2004 ASUS M5000 X not working puppy 4.3.1, lupu 5.1.1 5.2.5

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2004 ASUS M5000 X not working puppy 4.3.1, lupu 5.1.1 5.2.5

#1 Post by sindi »

Very nice 12" non-glare non-widescreen 2004 Pentium M laptop which I can find no information about online except for memory. 512MB microDIMMs (2x256MB, expensive stuff, though larger SODIMMs do exist).. Wifi and sound work. Lovely keyboard and very portable. CPU speed test 23 blowfish, 49 cryptohash (very respectable for its age).

No USB boot but CD drive works. I do not have lupu2016 on CD just flash drive.

Lupu's with 2.6 kernels:
Lupu - kernel panic
Lupu 5.2.5 - no X. xorgwizard runs but exits to prompt. kernel
Lupu 5.1.1 - VESA driver works but as soon as I click to accept settings,
it exits to prompt. Xorg exited to prompt.

Puppy 4.3.1 (kernel - Xorg works (1024x768x24). While trying to install using grub I switched to a VT to edit menu.lst and now if I try to switch back to X, I get a black screen which I cannot get out of.
I hear the (quiet) fan and the CD will not eject. Power off.

Wary 5.5 (kernel Xorg 7.3 works. Simple Network Setup DHCP fails. The regular network setup works (wifi). Sound works.
I copied the suggested lines to the middle of menu.lst but did not get a boot menu when I rebooted (it went to DOS). I did not try switching to and from VT. (I am not familiar with plain GRUB).

Tahr 6.0.5 boots straight to X then immediately exits X with a page of errors. including "Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt".

Preceded by unable to handle kernel paging request at ....., and lists of Stack and Call Trace. Ending in panic occurred, switching back to text console. The computer no longer responds but the screen shows text..

Many other linux users had the same problem (Ubuntu, Centos) and one figured out that the problem occurs with kernels newer than 2.6.32.
In 2.6.32 or older the computer still sometimes shuts down randomly possibly due to overheating (in 1 min use?).

Wary seems to work (though i have not tested the VT video problem). Where do I put the lines for wary in menu.lst?

I also have a 2004 Compaq V5000 that freezes up if I try to switch from X to a virtual terminal. Bad year for linux?
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WARY 5.5 works on ASUS M5000 booted from live CD

#2 Post by sindi »

Wary works if I leave the CD in it and it copies itself to RAM from the hard drive. I can switch from X to a VT and back. Wifi is working.
No kernel panics, sudden shutdowns, or exits to text console.
But I would like to boot without the CD.

Every example of a grub menu.lst file is different.
root (hd0,1) or rootnotify (hd0,1) or rootnoverify (hd0,1) etc.

I ran grub first to install grub before running the wary install program
and choosing /mnt/sda2/boot/grub for menu.lst. Is there a puppy
with kernel 2.6.32 that includes grub4dos?

Only 3.5 lb without the power supply and much nicer than a netbook from 2008.
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Youtube viewer solid blue, but Lupu 525 retro works

#3 Post by sindi »

Wary works (from live CD) but youtube-viewer displays solid blue.
Pale Moon is missing libdbus and libdbus-glib. If I copy them from lupu there are other problems with libxul. Qtweb and Seamonkey do not play Youtube.

Grub iin wary nformed me that I needed to make sda2 bootable.
Unlike puppy 4.3.1, wary 5.5 comes with grub4dos.

There is a 129MB lupu 5.2.5 retro with kernel 2.6.30 (from 4.3.1) .
Regular Lupu 5.2.5 has worked on other computers where failed.

The video works here (as does grub4dos). Palemoon works.
SNS found over 25 signals and the OK button is off the bottom of the page (1024x768). net-setup.sh has no such problems.

Youtube plays in Palemoon at 360p.. To get more than 360p turn off async turn on webm in Content, but then 480p does not play (endless circle chasing its tail).. Wifi signal is gone. (Our wifi router needs rebooting again). Back soon.
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lupu 5.2.5 retro video works

#4 Post by sindi »

480p in palemoon works, maybe a bit jerkily.

youtube-viewer (non-gtk) 480p 40-76% total cpu (including cupsd and other nonessentials) at 480p and around 70% RAM. 85% 720p a non-widescreen video. Widescreen might even work if not too much action.
(The cde-exec package).

My 2004 SONY laptop plays 720p (barely). Good video card/chip despite the challenges. It is lovely to have so many puppies to choose from. I have not needed this one before. .

This laptop is a keeper.
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