Firefox vs. Flash 9 Progress

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Sit Heel Speak
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#21 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Over the last few hours I've tried

MU's Muppy 007
plinej's puppy-multimedia-v02 (couldn't find v03)
tempestuous's puppy 2.02-regression

...with and without every combination of upgraded Firefox and Flash 7/9 and mozplugger and mplayerplugin ever offered as dotpups. On a P3-1GHz system with 1GB of RAM, as frugal installs with fresh pup_saves.

Puppy 2.13 with Firefox (it offers to self-upgrade to as soon as you open the Web) and the Flash-9 player et cetera as described in this thread by EdfromHouston, is the champion of all of them. It still doesn't play every YouTube video for me, but I feel that I'm well on the way to figuring out how.

Has anyone found any better combination?

Next thing I must do, is test Gentoo and see how it fares...tomorrow...

Also, I will try a fresh, virgin install of 2.13 with Ed's instructions. Perhaps something I added earlier is preventing me from 100% success.

Puppy, if it is to compete with Vista, or for that matter with any other Linux, simply must play YouTube videos and other Flash straight from the live-CD.
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#22 Post by John Doe »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:Puppy, if it is to compete with Vista, or for that matter with any other Linux, simply must play YouTube videos and other Flash straight from the live-CD.
I just booted 2.14 livecd and have no problem seeing or hearing this with mozilla and flash 7:

Just to clarify, can you see and hear that?

Sorry if I missed something, just jumped into the thread. I'm all for an upgrade to flash 9.
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#23 Post by EdFromHouston »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:network.standard-url.encode-utf8 was set false, toggled to true.
network.standard-url.escape-utf8 was already set true.
prefs.converted-to-utf8 was already set true.

I went ahead and added "export G_FILENAME_ENCODING=UTF-8" to the firefox start script. The rxvt window from which firefox starts no longer shows the warning message. - category Comedy:

Help, although it worked ~12 hours ago.
why i got fired from apple computer: high resolution 6:43
Re: why i got fired from apple...2:12 works.

Settings in Adobe Flash Player:
Global Storage...100KB, allow third party is unchecked.
Global Security...always ask.

Nominal 512 kbps connection (real-world 380-400 kbps)

No hurry. Past my bedtime here...
OK, I played the videos you showed me above and they played normally on my PC. So what is different between your system and mine? Let's see. BTW, I found this page tells a lot about the browser settings: ... Plugin..2A

I have network prefetching off in about:config because it sucks bandwidth and I don't need my computer trying to tell me which site I'm visiting next: network.prefetch-next default is on.

I have that phishing filter turned off. It's on by default.

I have pipelining enabled. This is a good thing for me because I'm on 56K dialup. Is it good for you on broadband? Read this:
It could very well be YouTube doesn't like pipelining because it is so popular. Or maybe pipelining doesn't get along with your broadband provider or your DNS that well. You may want to try if you can.

Of course a difference is I have dialup,

I did find this:
It is talked about and mozillas getting rid of it is put down by everyone as being a main reason why they timeout on a lot of the pages they visit. I don't know if this concerns you or not but I can't see what harm it will do to try it.
I find comment #8 quite interesting talking about it. It's known as bug 142326:

I see is you have your Global Security set to always ask. Well so do I but I think this controls how flash receives info from other web sites and I think this was set up to deny as default starting with flash 8, (or maybe not I can't remember). This is when the flash player started giving problems like those you are having. I take it flash 7 is stable for you. You may want to play with that setting as well.

Also try setting your display to 24 instead of 16 if it isn't already.

I read somewhere where someone suggested uncommenting compositeport in Xorg.config would help. I don't know what this is other that it has to do with the video, maybe you will.

This is all I can think of.
Good luck.
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#24 Post by EdFromHouston »

Also as far as the Video Downloader extension for Firefox goes I found three good links.

This talks about problems with Flock: ... ion-issues

Here is a good one that was just updated on the 12th and it talks about downloading YouTube. Very nice site:

This is the Video Downloader back door site:

That's all, off to a call.
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#25 Post by EdFromHouston »

OK, I had the same results using my sisters PC, a 6 year old box with 288mb ram so the minimum requirements of 512 mb for flash 9 don't hold here after watching about 40 sites..

I have yet to test my laptop but it should work as far as the crashing goes even though it only has 64mb..

I noticed that with the new Puppy 2.15CE someone said to include the mozilla directory in the system path so flash 9 would work. Is this the same thing I suggest with the extra symlink? If so should I continue with this? I really don't know because I'm not a programmer but I'm just trying to help.

BTW, Sit Heal Speak, how did it work out for you on Gentoo?

Have a good night, I'm on call so I will be busy.

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#26 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

I decided to try your techniques initially on the two newest Puppy Firefox distros, Puppy 2.15CE-Office-Alpha and Rudy-Puppy-based-on-2.14. These are large downloads and I over the last 48 hours have suffered breaks in service from my DSL provider. Then, I couldn't make wget resume the partial downloads through my local proxy server even though I've done this before. I don't know whether there is some new fault in wget or if I am simply forgetting to do something. HTTP proxy is set correctly in /etc/wgetrc so I don't know what the problem is. I have now moved the two partial downloads to a different machine which goes to the Internet through a DHCP server rather than having its own static IP through a non-DHCP proxy, and wget has now resumed the downloads, which should be finished when I wake up about 8 hours from now. So I'll try it tomorrow night, say 16 hours from now. I haven't tried it on Gentoo yet. Diagnosing this wget problem ate what little time I had. I will keep you advised. Tonight I attended my local Linux user group meeting, chaired by Joel Carlson (Puppy user fox7777), and Joel reports that Puppy 2.15CE (non-Office Alpha version) has no problems playing Flash on his machine.
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#27 Post by debernardis »

Flash 9 plus firefox in the latest rudypuppy seems not to crash too often 8) say once a day :roll: by now. Machine: Centrino 1600 MHz, 512 Megs RAM 512 Megs swap (compaq nc4010).
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#28 Post by WhoDo »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:Tonight I attended my local Linux user group meeting, chaired by Joel Carlson (Puppy user fox7777), and Joel reports that Puppy 2.15CE (non-Office Alpha version) has no problems playing Flash on his machine.
Puppy 2.15CE Standard Edition Alpha shipped with Flash 7 pre-installed in Firefox as a compromise to avoid the bulk of Flash problems. Going to will establish that because that site won't accept anything less than Flash 9.

That said, Puppy 2.15CE Standard and Office Edition Beta will ship with Flash 9 and the Mozilla patches that make it work without crashing.
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#29 Post by WhoDo »

debernardis wrote:Flash 9 plus firefox in the latest rudypuppy seems not to crash too often 8) say once a day :roll: by now. Machine: Centrino 1600 MHz, 512 Megs RAM 512 Megs swap (compaq nc4010).
My guess is that the security patch update fixed some of the bugs, but not all. Only the desertpuppy, Ed from Houston, MU patched startup code resolves everything. I haven't had a crash since in either Firefox or Swiftfox

Hope that helps.
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#30 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

7AM in the morning here. Rudy Puppy 2.14 came through OK, but 2.15CE shows a bad md5sum. I don't know any way to fix it, so presume I must start over.

@WhoDo: I know of both EdfromHouston (of course) and DesertPuppy's tweaks, but which modifications from MU do you refer to?

(***UPDATE: Ach. I figured out what the problem was with wget. I just sent the below message to Mauro Tortonesi, maintainer of wget:)
Sit Heel Speak wrote:Hello from snowy Seattle,

In Puppy Linux, last August, I was instructed by a guru that, to make wget work through a local proxy server, I should create a hidden configuration file, /root/.wgetrc with contents:

https_proxy =
http_proxy =
ftp_proxy =

I did so and it worked OK. Months later, I changed the http port of my proxy to 81. Also, meanwhile in newer versions of Puppy Linux a "standard" configuration file for wget was added, /etc/wgetrc.

I modified the standard configuration file, /etc/wgetrc, to include my current proxy information:

https_proxy =
http_proxy =
ftp_proxy =

...however, I forgot about the earlier configuration file /root/.wgetrc.

A problem arose yesterday when I tried to wget a file. The original wget showed

Connecting to connected.

...but then my Internet Service Provider had a problem and the connection broke.

So, I tried to "wget --continue" the download.

This once again showed

Connecting to connected.

...but then only about 4 kilobytes of the continued download came through before it halted.

I discovered this morning that "wget --continue" is _showing_ the Port 81 specified in /etc/wgetrc but is _obeying_ the Port 8080 specified in /root/.wgetrc !!!

So it seems that "wget --continue" is not obeying the same configuration file as plain "wget" !!!
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#31 Post by MU »

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#32 Post by Bill_Gates »

Hi, I'm new here! I've been watching this thread for a while now.

debernardis wrote:Flash 9 plus firefox in the latest rudypuppy seems not to crash too often 8) say once a day :roll: by now. Machine: Centrino 1600 MHz, 512 Megs RAM 512 Megs swap (compaq nc4010).
I had the opposite experience. I had firefox plus the Flash 9.pup and my system seemed stable. But after upgrading to firefox crashes constantly. :?

[b][i]"Who needs M$ - Puppy Rules!"[/i][/b] :P
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#33 Post by EdFromHouston »

Still no problems with flash 9. I'm now testing the laptop. It's really slow but it's stable.

I just came back from a trip to the dark side. About last November I made the mistake of installing Ubuntu Edgy all 698 mb of it thinking it would be easy to use based on all the hype. Boy was I struck down when I couldn't even get my modem to work. It's been sitting idle on my hard drive and I tried to play with it today for the first time in months. What a mistake that was. I'll never stray from Puppy again. I think I'll install 2.15CE over it when it comes out. Ubuntu just isn't for me.
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#34 Post by debernardis »

Unfortunately my firefox plus flash 9 seems to degradate day by day. Initially I had no crashes, then once a day, then now they are too frequent to be bearable. What is going to accumulate? Is it the cache? I tried to erase everything, cache, passwords, cookies and so on... I'll report my results.

#35 Post by jonyo »

Hey Bill G. How ya like puppy? Bet your blown away that with so little, one can do so much? How 'bout the speed! :D
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#36 Post by Bill_Gates »

Hi jonyo. I'm quite fond of my puppy. Having said that, I found it somehow unsettling that I can turn on my laptop and have the entire OS loaded and ready to go in about 30 seconds! :shock:

So I added about 150meg of bloat to my distro and I'm now feeling a lot better! I still don't have much time to kill while my laptop boots, but I'm still working on it! :lol:

[b][i]"Who needs M$ - Puppy Rules!"[/i][/b] :P

#37 Post by jonyo »

Bill_Gates wrote:Hi jonyo. I'm quite fond of my puppy. Having said that, I found it somehow unsettling that I can turn on my laptop and have the entire OS loaded and ready to go in about 30 seconds! :shock:
For me, it was more like :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Bill_Gates wrote:So I added about 150meg of bloat to my distro and I'm now feeling a lot better!
Know what you mean..not easy to break old habits :P
Bill_Gates wrote: I still don't have much time to kill while my laptop boots, but I'm still working on it! :lol:
No offense, you still da man, but if you don't have to much time to kill while puppy boots, don have a clue how you find the time for windows to..wake up & boot up. :evil: Maan takes forever just for that! :P I'm getting along & have no patience (or time) for such things myself these days

It's been said many times that it's lonely at the top :( ... Its also somewhat known that pups are very good therapy 8) :D :wink:

Makes sense that you're havin a look at pup :)

No doubt Toutou :shock: Rules :!: 8)

OK, back to flash 9 biz..hmmm :?: :?:
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#38 Post by EdFromHouston »

Well I finally got online after trying all my ISP dialup numbers, they were all busy so I called tech support for their hidden numbers they always hold back on. I had to try three before I could connect at 26K. I have noticed the main router in Dallas has been down a lot. I don't know what is going on. I've been with my ISP for years and have never had this happen.

Just wanted to say the laptop tested fine with a swap file, I needed that for Firefox to load. I don't know how I can contribute anymore to this discussion other than to say the only thing I did to Puppy 2.13 was to do the things I talked about in the first post. I still can't get flash 9 to crash so good luck.

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#39 Post by Bill_Gates »

jonyo wrote: It's been said many times that it's lonely at the top :( ... Its also somewhat known that pups are very good therapy 8) :D :wink:

Makes sense that you're havin a look at pup :)

No doubt Toutou :shock: Rules :!: 8)

OK, back to flash 9 biz..hmmm :?: :?:
Thanks jonyo I am truly humbled here. Linux is pretty new to me. (For obvious reasons it's difficult for me to switch from M$) :lol:
I've tired other flavors of linux before but they left me frustrated and wanting. Puppy is different, and once again I'm excited about computing! This community, and all the talented and helpfull people here are a big part this.

Thanks All!

OK, back to flash 9 biz..hmmm :?: :?:

[b][i]"Who needs M$ - Puppy Rules!"[/i][/b] :P
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#40 Post by EdFromHouston »

This also works in 2.14!

I didn't wait for 2.15CE to come out but instead I thought why not get rid of Ubuntu and install Puppy 2.14 to my hard drive? So I installed 2.14, Guest Too's unofficial 214SP.pup, Firefox, and Flash 9.

I ran Seamonkey and it seemed ok with flash 9 but when I started Firefox it kept crashing so I applied the stuff I did for 2.13 as I talk about on the first post and right away Firefox started working right.

I guess I'm doing the same thing as talked about by Barry and others. I can see where my way is copying two libraries and that may be increasing the size of Puppy a little more than adding a few lines of text but I know this works right on my system so I thought why change something that works.

I have now installed Open Office, Inkscape0.45, GimpShop, and my 3D ATI card and all seems smooth with my new hdd install. I think when I'm done I'll call it Stubby 1.0 after my manx black cat!

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