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:You may want to try Isobooter
How's that different than my manual method?

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#1267 Post by AndresC2 »

:) Hi Fred !

jwm-obmenu is cool in debian stretch then i compiled with:
SVG support

Openbox can displays SVG icons since version 3.5.1. SVG support in openbox-menu has to be activated in Makefile by decommenting the following line

Now jwm-app-menu support svg icons

md5 6e4ffc1375b17b9c0eaa75b68d42e170 geek-openbox-menu.xz.tar

Geek-openbox-menu is a xz.tar file remove .gz

Geek-openbox-menu is a xz.tar file remove .gz
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#1268 Post by fredx181 »

Hi johnywhy, AndresC2
fredx181 wrote:
You may want to try Isobooter

How's that different than my manual method?
The structure of Porteus ISO is very much different, so your example won't work.

Continuing from here: ... 00#1003900
fredx181 wrote:
32-bit ISO: ... 6.iso?dl=1 Size 160MB
OK for me to post here about XFCE starter kit, it's different from rcrsn51's starter kit, so could lead to confusion.
Some issues:

can't get xarchiver to work.
Failed to execute child process "unzip" (No such file or directory)
Yes, it's very minimal (maybe too minimal) so you need to install what you need from Synaptic e.g. unzip, zip.
There's also "unzipper" from rcrsn51

numlock lost on reboot

getting intermiittent blank dialogs, eg the "save changes" dialog on closing mousepad, and adding bookmarks to Opera.
Sorry, don't know about numlock and the blank dialogs I've never seen.

Smile Hi Fred !
jwm-obmenu is cool in debian stretch then i compiled with:
SVG support
Thanks Andres!, I will check it out.

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#1269 Post by johnywhy »

About your iso: turns out the blank diags were caused by xfce Dusk theme. Too bad, i like dark. i know, i know, make my own theme :D


About mklive-stretch:

- now trying to get numlock to stick on my own iso, made with mklive-stretch. I noticed numlock is on at the beginning of boot, and then something in the middle of the boot sequence turns it off!

fredx181 wrote:It's complete XFCE, AFAIK
settings and other buttons next to shutdown button are not enabled


fredx181 wrote:Stretch-Live has systemd installed, but boots by default without it, so there's choice to use it or not. For those who are absolutely anti systemd see:
Create Devuan ascii minimal live ISO similar to 'DebianDog'
- If mklive-stretch iso boots without systemd by default, then why do i need this Devuan thing?
- I notice that an iso i made with mklive-stretch systemd is running. Doesn't seem off by default.


Why do we need X 'keyboard layout' app, if we have xfce keyboard tool?

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#1270 Post by fredx181 »

Hi johnywhy,

I'll try to investigate tomorrow about the issues you mention, looks like you are right about systemd (fully enabled ? partly ?, not sure, to be honest)

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#1271 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:looks like you are right about systemd (fully enabled ? partly ?, not sure, to be honest)
seems i have both systemd and init running. i'm ignorant about this, but i think it should be one or the other.

a user over on Debian forum said they do not have init in their processes.

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#1272 Post by fredx181 »

My conclusion from some investigating is that stretch-live or Stretchdog is booting without systemd by default:
Booted with systemd (force by adding init=/bin/systemd to kernel command line):

Code: Select all

root@live:~# cat /proc/cmdline
from=/slive noauto changes=EXIT:/slive/live init=/bin/systemd
root@live:~# systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active
UNIT                             LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION              
acpid.service                    loaded active running ACPI event daemon        
alsa-restore.service             loaded active exited  Save/Restore Sound Card S
cgmanager.service                loaded active running Cgroup management daemon 
console-setup.service            loaded active exited  Set console font and keym
cpufrequtils.service             loaded active exited  LSB: set CPUFreq kernel p
dbus.service                     loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus 
etc....(large list)
During boot I noticed all sorts of messages related to systemd

Boot without systemd (default):

Code: Select all

root@live:~# cat /proc/cmdline
from=/slive noauto changes=EXIT:/slive/live
root@live:~# systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active
Failed to list units: No such method 'ListUnitsFiltered'
root@live:~# pidof systemd
root@live:~# pidof init

Install "systemd-sysv" to make systemd the default:

Code: Select all

apt-get install systemd-sysv
EDIT: Lots of methods can be found on the web to find out if booted with systemd or not.

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#1273 Post by fredx181 »

johnywhy wrote:fredx181 wrote:
It's complete XFCE, AFAIK

settings and other buttons next to shutdown button are not enabled
Looking at the screenshot you show, this is build with mklive-stretch using XFCE option, right ?
Strange. For me it looks different (built with mklive-stretch using XFCE option), see pic below.
You said you made a frugal install, do you have "zz_xfce_config.squashfs" inside "live" folder ? (it should be there if all went well)

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#1274 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:During boot I noticed all sorts of messages related to systemd
how to grab those messages? :)

Code: Select all

apt-get install systemd-sysv
Why are you sharing the install command?
find out if booted with systemd or not.
i get:

Code: Select all

# pstree -p
It looks like init is my main thread, and systemd stuff was launched by init. That shouldn't happen, right?

Here's my grub:

Code: Select all

menuentry "MyStretchNetinst1" {
    search -f /MyStretchNetinst1/live/vmlinuz1 --set=root 
    linux /MyStretchNetinst1/live/vmlinuz1 from=/MyStretchNetinst1 noauto changes=EXIT:/MyStretchNetinst1/live/changes.dat 
    initrd /MyStretchNetinst1/live/initrd1.xz}
fredx181 wrote:this is build with mklive-stretch using XFCE option, right ?

do you have "zz_xfce_config.squashfs" inside "live" folder ?

Code: Select all

root@live:/mnt/live/mnt/sda1/MyStretchNetinst1/live# ls -l
total 2274445
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  169701376 Sep  5 06:11 01-filesystem.squashfs
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root          0 Sep  5 06:14 base
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1572864000 Sep  7 10:12 changes.dat
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  221638536 Sep  6 13:46 changes.dat-3.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  330137953 Sep  6 22:29 changes.dat-4.tar.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   12950360 Sep  5 06:08 initrd1.xz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   15891532 Sep  5 06:06 initrd.img
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root          0 Sep  5 06:14 modules
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root          0 Sep  5 06:14 optional
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root          0 Sep  5 06:14 rootcopy
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root        437 May 26  2015 stretch-i486.sgn
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root        437 May 26  2015 stretch-x86_64.sgn
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    3661600 Aug 13 19:31 vmlinuz1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    2179072 Aug 16 19:09 zz_xfce_config.squashfs

Still wondering- If mklive-stretch iso boots without systemd by default, then why do we need this Devuan thing?
Stretch-Live has systemd installed, but boots by default without it
maybe would be cool to have option during your iso script, to select init or systemd, and then don't install any systemd stuff if init is picked? Seems like you're including it so can run with or without it via a grub switch. Why needed? That seems like a "try it out" thing. My preference is to make the slimmed OS i want, without any stuff i don't want-- isn't that the point of your script? I already know if i want systemd or not.

If i want to "try it out", i'd rather make a separate iso. That way, i could compare a pure init OS to a pure systemd OS. Seems like you don't give that option.

Last edited by johnywhy on Fri 07 Sep 2018, 19:59, edited 1 time in total.
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#1275 Post by rcrsn51 »

johnywhy wrote:Still wondering- If mklive-stretch iso boots without systemd by default, then why do we need this Devuan thing?
Even if you are not booting with systemd, some packages that you install from the Debian repo will have libsystemd (or something similar) as a dependency.

Supposedly, Devuan replaces them with non-systemd alternatives.
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#1276 Post by johnywhy »

rcrsn51 wrote:
johnywhy wrote:Even if you are not booting with systemd, some packages that you install from the Debian repo will have libsystemd (or something similar) as a dependency.
ok, thx, that makes sense. And therefor make sense that systemd has to remain resident in RAM. So, maybe my install is correct (re systemd/init)?
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#1277 Post by fredx181 »


The difference between Devuan and Debian is that Devuan is absolutely without systemd.
Apparently Debian has some systemd processes running even when it's booted with sysvinit.
AFAIK, since Jessie, systemd is included as installed in Debian (can't be avoided)

Please realize that I'm not a Debian maintainer, so I cannot answer all.
Maybe better ask at the Debian forum, how things work exactly.
apt-get install systemd-sysv

Why are you sharing the install command?

Why would I not ?
Installing that package makes Debian work exclusively with systemd, so you may you want that...
(then there's no need to add to kernel line "init=/bin/systemd")

do you have "zz_xfce_config.squashfs" inside "live" folder ?

Is it loaded ? You can check if you see it when running:

Code: Select all

losetup -a
Last edited by fredx181 on Fri 07 Sep 2018, 20:12, edited 1 time in total.
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#1278 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:
Why are you sharing the install command?

Installing that package makes Debian work exclusively with systemd, so you may you want that...
(then there's no need to add to kernel line "init=/bin/systemd")
thx Fred. If i add to kernel line, do i need to install?

as an experiment, i killed a systemd process. The OS shutdown. But i can't tell what's using it:

Code: Select all

# whereis systemd
systemd: /usr/lib/systemd /bin/systemd /etc/systemd /lib/systemd /usr/share/systemd
root@live:~# fuser systemd
Specified filename systemd does not exist.
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
root@live:~# fuser /usr/lib/systemd
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
root@live:~# fuser /bin/systemd
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
root@live:~# fuser /etc/systemd
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
root@live:~# fuser /lib/systemd
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
root@live:~# fuser /usr/share/systemd
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/182: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/245: Stale file handle
Cannot stat file /proc/21505/fd/288: Stale file handle
i know you're not a Debian maintainer, Fred. I appreciate all this good stuff you shared!

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#1279 Post by fredx181 »

johnywhy wrote:thx Fred. If i add to kernel line, do i need to install?
No, adding it to kernel line will boot with systemd without needing to install systemd-sysv.
Perhaps automatic login may not work, btw, not sure if systemd service is included for that.
When booting with sysvinit, /etc/inittab is being used (providing autologin), not by systemd.

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#1280 Post by johnywhy »

fredx181 wrote:Is it loaded ? You can check if you see it when running:

Code: Select all

losetup -a
is this what i should see?

Code: Select all

# losetup -a
/dev/loop1: [2049]:15034 (/mnt/live/mnt/sda1/MyStretchNetinst1/live/zz_xfce_config.squashfs)
/dev/loop2: [2049]:15390 (/mnt/live/mnt/sda1/MyStretchNetinst1/live/changes.dat)
/dev/loop0: [2049]:15016 (/mnt/live/mnt/sda1/MyStretchNetinst1/live/01-filesystem.squashfs)
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