Muse3 sequencer +yoshimi-lv2 +extra sfs---bionicpup64

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#21 Post by ITSMERSH »

I'm not familiar with Ardour and I'm not familiar with MusE.

I was used to use Rosegarden, though the version from Tahr Puppy crashed a lot, so I changed to use Qtractor. I never could get my MIDI Keyboards connected to Ardour and/or MusE.

Qtractor has no ability to render/mixdown MIDI and Audio tracks into a stereo track. So I need to use JACK Mixer to connect the Sequencer and Synthesizers in use. Via Audacity I can record the output from JACK Mixer.

It seems to be impossible to record directly/internally from system outputs.

So, if you can offer some help/advice how I could get my MIDI Keyboards connected to MusE, I would appreciate that very much. :D

Maybe doing a short screen recorded video? 8)
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#22 Post by Revolverve »

ITSMERSH wrote: Maybe doing a short screen recorded video? 8)
Nope...but i can try to help.
I never owned pro-audio interface,and these days cheap midi to usb chinese interfacealways work for me no problem,nothing to do with window/soundblaster 2?years was easier with my now dusty 4Mb/ram atari/cubase ...
where does it hang?


#23 Post by ITSMERSH »

I don't think it's a good idea to continue in text mode.

You are not a native English speaker/writer and I am not a native English speaker/writer.

I managed to find and open the advanced router, though there's my MIDI keyboard not recognized/listed.

What ever I tried to connect failed or doesn't change anything. Neither ZynAddSubFx standalone program nor the internal MusE choice of synthesizers would let connect me anything to have sound when playing on the MIDI keyboard.

So, if you can't just make a short screen video sequence how you do connect your devices and used synthesizers, at least there's a possibility to have some screenshots with smallest amount of text possible?

By text only I need to quit here, as I'm wasting my time. And I don't like people very much whom do waste my time by not being willing to give even a little bit of useful help! :wink:

It's not Puppy style and it's not the style I'm acting here...

I'm starting to get desperate...


I mean, I told you at least two or three times that I can't connect my MIDI keyboard to MusE since it isn't listed anywhere and you came up with that question:
where does it hang?
This is just like as you didn't read my posts.

Useful hints like:
.routing bruder,no need for synth self capability to record by itself
aren't that useful as you might probably think of it.

So, if you are just kidding me or playing Games of the "Expert" to the "Beginner", then let me know!

In Qtractor there's a connect GUI similar to the one in Qjackctl. Whatever I'm trying to connect is connected and working out of the box. So would you please, please, please give some visual help to me of what to do to get my MIDI keyboards listed inside the advanced routing GUI and connected to some synthesizers like ZynAddSubFx.

Thanks in advance...

#24 Post by ITSMERSH »


I found a video on Youtube.

I followed all the steps presented in that video.

I could do all the steps presented in that video.

That means, I could do adding tracks, doing the routing, all equal as to the videos content.

No Sound!

No Connection of my MIDI Keyboards to MusE.

So, either I'm just too stupid (which I heavily doubt), or MusE is just crap (which I also doubt), or MusE just doesn't like my MIDI hardware.

I decided to quit trying MusE for the rest of my life - or at least as long as I got my wonderful setup using Qtractor, which seems to be the best Sequencer program available for GNU/Linux. It's easy to use, it's intuitive, it has a smart user interface, it has its own connection GUI for devices and programs and everything just connects fine out of the box.

Sorry to bother you, but this MusE program seems to be that much complicated it has robbed my last nerves. :roll:
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#25 Post by Revolverve » tu be ....i will post it anyway....
it could help someone else...
ITSMERSH wrote: I'm starting to get desperate... will get to it before the sun vanish :)...edit...maybe not..
ITSMERSH wrote: I mean, I told you at least two or three times
sorry i must suffer sporadic "Attention Deficit"..
ITSMERSH wrote: So, if you are just kidding me or playing Games of the "Expert" to the "Beginner", then let me know!
no expert here...if its new in muse 3 is new to me,the advanced routing is..
Ironic fact...muse is from Germany based software developer and pianist Werner Schweer
-checking online video tutorials and manual ,there is a midi troubleshooting,but basic know how.

hmmm..maybe i miss one stage in my explanation,lets be more precise with pictures.
- muse started with jack ok,(if not,a warning should display"muse is using portaudio for bla bla..." or"muse is using switch -a ....bla,bla..")
-lets look in "advanced routing ",get the uma25s keyboard plugged in ,it shows in "advanced routing " .---it shows as a midi devices----pic1
-lets look in "configure midi devices,midi ports and synthetizers"(get it from menu/muse settings,midi&ports,or same arrrow as "advance routing" but choose "open midi config"....confusing?? yes ,i agree)
it shows there as a "useable midi devices" but in closed state(no midi channel assign to it)---pic2
on the right of useable devices is "devices port assignments",this is where under "devices names" that you will assign your keyboard to a channel
once done state show OK and "avanced routings" add your keyboard as a "midi port" ,then you can connect it(choose your "source" and "destination" and connect (button below)) to a midi track(my example here )---pic
--edit---add one more(written before...),
in order to get midi data received from a midi device(external keyboard here) to a track ,that track(1 or as many as needed) need to be in "record mode"
....why not add a picture ...lets name it screenshot#painless...
You see,simple.... :) ..but its not garage band....flexibility-routing options-midi-soft synth-effects-audio,all that power come with a price(learning curve).
Ardour is featuring even more editing options,so,not easier to use/learn...

no sound? i guess its your turn to send pictures....joke...
did you recently have been expose to really loud sound or been yelled at? joke...
did you assign a synth to your track?
did your synth output is assign to out channel?
did your out channel assign to your card 'system playback'?
did i said it was not a muse tuto? :) glad if it help...
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#26 Post by Revolverve »

Just saw and edit 2012 in the topic 2018..
Did i "autodiagnosed" my sporadic attention deficit somewhere else...guess it is...
sorry there is nothing new in those 6 years...
too funny , so ,had to post it..

having fun now with l0wt3ch studio 1337..its big but very ram friendly.

#27 Post by ITSMERSH »

Is the your MusE 3 SFS working in Studio 13.37 3.2?
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#28 Post by Revolverve »

ITSMERSH wrote:Is the your MusE 3 SFS working in Studio 13.37 3.2?
His iso have a "dark theme" muse2.2 .
Did not test yet muse3.sfs in it,it should,but he already got yoshimi+sooperlooper + more and maybe libs that my sfs contain,it will for sure break something... if i save and reboot.
I did tested his custom rt kernel in bionicpup64 with muse3 sfs ,it simply works...look more stable than Jamebond rt .

#29 Post by ITSMERSH »

No, SFS doesn't break anything when loading and unloading (at least usually, exceptions may exist in rare cases).

Also, there's always the option to test running in RAM only.

It's just NOT recommended to change kernel from normal to real time.

There's lots of LADSPA, LV2 etc.pp. plugins that will produce only terrible noise, if not being compiled for real time kernels. I tried this already under a 32bit Puppy, so I switched back to the none real time kernel, as i wanted to use these plugins.
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#30 Post by Revolverve »

ITSMERSH wrote:No,...
Sfs did not break anything,you are right and muse3 seems to work fine in Studio 13.37 but with window manager glitch..
I did forgot was running his rt kernel in bionicpup64 for 2 days...not one problem.
Thanks for all your helping hints bruder.
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#31 Post by Revolverve »

Musicians & arts "business" related,some could find that funny...
Half off topic here...

I did enjoy it..

#32 Post by ITSMERSH »

I didn't watch it, as I can't watch online (no audio), but I'd read the story on the page. Enjoyed the story, though it doesn't work that way generally for everyone. However, it's definitely a different (additional) way to get paid for music.

Thanks for the link.
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#33 Post by Revolverve »

ITSMERSH wrote:it doesn't work that way generally for everyone.
It was in would work only one time and it would be already too much on my side..probably would not have to lie under a car so often...
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#34 Post by Revolverve »

Rockedge compiled and share audio friendly rt kernel 32 and 64bits rt HERE
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#35 Post by Revolverve »

Compiled qjackctl-0.5.9/qt5.9 qjackctl-0.5.9v0-x64_qt5.9
Test on bionicpup64 8.0 only.
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