TazPuppy 5.0 rc2

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.

#841 Post by oui »

as it is possible to convert the tazpkg's into *.pets, did some one already try to convert


and to use it in puppy to look some youtube's using little browsers (midori etc.)
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#842 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:I'm not sure if it's updated but in the last version "beta 23" I have two fixes for:

Code: Select all

The first suggestion is to make the script architecture independent by putting something like the following at the top of the script:

Code: Select all

if [ -f /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf ]; then 
  . /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf #Comment this line out if you don't want to use distro defualts. 
note that where I have 'next64' as the default, you would put 'cooking' as the default. The point is to take the mirror and the release from slizaz.conf.

related to this in the function "download_pkgs", one has to replace "cooking" with "$DIRPKG" in the line

Code: Select all

wget -nc --timeout=10 $WEBSITE/packages/cooking/$pkgname.tazpkg -O cooking/slitaz-devx/$pkgname.tazpkg
with gives:

Code: Select all

wget -nc --timeout=10 $WEBSITE/packages/$DIRPKG/$pkgname.tazpkg -O $curdir/slitaz-devx/$pkgname.tazpkg
My second fix is to create all the necessary build directories. Around line #20 (now line #24) I have replaced:

Code: Select all

 if [ ! -e $curdir ]; then
  echo "Create working folder: $curdir"
  mkdir -p $curdir 2>/dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Failed to create working folder"
 echo "Usage: $cmd1 [working folder]" 
 echo "Creates DEVX module for compiling" 

Code: Select all

 curdir=`realpath "$1"`
 while read aDir; do
   if [ ! -e $aDir ]; then
     echo "Create working folder: $aDir"
     mkdir -p $aDir 2>/dev/null
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
       echo "Failed to create working folder $aDir"
 done <<EOM
 echo "Usage: $cmd1 [working folder]"
 echo "Creates DEVX module for compiling"

#cd $curdir
I found one more issue. In the function process_package we need to make the path to the receipt relative. Currently it is:

Code: Select all

. /receipt
but it should be

Code: Select all

. ./receipt
Last edited by s243a on Sun 03 Mar 2019, 00:15, edited 3 times in total.
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#843 Post by s243a »

oui wrote:Hi
as it is possible to convert the tazpkg's into *.pets, did some one already try to convert


and to use it in puppy to look some youtube's using little browsers (midori etc.)
Extract the package:

Code: Select all

tazpkg extract package.tazpkg
then use dir2pet to create a pet package.
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#844 Post by s243a »

I noticed something in the /etc/profile script that could be improved.

Around line one 170 we have the following code:

Code: Select all

for profile_script in $(ls -1 /etc/profile.d) ; do
    #xlog  "Sourcing $profile_script ..."
	[ "$(echo -n "$profile_script" | grep 'txt$')" != "" ] && continue
	. /etc/profile.d/$profile_script
The issue here is that sometimes in /etc/profile.d there are separate scripts depending on the shell. For instance if one installs "gawk" there is a script gawk.csh (for the c shel) and also a gawk.sh for bourne compatible shells like bash and ash. We need some kind of logic that checks for shell dependent implementations of the profile.d script and picks the version that best matches the shell (based on the extension).

For example in the csh version we have:

Code: Select all

alias gawkpath_default 'unsetenv AWKPATH; setenv AWKPATH `gawk -v x=AWKPATH "BEGIN {print ENVIRON[x]}"`'
but the setenv command only works for csh and not for bash, ash and dash.
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#845 Post by s243a »

I think TazPup has the following issue (I'll verify later) but the 64bit version I'm trying to make certainly has this issue.

I noticed the following error in the boot log:

Code: Select all

missing or unknown command

Usage: udevadm [--help] [--version] [--debug] COMMAND [COMMAND OPTIONS]

  info         query sysfs or the udev database
  trigger      request events from the kernel
  settle       wait for the event queue to finish
  control      control the udev daemon
  monitor      listen to kernel and udev events
  test         test an event run
  test-builtin test a built-in command
I was able to trace this error to line #32 to #35 of:

Code: Select all

if [ -d '/etc/udev/hwdb.d' ]; then
	echo 'Creating the udev hardware database...'
	udevadm hwdb --update
hwdb is not a valid command for udevadm as per the manpage:

Some versions of udevadm have a --reload option which might do what this statement is trying to achieve. However, I don't believe that the version of udevadm that comes with slitaz has this option.

#846 Post by oui »


As I did write divers messages with comments on SliTaz (without Pup) in the last day, and did see a new ISO serie appear at http://mirror/slitaz.org, I did try to make a step more in direction of TazPup and try to build with the old as well as with the new iso's. I did try it out Slitaz, out Tazpup and out Bionicpup64. as well 32 bit iso als 64 bit iso of course and as well local as onine :lol:

new iso's did be created, about 99 Mb. but no one able to start (kernel panik).

my goal would be have to build Tazpup64. Out whitch is for me total undifferent (I also die download als packages from SliTaz from above url .../packages/cooking and have them on the disk). Some examples of errors in the console:

root# ./clean-workspace.sh
Deleting slitaz-rootfs...
Deleting tazpup-preiso...
root# ./make-tazpup.sh
Preparing working folders...
Mounting slitaz-rolling-core64.iso...
Copying rootfs gz...
Extracting rootfs gz...
cpio: unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc
touch: cannot touch '/root/tazbuild/slitaz-rootfs/tmp/tazpkg-local.lock': No such file or directory

and 6 other for tazopkg0skipdep.lock etc.
Removing block device files...
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 11: can't open '/usr/bin/gettext.sh': No such file or directory

and 14 such analog lines for, that is the question!

Is there perhaps a more detailled text as the READ.ME?

Kind regards
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#847 Post by s243a »

oui wrote:Hi

As I did write divers messages with comments on SliTaz (without Pup) in the last day, and did see a new ISO serie appear at http://mirror/slitaz.org, I did try to make a step more in direction of TazPup and try to build with the old as well as with the new iso's. I did try it out Slitaz, out Tazpup and out Bionicpup64. as well 32 bit iso als 64 bit iso of course and as well local as onine :lol:

new iso's did be created, about 99 Mb. but no one able to start (kernel panik).
I actually did get get mistfire's build script to work with the slitaz-rolling-core64.iso but as mistfire note's in another post, this iso actually only has 64bit kernal modules. The actual binary libraries on the iso are 32 bits.
my goal would be have to build Tazpup64.
I actually started trying to do this. The last updload of my modfied build kit is at:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/owr19jmja3fak ... ar.gz?dl=0

but there are some untested changes. The way, I'm doing it the Slitaz iso is only to create the build system. By that I mean that the package manager is executed in a chroot environment located at:

Code: Select all

but the actual filesystem for the iso is located at:

Code: Select all

This works because with tazpkg there is a --root option that allows you to install packages under a different root then the root which tazpkg is ran under. From the function install_pkg() (located within the file make-tazpup_functions.sh)

Code: Select all

tazpkg $options install $bname --root=$prefix
root# ./clean-workspace.sh
Deleting slitaz-rootfs...
Deleting tazpup-preiso...
root# ./make-tazpup.sh
Preparing working folders...
Mounting slitaz-rolling-core64.iso...
Copying rootfs gz...
Extracting rootfs gz...
cpio: unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc
touch: cannot touch '/root/tazbuild/slitaz-rootfs/tmp/tazpkg-local.lock': No such file or directory

and 6 other for tazopkg0skipdep.lock etc.

There isn't enough info for me to troubleshoot here. Try executing the script like this:

Code: Select all

sh -x  ./clean-workspace.sh 2>&1 | tee build.log
then open up build.log in a text editor like geany.
Removing block device files...
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 11: can't open '/usr/bin/gettext.sh': No such file or directory[/size]
and 14 such analog lines for, that is the question!

Is there perhaps a more detailled text as the READ.ME?

Kind regards
Look in

Code: Select all

and see if the file is there. I suspect it isn't. You can either copy this file from a puppy or TazPup iso or you can install the gettext package.

P.S. if you actually try my buildscript then either edit or delete the file that says "defaults". For instance if you delete the following two lines:

Code: Select all

then the script will prompt you for the location of these ISOs. Note that I don't don't have an ISO with a properly configured window manager yet, so you might want to wait a bit.
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#848 Post by mistfire »

TazPuppy beta 25 released

* Basic cache cleaning. This will trigger the cleaner on the following scenarios:
+ Upon shutdown if the save session was a save file or in multisession mode
+ When periodic save on flash ran or execute save2flash
+ When the free disk memory was below 10%

This also can be run manually by typing this command

Code: Select all

sudo purge-cache.sh
* Basic Mouse Wizard for configuring mouse
* Some fixes

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYze6N ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: c6b570bda89f5b4ce47af14235c22326

Build kit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sNyesb ... sp=sharing
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#849 Post by wiak »

mistfire wrote:TazPuppy beta 25 released

* Basic cache cleaning. This will trigger the cleaner on the following scenarios:
+ Upon shutdown if the save session was a save file or in multisession mode
+ When periodic save on flash ran or execute save2flash
+ When the free disk memory was below 10%
The only one I'm not personally convinced about is that last on - freeing up cache. I experimented with that years ago and certainly it appears nice when for example the 'free' command shows more free RAM available. However, I stopped using such purge cache routines because I now accept that Linux does a pretty good and more intelligent job at freeing up cache automatically when it needs more actual free RAM. Cache is important since it speeds things up when data needs to be re-used and Linux kernel itselfs will release cache when it is actually needed; I.e. it won't allow the system to collapse until really there is no free RAM left despite all cache having been auto-purged. You can prove that by observing free RAM plus cache by continually running the 'free' command whilst adding more and more heavy HTML paged to tabs in your browser: then you will observe Linux itself freeing up cache to provide the extra RAM these new tabs need. Eventually, no more cache is available to free up, the RAM free itself runs out, and the system will freeze...

But no manual purge cache script is required or even good.

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#850 Post by mistfire »

@wiak the basic cache cleaning was not cleaning ram, but it was cleaning the pup_rw layer in order to minimize the disk usage and utilize ang free disk space very well
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#851 Post by wiak »

mistfire wrote:@wiak the basic cache cleaning was not cleaning ram, but it was cleaning the pup_rw layer in order to minimize the disk usage and utilize ang free disk space very well
Okay, thanks mistfire.
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#852 Post by darry19662018 »

mistfire wrote:TazPuppy beta 25 released

* Basic cache cleaning. This will trigger the cleaner on the following scenarios:
+ Upon shutdown if the save session was a save file or in multisession mode
+ When periodic save on flash ran or execute save2flash
+ When the free disk memory was below 10%

This also can be run manually by typing this command

Code: Select all

sudo purge-cache.sh
* Basic Mouse Wizard for configuring mouse
* Some fixes

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYze6N ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: c6b570bda89f5b4ce47af14235c22326

Build kit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sNyesb ... sp=sharing
Wow late to the party. This has come along way Mistfire - very nice - a good pup indeed.
Puppy Linux Wiki: [url]http://wikka.puppylinux.com/HomePage[/url]

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#853 Post by thinkpadfreak »


I heard from another user of tazpuppy that on beta 25 mplayer requires libjpeg.so.9 and that it does not start.
So I advised him to update libjpeg package, and mplayer started.

But he reports that, after the update, x stopped starting, complaining about missing libjpeg.so.8.

I wonder if this issue is due to slitaz system (repository or software database, or some other things).
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#854 Post by mistfire »

@thinkpadfreak take a look at this forum
http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/after-20t ... rt-its-gui

They upgrade the libjpeg

I suggest this solution:
1. Boot TazPuppy without X using pfix=nox boot parameter
2. On TazPuppy terminal login as root
3. Use this the following command

Code: Select all

tazpkg recharge
tazpkg upgrade
4. Restart the TazPuppy by typing reboot and press enter
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#855 Post by thinkpadfreak »

Thank you, mistfire.

I will tell Japanese Forum members about the solution.
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#856 Post by darry19662018 »

Mmmm since upgrade I have had GDbus error at the start.

Other than that upgrade went smoothly.
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#857 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:Mmmm since upgrade I have had GDbus error at the start.

Other than that upgrade went smoothly.
This won't be enough info to help yet but might give some insite into what is going on:
gdbus — Tool for working with D-Bus objects


Invokes a method on a remote object. Each argument to pass to the method must be specified as a serialized GVariant except that strings do not need explicit quotes. The return values are printed out as serialized GVariant values.
With this information, it's easy to use the call command to display a notification

Code: Select all

$ gdbus call --session \
             --dest org.freedesktop.Notifications \
             --object-path /org/freedesktop/Notifications \
             --method org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify \
             my_app_name \
             42 \
             gtk-dialog-info \
             "The Summary" \
             "Here's the body of the notification" \
             [] \
             {} \
(uint32 12,)
Monitoring all objects on a service:

Code: Select all

$ gdbus monitor --system --dest org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Monitoring signals from all objects owned by org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit is owned by :1.15
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.ActiveChanged (false,)
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat1: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat.ActiveSessionChanged ('',)
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.ActiveChanged (true,)
/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat1: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat.ActiveSessionChanged ('/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2',)

Some potentially useful further reading:
GIO Reference Manual: Migrating to GDBus
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/371 ... us-signals
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#858 Post by darry19662018 »

Thanks mate at work will give more details later.
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#859 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:Thanks mate at work will give more details later.
I have a wild hunch. Run the command:

Code: Select all

ps -aux | grep kit
I think for lxde you want to have either polkit or console-lot kit running. If they aren't running they can be manually started with the commands:

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The packages might also be able to be started via dbus if the permissions are right...I say this because when I was googling for this type of error, I didn't see anyone suggesting that we manually start these daemons...with the execption of the gentoo wiki. In gentoo there seems to be a script to start the consolekit daemon in init.d but this doesn't seem to be the case in SliTaz.

P.S. one might find more dbus related error messages in:

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#860 Post by darry19662018 »

Hi s243a,

Here is the pop up message that appears when desktop starts
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files
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