DPupBuster- published 17 Feb 2019

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#41 Post by musher0 »

aaaaa wrote:(...)
musher0 opens a bug report in the Bug reports sections asking for help... does he know
that the (e)udev pkg is probably missing?
Quintuple A,

Your coming up with this info here and now -- and not when I needed it -- entirely
proves my point.

You guys provided me with a tainted woof-CE package. Not just me, but potentially
any Puppy enthusiast interested in building his/her own Pup.

Thank you so much, Quintuple A. I sincerely was not expecting as much.

And thank you, Lord, for Quintuple A's simple-mindedness!
(Or maybe honesty, in a strange, convoluted, way.)
Last edited by musher0 on Tue 26 Feb 2019, 19:42, edited 1 time in total.
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#42 Post by aaaaa »

musher0 wrote:
aaaaa wrote:(...)
musher0 opens a bug report in the Bug reports sections asking for help... does he know that the (e)udev pkg is probably missing?(...)
Quintuple A,

Your coming up with this info here and now -- and not when I needed it -- entirely
proves my point.

You guys provided me with a tainted woof-CE package. Not just me, but any Puppy
enthusiast interested in building his/her own Pup.

Thank you so much, Quintuple A.

And thank you, Lord, for Quintuple A's simple-mindedness!
It's because you tried to do something you don't understand, read the whole reply.,

That somebody else can use it without problems proves my point.

Trying to achieve glory and recognition is all you want.
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#43 Post by musher0 »

aaaaa wrote:
musher0 wrote:
aaaaa wrote:(...)
musher0 opens a bug report in the Bug reports sections asking for help... does he know that the (e)udev pkg is probably missing?(...)
Quintuple A,

Your coming up with this info here and now -- and not when I needed it -- entirely
proves my point.

You guys provided me with a tainted woof-CE package. Not just me, but any Puppy
enthusiast interested in building his/her own Pup.

Thank you so much, Quintuple A.

And thank you, Lord, for Quintuple A's simple-mindedness!
It's because you tried to do something you don't understand, read the whole reply.,

That somebody else can use it without problems proves my point.

Trying to achieve glory and recognition is all you want.
It totally escapes you that I really like Puppy.
I do not wish to expand on this, but I had recognition, even received a prize, for what
I did in other fields. I do not need to receive recognition here.
PuppyLinux is a passion, period.

That you were not willing to help when someone asked proves my discrimination point.
It proves additionally that you need to prove yourself superior to other people.
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#44 Post by aaaaa »

musher0 wrote: It totally escapes you that I really like Puppy.
I do not wish to expand on this, but I had recognition, even received a prize, for what
I did in other fields. I do not need to receive recognition here.
PuppyLinux is a passion, period.

That you were not willing to help when someone asked proves my discrimination point.
It proves additionally that you need to prove yourself superior to other people.
I will never help an abusive person like you. A troll.

I wasn't reading the forum that much either, ignoring your posts is the best one can do. But your trolling went too far.

Unfortunately, Flash. The one who has banned many people including people who you abused, will not ban you.

That's why this forum is useless..

#45 Post by ITSMERSH »

aaaaa wrote:Unfortunately, Flash. The one who has banned many people including people who you abused, will not ban you.
That's why this forum is useless.
Oh my GOD!

A FORUM is / has become useless caused by one of its members?

Oh really, believe me:

- neither musher0, nor me one, nor anyone else member has the power to let this wonderful forum become useless!

Ok, I see you have joined the forum on 22nd of May in 2018 - which is really a short distance. I joined the forum in September 2011 (when I was just RSH) and I can tell FOR SURE:

- this is the best forum and the best community (including those in real life situations) I ever met and spent time in.

And I have complained and trolled a lot (from time to time, dependent on the point of view of the other guys being trolled or not)!

Ha ha, this forum being useless, tsts :lol:
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#46 Post by musher0 »

Everybody has a right to his/her opinion.
That's all it is, Quintuple A: an opinion. That's all it is.
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#47 Post by musher0 »

aaaaa wrote:Unfortunately, Flash. The one who has banned many people including people who you abused, will not ban you.
That's why this forum is useless.
Oh my GOD!

A FORUM is / has become useless caused by one of its members?

Oh really, believe me:

- neither musher0, nor me one, nor anyone else member has the power to let this wonderful forum become useless!

Ok, I see you have joined the forum on 22nd of May in 2018 - which is really a short distance. I joined the forum in September 2011 (when I was just RSH) and I can tell FOR SURE:

- this is the best forum and the best community (including those in real life situations) I ever met and spent time in.

And I have complained and trolled a lot (from time to time, dependent on the point of view of the other guys being trolled or not)!

Ha ha, this forum being useless, tsts :lol:
Hi Rainer.

Thanks for dropping by. I needed the distraction!

Useless? Sure! An interested person can earn a Ph. D. in Puppy and Linux just by
sticking around this forum.

Let destiny be. A couple of posts above, the man passed the noose around his neck.
Ah? I think his legs just stopped wiggling.

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#48 Post by aaaaa »

musher0 wrote:
aaaaa wrote:Unfortunately, Flash. The one who has banned many people including people who you abused, will not ban you.
That's why this forum is useless.
Oh my GOD!

A FORUM is / has become useless caused by one of its members?

Oh really, believe me:

- neither musher0, nor me one, nor anyone else member has the power to let this wonderful forum become useless!

Ok, I see you have joined the forum on 22nd of May in 2018 - which is really a short distance. I joined the forum in September 2011 (when I was just RSH) and I can tell FOR SURE:

- this is the best forum and the best community (including those in real life situations) I ever met and spent time in.

And I have complained and trolled a lot (from time to time, dependent on the point of view of the other guys being trolled or not)!

Ha ha, this forum being useless, tsts :lol:
Hi Rainer.

Thanks for dropping by. I needed the distraction!

Useless? Sure! An interested person can earn a Ph. D. in Puppy and Linux just by
sticking around this forum.

Let destiny be. A couple of posts above, the man passed the noose around his neck.
Ah? I think his legs just stopped wiggling.

I do read the forum, but when musher0 is polluting many threads i just tend to ignore the whole forum.

Such poison.

I already have PH.d I've read all the puppy scripts

#49 Post by ITSMERSH »

An interested person can earn a Ph. D. in Puppy and Linux just by
sticking around this forum.
I want this!

I need this!

I wanna get this Ph. D., too!

Can I have it without having read all the scripts (though, I'd read a whole lot of them already...)

How long do I need to stick around?

Please masters of the forum: give the Ph. D. to me at least next Christmas!

I'm sure, I've earned it! :lol:

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#50 Post by aaaaa »

If Flash is to do the right thing for the first time in his life, he will delete this thread and ban musher0.

musher0 cannot and will not update this project.

His one and only desire is glory and recognition, and he will end up trolling josejp if josejp decides to continue his work in this thread, because musher0 will no longer be the spotlight.

At that point, as he is unable to create a dpup buster iso even when anybody can do that, he will remaster josejp's iso and start a new thread with his creation.

And it will be his creation, no one else's, and the glory will be to him.

Come on Flash.. if you believe in human rights..

#51 Post by ITSMERSH »

musher0 cannot and will not update this project.
I have a few projects (hm, probably at least ten of them?) that I cannot update and am not willing to update - for several reasons.

Removing topics where the opener cannot and will not update might clean up the forum somehow. Banning its opener is a bad idea at all!

Regarding human rights:

- it's of course a human right to act as a human, which includes all the good, all the bad and all the ugly (just didn't met the ugly here)

I think it just needs a good mixed up base. And to fail even that from time to time is also just human!



Can I have that Ph. D. now? :lol:
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#52 Post by perdido »

musher0 wrote:@perdido:

Copy-editor regarding code, silly. NOT this forum.
I remember your ambitions to rid this forum of your perceived enemies. I have never seen you aspire to be code king, just moderator.
Thank goodness you are not.

For one thing, this forum is based in a country where there are no hate-speech
laws. (I got that info from nosystemdthanks maybe six months ago. I fell off my
chair, when he told me. Nobody expects the US of A to be so uncivilized under-
neath the facade.) So right there, a BIG reason why I'll NEVER be a candidate
for moderator in this forum. If the country itself cannot back forum moderation rules:
wow. Think about that for a minute. I once wanted to be a moderator on the French
side (5-6 years ago), but now that I know this? It's a huge NO.
You would jump on it if offered, it would suite your self-righteousness to a T and give you the authority to impose your will on people You wouldn't have
to insult and disrupt, just delete the threads and change wording to suit yourself. Code King.

Sincere thanks for mentioning my typo regarding my spelling of the nick
"MochiMoppel". You're the first to mention it. Not even he, ever did. I always
thought there was an "i" at the end, not an "l". Believe me if you will. I thought
"MochiMoppei" was an anime character or something like that. If it's an insult in
his language, I beg for MochiMoppeL's forgiveness.
Don't beg MochMoppel's forgiveness from me. Humble yourself and PM him properly. I would be suprised if he answers you though as you always
seem so insincere.

I thought I was holding the fort until josejp2424 came back from his travels. I
thought all Puppyists would be glad about someone calling for and facilitating the
coming of a DPupBuster (see my original thread). I wasn't expecting being the
victim of a bunch of ingrates because of my co-operative attitude.

Neither was I expecting over a dozen woof-CE code errors and oversights to fly in
my face while trying to build one myself. One answer I got from devs is "it's been
fixed NOW." Yeah, sure. What about BEFORE?

Another answer I got from the major dev who handed me down the recipe is: "Oh, I
built the same, and it has no errors." Yeah, sure. Look man, I'm pushing 72, I was
not born yesterday. I know discrimination when I see it, especially that I am from a
minority myself. That looks a lot like a frame-up, like: "let's have fun looking at
Mikey fighting the errors we intentionally put in the woof-CE zip."
If you believe that then you obviously don't belong here. I have seen you feighn racism and discrimination far too often in the forum, it is just one
of your ploys to get sympathy. Do you ever wonder why that when you start a topic or add a reply that mostly you get ignored?

If it's not discrimination to protect the woof-CE coterie from certain power users, then
it's an utter lack of professionalism, of thoroughness. It's just a tad less worse. Then
you complain to the Better Business Bureau, not to the Human Rights Commission.
Again with you claim of discrimination. Maybe you were given the most complete recipe 666philb had and he assumed you know enough to get it
up and running - I see he offered additional help and all you did was throw insults. Still throwing insults to someone that was trying to help you.

I don't know how josejp2424 got over those errors, but he did, and we should all be
grateful. I know I am. This Pup is one of the best I have ever come across, right up
there with iguleder's LibrePup and pemasu's UpupRaring.

When I asked about the quality of the woof-CE recipe handed down to me, José's
comment was: "It's an ok recipe, but it has errors." Quote-unquote. He used his
own, recipe, as I understand it, to build DPupBuster- Please notice the
version number: 2.
And you did not ask him what he would suggest to fix those errors? BTW, looking at that other thread I don't see where 666philb claimed the build
recipe was complete and he suggested a direction to take with it. I think you owe him an apology too. And Barry Kauler.
When I joined this forum and PuppyLinux 10 years ago, it was a welcoming place
to learn Linux and Puppy. It's become a wolf-eat-wolf kind of place.
You attack, insult and generally cause disarray in many threads. Is that not what you are describing here?

In your hostile way, you do have a point, perdido. If anyone can suggest to me a
current forum and distro that is as hospitable as Puppy and this forum once were,
maybe I'll go there and leave you all to your sorry destiny.
Anyone know a good place for musher0 to retire to?

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#53 Post by musher0 »

Nice charitable mindset you guys have.

The discussion should not be about me, it should be about José's DPupBuster.

Requesting a freeze of this thread until josejp2424 gets back from his travels.

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#54 Post by Flash »

Musher0, you've contributed a lot to this forum but it's like you use the forum to push things nearly to the point where you might get banned, then, when others don't like it, you act as if you've been wronged for no reason and you won't let the slightest perceived insult go without a reply. You've been doing this for years and everyone, including me, is really tired of having to put up with it.

Don't ask me to help you; I'm not a therapist. There are probably forums where mental health professionals would gladly offer you free advice and counsel. My job is to try to make this forum as useful as it can be. This includes banning troublemakers. I can't tell you how to clean up your act, but if you don't do it I'll ban you.
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#55 Post by darry19662018 »

Interesting Aaaa started the trolling on page,1 of this thread and kept harping on ever since interrupting the thread. I say good on Musher for bringing this pup to our attention.
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#56 Post by darry19662018 »

Now for something positive. Running this on my Dell D620 and gee it is beautiful to look - thank you josejp2424 for your hard work. Internet and sound all worked straight away. I am excited about working with this one.

I am using Icecat on this and no problems noticed so far.

Thank you Musher for bringing this Pup to the forum.
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#57 Post by musher0 »

My pleasure!
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#58 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

We wish our DPupBuster a brilliant career in Desktop Publishing using Scribus-1.4.7!

The Qt4 and podofo libs required by this Scribus version are included in the sfs. Please
see the attached tree for the full list of contents. The md5 checksum is attached as well.

(258 Bytes) Downloaded 55 times
Contents of this Scribus sfs
(11.03 KiB) Downloaded 66 times
(224.57 KiB) Downloaded 375 times
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#59 Post by darry19662018 »

Ok found an error in Buster - a segmentation fault when using gmail - did this in Firefox and GNU icecat, not in the default Midori. This error doesn't occur in Stretch or other Pups.

For the record my machine is Dell D620 - video is reported as....
VIDEO REPORT: Dpup Buster, version
Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz

X.Org X Server 1.20.3
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0

Chip description:

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: dbe

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): intel
Loaded modules: dbe dri2 dri3 evdev fbdevhw glx libinput present synaptics

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 1280x800 pixels (338x211 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM x86/MMX/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 18.3.2

Monitor : card0-LVDS-1
Model : H94824N141I1
WxH (cm) : 30x19

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
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#60 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

The man2html utility is very handy to read locally-stored man pages. DPupBuster-
does not have it. You can get it here:
http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/ma ... 1_i386.deb
Then go to your download directory and install it by double-clicking on it.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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