Pbackup 3.1.9-1

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#81 Post by veronicathecow »

/usr/local/puppybackup/puppybackup: line 723 gtkdialog3: command not found

and that's all folks...

Trying the same with Pfind I get the same but line 757 instead of 723
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#82 Post by plinej »

If gtkdialog3 is not found you obviously haven't got it installed.

ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributio ... 0.7.18.pet

Install the above package and try again.
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#83 Post by plinej »

Barry wants us all to convert our apps to gtkdialog3 so he can strip out gtkdialog & gtkdialog2 in a future release of Puppy so for all versions of Puppy 2.14 and under you'll need to install that dotpet.
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#84 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, I have installed it twice now. The second time I re-downloaded the .PET in case it was corrupted and have also done re-boots but to no avail. Also since adding this GTK my copy K3B has stopped working. I've posted a question about it on Bugs. Ah the joys of change 8-)

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#85 Post by plinej »

go to the command line and enter:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# which gtkdialog3
if you don't get:

Code: Select all

as a result then the package must not have installed for some reason.

You will not need to reboot either. This should not affect your copy of k3b either since it's not a new gtk it is only a new gtkdialog executable.
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#86 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, it just comes back with an empty line.
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#87 Post by plinej »

That means the dotpet package for the new gtkdialog I linked to above is not installed.
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#88 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, I've added that info to the bug report so hoping someone can sort it...
Many thanks for help.
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#89 Post by GeoffS »

Is the gtkdialog3 .pet not installing to the correct spot - I think I had the same problem, not sure what I did to fix it, maybe I just moved it :lol:
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#90 Post by plinej »

nope, it installs to /usr/sbin/

I'll attach the file, just unpack it and move it to /usr/sbin
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#91 Post by veronicathecow »

Brilliant, all works now, I will post this into the bug report, thanks again for your time.
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#92 Post by PaulBx1 »

Mine works now too. Just a suggestion: if you can, add a download box to that first post for gtkdialog3, so people don't miss it as I did. If the forum software won't allow it, maybe just some bold text to get peoples' attention.
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#93 Post by PaulBx1 »

I have taken the liberty of reworking your help file, just to help your English a bit (hey, it's better than my Swedish!) :)

In the process of doing so, some possible revisions have come up.

The help language confuses "save from" and "save to". I have straightened that out, but it raises a point. Really, the order of the fields in the main window should be 1) save from, 2) save from date, 3) save to. Thus it mimics the data flow and does not put the date before the save from field which is awkward. If you revise the order, it will have to be revised in the help also, of course.

I finally understand what you are saying about not using the date with "mirror". I'd like to suggest, if "mirror" is checked, that the date field is "greyed out" if this is possible. If not, then simply delete the date entry. Either will get the point across.

Mirrors can't be compressed; however 1.9.7 does not complain when I select both "mirror" and "compress". Perhaps you sanity-check the options later?

I don't understand "leading path". So, I didn't change the help there.

I don't understand your last warning. Is this a warning to use the same fs in source and target directories? Or to use ext only in targets?

Here is the revised help, use it if you wish. Look for "???" for stuff still not resolved:
PuppyBackup 2.0.0
Sigmund Berglund, February 2007
No warranty.

PuppyBackup is a small, simple backup system.
- Backup recent files to CD, DVD, Hard disk or Flashcard...
- Mirror 2 directories or partitions.
- Set up a scheduled backup or mirror.

1. Settings
2. Main options
3. Advanced options
3.1 Backup
3.2 Mirror
3.3 Misc
4. Quiet mode
5. Scheduled backup
6. Secure notes

In basic configuration, PuppyBackup uses 3 settings.
1. 'SAVE TO' specifies where backup files should be saved. First select the
media: CD, DVD or harddisk. If you choose CD or DVD, you must then specify
the burning device; on first run it sets save-media to CD, and tries to
autodetect the CD-burner. If you choose harddisk, then select the directory
where backup should be stored.
2. 'SAVE FROM DATE' contains the "change" date of the oldest file you want in
your backup. The default date in the field is the date of last successful
backup. Click button to choose another date from a calender.
3. 'SAVE FROM' contains paths of files that should be backed up. Click
"Add" button (folder icon) to select another directory from filetree for
this list. Click "Clear" button (X icon) to remove an entry from this list.
Default path is '/root/'. That is where Puppy saves your personal
data (e-mail, bookmarks...).

Settings will be saved to a config file (/root/.puppybackup_config) after backup
has succeeded. When invoked, PuppyBackup searches for the config file, and uses
these settings as default. This makes backup easy. When settings are set once,
it is later a "One-Button-Backup".


With mirror option turned on, PuppyBackup will clone all your choosen datas to
the mirror. PuppyBackup makes 'save-to directory' equal to 'save-from
directories'. First time it will copy all files, later just update changes. If you have
deleted a file in your main datas, it will also be removed in mirror; but NOT the
other way around. For secure reasons, removed files will be dumped to a trash
- Mirror ignores the "SAVE FROM DATE" field. It will copy all files from all dates.
- Mirror only works when saving to harddisk or flashcard.
- To keep an up-to-date mirror, PuppyBackup can be scheduled.
See chapter: Scheduled backup.

- Backup files will be linked to a temporary directory, and shown in filemanager
Here you can inspect files before saving backup.

- Make a *.tgz file of backup result.
- Works both on burn and copy.
- A mirror cannot be compressed.

- Allows many backups on 1 CD or DVD.
- Default is 'off', and it will burn a closed session. This is most compatible with
different readers. But you can't burn more on that disk.
- It is not recommended to change the options 'Jouliet and 'Follow symlink'
between multiple sessions on a CD or DVD. This will close the CD for more sessions.
There is a built-in workaround for DVDs, that seems to work.

- Backup file that symlink points to.
- Changing the option 'FOLLOW SYMLINK' does not have retroactive effect. Be aware
of this when making mirrors. A symlink already in the mirror won't change to its
file if 'FOLLOW SYMLINK' is turned on.
- Using 'FOLLOW SYMLINK' will allow Puppybackup to dive into symlink-directories.
If symlinks then points back to your backup directory, it has come into an
endless loop.

When 'INCLUDE SUBDIR' is selected, Puppybackup makes a backup of the listed
directories, and all their subdirectories (same as recursive). 'INCLUDE SUBDIR'
is on by default.



- Make disk readable in other OS.
- Joliet may give errors.

- Does not save anything to disk.
- Only workS when burning to CD.

- Narrow search by filetype ????????????????????????????????before backup. For instance to backup only photos (*.jpg).
1.9.7 DOES NOT HAVE "SEARCH FOR"??????????????????????????????

- Make a list of files and directories that should NOT be in your backup.
- Excluded directories will work recursively.

- Where to mount disk before backup.
- Default '/mnt/cdrom/', but if you have several CD-ROMs, it may be in use.

- The internal Puppy filesystem could be too small for burning process. If so, set
temporary storage outside the Puppy filesystem. That is most often another
partition mounted in '/mnt/'.
- When burning uncompressed DVD, temporary storage is not needed.


- Do not delete outdated files. Instead they will be moved to a trash-directory.
- Trash-directory will be deleted before each new backup. If you want to keep
these files permanently, you must copy to another destination.
- When doing lot of restructuring in source files, there will be lots of trash.
Then it may not make sense to keep all trash. It will fill your disk and take time.

- Copy complete directory-structure to mirror. This is safest.
- No leading path will make source and mirror complete equal.
- Deactivate this may be critical. If destination is not empty, this datas will be
deleted if not in sourcefiles.
- There is a warning showing up when 'Leading path' is deactivated. Warnings
can be turned off. See Misc.

SEARCH FOR??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Narrow search before backup. For instance to mirror only photos (*.jpg).

- Make a list of files and directories that should NOT be in your mirror.
- Excluded directories will work recursively.

3.3 MISC

- Will try to automount chosen destination disk, useful in scheduled backups. It is
highly recommended to use EXT filesystems for these destinations.

- Warnings are information about some critical situations. Please read carefully
before continuing; there's a reason they are here. It is possible to turn off
by default; this is normally done in quiet-mode scripted backups and scheduled
backups. Be aware of subsequent risk.

- Settings will be written automatically after backup. Use this to force new
settings without doing backup.

- Save settings to specific config file for quiet mode.

- Default settings are loaded, but config file is not changed.

- Use settings from specific config file for quiet mode.

When running puppybackup with parameter -q in a terminal, it will backup quiet.
The only message is if backup fails. Quiet mode is useful in scripts.

It is possible to set up a specific config file (/root/.puppybackup-quiet_config) for
quiet mode. If it doesn't exist, backup will use default config file.

Remember to turn off warnings before running quiet, else backup may fail.

Set a timeschedule for backups. If jobs are scheduled, it shows up in job-field.
When jobs are defined, push "Backup" button to activate.
- REALTIME: Set up PuppyBackup to Backup every minute. Realtime is designed
for MIRROR to keep a directory always "up to date".
- DAILY: Set up PuppyBackup to Backup every day. It will check every hour from
0:00, and make backup once the pc is turned on.
- WEEKLY: Set up PuppyBackup to Backup every week. It will check every day,
and make backup once the pc is turned on.
- REMOVE: Remove PuppyBackup from scheduled jobs. It will not remove other
- GCRONTAB: Start Gcrontab. - A program to manage scheduled jobs.

Remember to turn off warnings before running scheduled, else backup may fail.

1. When burning multisession, be aware of the risk of losing earlier backups
if burning process fails and destroys CD/DVD.
2. The 'mirror directory' should not be on the same physical harddisk as your
your main data. Do NOT think your data is safe when saving mirror-files on
another partition. It is still the same disk, and when it crashes, it all does.
If you have only one disk, it may be better to backup to CD or DVD.
3. Mirror files to other filesystems than EXT may be problematic. Files may be
named different and therefor not detected as mirror. Attributes will also fail, and
not give original info of files.???????????????????????????
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#94 Post by zigbert »

This is really great. :P
Documentation is useless if it's not understandable. One thing is that my english is poor, but I also knows the program too well. I know how things work, and that is maybe not the best starting point when writing readable docs. I really hope you will look at the 'Leading path' option. This is a very important options, that also could cause trouble for users.

Code: Select all

- Make complete filestructure in front of mirror directories. 

Example: Lets mirror the file '/root/my-documents/info.txt'
Save-from will be '/root/my-documents/'
Save-to could be '/mnt/hda4/'
The file 'info.txt' will be placed in:
   When activated: /mnt/hda4/mirrors/root/my-documents/info.txt
   When deactivated: /mnt/hda4/info.txt

- Deactivating 'Leading path' will make source and mirror complete equal.
- Deactivate this may be critical. If destination is not empty, this datas will be deleted if they aren't in sourcefiles.
- There is a warning showing up when 'Leading path' is deactivated. Warnings can be turned off. See Misc.
I don't understand your last warning. Is this a warning to use the same fs in source and target directories? Or to use ext only in targets?

Code: Select all

3. It is most secure that sourcefiles and mirror is stored on equal filesystems (ext...). When copying files to another type of filesystem, files may get different names and attributes. These files will be detected as alien files by Mirror, and deleted.
Really, the order of the fields in the main window should be 1) save from, 2) save from date, 3) save to. Thus it mimics the data flow and does not put the date before the save from field which is awkward.

Is it getting better? :?
(hey, it's better than my Swedish!)
Well, neighbours understand each other, but I wouldn't take the job as a swedish translator. But I do hope, that my norwegian is clear and easy to understand. :wink:
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#95 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.0.0 is ready. See main post.
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#96 Post by headfound »

I've just installed the latest version and tried to backup for the first time, but it doesn't seem to have worked. I did a simple mirror to a folder on hdb1 called 'puppy backup' (i'm running on a usb stick). It came up with a dialog for about 20 minutes saying what it was doing, then finished, then said it couldn't save a file because it wasn't found in 'puppy', then closed. When i checked 'puppy backup', i have mirrors/root, , but if i try to go into root to look, it says the directory is inacessable.
Any ideas? Did i use it wrong?
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#97 Post by zigbert »

- What filesystems are on your usb-stick and hdb1?
- What options did you make. Follow symlink? exclude from backup?...
- Is wine installed?
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#98 Post by headfound »

Hi zigbert,
my usb is formatted as a superfloppy and has everything the universal installer put on there as default. I don't have wine installed.
hdb1 is ntfs. I opened pbackup and used it as default, copying to /mnt/hdb1/puppybackup/ from /root/.
I checked the folder again today and it opens, 'mirrors' is empty, but 'mirror-trash' is full of files!
I have noticed something though, the save from date is 9/03/07, i'm not sure if i set that before i backed up (it was defaulted to year 2000), but would that affect the backup?
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#99 Post by zigbert »

From the helpfile:

Code: Select all

It is most secure that sourcefiles and mirror is stored on equal filesystems
(ext...). When copying files to another type of filesystem, files may get different
names and attributes. These files will be detected as alien files by Mirror, and
Using a normal inremental backup (not mirror) should work. Please tell me if it doesn't.
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#100 Post by zigbert »

Could you do me a favour? I'm thinking of cutting the internal mirrorfunction, and use mirdir instead. Puppymirror is a gui for mirdir. Could you do a test to see if puppymirror does the job.

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