Slimjet web browser

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Mike Walsh
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#181 Post by Mike Walsh »

Personally, I've tried the latest Slimjet release (, but try as I might, I cannot get NetFlix to run in it. So I've gone back to, which works fine (and is still fairly 'current').

@ pp4mnklinux:-

You might need to install the newest available version of ffmpeg. It's usually available on the site, somewhere.

Here ya go:-

Actually, that might be my problem, too. Apparently, you have to update ffmpeg every time you upgrade Slimmie, to match the Blink engine version number.... I'll have to try this again; Oscar mentioned this quite some time back, but I'd forgotten about it.

Mike. :wink:
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#182 Post by OscarTalks »

Any pop up about audio/video is probably just a notification to tell you that if you want full codec support including H.264/MP4 you have to download and install your own "chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra" library package.

Slimjet are not able to distribute this full version (no licence) so they ship with a more basic one.

To test, use this page and look to see if the H.264/MP4 video displays and plays:-

My experimental packages of already have this upgrade included.

I have now modified these a little to remove the internal run-as-spot command.
( This was not working in BionicPup32 )
They must now be run as spot using the Puppy system.

After installing Slimjet
Menu > System > Login and Security Manager
Tick the box to run Slimjet as spot

RE Netflix
I have also included the widevine library but am unable to test.
This is the version which I downloaded using the get-widevine script within Vivaldi so should be the latest version in case it has to match with the chromium base ??
Oscar in England
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#183 Post by pp4mnklinux »

Thanky, but I think I'm going to continue using slj21. I dont want to spen time modifying my puppy, It's possible than with version 25 I'll modify it, but now.....

Have a nice day u all
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#184 Post by roadkill13 »

Thank you for this. Now running on dpup-stretch 7.5CE
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#185 Post by Marv »

I'm running both the 32b and 64b Slimjet Version with no issues noted to date in the current LxPupSc, LxPupSc64, and upupdd. No netflix use here so I can't speak to that, but youtubes and general streaming (screaming) content are fine.

I downloaded the debs from slimjet, extracted them, and repackaged them as SFS, adding the libs rqd. for the slackware derivs and the current full ffmjpegs. Profiles and cache are on my EXT2 data partition as usual. Also, as usual, I used peebees run-as-spot scripts as a template for my startup scripts. Thanks due there.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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