Gambas3-x.x.x.sfs (IDE for Basic)

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#41 Post by did18 »

I just "uploded" gambas for puppies based on "bionic_amd64"
gambas3_3.11.4_bionic_amd64.sfs (click on me).
I tested it on a "Bionicpup64" live CD and everything seems to work...
Mike Walsh, depending on your availability, can you please test and give us a feedback?
Thank you.

Have a good day.

Je viens "d'uploder" gambas pour les puppys à base de "bionic_amd64"
gambas3_3.11.4_bionic_amd64.sfs (cliquer sur moi).
Je l'ai testé sur une "Bionicpup64" en live CD et tout semble fonctionner...
Mike Walsh, selon tes disponibilités, peux-tu tester et nous faire un retour stp ?

Bonne fin de journée.
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Mike Walsh
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#42 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ did18:-
did18 wrote:I just "uploded" gambas for puppies based on "bionic_amd64"
gambas3_3.11.4_bionic_amd64.sfs (click on me).
I tested it on a "Bionicpup64" live CD and everything seems to work...
Mike Walsh, depending on your availability, can you please test and give us a feedback?
Thank you.
I most certainly will. Let me get Bionicpup64 'backed-up' first, so I can restore her to the current 'state' of play' if necessary..!

Mike. :wink:
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#43 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ did18:-

That's done the trick..! Works nicely, mate.

I-Nex has demanding requirements; Gambas; Qt5; Qt4; Perl; often different ICU quite a few others.


Unless the major components can be in SFS format - so they can simply be loaded/unloaded when necessary - I'd never recommend it to anyone (especially since native Puppy system apps require a fraction of the RAM to work).

Qt4 & Qt5 SFS packages are freely available on the forum. Perl and many of the others are available through the PPM, or as official .debs. Gambas was the one missing chunk of the puzzle, since only Tahr & Xenial seem to have it available through the PPM.


Thanks to you, it's now working in Bionicpup. Much appreciated.


Mike. :wink:
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#44 Post by did18 »


Thank you Mike, for taking your time to test and for the feedback.

Have a good day.


Merci Mike, d'avoir pris de ton temps pour tester et pour le retour.

Bonne journée.
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#45 Post by Keef »


While the Bionic_amd64 version does work (on the latest bionicpup ), it contains far too many libs that are not needed.
Take out /lib completely, and apart from the Gambas stuff, just leave the Qt libs in /usr/lib/. This is now half the size and still runs.
(I have the devx loaded also).

The bulk of those items in /lib should already be present in the system, and should not really be messed with - that is probably why Mike's setup got crippled in the previous version.
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#46 Post by did18 »


Keef, what you're saying is true.
There are many dependencies that are useless (because they are already present in the "distribution.sfs").

I open a "parenthesis" in this subject to give some explanations...

To make the "sfs programs", I use a program from my crearch (click on me) creation (to help ARCHives CREation).

To make a long story short, crearch when creating the archive.sfs retrieves all the dependencies necessary for the archive to work, regardless of whether they were already present in the original distribution or whether they are new dependencies.
This generates large archives.sfs which must then be "degreased"....
In the misadventure that happened to Mike Walsh, I didn't know if other libraries had been modified or deleted as a result of the "crash" caused by the old version.
So I thought it would be more useful to leave the package with the "duplicates", which would ensure that the system would be restored (even partially) and that the new libraries would be added.
It is nevertheless true that the bionic version of gambas3 is far too large...
I am adding a module in crearch that will allow, once the "voluminous" package of the.sfs archive is complete, to "purge" all the libs that would already be present in the.sfs distribution. All that will be left is to recompile the lighter.sfs archive.

End of the parenthesis.

I will soon make available a new version of gambas3 for bionic that will be lighter but just as functional.

Have a good day.


Keef, ce que tu dit est vrai.
Il y a beaucoup de dépendances qui sont inutiles (car déjà présentent dans la "distribution.sfs").

J'ouvre une "parenthèse" dans ce sujet pour donner quelques explications...

Pour fabriquer les "programmes.sfs", j'utilise un programme de ma création crearch (cliquer sur moi) (pour aide à la CREation d'ARCHives).

Pour faire court, crearch lors de la création de l'archive.sfs récupère toutes les dépendances nécessaire au fonctionnent de l'archive, sans distinction de savoir si elles étaient déjà présente dans la distribution d'origine ou si ce sont de nouvelles dépendances.
Cela engendre en effet de grosses archives.sfs qu'il faut ensuite "dégraisser"...
Dans la mésaventure arrivée à Mike Walsh, je ne savais pas si d'autres librairies avaient été modifiées ou supprimées suite au "crash" provoqué par l'ancienne version.
J'ai donc jugé plus utiles de laisser le paquet avec les "doublons" ce qui garantissait ainsi une remise en état (même partielle) du système et l'ajout des nouvelles librairies.
Il n'en reste pas moins vrai que la version bionic de gambas3 est bien trop volumineuse...
Je suis en train d'ajouter un module dans crearch qui permettra, une fois le paquet "volumineux" de l'archive.sfs, d'en "épurer" toutes les libs qui seraient déjà présente dans la distribution.sfs. il ne restera plus alors qu'à recompiler l'archive.sfs allégée.

Fin de la parenthèse.

Je mettrai à disposition, prochainement, une nouvelle version de gambas3 pour bionic qui sera plus légère mais tout aussi fonctionnelle.

Bonne journée.
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Mike Walsh
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#47 Post by Mike Walsh »

Keef wrote:did18

While the Bionic_amd64 version does work (on the latest bionicpup ), it contains far too many libs that are not needed.
Take out /lib completely, and apart from the Gambas stuff, just leave the Qt libs in /usr/lib/. This is now half the size and still runs.
(I have the devx loaded also).

The bulk of those items in /lib should already be present in the system, and should not really be messed with - that is probably why Mike's setup got crippled in the previous version.
Keef, what's being used from the devx? Any ideas, specifically?

Mike. :wink:
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#48 Post by Keef »


Just tested my 'remastered' sfs with a fresh (no save / no devx) and Gambas started up fine. There is some Qt stuff in the devx, so wasn't sure if it was needed - seems not.
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#49 Post by did18 »

In fact, the "devx" of puppys distributions also contain GNU tools.

These tools are necessary for gambas3 mainly if you want to translate your project.
These tools retrieve all the text strings of your project (whether forms, modules or classes) and format them and.po files corresponding to the translated language.

NB: This is indeed a provision of files in mo and po format only (not the translation itself).

image 1 = without the devx installed (gambas3 is not happy).
image 2 = with the devx installed.... That's much better.

En fait les "devx" des distributions puppys contiennent également des outils GNU.

Ces outils sont nécessaire à gambas3 principalement si vous voulez traduire votre projet.
Ces outils récupèrent toutes les chaînes textuelle de votre projet (que ce soit les formulaires, les modules ou les class) et les mettent en forme dans des et fichiers.po correspondant à la langue traduite.

NB : Il s'agit bien d'une mise a disposition des fichiers aux format mo et po uniquement (pas de la traduction proprement dite).

image 1 = sans le devx installé (gambas3 n'est pas content).
image 2 = avec le devx installé... C'est beaucoup mieux.
image 1
(14.75 KiB) Downloaded 92 times
(75.66 KiB) Downloaded 69 times
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#50 Post by Keef »


Yes, I suspected the devx maybe useful, but I always use a devx anyway, and I suspect anyone wanting to use Gambas for compiling would be using it also.
Mike, I think, mainly wants Gambas as a dependency for I-Nex.

I shall have a look at crearch - sounds interesting.
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#51 Post by did18 »


I made available last night the version of gambas3_3.11.4.sfs_bionic_amd64.sfs (click on me).
This version is about 30MB lighter.
Thank you Keef for alerting me to the presence of duplicate libraries.

Have a good day.


J'ai mis à disposition hier soir la version de gambas3_3.11.4.sfs_bionic_amd64.sfs (cliquer sur moi).
Cette version est plus légère d'environ 30Mo.
Merci Keef de m'avoir alerté sur la présence des librairies en double.

Bonne journée.
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#52 Post by musher0 »

Another version!? Geez, did18, when will you stop?! :lol: ;)
(Good continuation!)

Trad. fr. :
Une autre version!? Parbleu, did18, tu vas t'arrêter quand?!
:lol: ;)
(Bonne continuation !)
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