xombrero 1.4.0

Browsers, email, chat, etc.

See topic about Qt-apps in the forum.

#21 Post by Pelo »

Qt offers some nice applications (databases) for my personal use. Tharpup has Qt libs included. take advantage of it.
However, a glance at QT-apps site make an evidence they are missing devs. Applications are old and many don't work for Puppy Linux. Associations subscribers works. See topic about Qt-apps in the forum.
The topic by oui was Xombrero, the browser. A mi me gusta. Xombrero me va. They are so many browsers available. I don't get any sucesses with links and Dillo if i want to surf in my garden. Xombrero is much easier to use. No need to answer to English questions to go your website. However there are these trollitos (emoticons) that can bring some Linuxians to nervous breakdown. Not me :)

what is xombrero able to do today in March 2019

#22 Post by oui »

Xombrero is one of the most smaller browser really with wide performances.

it is one of the most secure browser as it was designed for this purpose. using Xombrero,

you can meet 2 very different situations after installation (only depending of the pre-/settings): - a comfortable environment appears (remember browsers like Seamonkey or Firefox) with a commando line at the head to enter the url's or searching terms
- nothing of that, a white papersheet appears, you have to enter all details in a bottom line like in the editors as VI, VIM etc.

(a mixed presentation can also be set: the commando line on top is present but don't react; you have to enter all things into the bottom line like in VI. The selection of colours in the system is important: it's happens, that is not an error from Xombrero but an settings error of your distributor, that you see about nothing, if both colours background and text have not enough contrast like yellow and light grey!)

- Xombrero is a tabbed browser, CTRL T is generally used to open a next tab
- Xombrero shows the web pages like Seamonkey or Firefox do
- Xombrero is able to show and listen youtube
- Xombrero is able to use libflashplayer.so generally placed in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
- Xombrero can show all texts, pictures and videos
- in little editor windows within a webpage, like here in the forum webpage, is xombrero able to make spelling check using hunspell (check in /usr/lib/hunspell if your system has the adequate dictionaries of your language or languages). Xombrero search in each dictionary (can be of different languages but the check is only if the writing form occurs in one of the language, not if it correspond to the used language!) named in the file /etc/xombrero.conf or ~/.xombrero.conf (attention: don't forget the "." in second case!). Other detail: the 2 lines concerning spelling in that file have to be uncommented! It is important!!!
- Xombrero can remember passwords on web pages over the session to the next session if correctly set for that
- Xombrero uses a bookmarks file (a simple text file in one of both /etc/xombrero/ or ~/.xombrero but you can mark the bookmarks directly at browsing time into the BOTTOM commando line!
- Xombrero can use an home page. both is possible: online or on your HD for ex. in /usr/share/thatOrThat
- Xombrero stay probably the most secure browser

(pls read that !)

you can test all those performances in SliTaz (able at the second start of Xombrero alt. the third start concerning the memoring of password for ex. into this forum, and it is, of course, not possible to verify that in a frugal start!), actual ISO's March 2019,

(how to test it frugal? I assume you use grub4dos setting up by Puppy, so you have in /menu.lst the number of your partition? download at http://mirror.slitaz/org/iso in a new dir named /Zslitaz. Hit with rox on the icon of the ISO being now in that dir, copy per drag and drop the files bzImage64 and rootfs,gz into the dir /Zslitaz and add those 4 line (excepted the UUID! you MUST use your own UUID in both lines!) into you actual menu.lst:
title SliTaz live (sda1/Zslitaz)
find --set-root uuid () 8a144896-00e5-4d98-b482-06cff90282a8
kernel /Zslitaz/bzImage64 pdrv=8a144896-00e5-4d98-b482-06cff90282a8 psubdir=/Zslitaz pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck
initrd /Zslitaz/rootfs.gz
if starting in graphic mode doesn't go, add in the third line:
kernel /Zslitaz/bzImage64 pdrv=8a144896-00e5-4d98-b482-06cff90282a8 psubdir=/Zslitaz screen=text
you will start with this extended line in text mode and can immediately after the login (root password is root; you can both login als root or as user tux, user tux needs only for sudo a password)

# sudo tazpkg recharge #(enter or recharge the packages list)
# sudo tazx # rebuild your X environment
# sudo startx # (slim will not appear as you already are logged in ;-)

menu is on top left

Apllications > systemtools >> sakura

install for youtube and xombrero

# tazpkg -gi libfirefox # for youtube! but it is not enough if flash is required!
# tazpkg -gi Xombrero
# tazpkg -gi hunspell # look the content of /usr/share/hunspell and complete it

you have now 3 browsers: TazWeb, Midori (with private midori) and Xombrero

open Xombrero one time and quit immediately (it is now already in the menu but you can enter xombrero in sakura)

start Xombrero for the second time and wonder and test!

you can so compare TazWeb, the most simple one, Midori (I did not find some spell check for Midori), with Xombrero having above performances!

good luck!

#23 Post by oui »

Posts: 1411
Joined: Wed 05 Nov 2008, 00:35
Location: PH

#24 Post by mistfire »

@oui using Slitaz? you can try also TazPuppy (Slitaz-Puppy hybrid) if you have time.
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