DPupBuster- published 17 Feb 2019

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#21 Post by wiak »

oui wrote:Hi Wiak

at your place, I would not denigrate SliTaz and its web connexion! In the new Puppy buster, Midori 7.0, the links you did supply open not willing and no youtube!

In TazWeb, the own browser of SliTaz (based like Midori 4 on webkitGTK 2), top left, you get youtube :idea: . and also in Xombrero (also based like Midori 4 on webkitGTK 2), top, right, and, of course, in midori 4 (bottom center but actually not with youtube)

important is not the number 4 behind the name Midori but

if it works

including links and youtube etc. :wink:
Hi oui,

Well yes, I agree that Slitaz is a very impressive distribution and I've said so many times in the past including most recently:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 157#990157

There is no doubt the devs of Slitaz have spent a great deal of time perfecting their installation of Midori so it all works.

Nevertheless, I am particularly interested in recent Midori developments. Midori 7 certainly doesn't work perfectly in DPupBuster as yet, but as has been said that is an alpha iso so lots can be expected not to function at this stage (and Slitaz has had years to perfect its Midori offering - though not yet offering a newer Midori; though hopefully eventually will do).

As the first post of thread says, DPupBuster has nothing actually to do with musher0, despite him posting about it. Rather it has been assembled by josejp2424, and for an alpha, I think its a nice piece of work. I do wish josejp2424 had started his own thread for his own creation, since that is the usual practice and more useful since we can then direct our feedback directly to the distribution creator (and hopefully receive responses from him), but maybe he preferred not to for some reason we don't know.

Regarding distribution 'size', I still feel the use of Xorg in Puppy (and only Xvesa in Slitaz) is one major reason for difference between Pups and Slitaz - and probably cut-down lib set in Slitaz - I don't know. What Slitaz provides in such a small iso is certainly amazing (similar to what tiny core can do, albeit with a lot of tinkering required in tiny core to achieve user-quality provided by Slitaz). But more generally, I also tend to feel that distribution size isn't so important (even my 2GB 2008 machine works perfectly fine with larger distributions) - 100MB, 200MB, 500MB, doesn't make a lot of difference on most machines (and once you install larger apps/Xorg etc, size soon becomes similar...): what is important is RAM used when running apps (in terms of machine slowing down, swap being uses, or system crashing). Doesn't seem to matter what size of distribution you use in that regard - problem is the browser experience and moreso the heavy coded web pages, which suck RAM for every tab used.

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#22 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Please find in this internet directory at augras' PuppyLinux repo an adrv
archive for DPupBuster-, containing the following executables:
ghostscript + 12 ps2... converters
gnumeric + goffice infrastructure
all taken from "local-repositories_DPupBuster/x86/packages-deb-buster". in the
woof-CE construction hierarchy. Libraries needed by each are of course included.
I felt that those programs were needed to make the DPupuBuster a more complete

A tree file of the contents is attached. Total size of this adrv: 25 Mb.

Proper *.desktop files for all executables above, except the ghostscript, are provided in
the adrv. You'll need to change the midori,desktop files manually using the zip
attachment in a post above (if you wish).

Finally, in the same Internet directory at augras', you will find a palemoon sfs (43 Mb).
Latest version as of this writing, it installs to /opt, with symlink in /usr/bin.

The adrv sfs must be alongside the main puppy Buster sfs to be picked up by the
Puppy at boot.

The suggested location for the palemoon sfs is /mnt/home. You incorporate this
palemoon sfs into your Puppy using sfs_load.

Intelligent suggestions for improvements and questions welcome.

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#23 Post by musher0 »

(Edit, an hour later:)
For a corrective pet, please see 2nd post down. Thanks.
(End of edit)

Hello all.

I temporarily solved a bug in script /usr/local/petget/pkg_chooser.sh (the technical
name of the "Puppy Package Manager", aka the "PPM"), which prevented it from
running more than once.

Please find attached. Download and unzip in /usr/local/petget. Then make executable
with command

Code: Select all

chmod ug+x pkg_chooser.sh
in console or from the ROX-Filer window in that directory (right-click -> permissions).

The edited part looks like this:

Code: Select all

# Do not allow another instance # Cancelled by musher0, Febr. 25 2019,
# until this bug is squished by the author.
# wait
# if ps --no-headers -C pkg_chooser.sh,ppm | grep -qwv "^$$"; then #v2.1.1...
# /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash -timeout 3 -bg red -text "$(gettext 'PPM is already running. Exiting.')"
# exit 0
# fi
(Lines 13-19)
There is a later (?) version of this script, 38.2 Kb in size, by mavrothal, which I
downloaded from our github the other day. I tried it, it works ok, but it complains it
cannot find a couple of support scripts.

So this stop-gap will do until mavrothal revises it. Users, just remember NOT to run a
2nd instance of the PPM.

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#24 Post by rerwin »

The fix for that is to change "^$$" to "^ *$$".

It is now corrected in the woofCE testing branch, available for new puppy builds.

The problem was that it did not handle process IDs of less than 5 digits, so occurred at random. Repeating the starting of PPM usually succeeds, particularly later in a session when process IDs are "full sized".
Last edited by rerwin on Tue 26 Feb 2019, 01:18, edited 2 times in total.
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#25 Post by musher0 »

Continuing the above.

Please find attached a pet archive that will correct the problem in a more permanent

I separated the offending lines into their own script, called pkg_gate.sh, and edited them
like so:

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/petget/pkg_gate.sh
# Goal: act as gate keeper for the pkg_chooser.sh script (aka "PPM")
# ------- so only one instance of the PPM is running.
# (c) Christian L'Écuyer, Gatineau (Qc), Canada, 25 février 2019. GPL3.
# (Alias musher0 [forum Puppy]) # Rév. : aucune / none.
if [ "`ps | awk '$4 ~ /pkg_chooser.sh/'`" ];then
     /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash -timeout 5 -bg Sienna4 -fg wheat -text "$(gettext 'PPM is already running. Exiting.')"
exit 0
This way, the laucher does not have the same file name as the file it wants to run.
Which was the cause of the bug.

The symlink in /usr/local/bin and the PPM desktop file were edited as well to reflect this.

Let me know if the PPM still acts up on you. (It shouldn't anymore! :) )

Last edited by musher0 on Tue 26 Feb 2019, 01:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#26 Post by musher0 »

rerwin wrote:The fix for that is to change "^$$" to "^.*$$".

It is now corrected in the woofCE testing branch, available for new puppy builds.

The problem was that it did not handle process IDs of less than 5 digits, so occurred at random. Repeating the starting of PPM usually succeeds.
Too late, rerwin!

How come that woof-CE edit was not included in the recipe handed down to me (or to
josejp2424, for that matter)?

You guys in woof-CE BADLY NEED A MANAGING EDITOR! There are typos like that
everywhere in this Buster recipe. Get your act together, guys!

I am a power user, and I've been with Puppy over 10 years. So I've acquired let's say
"a sixth sense" for such errors. Now imagine what a regular, perhaps newbie, Linux
amateur may think of Puppy when he or she comes across typos like this.

If this neglect continues, forking Puppy may become an objective necessity, you know.

Best regards.
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#27 Post by aaaaa »

musher0 wrote:If this neglect continues, forking Puppy may become an objective necessity, you know.

Best regards.
You are using somebody else's work to gain recognition and attention.

That somebody else probably can build another iso that contains several important bugfixes in less than an hour.

Bugs happen every once in a while and they are fixed as soon as possible.
perdido wrote:There are people in this forum that undermine real progress in puppy any way they can while seeking attention by riding on the backs of others.

Until that is addressed puppy will continue to decline in popularity..
musher0 is a threat to Puppy, the foe #1..

Now if only Flash banned musher0. Only alpha males can do that.
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#28 Post by musher0 »

Thanks for the accolade, Quintuple A.

Good copy-editors are generally well-hated. So you're buddy-buddy with perdido, eh?

As to "bugs once and a while, corrected ASAP". What would you know about that? You're
a bug yourself! :twisted:

But... wait... My God, what good news! That means you'll correct yourself ASAP!
Oohhh, what a touching scene! Quintuple A correcting himself...
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#29 Post by musher0 »

Actually, wiak,

If you would be kind enough as to move your various posts about Midori to a Midori

Although josejp2424 is offering MiforI in his DPupBuster, IMO the capabilities of Midori
could be more freely discussed in a dedicated Midori thread.

I went over this thread once more, and I felt that the Midori part is distracting from
the main topic, which is DPupBuster-

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#30 Post by wiak »

musher0 wrote:Actually, wiak,

If you would be kind enough as to move your various posts about Midori to a Midori

Although josejp2424 is offering MiforI in his DPupBuster, IMO the capabilities of Midori
could be more freely discussed in a dedicated Midori thread.

I went over this thread once more, and I felt that the Midori part is distracting from
the main topic, which is DPupBuster-

Actually, musher0,

I disagree (that particular Midori being a key/important component/surprise in this DPupBuster offering), and since you are not the author of DPupBuster I think your opinion on it is no more important than any the other commentators here. Would be good if the actual author would start an official DPupBuster thread though so we can help him with relevant feedback and possible solutions/ideas, some of which he may appreciate.

wiak wrote:Midori 7 in DPupBuster has failed to play video stored on Facebook for me, but I'm not sure if that is fault with Midori or in DPupBuster setup (video playing by Midori maybe still needing set up in DPupBuster itself since Dpup just in alpha state).

EDIT: I haven't tried as yet, but I've read that you need to install GStreamer codecs for html5 video/audio to work in Midori (but not sure yet what info applies to new versions of Midori). I guess that will apply to Youtube use too.
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#31 Post by musher0 »

You're forgetting that I am the initiator of this thread, wiak.

If I had not started it, English-speakers would not have known about josejp2424's
wonderful DPupBuster. You do know, I presume, that José is a unilingual Spanish-
speaker, although he can read some French and some English.

Also, he authorized me to go public about it, otherwise I would not have started this
thread. (PM me if you want proof.) Hopefully he will soon be back from his travels
to voice his opinion.

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#32 Post by watchdog »

I have got cups working loading musher0's adrv and installing a2ps, psutils and libqpdf21_8.4.0-2. Update lists of packages required.
Last edited by watchdog on Tue 26 Feb 2019, 08:31, edited 1 time in total.
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#33 Post by musher0 »

watchdog wrote:I have got cups working loading musher0's adrv and installing a2ps, psutils and libqpdf21_8.0.0-2. Update lists of packages required.
Thanks for the test, watchdog, and for sharing the info.
Good to hear cups is working.

Please explain : "Update lists of packages required." Obviously you mean something
other than the tree I provided? TIA.

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#34 Post by watchdog »

libqpdf21 is reported already installed but the new libqpdf21_8.4.0-2 is required. So lists of packages are to be updated to find the new libqpdf.
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#35 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Speaking of Midori, I removed it along with its huge LLVM and gtk-webkit dependencies.
(approx. 99 Mb)

I also removed mpv and its dependencies. (approx. 4 Mb)

I resquashed, Now my puppy buster sfs is down to 239 Mb, from 263 Mb originally.
Mind you, with the 25 Mb adrv loaded, it is 1 Mb heavier than the original. Plus 43 Mb
for palemoon...

Everything appears to be working ok. LLVM being only required by the webkit, AFAIK.
To play songs and videos, I am experimenting with ffplay scripts. More about that later
if tests are conclusive.

Another thing:
does anyone other than me have a problem with the CLI copy/paste buffers in
DPBuster? X copy buffers are working fine, but not the CLI ones, not completely,
anyway. Shift-insert is ok for paste sometimes, but never the mouse midlle-click.

The prototype, DPupBuster-, does not have this bug. (But it cannot load any
sound drivers, which makes it sort of useless for me.)

Thanks in advance for any clue. BFN.
Last edited by musher0 on Tue 26 Feb 2019, 08:46, edited 1 time in total.
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#36 Post by musher0 »

watchdog wrote:libqpdf21 is reported already installed but the new libqpdf21_8.4.0-2 is required. So lists of packages are to be updated to find the new libqpdf.
Thanks for the add'l info, watchdog. But I still do not understand, sorry, it is quite late.
Do you mean like the "file cards" for progs and libs in /var/packages/built-in?
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#37 Post by watchdog »

I'm talking about lists of packages in PPM: "update database" --> Update Now
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#38 Post by perdido »

musher0 wrote:You're forgetting that I am the initiator of this thread, wiak.

If I had not started it, English-speakers would not have known about josejp2424's
wonderful DPupBuster. You do know, I presume, that José is a unilingual Spanish-
speaker, although he can read some French and some English.

Also, he authorized me to go public about it, otherwise I would not have started this
thread. (PM me if you want proof.) Hopefully he will soon be back from his travels
to voice his opinion.


If only you respected other peoples threads that way your remark would not be so hyporcritical.

At least wiak spells your name properly, unlike your replies in the MochMoppel threads when
you "respectfully" mis-spell his name while disrupting his developement.

wiak has a good point as the midori browser is a part of the original offering from the developer
of this puppy. You not being the developer should be happy to see the ideas being presented, not try
to limit the responses to just what you want, especially since you are not the developer.
musher0 wrote:Thanks for the accolade, Quintuple A.
Good copy-editors are generally well-hated. So you're buddy-buddy with perdido, eh?
Good copy editor? You are not an editor at all in this thread, though you have openly campaigned in the past to be given that
responsibility (mod) by Flash - which he wisely denied as it is obvious to all that you would be a tyrant if given that responsibility..

And by the way, I have had no correspondence with aaaaa nor do I know who he is (I have a pretty good idea though).
It appears he sees through your hypocritical bullshit the same way I do.

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#39 Post by musher0 »


Copy-editor regarding code, silly. NOT this forum.

For one thing, this forum is based in a country where there are no hate-speech
laws. (I got that info from nosystemdthanks maybe six months ago. I fell off my
chair, when he told me. Nobody expects the US of A to be so uncivilized under-
neath the facade.) So right there, a BIG reason why I'll NEVER be a candidate
for moderator in this forum. If the country itself cannot back forum moderation rules:
wow. Think about that for a minute. I once wanted to be a moderator on the French
side (5-6 years ago), but now that I know this? It's a huge NO.

Sincere thanks for mentioning my typo regarding my spelling of the nick
"MochiMoppel". You're the first to mention it. Not even he, ever did. I always
thought there was an "i" at the end, not an "l". Believe me if you will. I thought
"MochiMoppei" was an anime character or something like that. If it's an insult in
his language, I beg for MochiMoppeL's forgiveness.

I thought I was holding the fort until josejp2424 came back from his travels. I
thought all Puppyists would be glad about someone calling for and facilitating the
coming of a DPupBuster (see my original thread). I wasn't expecting being the
victim of a bunch of ingrates because of my co-operative attitude.

Neither was I expecting over a dozen woof-CE code errors and oversights to fly in
my face while trying to build one myself. One answer I got from devs is "it's been
fixed NOW." Yeah, sure. What about BEFORE?

Another answer I got from the major dev who handed me down the recipe is: "Oh, I
built the same, and it has no errors." Yeah, sure. Look man, I'm pushing 72, I was
not born yesterday. I know discrimination when I see it, especially that I am from a
minority myself. That looks a lot like a frame-up, like: "let's have fun looking at
Mikey fighting the errors we intentionally put in the woof-CE zip."

If it's not discrimination to protect the woof-CE coterie from certain power users, then
it's an utter lack of professionalism, of thoroughness. It's just a tad less worse. Then
you complain to the Better Business Bureau, not to the Human Rights Commission.

I don't know how josejp2424 got over those errors, but he did, and we should all be
grateful. I know I am. This Pup is one of the best I have ever come across, right up
there with iguleder's LibrePup and pemasu's UpupRaring.

When I asked about the quality of the woof-CE recipe handed down to me, José's
comment was: "It's an ok recipe, but it has errors." Quote-unquote. He used his
own, recipe, as I understand it, to build DPupBuster- Please notice the
version number: 2.

When I joined this forum and PuppyLinux 10 years ago, it was a welcoming place
to learn Linux and Puppy. It's become a wolf-eat-wolf kind of place.

In your hostile way, you do have a point, perdido. If anyone can suggest to me a
current forum and distro that is as hospitable as Puppy and this forum once were,
maybe I'll go there and leave you all to your sorry destiny.

Respectfully, nevertheless.
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#40 Post by aaaaa »

Discrimination, racism.

When some other trolls, like oui, are trolling, then it's not racism.

His big mouth is what brought this. One can ignore his rants everywhere, but when he's trying to do things he doesn't understand and then blame others for his mistakes.. that's crossing the line... it's discrimination!

The level of hipocrisy is disturbing, he trolls on somebody else's threads, becomes abusive and insulting, respectfully.

I haven't tested this iso or other dbup buster isos, but this is what probably happened.

First, philb666 created a recipe based mostly on the ubuntu puppies. That booted, certainly.

phil666 also said it can be turned into a pure debian pup, removing the ubuntu pet repos,
but by doing so some important pet packages must be compiled and included in dpup buster.

josejp used phil666's recipe as the base to create his own, with his own customizations, and musher gets to know about it.

musher0 opens a bug report in the Bug reports sections asking for help... does he know that the (e)udev pkg is probably missing?

musher0 opens a thread in the Projects sections and starts enjoying attention, trolling ensues.

God or another entity knows how many bugs he found, the only confirmed woofce bug and fixed days ago was the ppm bug detecting if another instance was already running.

That bug actually happened while trying to fix the same type of bug, in woofce there are many compat distro versions, so a fix may not work on all of them, but once it's identified, a generic fix is achieved.

There are several people here who know how to build isos and update them using woofce, musher0 is not of them, that's discrimination...
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