Slideshow into a ScreenSaver? SOLVED -- but Improving

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#21 Post by musher0 »

No apologies are necessary, mikeslr. But thanks.
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#22 Post by greengeek »

I have previously trialled qiv but found it needed an imlib dependency. In the end I settled on "pho" which was tiny.

Also, Geoffrey had used pho before on Carolina and his pet is 27kb (no dependencies)

I don't know if it can be used in the way mikeslr intended as a screensaver - but I guess that depends on how a screensaver function is triggered.

Some discussion about it here: ... 923#972923

Stu90 had a terminal wallpaper changer here: ... 144#628144
Maybe either of these two image swappers can be given a gui to sweeten them?
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#23 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hiya, GG.

Imlib2 appears to be a standard requirement for qiv in any case. I've had to provide it in the package I've put together for Lucid, since Lucid only comes with the original Imlib library.....and this wants the newer one. Most later Pups come with it as standard; certainly, it ran straight off in my copy of 560.

Amazingly, I managed to download the older qiv, initially, through Lucid's PPM, from; I think Richard must have done some tweaking to Lucid's PPM config files!

It's a neat little viewer, the best traditions of Puppy.

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#24 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

mikesLr's question keeps bugging me!

It sure would be nice if we could have a sound and picture "screensaver /
slideshow". And useful, too, for many occasions: family gatherings (family
pictures), romantic setting (to seduce Madame Musher again!), maybe even
as some kind of ad playing on a recycled compy on a shelf in your small
shop (why not?).


I've been exploring a couple of avenues with this in mind. One of these
avenues consists of using ffplay as basis. As I hope everybody knows, ffplay
(or avplay) is traditionnally used to play movie formats.

I don't know how many Pups come ex-factory with ffplay or the equivalent
avplay, but the following works for one (1) piece of music and one (1) picture:

Code: Select all

ffplay -nodisp 01-Anna\'s_Theme.ogg & ffplay MV5BMjIyMjE3MjMwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUyNzkwNQ\@\@._V1_.jpg
-- Don't pay much attention to the individual picture or piece in that
one-liner. The above uses the soundtrack of "The Red Violin" and pictures
of it available on the Web.

But this one-liner can most easily be replicated if you put even a single
piece of music, and a single jpg or png picture in a dedicated directory.
(I say "single" for now; but it obviously will have to become a "list" in
short order.)

-- it seems that the two instances of ffplay have to be in that order (music,
then picture).

-- with the < -nodisp > parm, ffplay shows no "waves" or whatever in a
"movie" window, just the description and stats of the musical piece, like any
CLI music player (e.g. mpg321, ogg123, SoX's "play", etc.).

At that point we could use a urxvt wrapper window of perhaps 1 line x 90
col. to show only the last line of the musical piece, the one that "wiggles"
showing the sound stats, and place that little window as info below or
above the slideshow window itself.

-- Once the script has some substance to offer, some type of nice GUI (such
as M_W's above) could be considered / added.


First advantage would be: ease of distribution. Only a script would be
needed since the Pup would already have the "motor" (ffplay/avplay) for
doing this.

Second advantage would be: no limitation of formats. Ffplay can play any
musical format you throw at it, even the ones proprietary to M$ (I am
thinking here of the popular wma format in particular). And of course it can
display any picture format.


I'll try to keep you posted.

Anybody having this kind of experience with ffplay or similar, please chime
in to share it? I'd be most grateful. I do not wish to reinvent the wheel if I
can avoid it!

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#25 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I just read something about creating a musical slide show with Impress: ... with-music
(q.v. Answer # 1)

Anybody knows anything about this? Anybody ever tried it?

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#26 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, musher0.

Mm. Interesting idea.

I don't know too much about Puppy's multimedia 'engines' over time. The one thing I am aware of is this; avplay was the older 'standard' in this respect.....ffplay has all but superseded it (though I think I read somewhere that Phil Broughton had returned to avplay (for some reason) when he originally put Tahrpup 6.0.CE together, some 4 years ago).

I could, of course, be completely wrong. It has been known! :D I'm quite happy to be corrected if necessary...

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#27 Post by ETP »

Hi musher0,

For an example of an alternative approach to doing this just click on the following link:

Whilst the above is a video of a slideshow of wallpapers it could equally well be family photographs with music or commentary of your choice.

To download the mp4 ( 153MB ) just press Shift + D during playback.

Looped local playback of of such an mp4 using vlc or mpv may be assigned to a desktop icon with a hotkey combination e.g. Shift + Pause.

I suggest that you run this past Madame Musher and if interested, come back to me for more details plus a pet that can easily be modified to provide this feature.
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#28 Post by musher0 »

Oh, Madame Musher just loved Nick Drake's music! And except for the
abstract art, she found most pictures breath-taking.
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#29 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

Pre-2nd-cup of coffee, so too soon for me to think logically. But not to soon to see a better thread title was required.
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#30 Post by musher0 »

Thanks, mikeslr!
You're having a delicious Costa-Rican brown, perhaps? :)

Anyway, I came back to inform everyone that some "wheels" already exist
in Linux to create "musical slideshows", as shown in this discussion.

If anyone has experience with any of the following apps:

-- Imagination
-- PhotoFilmStrip
-- KdenLive
-- Videoporama
(the URLs for these apps are in the discussion link above)

or even the one-liner: < ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.mpg >,

please chime in and share? It will be much appreciated. Plus of course
ETP's much awaited suggestion.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think "we're on a roll!" :)

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#31 Post by ETP »

@ Monsieur et Madame Musher,

If you select the back left facing arrow towards the top of the screen you can access
the complete shared video album where there are 2 complete Nick Drake albums available for download [ Shift + D when playing or paused ]
(59.40 & 41.45)
There is also a 3rd Nick Drake video (4.06) at the bottom left which just has his
"Northern Sky" track.

@ Mike
There is still life in this old dog. :lol:
I will post details of my manual method tomorrow.
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Solving The avplay ffplay conumdrum

#32 Post by mikeslr »

Hi musher0, Mike Walsh & All,

I wasn't aware that avplay had been the standard inclusion in older puppies. My exposure to the problem came running Tahrpup based on Trusty Tahr in which Ubuntu had opted for avconv/avplay rather than ffmpeg/ffplay which it had used in Lucid and precise. Tahrpup's other applications, such as ffconvert and pmusic, expected ffmpeg. By Xenial Xerus Ubuntu had switched back to ffmpeg/ffplay eliminating the problem in Xenialpup.

The simplest work-around in Tahrpup was to create a symbolic link to avconv in /usr/bin named ffmpeg: Code "ln -s avconv ffmpeg".

In Puppies which include ffmpeg/ffplay avconv/avplay will not be present, and vice-versa.

Currently ffmpeg/ffplay seems to be the standard inclusion. While the reverse procedure is equally possible, for now at least, in order to write one application which fits all:

Test for the presence of avplay or avconv and, if present, write symbolic links to them named, respectively, ffplay and ffmpeg.
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#33 Post by greengeek »

Just some further information about "pho"

(It is so lightweight and easy to use - less than 30Kb and no extra dependencies!)

The pet for Slacko 5.6 is here

Run the slideshow as follows:

pho -s3 -p -r /images_directory/*.*

-s3 means slideshow mode with 3 second delay
-p means presentation mode ie: fullscreen, no borders
-r means repeat the show after all images have been displayed.

The pet linked above should work on many puppies but if you wish to compile for your own puppy the homepage for pho is here:
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#34 Post by ETP »

Hi musher0,

The download link to the required pet [ (28.9MB) ] can be found in this post which gives a bit more detail: ... 585#784354

OOTB that pet should work if you have vlc installed and will play the included webm video.
It contains a single script who's content is as follows:

Code: Select all

# ETP June 2014 - A manually invoked screen saver. (Press Ctrl+q to close)
vlc --fullscreen --loop /root/noob/blue_ss.webm &
Assuming that you downloaded the mp4 video of the wallpaper slideshow I would suggest modifying the script as follows
so that it plays that video and provision is made for using either vlc or mpv. (Move the downloaded video to the noob folder)

Code: Select all

# ETP June 2014 - A manually invoked screen saver. (Press Ctrl+q to close)
#vlc --fullscreen --loop /root/noob/blue_ss.webm &
#Modified for Musher 9th Sept 2018
#vlc --fullscreen --loop /root/noob/Wallpapers.mp4 &
#                          *** Or *** (Transpose hashes)
mpv --fs --loop-file /root/noob/Wallpapers.mp4 & # (Press q to close)
Once tested you will no doubt wish to substitute an mp4 slideshow of you own. The wallpapers video was made by uploading
them to an album on Google Photos which provides free, unlimited storage and has its own slideshow mode.

That slideshow running in the browser was then recorded with SSR whilst also playing a Nick Drake album in mpv to provide
the background music. For family photographs you may wish to record some commentary using a microphone to remind you
of events, places & dates.

Google Photos despite its name handles albums of both videos & images.
Whilst I used SSR any desktop recorder that also records audio may be used.
Contents of &amp; changes to it's .desktop file once dragged onto the desktop.
(78.4 KiB) Downloaded 248 times
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#35 Post by musher0 »

Excellent! Thanks. ETP.
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#36 Post by ETP »

Hi musher0,

Following on from the above here is a link to another video to view and optionally download (111MB)
It is also suitable for a romantic manually invoked screensaver. :wink:
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#37 Post by greengeek »

I just stumbled across a utility posted by goingnuts - xautolock - which can be used to trigger other progrmmes etc after a period of X inactivity.

Might be suitable for triggering slideshows as screensavers: ... 020#727020
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#38 Post by musher0 »

Hi GG.

As it happens, while you were posting the above, I was trying to locate a
java JRE slideshow that I was using a couple of years ago.

I stumbled upon this "Flexishow", a spreadsheet-driven slideshow based on
java JRE, where basically the app reads one column for the picture and one
column for the length (or duration) of exposure.

It's over 17 Mg. I bet'cha that with a little imagination, we can sort of
replicate what it does in bash and awk in less than 17 Kb! I hope the dev,
a certain "jostauf", will not consider suicide... (Gee, I'm mean, today...)


Ok, the java slideshow app I was looking for is called simply SlideProject
and it's at

OS neutral (Java) slide show program for the presentation of digital
photos. Supports animated zooming, transition effects, highlighted points,
panorama scrolling, text fading etc. Movies are also supported.
Scrot coming up.

(110.55 KiB) Downloaded 103 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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