Dropbox Filemanager

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#101 Post by fredx181 »

Semme wrote:Xenial 7.5/32b, Fred. Haven't used it recently but it worked fine a few months back.
Thanks Semme, I tried on Xenial 7.5 by installing the pet from mikeb and it works ok without replacing dropbox_uploader.sh with the one I updated.
So it looks to me that on any newer Puppy version than Xenial, dropbox-gui doesn't work, but can be fixed with the above attached dropbox_uploader.sh
(btw, on Xenial 7.5, tried replacing dropbox_uploader.sh with the newer and still works ok, so... strange that you got that error you mentioned above)

@mikeb, this should support filenames with spaces:

Code: Select all

 add_selection () { 
	[ ! -f "$HOME/.dropbox_uploader-$PROFILE" ]&& return
	[ $BUTTON = 3 -a ! -h "$DIR/$CHOOSER" ]|| return #symlinks upset uploader...folders now handled...

		[ ! "$CHOOSER" ]&& return #otherwise loads folder!
#		rxvt -rv --geometry 80x10 -e dropbox_uploader.sh -k -p -f ~/.dropbox_uploader-"$PROFILE" upload $(while read -r line; do echo $DIR/$line; done <<< "$CHOOSER") "$REMOTE_DIR"

# fredx181, handle spaces in filenames
	in_term2 () {
		while read -r I; do
		dropbox_uploader.sh -k -p -f ~/.dropbox_uploader-"$PROFILE" upload "$DIR/$I" "$REMOTE_DIR/$I"
		done <<< "$CHOOSER"
		sleep 2
	export -f in_term2
	rxvt -rv -geometry 80x10 -e bash -c in_term2
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#102 Post by Semme »

All good Fred. Your updated script works a treat.

I did however have to clean out a few stale profile related items in ~/ before she synced.

I'm certain this was the hold-up.


8) Great (dev) method, Mike. Thank you for providing this pkg.
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#103 Post by mikeb »

Ah great fred. I will diff the new script and as you believe its probably curl.
And also thanks for the multiple file fix....I always get caught out with spaces in names :oops:

I will add these fixes and upload a new version when I get the chance.

Nice detective work,

Last edited by mikeb on Mon 18 Mar 2019, 09:50, edited 1 time in total.
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#104 Post by fredx181 »

mikeb wrote:Ah great fred. I will diff the new script and like you its probably curl.
And also thanks for the multiple file fix....I always get caught out with spaces in names :oops:

I will add these fixes and upload a new version when I get the change.

Nice detective work,

Glad to help Mike !
As a coincidence my Google-drive Filemanager program stopped working also, was able to fix it (but wasn't so easy :wink: )
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 85#1022085

Best regards, Fred
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#105 Post by mikeb »

Yes both fixes work just fine. Looks like a newer system affects the response file as that is the only change.
Shame to have to use such a clunky way to build the command line but as you must have found a simpler way is not possible.


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#106 Post by fredx181 »

Hi mikeb, any reason for not updating dropbox-gui with my latest proposed improvements ?

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#107 Post by mikeb »

Hi fred

I did I think a while ago but forgot to announce at the end of this thread :oops: ... assuming we are talking about the needed script update for curl and the fix for name spaces.

If its something else let me know.... my befuddled brain is a bit distracted at the moment.

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#108 Post by fredx181 »

mikeb wrote:Hi fred

I did I think a while ago but forgot to announce at the end of this thread :oops: ... assuming we are talking about the needed script update for curl and the fix for name spaces.

If its something else let me know.... my befuddled brain is a bit distracted at the moment.

Ah, sorry Mike, I assumed that you'd announce it and I forgot to look at first post. :oops:

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#109 Post by mikeb »

Worry not... at least I am not going mad in spite of pressure to do so :D

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#110 Post by Jake Grey »

Hi. Slightly embarrassing problem here. I managed to get your program installed, but when I get to the part where I'm supposed to input the access token, I can't copy and paste it: Ctrl+V and Ctrl+Shift+V just make a ^ symbol appear.

The obvious workaround would seem to be running "dropbox_uploader.sh" in LXTerminal, but I have no idea where to find it in /root.
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#111 Post by mikeb »

Ah yes... paste with middle mouse button OR shift insert might work for you.

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#112 Post by mikeb »

Seems my notifications have stopped again and my newly created email address is banned.. very odd.
So I may take a while to respond.

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#113 Post by Jake Grey »

Shift + Insert did the trick. Much obliged.
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#114 Post by sfeeley »

This is great!

I agree with the above poster that cut/paste instructions in the help section might be handy for those who don't normally touch a terminal

ALSO: This is just what I was looking for, and actually ADDS functionality to dropbox. I was looking for an easy way to download my entire dropbox to an external harddrive.
DB actually recommends against this, since disconnecting a harddrive can break synchronization and result in loss of files. They suggest downloading everything to an Internal HD first, and then copying to an external HD.
But my internal HD isn't big enough--I felt stuck!

But this allows a simple download to an external HD without the middle steps. And no auto synchronization (I suspect) means that this can't corrupt the web-stored files.

As such, I see this as handy to use in addition to, not as substitute for regular DB, which I plan to continue using for regular synchronization of more select files

Package this as a standalone and market to the masses?
(maybe this already exists but I didn't see it)
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unexpected selective sync

#115 Post by sfeeley »

Noticed one quirk, related to selective sync

On most of my computers I use the "selective sync" dropbox option, which allows me to choose which folders I want to have downloaded to my computer. This allows to have large files/directories only on DB cloud storage that are not filling up local drive on computer's small HD.

last night I used Computer A to upload files to DB using the filemanager.

On Computers B and C these files were automatically added to the list of directories for selective sync, and downloaded.
-When I look at the selective sync control, under settings, they appear with "check boxes" next to them that I did not add.

Any way to prevent this?
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#116 Post by mikeb »

Any way to prevent this?
Hmm I am assuming the default behaviour is to include newly added files to be synced.

I understand what you would like to happen and there may be a switch with the upload api but I do not know off the top of my head... one I will look into.

No notifications again :(

And yes a handy tool... its just a couple of bash scripts in essence. I also made a similar functioning web interface with again simplicity in mind.

As for cut and paste help that's a good idea.

Watch this (vacant) space

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