
For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019 to all!

First things first: if it hadn't been for greengeek's half-joke (here),
I wouldn't have done it and wouldn't be initiating this thread. So thanks,
g/g, for that little pique!

Also thanks to peebee for his kernel 3.16.45 4G kernel, without which
this Pup targeting older PCs would not exist.

Pls download from here.

The best way to describe "Slackster-700" is to say it's an edit of 01micko's
slacko-, with some things out, some things corrected and some
things added.
New Year's Day 2019

slackster-700 -- as compared to slacko_6.9.9.9

Replacements --
Abiword is replaced by seamonkey-compozer.

MPlayer and gnome-mplayer are replaced by
the already present ffplay and the script

Kernel 3.16.45 4G is used instead of the default
4.4 PAE kernel.

The latest Seamonkey2-49.4 replaces firefox. Most
sincere thanks to norgo for his compilation. However,
firefox remains available in the optional package.

Added --
The opus player and opus<>wav conversion utils
have been added. Opus is arguably the most
complete audio format as these lines are written.

I have added about 60 of my scripts, for RAMdisk
creation, text viewing, OS clock sync, rclock,
pupsave creation, disk-checking, etc., etc.

Security app and scripts lsof-i, chkrootkit-0.52
and Lobster's GROWL2 are included at

The links-2.17 console and graphics browser is now
present, as itself and as the defaulthtmlviewer.
Viewing man pages, e.g., is now much faster
because of it.

A host of small pics used mostly as icons and fillers
for the ROX bar at the left is located at
/usr/share/backgrounds/gtkrc-mine. This directory
name is an explanation in itself!

Updated --
I have updated the less text reader to v. 530.
(Ex-factory version was v. 481.)

Corrected --
Symlink rxvt-unicode was missing in /lib/terminfo/r
directory. It is needed for proper operation of less,
urxvt and other important CLI utilities.

Untouched -- ;)
PMusic. (Not that I like it, but it does the job.)
jwm. (Ditto.)

Desktop --
A ramdisk is created on boot-up if your PC has
enough RAM, and a greyish rclock should show at
the top right corner.

A winter scene on Lake Superior is used as the
default backdrop.

The "pill" at the top of the "P"-grouped desktop
icons is an off-on switch for the ROX bar to the left.
I managed to shave ~ 70 Mgs off the original puppy sfs, by putting a lot of
stuff outside in the /mnt/home/"slacko" dir. Not sure if it's a new concept
or not. (Probably not, and it does not matter.) I am still offering some sfs's
in there.

But the thing is: it is ready to go as a small Puppy. (-- Beginning of edit --)
138 Mb's for the main sfs plus 17 Mb's for the adrv = 155 Mb's. I don't remember
seeing a Pup this small in quite some time. ( -- End of edit --)

If you want to add stuff, you may. You only have to unlrzip and unzip what's
in the directory. It will work off the bat, no rebooting needed, because it's pre-
symlinked in the main Puppy. (Lrzip is uncluded, BTW.)

The following may go against popular belief concerning the Pups I produce,
but please note:
"slackster-700 is NOT a French or a French-Canadian Puppy. It's a Puppy
derivative, period. You, the user, can add to it any locale you need but I have
included none ex-factory.


The devx can be downloaded from here
and the support directory from here.
What to do with the contents of this directory.

1) Copy this entire directory to /mnt/home.

2) Once copied in place, rename it from MntHomeSlacko-700
to /mnt/home/slacko- Since its contents are
symlinked in the Puppy, it has to be this directory name.
Thanks for your understanding.

3) The .cache, .mozilla, and .thumnails folders in here are already
symlinked inside the Puppy. Do not alter them, here or in the Puppy.

The optional package is for programs you would prefer to use.
They are not required for the Puppy to work.

Again in /mnt/home/slacko-,
1) un-lrzip, then unzip, the python* computer language archives.
One of these is required by youtube-dl (if you intend to use it).
Unpack both if you are a python buff or wish to learn python or
use python apps (e.g. sunflower, etc.).

2) Un-lrzip, then unzip, the firefox browser if you wish to use it.

3) Un-lrzip, then unzip, the libLLVM* archive. This library is only
used, to my knowledge, by some alternative browsers

4) The noyau* (i.e. kernel) archives on a need basis only, should
you wish to restore the original 4.4 kernel or use the alternative
3.16.43 SMP kernel.
I'll be announcing the URL(s) of the remainder tomorrow in the post below.


In the meantime, please feel free to test the new bugger, and to
comment and/or ask questions below if need be. BFN.
(183.95 KiB) Downloaded 1575 times
Last edited by musher0 on Wed 02 Jan 2019, 13:00, edited 4 times in total.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Many thanks to forum member augras for his "hospitality".

The latest java JRE (as of this writing) in sfs form, and a couple of java
apps are available for the slackster-700 Pup at this online directory: ... pplis_java

Every Puppyist worthy of the name knows how to mount an sfs, yes? :)


The optional set has now been uploaded at ...

For convenience, a listing of the two mega-archives follows:

Code: Select all

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2019-01-01 21:58   MntHomeSlacko-700/
        0  2018-12-31 01:14   MntHomeSlacko-700/.cache/
    31705  2018-12-29 03:43   MntHomeSlacko-700/.cache/dmenu_run
        0  2018-12-31 01:14   MntHomeSlacko-700/.cache/mozilla/
     1984  2019-01-01 21:58   MntHomeSlacko-700/Replacements
    17409  2018-12-24 19:25   MntHomeSlacko-700/s_puppylogo96.png
  6336018  2019-01-01 17:56   MntHomeSlacko-700/
       17  2018-12-31 01:11   MntHomeSlacko-700/.DirIcon
 49963291  2018-12-31 00:39   MntHomeSlacko-700/
     6413  2018-12-24 19:25   MntHomeSlacko-700/s_puppylogo48.png
        0  2018-12-31 01:13   MntHomeSlacko-700/.mozilla/
        0  2018-12-25 23:40   MntHomeSlacko-700/.mozilla/extensions/
      448  2019-01-01 19:31   MntHomeSlacko-700/
     1245  2019-01-01 21:57   MntHomeSlacko-700/Instructions
        0  2018-12-31 01:12   MntHomeSlacko-700/.thumbnails/
        0  2018-12-31 01:12   MntHomeSlacko-700/.thumbnails/normal/
---------                     -------
 56358530                     16 files

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2019-01-01 20:39   MntHomeSlacko-700_optional/
 12831610  2018-12-31 00:44   MntHomeSlacko-700_optional/
 13967568  2018-12-31 00:46   MntHomeSlacko-700_optional/
 46428852  2018-12-28 00:14   MntHomeSlacko-700_optional/
  9197573  2018-08-26 04:45   MntHomeSlacko-700_optional/
---------                     -------
 82425603                     5 files
Remember: step 0) consists of unzipping those two mega-archives.
The "surface" zip is only for convenience in transport.

Then copy their contents to /mnt/home/slacko-

Now use the little script called to unpack the first set. Study
it a bit and you'll easily understand how to unpack the second set.


I beg forgiveness from those of you who use mhwavedit: I forgot to
move the /root/.mhwavedit directory to /mnt/home/slacko-
and to bring a symlink of it back in /root. Could you please do it? Thanks
for your understanding. If you do even only a bit of sound editing with
mhwavedit, this cache will fill up your pupsave in no time. In any case,
may I suggest that you empty this dir. when done editing or listening to
a song or instrumental piece.

To be cont'd.

Last edited by musher0 on Wed 02 Jan 2019, 18:23, edited 3 times in total.
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#3 Post by musher0 »

Hello again all.

Kernel 3.16.45...4G comes with an fdrv, which you can get here.
It's part of the kernel that peebee has compiled and provided. In my
experience so far, this Pup does not seem to need this fdrv to run, but it
contains extra firmware, which may be handy to have. I have added it, and
the Pup did not complain.

To be cont'd.

Have a great day!
Last edited by musher0 on Wed 02 Jan 2019, 18:26, edited 2 times in total.
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#4 Post by pp4mnklinux »

Distro: xenialpup64 7.5 XXL
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#5 Post by musher0 »

And to you, pp4mnklinux! :)
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#6 Post by ally »

hi musher

getting 403 forbidden from the downloads page

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#7 Post by musher0 »

ally wrote:hi musher

getting 403 forbidden from the downloads page

Will check. TWYL.

5 min. later: I had not given it enough permissions. Sorry about that.
Should be ok now. Let me know? TIA.
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#8 Post by ally »

sorted now, thanks

mirrored here:

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#9 Post by musher0 »

Many thanks, ally. Some day you will get the Nobel prize for Archiving.
You should, anyway! :)

Slackster-700's first script for it is It allows one to
play any music format in a quasi-GUI window.

Code: Select all

# /root/my-applications/bin/
# Quasi-GUI pour / for ffplay
# Requis / Required: ffplay (in all Puppies, fonte / Universalis / font,
# rxvt-unicode (urxvt) v. >= 9.22,
# image /$MyImgs/Clarinet_buffet_crampon_rc_prestige-667x351.jpg.
# Usage: $1 
# $1 = music piece or song / morceau ou chanson.
# (c) musher0, 2 janv. 2019. GPL3
T="$1";GeoM="g 68x24-250-300"
FadE="fade 70 -fadecolor "#94A495""
ProG="ffplay -nodisp -loglevel info -hide_banner $T -autoexit"
FNT="fn xft:Universalis:pixelsize=12:bold:italic:antialias=true:autohint=true"
PxMp="pixmap $MyImgs/Clarinet_buffet_crampon_rc_prestige-667x351.jpg"
P="$T (ffplay)"
TrnsP="tr -sh 25 -bg SaddleBrown -fg gold"

rxvt +sb -$TrnsP -$FadE -$FNT -letsp -4 -$PxMp -$GeoM -b 12 -title "$P" -e $ProG

# Pour le problème des noms de fichier contenant des espaces :
# ls -1 --file-type |grep \ |while read F;do mv "$F" "`echo $F|tr \  _`";done
The pet incorporates some right-click menu calls for major music types,
à la don570. The complete UniversalisADF font can be found here; it's
licenced under the GPL.

Scrot and pet attached.

Playing some Jesse Cook.
(152.18 KiB) Downloaded 1179 times
Same as above, with clarinet picture and UniversalisADF &quot;bolditalic&quot; font.
(215.87 KiB) Downloaded 187 times
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#10 Post by tallboy »

Yet another Puppy for frugal installation only?
In every recent Puppy or derivative, the possibility to choose to run from and save to a multisession CD-R is no longer included. Why the empty words that the Puppy in question is designed to run on old hardware? CD's are old news, but they will last a lifetime, and CD players/burners are found in most older hardware.
I find it to be a fault not to include the fundamental flexibility in Puppy's design; the coice of installation method and media.
True freedom is a live Puppy on a multisession CD/DVD.
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#11 Post by musher0 »

tallboy wrote:Yet another Puppy for frugal installation only?
In every recent Puppy or derivative, the possibility to choose to run from and save to a multisession CD-R is no longer included. Why the empty words that the Puppy in question is designed to run on old hardware? CD's are old news, but they will last a lifetime, and CD players/burners are found in most older hardware.
I find it to be a fault not to include the fundamental flexibility in Puppy's design; the coice of installation method and media.
Pipe down, tallboy. You sound like the brick-layer who is mad because
the carpenter got a new tool from his wife during the Holidays...

True, this is a new design I came up with for a frugal installation. I know
it works as a frugal installation, but where do I say in the above that I am
shunning Puppy running from CD/DVD?

I suspect that this concept could be used in a CD plus thumbdrive frugal

But I confess that I have not yet tested the Slackster-700 booting from
CD/DVD. So please throw another brick at me.

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LiveCD test

#12 Post by 6502coder »

Tried to do a LiveCD test on my Compaq Presario 2200 laptop, which is currently running a frugal install of Tahr606. 1.3 GHz Celeron M nopae CPU and 1 GB RAM.

Burned a CD. Booted and got as far as the "Starting X, specs in..." message. Then got "Exited from X...." message.

Ran xorgwizard, set resolution to match my 1024x768 display, and ran "xwin". No joy.

Ran xorgwizard again, set color bit depth to 16, and ran "xwin." Still no joy.

Ran xorgwizard again, didn't see anything else I had enough knowledge to mess with, so just exited. Ran "xwin" again.

This time, it booted all the way to desktop. But after about half a second, the display went blank and threw me back to the console. While the desktop was up, I noticed that all the icons had little rectangles where there should have been text, implying some sort of charset or font problem?

Ran dmesg but saw nothing helpful.

Then tried to cd to "/etc" and that's when I noticed that the "/" key instead produced the "e" with acute accent. Also noticed that the "|" key produced the ">" character. Since the keyboard mapping was clearly hosed, I threw in the towel at this point. Sorry I was unable to do a more thorough test.
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#13 Post by musher0 »

Very strange indeed.

Thanks for your report, 65902coder. I'll burn a CD and will try to mimic
the behaviour.

Your bug means that xorg.conf would have been altered somehow? Or that
the whatchamacallit xkbset exec would be on the loose? Hm...

But hey! The Atari4 DOS was weird too!!! ;)

Happy New Year, BTW!
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#14 Post by peebee »


There is no fdrv in the iso - so the kernel does not have any firmware.... ... s/download

is the one that goes with my kernels - will need to be renamed appropriately.

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#15 Post by musher0 »

Hi peebee.

Thanks for the heads-up, but I had noticed and already informed people
in this post.

Have a great day!
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#16 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

The following would also go in the jwm development thread, but now only
God knows where it is...

In file /usr/local/jwm_config/menu_build_places_drives,
line 36 should read

Code: Select all

echo "<Program label=\"${PARTITION}   ${FILESYSTEM}   ${INFO}\" icon=\"/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/${MEDIA}48.png\">rox /mnt/${PARTITION}</Program>"
As it is currently, in the "Places" menu, when you click
Places -> Drives -> a partition,
nothing happens. The change in the line above solves that.

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#17 Post by tallboy »

I suspect that this concept could be used in a CD plus thumbdrive frugal setup.
That may be so, but that has absolutely nothing to do with running it from - and saving to - a multisession live CD.
True freedom is a live Puppy on a multisession CD/DVD.
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#18 Post by musher0 »

tallboy wrote:
I suspect that this concept could be used in a CD plus thumbdrive frugal setup.
That may be so, but that has absolutely nothing to do with running it from - and saving to - a multisession live CD.
You are right, tallboy.

I apologize for my short-sightedness.

A couple of things that I see right off the bat, were I to implement
a parallel "metal disc" version of this concept, are:

-- no CD, only DVD, because of space concerns;
-- access times to the material on the disc will be much slower.
Would users be ok with that?

Unless we say: the user needs a DVD burner plus 4G of RAM. Then we
transfer / unpack the lrzip'ed archives in a RAM-disk at boot-up, and this
RAM-disk becomes somehow /mnt/home for the duration of the session.

(The above is not a promise. I'm just juggling with ideas at this time. I'd
need your input and that of Puppy-on-a-DVD users, too.)

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Re: Slackster-700

#19 Post by sheldonisaac »

musher0 wrote:Hello, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019 to all!
Same to you, musher0, and thanks for this Slackster, as well as for your many other works!
Pls download from here.
I did that. At present, this is as far as I've gone: put some of the files into /mnt/sda1/slackster/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2633900 Jan 1 20:27 initrd.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 144060416 Jan 1 20:27 puppy_slacko_6.9.9.9.sfs
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Jan 4 16:06 slackosave-jan4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4993008 Jan 1 20:27 vmlinuz
It seems better after I copied 3.16.45-puppy-32-4g from somewhere into /lib/modules/

Can't do any more tonight.

Dell E6410: BusterPup, BionicPup64, Xenial, etc
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#20 Post by musher0 »

You're welcome, Sheldon!

If it may help you, and perhaps others, get better bearings, here is how
my slackster directory is set up.
Please note it is called: /mnt/home/slacko-
This is very important for the symlinks.

Code: Select all

First and 2nd level tree of /mnt/home/slacko-

.cache/ # directory for some browsers and other programs

devx_slacko_6.9.9.9.sfs # Development archive

fdrv_slacko_6.9.9.9.sfs # 2nd modules archive, from peebee

.mhwaveedit/ # work directory for mhwaveedit
.mozilla/ # work directory for firefox and/or seamonkey


python2.7 # Unpacked directory from MntHomeSlacko-700_optional archive
python3.5 # Same

run/ # directory # boot utility
     boot.msg # various messages
     initrd.gz # this Puppy's initrd
     isolinux.bin # for people who boot from DVD
     isolinux.cfg # ditto
     vmlinuz # the linux kernel
     # (There is nothing wrong with leaving these files at first level.
     # I simply find this more convenient, personally.)

seamonkey # Unpacked directory from MntHomeSlacko-700
                  # (and then its archive itself, unpacked)

slackosave-JdelAn.2fs # My pupsave

s_puppylogo48.png # Icon
s_puppylogo96.png # Same

.thumbnails/ # storage directory for GTK2 thumbnails

Windows_Installer # Ex-factory directory, for WhineDose refugees

zdrv_slacko_6.9.9.9.sfs # Original modules archive
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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