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Jessie 2015 works perfectly (so far) on 2003 Gateway

#1441 Post by sindi »

Time is correct (time zone select worked).
Alt-F1 works after reboot.
I still get the GPG error message about NODATA 2 if I run apt-get update again after reboot, but when I run it a second time it downloads 12MB with no error message. Where is this 12MB going and why?
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ASUS M5000 does not find wifi or wired

#1442 Post by sindi »

2004 ASUS M5000 855GM

Jessie boots but frisbee does not see RTL8139 wired ethernet or Intel 2200BG wireless chip (both listed by lspci).

Wheezy finds the ethernet but not the wireless chip.

Is RTL81xx also non-free and if so how do I install it after download from some other computer via USB flash drive?

Thinkpad T42 Wheezy acted like this laptop even after I installed ipw2200 firmware.

Puppies (the ones that sort of work) all find both chips and go online.
The newer versions are PAE (with an unofficial non-PAE Xenial pup).
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#1443 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:apt-get update tells me GPG error. ./
You have ./ in sources.list for Debiandog Wheezy ?
If so, it explains why the error, it should be:

Code: Select all

deb ./
EDIT: Ah, I see now that's the way it's displayed when doing apt-get update ( ./) , so ignore my above concern.

It's hard for me to follow from distance what you're all doing (so many issues, and also on different computers), please try to keep things simple, communicate about it one by one. So then, maybe misunderstandings can be avoided as much as possible.
EDIT: Also, I'm afraid that I can't help much because of limitation for testing all sorts of different hardware.
You need to do a web search about drivers and such for Debian.
Wheezy is usable now except for apt-get.
I wouldn't call it "usable" if you can't install anything with apt-get.

EDIT: About RTL81xx, maybe this one?:

Last edited by fredx181 on Sat 20 Apr 2019, 17:13, edited 1 time in total.
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jessie 2015 ipw22xx files manually transferred, works

#1444 Post by sindi »

I have the correct sources.list but did not want to copy the whole line.
(I copied over the file that you posted then proved that the US sources were gone).

I tried to install the ipw2x00 firmware with dpkg but it complains about no debconf
(which I have) in jessie 2015.

So I installed firmware-ipw2x00 in Jessie on the Gateway (with working wired ethernet,
and ipw2100 but dead wifi slot) and looked for relevant files.

cd /
find -name *ipw*

I found three .fw files for 2200 and copied them via USB flash drive
(There were three files each for 2100 and 2200).

I also copied ipw2200.ko and libipw.ko (did not need ipw2100.ko)

to the correct locations on the ASUS.

I did not copy docs or package info.

At one point jessie crashed (blank lighted screen) while using Frisbee.
I powered off and on again, rebooted to Jessie, Frisbee worked and I am online.
This should also fix the Thinkpad T42 with ipw2x00 wifi.

Frisbee now also finds eth0 wired internet (RTL8139).

The time remains correct (after I manually adjusted it from four hours too early).

uxterm -fs 13x20 -fg green -bg black looks similar to my first computer.

Usable means I can go online and use any programs already installed.
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#1445 Post by fredx181 »

Hi sindi, OK, it looks like you are getting somewhere, I can't explain the trouble you have with apt-get, again, as I said, it works fine for me on Wheezy and Jessie with the altered sources.list.

In case you're interested in newest youtube-viewer (3.5.4), it should work on Jessie, but not on Wheezy (has too old perl version): ... l.deb?dl=1

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Wheezy and Jessie on Compaq V2000 2004

#1446 Post by sindi »

Compaq V2000 2004 upgraded from 1.3GHz Celeron to 1.6GHz Pentium M CPU Banian (855GM family like the others that Puppy cannot handle).
512MB PC2700. Probably non-PAE.

Played 720p youtube-viewer with cde-exec (barely) in Wary. Nice sound, and good quality glossy wide screen 1280x768. So-so keyboard.

When I started Wheezy with changes.dat from another laptop it booted without complaining about no changes.dat but it ignored the changes.
I/it did this a few times.

Then I deleted changes.dat, rebooted, made changes, it said it was saving them, and again they disappeared but changes.dat is still there.

I chose 200MB and it made a 100MB file. (Same in Jessie - I have not tried on other computers).

So I booted jessie, and timezone sets properly and it keeps changes.

The X terminal uxterm is scrambled when I run lynx after ssh'ing to a NetBSD computer.
A vt is okay.

If I change jwm theme to white/green (last in list) I get brown-bordered windows and no menu at screen bottom and Alt-F1 never works again.
I powered off without saving changes.

So far Jessie is by far the best of the bunch. Wary runs X okay but crashes if I try to load a vt.

Another forum member offered help with forcepae on my T42, which he has one of.

I downloaded and tried to install the new youtube-viewer with dpkg -i and it complains perl and mpv are not installed. What next?
I have mpv and perl, which were downloaded with the older version. The ipw firmware also did not find its dependencies.
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#1447 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:I downloaded and tried to install the new youtube-viewer with dpkg -i and it complains perl and mpv are not installed. What next?
After done apt-get update (assuming it went without issues), do:

Code: Select all

apt-get -f install # this will force installing missing dependencies
Need to do that almost always after installing a .deb with dpkg -i ...

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youtube-viewer 3.5.1 installs and had captions

#1448 Post by sindi »

I somehow installed the new youtube-viewer 3.5 in jessie. dpkg -i *.deb complained of missing dependencies
(which were there). apt-get install -f removed the old version. There was No youtube viewer.
dpkg -i youtube*deb ran and complained again, then when I checked, the new viewer was there.
(I may have repeated some of these steps more than twice).

The new viewer displays in very large print English machine transcriptions of all the videos.
'will' became 'we'll'. A few seconds lag.

I changed 1 to 0 in /root/.config/youtube-viewer/youtube-viewer.conf to eliminate auto-generated captions.

720p still uses only about 75% of the 1.6GHz cpu.

I edited inittab by uncommenting (removing # from) three respawn lines to make three more vts. uxterm is not working well.

splitvt would make two vts out of one. Not present. 'screen' is more complicated. Also not present.

Jessie is now very usable on the two laptops that had serious video problems with puppies. Three hours each.
With much improved browser and youtube playing. And a free education in Debian for beginners.

I am very grateful for all the help despite my confusing postings.
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Thinkpad T42 (2004) wifi problems

#1449 Post by sindi »

I will try to remember dpkg -i needs apt-get -f install afterwards.

I installed Wheezy and Jessie to a 2004 855PM (not GM) laptop where Lupu2016 does work properly, including ipw2200 wifi.
PM apparently is not as confusing as GM graphics to lupu but debiandog cannot handle it.

e1000 ethernet does work automatically.

After I install the firmware for ipw2200, Wheezy cannot find any wifi signal. The files are all there.
Jessie finds the signal after one reboot but keeps losing it every few seconds.

I tested lupu2016 again (wifi keeps working during a youtube video) then back to wheezy and jessie.

On the next reboot of jessie, dhcpcd complains
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: eth1 error.
If I run Frisbee I get the same complaint and it finds NO wifi signals this time. I did not test again with lupup2016.

This time Frisbee loaded with brown frame though I had not changed jwm theme. I got the same brown frame when I did
change the theme on another laptop, to 'green', and it would not change back. The bottom menu disappeared as before and
Alt-F1 no longer works nor does Alt-F10. vt2 works.

Might this be a bug, or related to the 855PM chip?

Wheezy works well with the old youtube-viewer.
Jessie has captions with the new viewer though the config file seems to have a 0 for automatic captions.

Why would this particular ipw2200 chip not work when the one in the ASUS works with debiandog and this one works with

Mike PM'd me that he has a T42 - please try the wifi with debiandogs from 2015. If only the PAE version works I will
learn to use forcepae.

So far the winner for this T42 is Lupu2016. Wheezy won't update (GPG error), and Jessie has brown borders and dead Alt.
I could manage without wifi. These laptops all have pcmcia slots.
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Another T42 works with Jessie and wifi ipw2200

#1450 Post by sindi »

A second T42 (which came with a full set of keycaps, a live CMOS battery, and a hard drive with XP) works perfectly with
Jessie, youtube-viewer (change get_captions from 1 to 0), the right colored borders, and wifi. Lupu 2016 is missing the
leftmost part of a dialog box for Frisbee. The first T42 has dead CMOS battery, missing keycaps (most of them) and came
with no hard drive. People donate stuff without notes.

A Toshiba M35-S161 was donated with dead wifi slot, dead CMOS battery, and no hard drive or caddy.
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2003 Thinkpad T41 works Jessie except aero wifi

#1451 Post by sindi »

2003 T41 Thinkpad with 855PM Intel chip BUT discrete ATI Radio 7500 graphics.
Works perfectly with lupu2016 and with Jessie 2015 except the latter does not have aero package
for the Cisco Aeronet wifi card (wireless 11B). Ethernet e1000 gigabit works. 720p youtube-viewer works.

There is no package aero or aeronet. How do I look it up? I searched with synaptic and online but aero is used by
Windows for something else. Probably mini-pcmcia (large card).

This was a very high end laptop for its time, with 1.6 GHz Pentium M cpu and 512MB PC2700 RAM. Screen still in perfect
condition. It was donated with dead CMOS battery and dead hard drive. Both T42s have screens with vertical wrinkles
(raised narrow strips) and appear to have been made more cheaply than the earlier T41, which has better screen and
graphics. They all cost close to $2000. I also have a 2001 DELL Inspiron 8100 and a dead 8000 that cost over $3000 each,
with 1600x1200 screen.
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Jessie X works 2007 HP dv6500 with nouveau video

#1452 Post by sindi »

Big surprise.

Jessie installed and appears to work (browser, youtube-viewer, ethernet - dead wifi slot) on my
newest in-use laptop, a 2007 HP dv6500 gaming computer with lovely keyboard, physical touchpad
on/off switch, and good sound but a strange nouveau video chip. No puppies I tried with kernel
3 (including sulu) display properly and I spent days trying to recompile a kernel that would
work. I see three side by side copies of X, scrambled. An external monitor with Lupu2016
displays scrambled. I was going to try transplanting the lupu2016 kernel to Tahr in order to
run newer browsers because ebay won't work with PaleMoon 27 as of last week. Precise, Slacko
and Tahr did not display usably.

I have appended to a line in menu.lst nouveau.modeset=0, which did not help the puppies.

No framebuffer console, which I use when not using ebay, other sites that need javascript, or
youtube-viewer. Lynx can display images in framebuffer mode with fbi (including 24-hour
weather), and links2 can run in graphical mode without X. My other laptops with Jessie have
what looks like framebuffer console - print smaller than 25 lines/page. This one does
framebuffer with lupu2016 (2.6 kernel).
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jessie with dv6500 nouveau displays to monitor

#1453 Post by sindi »

I can display to an external monitor with jessie, 1024x768 (on a 1280x1024 monitor,
from a 1280x800 laptop). Big help since the dv6500 monitor is dim and mirrorlike.
More lines of text in a vt would be really useful.
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Jessie on dv5000 - must I compile wl firmware

#1454 Post by sindi »

Jessie works well on DELL B130 (2005) with b43 wifi (built-in).
Also on DELL 600m (2004, dead wifi) except it halts instead of rebooting or powering off, like wheezy.

It works well on HP dv5000 (2006) but needs broadcom bcm4311 wl firmware aka broadcom-sta. B/G

debian wiki says to download source package broadcom-sta-dkms and the files needed for compiling, and to compile
the firmware. Is there an easier way? Lupu2016 has working wl but I cannot find the firmware just the modules.

This laptop apparently lived near a deep fryer but it cleaned up well. Has pasted keycaps in Russian/Hebrew.
Bright clear screen with wide viewing angle but acts as a mirror except after dark with lights out.
Youtube-viewer works at 720p even with cde-exec in lupu. Tahr has no sound. Windows 7 Starter has sound only through
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#1455 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:debian wiki says to download source package broadcom-sta-dkms and the files needed for compiling, and to compile
the firmware. Is there an easier way?
I'm afraid not, also you need the kernel sources (linux-headers), loading the DEVX should do (has linux-headers included): ... e.squashfs

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broadcom bcm4311 wl firmware solutions

#1456 Post by sindi »

There are other solutions besides downloading devx and learning to compile in Debian. The first two work already.

1. Use lupu2016 with wl - someone said there is a Palemoon28 pet, and the youtube-viewer pet works at 720p.
(Or even use Win7 if you like daily updates).

2. Use debiandog with ethernet cable.

3. ndiswrapper - is DebianDog set up for that like the puppies are?

4. Change mini-PCI wifi cards. I have two from 2009 and many older ones.

5. Use rtl8180 USB wifi card ($1.50 from China on ebay), with linux modules or ndiswrapper

Apparently puppy provides non-free firmware and Debian does not. Can I copy it from lupu?
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#1457 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:There are other solutions besides downloading devx and learning to compile in Debian
I will try to make a deb package for the wl driver this week, is it pae or no-pae kernel you run?
ndiswrapper - is DebianDog set up for that like the puppies are?
Don't really know, maybe best to do a websearch for that.
Apparently puppy provides non-free firmware and Debian does not
Debian does provide non-free if it's set in the sources.list (main contrib non-free) like you have already.
the ipw2xxx package is also non-free, btw.
The need for to compile the wl driver is an exception AFAIK.
EDIT: Probably cannot copy wl driver from Lupu, because of different kernel.

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wl driver for jessie (and wheezy); framebuffer console

#1458 Post by sindi »

Many thanks in advance for providing the wl driver (for jessie and wheezy kernels).
I have three spare Broadcom cards that use it.

My partner requests a suspend. A method that works in lupu turned the screen black (suspended?) but would not come alive
again (on the DELL 600M, which does not reboot or power off just halts). echo mem > /sys/power/state. What is 'lock'?

Jessie has framebuffer console (fbcon), confirmed by testing with fbi framebuffer viewer. package includes required libraries that lupu has but jessie does not.
/usr/local/bin and /usr/lib or anywhere else on the path.

I copied over lynx with required files and set lynx.cfg to use fbi as a viewer, and mplayer for mp3s.
Ask me if you want a lynx package with lynx.cfg, .lynxrc, lynx.lss, cert.pem, and lynx itself.

I now have it viewing a 2-day graphical weather forecast with fbi. has scripts for classical stations that still provide streamable mp3s.

So I do not understand why there is no framebuffer console in jessie on my HP dv6500, when lupu and puppies 4 have it.
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#1459 Post by fredx181 »

Hi sindi, here's broadcom-wl deb package for Jessie-pae kernel 3.16.0-4-686-pae: ... 6.deb?dl=1

After install a reboot with changes saved will make it load, or load directly with:

Code: Select all

modprobe wl
I can't test if this really works as it should, let me know if it does or not and I'll make one more, just tell me which one, Wheezy or Jessie, (and pae or no-pae)

Cannot answer about framebuffer console, hopefully someone else can.

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wl for Jessie

#1460 Post by sindi »

Sorry I forgot to answer that I am using the non-pae Jessie from 2015.

This HP dv5000 laptop can handle a PAE kernel (though it takes 2GB max RAM)

My 2007 HP dv6500 laptop with non-working framebuffer console has Nvidia Go 8400M GS graphics chip.

My DELL 1521 (also from 2007) may have the same chip. It is running Win7 now.

A site offers Windows drivers close to 300MB and a 33MB 'run' file for linux.
I think I would need to compile the driver for it. I tried in puppy and failed.
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