palemoon browser

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#681 Post by Burn_IT »

They can certainly be exported and imported, which may be slightly different!!
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#682 Post by Walter Dnes »

This "goes without saying" but it should still be said. To get maximum resolution on Youtube, etc, you need to crank up your cpu to its max speed. It's not just laptops, many desktop PC's also have speed-scaling. The default governor for Puppy seems to be "ondemand". This is not as fast as it could be. The problem is that "ondemand" drops down to slowest speed, and only ramps up when a cpu is under high load, by which time Youtube, etc is already dropping frames.

The solution to that is to switch over to "performance" mode. The settings, at least in Slacko 5.4 from the menu are...

Menu ==> System ==> Info ==> CPU Frequency Scaling Tool

and select and apply "Performance". On a Youtube roller coaster video that I use for benchmarking, a used Lenovo went from being able to handle 480p to handling 720p without stuttering or dropping frames.

The downside is that applying more power to the cpu drains the laptop battery faster.
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#683 Post by Burn_IT »

And may overheat your laptop.
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#684 Post by DuMar »

Is it safe to keep working with version 27 or is it better to start using an alternative when version 28 is not working properly?
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#685 Post by Burn_IT »

"safe" is relative and the term is much abused.
No browser is safe if you are accessing dodgy sites and no browser is dangerous if you are accessing safe sites.

Version 27 may well be "safer" than any of the alternatives.
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#686 Post by Sylvander »

I'm running 28.0.0 (32-bit), and it keeps [request to] auto-updating to 28.0.1, which uses up too much of the 466M of space left in my 1.9G [2.0GB] slackosave file.
Is it possible to move the files off the slackosave?
To /mnt/home?

Firefox 62.0 (32-bit) is my default browser.
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#687 Post by Burn_IT »

Use the portable version and you can put it wherever you want.
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#688 Post by a_salty_dogg »

Sylvander wrote: Is it possible to move the files off the slackosave?
To /mnt/home?
Open 2 ROX-Filer windows, one at "/mnt/home", the other at "/opt".

Drag the Palemoon folder from opt over to home (move your cursor over it, hold down the left mouse key, drag it over, release the key). Click "Move" on the context menu which opens.
Then drag the folder, which you just moved, back to opt, but this time when you release the key, click "Link (relative)" on the context menu. Its icon should now display in the opt directory with a black arrow at the top left corner, showing it's a symlink.

Then navigate the second window from "/opt" to "root" and click on the "eye" symbol on the toolbar at the top of the window. That will reveal a hidden folder called ".moonchild productions". This is Palemoon's personal settings file.
Drag that over to home in the same way then drag back to root and "Link (relative)"
Note you'll have to click the eye symbol in that window also be to able to see the folder you just moved.

Couple of notes; Palemoon needs to be closed while you're doing all this, and also personal experience has shown that .config folders can be symlinked more reliably if the procedure is carried out when running in RAM or in a different Puppy from the one which you're editing. Otherwise there's a danger the folder will start rebuilding itself in root, where you only wanted a symlink, when you start running the browser again.

If that all went well, you can do the same with with your Firefox folders.

N.B. As always, take the usual precaution of making a backup copy of slackosave before playing with your file system in case anything goes wrong.
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#689 Post by Sylvander »

a_salty_dogg wrote:Open 2 ROX-Filer windows, one at "/mnt/home", the other at "/opt".

Drag the Palemoon folder from opt over to home (move your cursor over it, hold down the left mouse key, drag it over, release the key). Click "Move" on the context menu which opens.
Then drag the folder, which you just moved, back to opt, but this time when you release the key, click "Link (relative)" on the context menu. Its icon should now display in the opt directory with a black arrow at the top left corner, showing it's a symlink.

Then navigate the second window from "/opt" to "root" and click on the "eye" symbol on the toolbar at the top of the window. That will reveal a hidden folder called ".moonchild productions". This is Palemoon's personal settings file.
Drag that over to home in the same way then drag back to root and "Link (relative)"
Note you'll have to click the eye symbol in that window also be to able to see the folder you just moved.

a_salty_dogg wrote:Palemoon needs to be closed while you're doing all this...
Oops, didn't read through ALL of your post before starting to implement your instructions; just began at the beginning to implement.
But Palemoon wasn't running anyway.

a_salty_dogg wrote:...personal experience has shown that .config folders can be symlinked more reliably if the procedure is carried out when running in RAM or in a different Puppy from the one which you're editing...
My Slacko is configured to NOT save any session changes back to the slackosave...until I tell it to.
Would that be good enough?

a_salty_dogg wrote:...personal experience has shown that .config folders can be symlinked more reliably if the procedure is carried out when running in RAM or in a different Puppy from the one which you're editing...
I see only symlinks methinks.
I've updated Palemoon to version 28.0.1 and it appears to have worked well [still 466M (470M after save-session) of free space in the slackosave, and posting this in Palemoon 28.0.1].

a_salty_dogg wrote:If that all went well, you can do the same with with your Firefox folders.
I'd like to do this, BUT...
There's no Firefox folder in "/opt", AND...
Semme took remote control of my desktop [using TeamViewer] to install "Firefox 61.0.1" and configure to suit.
And there are multivarious Firefox folders all over my slackosave file system.
I see "/mnt/home/firefox_61" folder with 7 sub-folders, so this is probably my current Firefox, and it is already in the "/mnt/home" folder.

a_salty_dogg wrote:...always, take the usual precaution of making a backup copy of slackosave before playing with your file system in case anything goes wrong...
Didn't read this until after the changes were completed, but it doesn't matter anyway because...
a. I could choose to reboot having NOT saved the session changes. [but I will save right after posting this]
b. I have a backup of my slackosave anyway.
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#690 Post by Sylvander »

1. Having [saved session changes, and] rebooted...
a. Palemoon will no longer run from clicking on the "Menu->Internet->Palemoon" entry.
b. When I enter the "palemoon" command at the terminal command prompt, it returns:
"bash: palemoon: command not found".

2. Is there an easy way to fix this?
["fixmenus" didn't fix it.]
3. Do I need to restore my slackosave backup?
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#691 Post by Sylvander »

1. In "/opt" I see the full "palemoon" folder with all its sub-folders.
Same for "/root/.moonchild productions".
i.e. NOT symlinked.

2. In "/mnt/home" I see both the "palemoon" and ".moonchild productions" folders with their [almost] identical sub-folders content to those in the slackosave filesystem.
The single EXCEPTION?=["/mnt/home/.moonchild productions/pale moon/k2zdffo5.default" has a folder="saved-telemetry-pings" not in "/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon/k2zdffo5.default"]
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#692 Post by mikeslr »

Sylvander wrote:1. In "/opt" I see the full "palemoon" folder with all its sub-folders.
Same for "/root/.moonchild productions".
i.e. NOT symlinked.

2. In "/mnt/home" I see both the "palemoon" and ".moonchild productions" folders with their [almost] identical sub-folders content to those in the slackosave filesystem.
The single EXCEPTION?=["/mnt/home/.moonchild productions/pale moon/k2zdffo5.default" has a folder="saved-telemetry-pings" not in "/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon/k2zdffo5.default"]
The steps are (1) drag the palemoon folder from /opt to /mnt/home and select copy. (2) Delete the palemoon folder from /opt. (3) Then drag the palemoon folder from /mnt/home and select Link(relative).

But, as long as you have the palemoon folder on /mn/home, you might as well test to see that that one is working before deleting the one at /opt. File-browse into /mnt/home/palemoon and Left-Click the palemoon executable. It looks like a gear. Palemoon should fire right-up. If it does, delete the /opt/palemoon folder and perform Step (3).

The "save-telemetry-pings" is a cached file. The next time (if ever) running from /mnt/home, it will be downloaded again. It's no on my system at all.

Step (4) Don't forget to file-browse to /root, Left-Click Rox's Eye, then drag the .moonchild productions folder into /mnt/home/palemoon, select Move, then drag it back to /root and select Link(relative).

"Palemoon will no longer run from clicking on the "Menu->Internet->Palemoon" entry.

Your operating system expects to find executables "on the path": that is within some /bin or /sbin folder such as /usr/bin, /root/my-applications/bin. NEITHER /opt nor /mnt/home are "on the path". In order to run an application located on either, there must be "on the path" either a symbolic link to the actual binary or an executable bash-script calling the binary.

Open /usr/share/applications/palemoon.desktop in a text-editor. On my system the Exec argument is "Exec = palemoon" with nothing else. So it is looking for something "on the path". pfind "palemoon" shows that there's a palemoon file in /usr/bin; /usr/bin is on the path where you system expects to find executables. Visual examination of that file shows that it is a symbolic link to /opt/palemoon/palemoon. [I haven't moved palemoon to /mnt/home]. But IIRC, on a different system /usr/bin/palemoon was a bash-script which called /opt/palemoon/palemoon. On your system pfind may reveal that it is somewhere else "on the path" -- in a different "bin" or [less likely] "sbin" folder.

The following should work regardless of how your system currently handles palemoon. Open /usr/share/applications/palemoon.desktop in a text editor, and make sure "Exec = palemoon" is how that line is written. If not, edit it so that it will say that without the quotes.

pfind "palemoon" and look for an entry within a /bin or /sbin folder. Browse to that entry and leave that window open. Open a second file-browser window and browse to /mnt/home/palemoon. In the first window delete the bash-script or symbolic link From the second window drag the palemoon executable --just says palemoon and looks like a gear-- into the first window. Select Link(relative). Restart-x. You should now be able to start palemoon from the menu. If so, Save the changes to your SaveFile/Folder.

b. When I enter the "palemoon" command at the terminal command prompt, it returns:
"bash: palemoon: command not found". Repost if this condition exists after you've made the above change.
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#693 Post by a_salty_dogg »


Do I understand you've updated to version 28.0.1 since symlinking the Palemoon folders to "home"?
If that's the case, the new Palemoon version will have installed itself to "opt" and it sounds like your config file at ".moonchild productions" has rebuilt itself, and you'll have to go through the whole process again. (Don't worry about the folders you already moved to "home", copying the new version will overwrite them).

The easiest way to update in this situation would have been to download the latest tarball direct from, then to extract it directly into the Palemoon folder at mnt/home.

However this doesn't explain how your links to menu and to "usr/bin" became broken; if you created identically named symlinks to the identical locations from which you moved the folders, they should not have been affected, so follow mikeslr's directions above to check and fix as necessary.
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#694 Post by Sylvander »


[Looks so prior to saving the changes and reboot]

1. Prior to attempting your instructions, I used another Puppy to restore [and rename correctly] a "HotBackup" of my slackosave.
That took my booted Slacko back to the way things were before making any changes.
Hence "Menu->Internet->Palemoon" succeeded in running the Palemoon browser, and the "/opt/palemoon" folder was there, and also the "/root/.moonchild productions" folder was there.
I deleted the copies "/mnt/home/palemoon" and "/mnt/home/.moonchild productions" [note the incorrect location of this folder (according to your info it aught to be at "/mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions")].

2. I followed your instructions, and all appeared to work at 1st attempt. :D

3. No need to "FIX" the "Menu->Internet->Palemoon" entry, since it worked once booted to the desktop, and continued to work after completing as instructed.
In the same way, Palemoon also ran using the command prompt in the terminal

4. I'll save the session changes, reboot, and report back regarding the results..
Last edited by Sylvander on Sat 15 Sep 2018, 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
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#695 Post by Sylvander »


Oh dear! :(
1. The changes made [during the session] are not being saved back to the slackosave, even though I clicked the "save" icon on the desktop [immediately prior to reboot], then during reboot chose to save a 2nd time.
a. e.g. The "/opt/palemon" and "/root/.moonchild productions" full-folders are still present [no symbolic links].

2. As expected, the "/mnt/home/palemoon" and "/mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions" folders are present.

3. Strange that the changes are not being saved!
How to overcome the problem in 1 above?
Use a 2nd Puppy to make the changes within the slackosave file?
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Changing Palemoon’s profile name

#696 Post by jrb »

I have finally figured out how to change Palemoon's awful profile name, /root/.moonchild productions to something more linux appropriate (no spaces).:D In the process I figured out how to run multiple versions of Palemoon without them sharing the same profile. See My HowTo for details.
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#697 Post by mikeslr »

Sylvander wrote:@mikeslr

Oh dear! :(
1. The changes made [during the session] are not being saved back to the slackosave, even though I clicked the "save" icon on the desktop [immediately prior to reboot], then during reboot chose to save a 2nd time.
a. e.g. The "/opt/palemon" and "/root/.moonchild productions" full-folders are still present [no symbolic links].

2. As expected, the "/mnt/home/palemoon" and "/mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions" folders are present.

3. Strange that the changes are not being saved!
How to overcome the problem in 1 above?
Use a 2nd Puppy to make the changes within the slackosave file?

4. From prior post No need to "FIX" the "Menu->Internet->Palemoon" entry, since it worked once booted to the desktop, and continued to work after completing as instructed.
In the same way, Palemoon also ran using the command prompt in the terminal
First #4. With the changes not Saved, the Menu and opening Palemoon via the command may still be using /opt/palemoon/palemoon.

IS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY AVAILABLE ROOM IN YOUR SAVEFILE TO PRESERVE ANY CHANGES? Let's try creating some. Resize your SaveFile, adding maybe just 32 Mbs.

What frugal Puppies do on FIRST bootup is to copy some files into RAM and create in RAM (inodes) pointers to the location where the rest of an application is located. When you create a SaveFile, the existing pointers are copied from RAM into your SaveFile. If Palemoon was part of your original Puppy, at first the inodes would point to the the /opt/palemoon folder in Puppy_Version_Number.sfs not your SaveFile. Later, as you added bookmarks, addons and configured Palemoon, those changes would be written to your SaveFile and the inodes would point to them in your SaveFile. Similarly, as you upgraded Palemoon, the upgrades would be written to the SaveFile and the inodes would point to those upgrades in your SaveFile.

Deleting a builtin application doesn't remove the application from the Puppy_Version_Number.sfs. It just writes "white-outs" as inodes which essentially tells the operating system "stop". These would be Saved to the SaveFile so that in the future if you try to run the application it won't. But what we want to have happen is that the inodes point to the palemoon folder and its contents at /mnt/home/palemoon.

While inodes are small, perhaps deleting /opt/palemoon requires a lot of them which takes up space in your SaveFile; especially if they are not immediately being replaced by inodes pointing to /mnt/home/palemoon. So, let's leave that for last. If palemoon was a builtin, what you'll recover is the space being used by the upgrades.

What is important is to change the bash-script or symbolic link in /usr/bin [or wherever it happens to be] so that the palemoon in /mnt/home/palemoon rather than the one in /opt/palemoon will be used. That change creates the inodes pointing to the /mnt/home/palemoon folder and its files.

So, after resizing the SaveFile, make that change and reboot. After rebooting, delete the /root/.moonchild productions folder and symlink /mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions to /root. Save and reboot. On reboot, open rox to /root and Left-click its Eye. /root/.moonchild productions should show up as a symbolic link. Hovering your mouse cursor on it should show that it points to /mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions.
Last edited by mikeslr on Sat 15 Sep 2018, 23:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#698 Post by Moat »


I recall that when dragging directories around to be dragged back as symlinks, one must make a save after the first step of cut/pasting the directory elsewhere. I think SFR hinted that to me once while having a similar issue, and (IIRC) it has to do with Linux fundamentally not allowing replacing one identically-named directory with another (or it's symlink) - and Puppy not recognizing one as being removed/deleted until a save is performed - otherwise, Puppy still "sees" it as there, and won't successfully copy the (identically-named) symlink back.

Something like that. And it worked for me! So Sylvander; drag/drop your Palemoon directory to outside/wherever... then make a save - and only after that, continue on with the dragging/pasting back of the symlink(s), and saving again.

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#699 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Moat,

You may be right. But at this point sylvander already has the necessary palemoon folder at /mnt/home. So we're really saying pretty much the same thing. Perhaps, what he should do is delete the bash/script or symbolic link at /usr/bin --or wherever it happens to be-- Save, reboot and then drag /mnt/home/palemoon/palemoon (binary) to that location selecting Link(relative), Save and reboot.

Then delete /root/.moonchild productions, Save and reboot. Then drag /mnt/home/palemoon/.moonchild productions to /root, Select Link(relative), Save and reboot. Note the "."dot before moonchild: Left-click rox's eye to see those hidden folders.

And last, delete the /opt/palemoon folder to recover whatever space is being taken up in the SaveFile by upgrades to Palemoon. Save and reboot.

I haven't had to do that. But I never allow the available space in my SaveFile to fall below 100 Mbs.

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#700 Post by Sylvander »

mikeslr wrote:Resize your SaveFile, adding maybe just 32 Mbs.
Is this really necessary?
I'm trying to avoid increasing the size of my slackosave beyond its present 2.0GB.
At the beginning of all of this it had 466M free space and now has 476M free.
Isn't that enough?

mikeslr wrote:I never allow the available space in my SaveFile to fall below 100 Mbs.
See answer 1 above.

3. I believe I understand your last post instructions, and will implement those once 1 above is decided.

mikeslr wrote:If Palemoon was part of your original Puppy
a. I mounted the optical disk file system, then mounted the slacko SFS file, and searched all mounted filesystems for "palemoon", but found nothing on the SFS.
Hence, not included in the original Slacko ISO?
b. I save all PET files [either installed, or that I may want to install] in a folder on a particular Flash Drive.
In the folder "/mnt/sdb1/Puppy/pet" I have:
And in the sub-folder = "/mnt/sdb1/Puppy/pet/Palemoon" there is:
It's possible I installed these in sequence, and then installed version 28.0.0.
Cannot find the PET file for that.
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