TazPup64 (pre-alpha17) - getting close to alpha quality

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

#41 Post by oui »

Hi s243a


I don't follow at all the discussion of SliTaz makers in the SliTaz forum and in the blackboards / per msg , so I don't know what is the actual status from next SliTaz and the integration of LXQT or not (it did begin to work fine with the actual SliTaz 5). A 4th front is already opened as SliTaz seems to have decided to go back to the design with Russian dolls (a wonderful design really, a big progress as it makes the base levels really clear

a- without X and just running well nothing more
b- without X and full operable with full i/o's 'd enough tools
d- with X and full operable with enough tools with dialogs
e- with X and full operable with TazWeb for TazPanel and some really tiny app's
f- with X just able for media

more is matter of TazPkg and TazFlavours

This design create needs for the system architecture because SliTaz did renounce to JWM as main window manager but the discussion about LXQT and the presence of it makes the transition between d- and e- to be problematic! How to do that?

(SliTaz did not recognize until know that it needs to go back to JWM with or without JWM menu automatic to permit to select some other window manager. Puppy would be able to solve that with some dotsfs :wink: )

Because of the TazPanel, a really beautiful progress compared with the poor Puppy dialogs, with a central position in the SliTaz system architecture, SliTaz is dependant of some webkit or webengin and as SliTaz is and stay a tiny distro probably from first webkitgtk release working really well (as I did note testing Deepin! Don't disturb a running system...) (*2. As long as it will be possible to get access to 99 % of the web pages with midori or xombrero (offering spell check etc.), and it continues to be so actually, no need to change to .. To what? That is also your question! The only one problem is, regarding TazPanel needs SliTaz an integrated Browser at starting point from stages -e and -f (Puppy needs nothing: it can start without some browser in the main dotsfs as it can it per supplementary dotsfs with or without starting script as RSH does!).

It is wrong to include as permanent part some browser in the main dotsfs because of the different dependencies (excepted you go back to some browser like link2 needing poor depencies)!

Browser ARE the stuff in Linux having always required the most updating (in the past with Wine. I suppose that Wine is better now under this point of view...)

I find that mplayer is a super stuff and I would like to see Xine comes back with power!
Barry Kauler did also announce us such a design at his time!

kind regards

(*0 I did not read all the thread, sorry!

(*1 intended for Puppy: an intermediate level would be here possible:

c- without X and full operable with full i/o's 'd enough tools including handling of SFS-packages on the non graphic system

and would open the way to grow the system only per dotsfs files!

adding the abilities that RSH did show us in his T.O.P.L.E.S.S. it would possible to start per config file selected by grub entries in the modified initrd.gz from RSH which system (and requirement to your machine!) you start: simply text, just X JWM only, just X LXDE, just X LXQT etc. (following slax with an adequate kde.sfs like we have for KDE4 till real KDE environment!). The depository from RSH for his modular Puppy is extremely impressive...)

next step: remastering such a modular system without to unmont the dotsfs packages, you get a pure ISO of your actually running configuration!

(*2 no problem with youtube in TazWeb if libfirefox is installed! Same in Deepin if flashplugin, version for FF (Deepin has 3 versions), is in! Have you some youtube links beeing difficult to test then?
Terry H
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#42 Post by Terry H »

I have doe a manual frugal install of PreAlpha7 on my Dell Core i5-5200U laptop to see how you're progressing.

Booting with screen=text had to log in as root, tux not working gives password error.

Running startx-jwm Boots to desktop without wallpaper and an incomplete panel. Desktop launchers generate Execute File dialog when clicked, but those checked ran OK when I selected Execute. I loaded wifi driver, but haven't tried wifi in jwm.

Running /root/.xsession generated desktop with LXDE wallpaper, but generated a GDBUS error message. There was no panel, so had to use pcmanfm launcher (same execute file dialog as jwm) to access executables to run anything.

Attempted to connect to wifi from tazpanel > Network. After scan, attempting to select any of the available networks did nothing. So didn't proceed any further.

I also logged in without screen=text. It allowed me to login as tux, with same Openbox/LXDE desktop. I got the same GDBUS error and had same functionality as /root/.xsession.

I have successfully created a Save Folder.

So good job so far. If you want anything run to assist debugging just let me know. I can post log files if required.
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#43 Post by s243a »

Terry H wrote: Booting with screen=text had to log in as root, tux not working gives password error.
Thanyou :) I'll look into this.
Attempted to connect to wifi from tazpanel > Network. After scan, attempting to select any of the available networks did nothing. So didn't proceed any further.
When you click on one of the available WiFi networks it should populate the fields in the connection settings area of the panel.

Code: Select all

Network SSID: 
Alternatively, you can manually fill in this information. The Network SSID: is the name that comes up when you scan for networks. Security is usually WPA2, (unless you have something very old) and the last field is your password.

Running /root/.xsession generated desktop with LXDE wallpaper, but generated a GDBUS error message. There was no panel, so had to use pcmanfm launcher (same execute file dialog as jwm) to access executables to run anything.
I also logged in without screen=text. It allowed me to login as tux, with same Openbox/LXDE desktop. I got the same GDBUS error and had same functionality as /root/.xsession.
I think that I forget to install tint2 on the last release. Tint2 can be installed from the package manager. To get it to load add it to the autostart file. Located at:

Code: Select all

You add a line to it like this "@tint2", than tint2 should start. The version of lxpanel, which is available via the package manager on the next64 branch doesn't seem to work for some reason. Maybe I could try an older version or attempt to compile it. As an alternative LxPup uses lxpanelx instead of lxpanel. Perhaps this is the way fowrward, if we want to use the lxde desktop.

Note that I've been focusing more on jwm than lxde since I've had better luck with jwm so far.
Desktop launchers generate Execute File dialog when clicked, but those checked ran OK when I selected Execute
I haven't experienced this issue. I wonder if your mouse buttons might be backwards.
Running /root/.xsession generated desktop with LXDE wallpaper, but generated a GDBUS error message. There was no panel, so had to use pcmanfm launcher (same execute file dialog as jwm) to access executables to run anything.
So good job so far. If you want anything run to assist debugging just let me know. I can post log files if required.
If so some reason things are broken like this then one can go to the

Code: Select all

folder where they can either click on the desktop icons or right click -> open with geany -> and look at the Exec line. Then type something like this line into the terminal and see what happens.

If for some reason pcmanfm doesn't let you open a terminal you can select "run a command" from the top menus in pcmanfm window and type in the name of the terminal (e.g. lxterminal)

An alternative way to open application, is to right click on the background. This will bring up the openbox menu. For some reason I wasn't able to properly configure the openbox menu but I haven't tried for a to do this for a few releases, so I don't know what state the lxde desktop is in.
Last edited by s243a on Sat 06 Apr 2019, 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
Terry H
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Location: The Heart of Muskoka, ON Canada

#44 Post by Terry H »

s243a wrote:When you click on one of the available WiFi networks it should populate the fields in the connection settings area of the panel.

Network SSID:

Alternatively, you can manually fill in this information. The Network SSID: is the name that comes up when you scan for networks. Security is usually WPA2, unless you have something very old and the last field is your password.
That was my expectation, but clicking on any of the SSID's had no effect, even though they appear as links, nothing happens when clicked.

I should have also mentioned I did attempt to manually populate the fields, but again I could not enter any thing in the fields to manually set it up. I'll see what config files I can copy from tazpup to get it working.
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#45 Post by s243a »

Terry H wrote:
s243a wrote:When you click on one of the available WiFi networks it should populate the fields in the connection settings area of the panel.

Network SSID:

Alternatively, you can manually fill in this information. The Network SSID: is the name that comes up when you scan for networks. Security is usually WPA2, unless you have something very old and the last field is your password.
That was my expectation, but clicking on any of the SSID's had no effect, even though they appear as links, nothing happens when clicked.

I should have also mentioned I did attempt to manually populate the fields, but again I could not enter any thing in the fields to manually set it up. I'll see what config files I can copy from tazpup to get it working.
I didn't mention this because I didn't want to complicate things but you could copy the following file from tazpup:

Code: Select all

and if you do this I think that networking should start at boot. Regarding nothing, happening, when you click on a wifi network, I thought I fixed this issue (see post and pastbin file). There were some mistakes in the related server cgi files that I had fixed. These are located in:

Code: Select all

anyway, if you start tazpanel from the command line and tell me what errors you get, then I might be able to help you fix this :)
Terry H
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Location: The Heart of Muskoka, ON Canada

#46 Post by Terry H »

s243a wrote: .
I didn't mention this because I didn't want to complicate things but you could copy the following file from tazpup:

Code: Select all

and if you do this I think that networking should start at boot. Regarding nothing, happening, when you click on a wifi network, I thought I fixed this issue (see post and pastbin file). There were some mistakes in the related server cgi files that I had fixed. These are located in:

Code: Select all

anyway, if you start tazpanel from the command line and tell me what errors you get, then I might be able to help you fix this :)
I logged back in using jwm, tazpanel was working this time, wifi setup OK now. The wlan0.conf was what I was referring to, to copy from tazpup, but wasn't necessary.
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#47 Post by s243a »

I just converted the recent opera browser to a .tazpkg. I think it is a bit slower than palemoon and firefox but with better quality sound and graphics rendering.

here is the download link for the Opera browser:

I'm having similar youtube issues with Oprea as firefox and palemoon:

The unsupported video formats are H.264 and MSE & H.264. Here is an example of a video that won't play for me:

I will note that youtube says that these two formats are hardware dependent so it is possible it is not a software issue.

Edit: The following thread looks like it might be helpful:
https://unix.stackexchange.com/question ... d-opensuse
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#48 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:I discovered a youtube page which tells you what HTML5 formats that your browser supports:
Currently, the firefox from the tazpup package manager supporting:
Media Source Extensions
WebM VP8
MSE & WebM VP9

what is unsupported is:
MSE & H.264

I might take a look at one of the portable sfs versions of firefox developed on this forum instead and try that instead of the one supplied by the tazpup package manager.
I found a way to get these two video formats working for the opera browser.

Download the amd64 version of the package located at:
https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-upda ... mpeg-extra

Extract this package using uextract. From the extracted folder copy the file

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

I recommend backing up the old version of libffmpeg.so

Note that I took the version from xenial because the version from bionic requires too new a version of glibc.

On a related note I don't think I need ffmpeg and if I decide to use opera as the browser for the next release then I don't need xine or the MozPlugger plugin. The chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra is part of the ubuntu meta package "ubuntu-restricted-addons". The other packages which are dependencies of this meta-package are gstream plugins and as I note above I don't think these gstreamer plugins are required. As a side note these are only recommended dependencies so if one has their package manager set to not download recommended packages then they won't be downloaded.
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#49 Post by s243a »

I think I might of forgot to include the mount-FULL in my last release. The following files were taken from Slacko64-

I included the complete list of them for completeness but I think it was only mount-FUll that I might have forgoten to include.
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#50 Post by s243a »

In my not yet released version, I included the following code in my startx_jwm script:

Code: Select all

# Shutdown menu calls wmreboot, wmpoweroff, wmexit or restartwm, which create this file...
WMEXITMODE="`cat /tmp/wmexitmode.txt`"
if [ "$WMEXITMODE" = "exit" ];then #see /usr/bin/wmexit.
	rm -f /tmp/wmexitmode.txt
[ "$WMEXITMODE" = "poweroff" ] && exec /sbin/poweroff #see /usr/bin/wmpoweroff
[ "$WMEXITMODE" = "reboot" ] && exec /sbin/reboot #see /usr/bin/wmreboot

this code was taken from puppies xwin script. The point of it is for shutdown. The code is in this scipt because it is not a subprocess of any scripts utilizing the Xserver and therefore won't be killed when when the xserver shuts down.

Here is where the xorg server is shutdown (in /usr/bin/wmexit):

Code: Select all

for i in xfce4-panel lxsession lxqt-session `cat /etc/windowmanager` jwm icewm openbox X Xorg
	for pid in `pidof $i` ; do
		kill $pid || kill -9 $pid

At the end of the funciton I used the code here from a recent version of woofCE.
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#51 Post by s243a »

Here's some packages not in the SliTaz repo:
libgstreamer_plugins_bad1.0-1.10.4-1_x86_64.tazpkg (untested)

The flash_player will work in firefox but I believe that it is disabled by default. In palemoon it is not deisabled by default. I'm not sure when someone might want to use the plugin libgstreamer_plugins_bad. I created it from debian binaries before I figured out how to get MSE & H.264 videos working.

gdmap is by far the most useful of the above three packages if you are working with limited storage space.
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#52 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:
s243a wrote:I discovered a youtube page which tells you what HTML5 formats that your browser supports:
Currently, the firefox from the tazpup package manager supporting:
Media Source Extensions
WebM VP8
MSE & WebM VP9

what is unsupported is:
MSE & H.264

I might take a look at one of the portable sfs versions of firefox developed on this forum instead and try that instead of the one supplied by the tazpup package manager.
I found a way to get these two video formats working for the opera browser.

Download the amd64 version of the package located at:
https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-upda ... mpeg-extra

Extract this package using uextract. From the extracted folder copy the file

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

I recommend backing up the old version of libffmpeg.so

Note that I took the version from xenial because the version from bionic requires too new a version of glibc.

On a related note I don't think I need ffmpeg and if I decide to use opera as the browser for the next release then I don't need xine or the MozPlugger plugin. The chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra is part of the ubuntu meta package "ubuntu-restricted-addons". The other packages which are dependencies of this meta-package are gstream plugins and as I note above I don't think these gstreamer plugins are required. As a side note these are only recommended dependencies so if one has their package manager set to not download recommended packages then they won't be downloaded.
I created a patched version of the opera browser to support these video formats:

I haven't tested it now but plan to include the patched version in the next release...maybe part of the adrv, so it is easier to remove if someone wants to create a lighter weight browser.
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How to Create a Virtualbox version of TazPup

#53 Post by s243a »

Edit this is a draft. I'm editing this post now

This post is about how to create a virtual machine for TazPup64. Since I haven't been working directly with the ISO (instead I've been using the files within the ISO) I will presume it is not boot-able (this may or may not be the case) but what I'm trying to demonstrate is how to work around this limitation.

The first step is to create a working virtualbox system. I recommend Fatdog64 for this purpose because in my opinion it works better with virtualbox than standard puppies. However, if Fatdog64 is too heavyweight for your system you can insead skip to step #8 and directly use the virtualbox hard-drive that I created for TazPup64.

Part A create a Fatdog64 Virtual Machine (can skip -- see above note about skipping to step #8 )
1. Create a new virtual machine (Linux64/other). Note if you only see 32 bit options available you may be able to fix this by turning on virtualization on in your bios.
1.a I recommend about 1.5GB of ram for a fatdog64 virtual machine. 1GB is the lowest recommended limit
1.b Create a hard drive for the virtual machine.
1.b.(I) I tend to make my virtual machine hard drives between 16GB and 32GB so that the system stays around the size of a system that one could run on an inexpensive USB drive.
2. In the settings for this newly created virtual machine go to storage and select the icon that looks like a CD /DVD (if you don't see it that add a DVD drive. Now for this drive under attributes select the icon that looks like a CD. This will allow you to boot from an ISO. Browse and find a fatdog64 ISO. Alternatively you can use a physical CD/DVD if you have one but there is no need to burn an ISO if you don't already have one.
3. Now boot the fatdog64 VM. Use gparted to format your virtual hard drive to ext4 format (and set the boot flag to boot). Use the fatdog64 installer (located in the control panel) to install fatdog64 onto this hard drive.
4. Shutdown the machine and Install the virtual-box extension package
5. Under the storage setting for the vitual machine change the virtual CD/DVD from the fatdog64 ISO to the virtualbox guest image.
6. Now boot the newly created virtual machine
7. shutdown to create a save file
8. reboot. Under the control panel go to sfs manager and from that download both devX and the kernal sources. Make sure the kernal sources matches the kernel version shown when you run the "uname -a" command.
Part 2A
8. Under the settings for the virtual machine go to storage and create a second hard drive
9. Boot the fatdog64 virtualmachine
10. Format the second hard dirve in ext4 format.
11. Download the kernal sources for TazPup64. Currently, I'm using the kernal "kernel_sources-4.9.30-s64-700.sfs" located at:
https://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/p ... lacko6414/
12. Copy these kernal sources to the newly formatted virtual hard drive.
13. Download a TazPup64 ISO. (e.g. TazPup64-PreAlpha-8.iso)
14, Copy the files within the ISO to the newly formated virtual hard drive (can be within a sub folder)
15. Run grub4dos from fatdog64's control panel to install a bootloader onto the newly formatted virtual hard drive.
16. Edit the newly created menu.list file to point to the boot files for TazPup64.
16.a Recommend adding the boot option screen=text, but may not be necessary.
17. Shutdown the fatdog64 virtual machine.
18. Create a new virtual machine for TazPup64.
19. When creating this virtual machine instead of creating a new virtual hard drive use the one created in steps #8 to #16
20. Boot the newly created virtual machine.
21. Log into a user (recommend using root for now untill I debug the other users).
22. If booted with screen=text then either start jwm with the command "startx_jwm" (recommended) or alternativly start lxde with the command /root/.xsession
23. Load the kernal sources sfs file.
24. Install the packages gcc, make, perl, and mpfr-dev (see note below). I recommend also installing: cmake automake autoconf, libconfig and pkg-config
24.b.The package manager can be opened by clicking on the "install icon" on the desktop. This can also be opened on the command line with the command "tazpanel pkgs" altenatively you can use tazpkg from the command line.
25. Under Devices select "Insert Guest Additions"
26. go to the folder /mnt/sr0 in a terminal. Recommend opening lxterminal from the menu.
27. run the command ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

Note There is a slightly newer release in this post than the first post of the thread but it is missing some fixes that I have already fixed (e.g. the minimize, maximize and close buttons for the windows. I will update the main post once I fixed this. I will also upload a virtual machine with these things fixed.

Note on libmpf
For some reason the virtualbox guest additions is looking for libmpfr.so.4 but we have libmpfr.so.6 so do the following

Code: Select all

cd /usr/lib
ln -s libmpfr.so libmpfr.so.4
also I don't know if mpfr-dev is required. I just added it for good measure.
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#54 Post by s243a »

Related to the last post here is a virtual disk hard drive I've created:

I fixed the window buttons on this and the shutdown scripts. It also has the guest additions installed.

If you want to start the opera browser (as root) in a terminal type:

Code: Select all

opera --no-sandbox
Both the firefox and opera browser are installed on this hard drive. In the next release I'll remove firefox.

Edit: 1 I think to get "virtualbox guest services" to start at boot one need to in the file:
/etc/rcS.conf add the following "vboxadd vboxadd-service" to the end of the variable " RUN_DAEMONS" (around line #31)

To get full screen to work:
1. exit desktop to prompt
2. type "tazx"
3. Select the auto "for xorg configuration"
4. reboot desktop
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#55 Post by s243a »

Terry H wrote:I have doe a manual frugal install of PreAlpha7 on my Dell Core i5-5200U laptop to see how you're progressing.

Booting with screen=text had to log in as root, tux not working gives password error.
Login as root. Type

Code: Select all

passwd tux
Hit enter twice for a zero length password. This seems to fix the issue. The PAM module is preventing a user from not having a pasword but for local users seems to allow a zero length password. A longer password will probably be needed for ssh.

I'll fix this in the next release. Maybe user spot can have a longer password by default and we'll keep the password for user tux as zero length.

You can test this without rebooting by exiting to the terminal and then typeing

Code: Select all

followed by enter.

related background
SliTaz uses the busybox login module to login as a given user. Busybox supports PAM if there is a file called:

Code: Select all


the related authentication logs can be found at

Code: Select all

The login command is "/bin/login", which is symlinked to busybox. You can see this by looking at line#13 of slim.conf:

Code: Select all

console_cmd         /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -l -c "exec /bin/login"
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#56 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote: Edit: 1 I think to get "virtualbox guest services" to start at boot one need to in the file:
/etc/rcS.conf add the following "vboxadd vboxadd-service" to the end of the variable " RUN_DAEMONS" (around line #31)
This doesn't seem to enable the shared clipboard. To get the shared clipboard working type the following in a terminal:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/VBoxClient --clipboard
in addition to the above a puppylinux thread, suggests the following also be added to some startup script

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/VBoxClient --display
/usr/bin/VBoxClient --seamless
https://www.pearltrees.com/s243a/virtua ... id15323631
but I'm not sure if these other two commands are required or not.
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#57 Post by s243a »

Some changes coming for the next release:

Code: Select all

tazpkg remove xine-lib xine-plugin
tazpkg remove urxvt urxvt-full #sakura wasn't installed
tazpkg remove firefox-official #palemoon wasn't installed last release
Default terminal script:

Code: Select all

if [ ! -z "`which lxterminal`" ]; then
  exec lxterminal "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which sakura`" ]; then
  exec sakura "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which urxvt`" ]; then
  exec urxvt "$@"
  xterm "$@"

Note that lxde users a file called /usr/bin/terminal for the default terminal. For now I'll symlink this to /usr/local/bin/defaulttermianl

Default browser script

Code: Select all

if [ ! -z "`which opera`" ]; then
  if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
    exec opera --no-sandbox
    exec opera "$@"
elif [ -f "/opt/palemoon/palemoon" ]; then
  exec /opt/palemoon/palemoon
elif [ -f "/opt/mozilla/firefox/firefox" ]; then
  #Firefox craches when you drag tabs
  exec apulse /opt/mozilla/firefox/firefox "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which midori`" ]; then
  #The midori in the repo doesn't work. Maybe try one from a debian repo. 
  exec midori "$@"

Code: Select all

if [ ! -z "`which rox`" ]; then
  exec rox "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which pcmanfm`" ]; then
  exec pcmanfm "$@"

Note: this post will be edited as I make changes.

Some further notes:
both qt and webkitgtk depend on gst1-plugins-base. Currently, I'm not using any webkit browser but midori is a webkit browser, so I'll leave gst1-plugins-base in the iso for now even though I don't plan to install midori nexit release.

In /etc/slim.conf I'm going to try to change the order of the sessions:
Line 53 to 53

Code: Select all

# Available sessions (first one is the default).
# The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
# above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
# see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
sessions            openbox,e17,jwm,lxde,jwm
line#57 becomes:

Code: Select all

sessions            jwm,lxde,openbox,e17
this might let me avoid having to boot with the option screen=text
Last edited by s243a on Tue 16 Apr 2019, 08:03, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2580
Joined: Tue 02 Sep 2014, 04:48

#58 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote: In /etc/slim.conf I'm going to try to change the order of the sessions:
Line 53 to 53

Code: Select all

# Available sessions (first one is the default).
# The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
# above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
# see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
sessions            openbox,e17,jwm,lxde,jwm
line#57 becomes:

Code: Select all

sessions            jwm,lxde,openbox,e17
this might let me avoid having to boot with the option screen=text
Taking a look at ~/.xsession, I see that the default window manager is defined in

Code: Select all

# SliTaz default applications configuration file. These apps can be
# started through wrappers: browser, editor and terminal.

# File manager.

# Web browser.

# Text editor.

# X terminal.
[ "$(which $TERMINAL)" ] || TERMINAL="xterm"

# Window manager.

Let's try the following changes:

Code: Select all

# SliTaz default applications configuration file. These apps can be
# started through wrappers: browser, editor and terminal.

# File manager.

# Web browser.

# Text editor.

# X terminal.

# Window manager.
and make the following modification to defaulttexteditor

Code: Select all

if [ ! -z "`which geany`" ]; then 
  exec geany "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which beaver`" ]; then   
  exec beaver "$@"  
elif [ ! -z "`which leafpad`" ]; then 
  exec leafpad "$@"
elif [ ! -z "`which leafpad`" ]; then
  exec defaultterminal nano "$@"
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#59 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:
Terry H wrote: I also logged in without screen=text. It allowed me to login as tux, with same Openbox/LXDE desktop. I got the same GDBUS error and had same functionality as /root/.xsession.
I think that I forget to install tint2 on the last release. Tint2 can be installed from the package manager. To get it to load add it to the autostart file. Located at:

Code: Select all

You add a line to it like this "@tint2", than tint2 should start. The version of lxpanel, which is available via the package manager on the next64 branch doesn't seem to work for some reason. Maybe I could try an older version or attempt to compile it. As an alternative LxPup uses lxpanelx instead of lxpanel. Perhaps this is the way fowrward, if we want to use the lxde desktop.
Related to this on a clean ISO I don't see the file:

Code: Select all

but I do see the file:

Code: Select all

presumable this file gets copied into the user (e.g. root) folder. I will modify this file from:

Code: Select all

@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xscreensaver -no-splash

Code: Select all

@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xscreensaver -no-splash
and see what happens
Posts: 2580
Joined: Tue 02 Sep 2014, 04:48

#60 Post by s243a »

If I start tint2 in lxde I see the following messages:

Code: Select all

tint2: Desktop files loaded
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-browser.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-browser.desktop
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-browser.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-browser.desktop
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-editor.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-editor.desktop
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-editor.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-editor.desktop
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-terminal.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-terminal.desktop
tint2: Could not open file /usr/share/applications/slitaz-terminal.desktop
tint2: Could not load /usr/share/applications/slitaz-terminal.desktop
So I'll have to create these desktop files.

On another note, if I open rox for user tux, it tries to copy /root/Choices to /home/tux/Choices but this doesn't work since tux doesn't have the permission to do this. I'll copy /root/Choices to /etc/skel and then maybe use this in order populate this /home/$user/Choices when I add a user.
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