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#1461 Post by fredx181 »

Hi sindi, here's non-pae Jessie broadcom-wl package: ... 6.deb?dl=1

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PAE Jessie 2016 on 2006 HP DV5000 works, no wl yet

#1462 Post by sindi »

Since you provided a PAE wl package, I installed the 2016 PAE jessie.
It works very nicely. Correct sources.list, working gtk-youtube-viewer and updateable youtube-dl (from 2016 to 2017). Python included already. Firefox 24 ESR said it was up-to-date. I ran an ESR version which updated itself to 60 ESR, which lupu and wheezy could not run.

PAE is not helpful with 2GB RAM but there is no other choice. 32-bit hardware.

synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 works. (Why is it not a default?).

I am not used to openbox and found no way to reboot without a mouse.

Alt-D toggles browser/desktop instead of letting me enter URL. Fixable

dpkg -i the wl firmware. Lots of /lib/firmware/wl*fw files now
But no wireless connection. What did I omit? I rebooted. apt-get -f install (nothing was updated/installed). I may wait on the non-pae firmware until this version works.

BBC Classical and Classical radio stations sounded like rock to me.

gtk-youtube-viewer works repeatedly. (In the 2015 debiandogs it works once then you have to exit and restart). 360p is default

youtube-viewer has something above 720p as default.

youtube in a browser (pale moon?) has no sound.

Sometimes when I click on something nothing happens for instance in a browser, until I exit and start over. Sometimes menu (lower left) does not work. ??

I see ipw2x00 firmware. Many or most of my laptops with that card (2003-2004) are non-pae and take 1-2GB max RAM. I will attempt to force pae during boot.
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#1463 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:dpkg -i the wl firmware. Lots of /lib/firmware/wl*fw files now
But no wireless connection. What did I omit? I rebooted. apt-get -f install (nothing was updated/installed). I may wait on the non-pae firmware until this version works.
Oops... gets confusing now, I posted above broadcom-wl packages for Jessie JWM version, non-pae and pae, because I thought you use JWM version, now you switched to openbox 2016 version which btw, you shouldn't edit sources.list, it's fine as it is pointing to 'dog' repo on github.
apt-get -f install is only useful if a package has dependencies that are missing (which are forced to install then)
The JWM version from saintless here has choice for pae and non-pae, I compilled the broadcom-wl packages on these.
EDIT: Did you check with lsmod if wl is loaded ?

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non pae wl

#1464 Post by sindi »

2016 jessie says suspend works
and it has useful things added
like python and youtube-viewer,
and correct sources.list and
can save to directory instead
of a file. so i tried it with
the pae wl. i read that pae is
1-5% slower.

wheezy ssh sftp work when copied
over. i do not need 5 mb of
servers from the package

terminal has smaller font. many

i don't need low ram mode, which
i do not see in 2016 jessie,
in this laptop wirh 2gb, but
i have laptops with 512mb and
will see what i can omit. in
lupu i kill rox filer etc.

how does memory usage compare between 2015 and 2016 versions?.

i thought 2016 has the same
kernel as 2015 jwm pae jessie so
same firmware and driver module.

modprobe wl did not help, or reboot.
wl loads but frisbee sees no wifi.

b43 should also work but did not
though the module loaded.

rmmod b43 did not make wl work.

2016 jessie comes with iwl firmware.

i also tried nonpae 2015 jwm jessie, which does not have
the firmware.

your wl package contains updated
wl.ko only nothing else
dpkg-deb -c shows contents
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#1465 Post by zagreb999 »

regards sindi

why do not you use debiandog by fred,
it works perfectly?
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fred's debiandog is 2016 version

#1466 Post by sindi »

the 2016 pae jessie is by Fred.
it has wl firmware. i always
try the oldest versions first
since they often use less ram
and support my older hardware.

is a lot of older computer hardware still
in use in Yugoslavia?

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#1467 Post by fredx181 »

sindi wrote:i thought 2016 has the same
kernel as 2015 jwm pae jessie so
same firmware and driver module.
Yes, I think you are right, so probably makes no difference.
modprobe wl did not help, or reboot.
wl loads but frisbee sees no wifi.
That's a pity, I have no clue what's the reason. as I said, can't test it.
how does memory usage compare between 2015 and 2016 versions?.
Openbox + Xfce components use more RAM than JWM, but for me it runs smoothly.
your wl package contains updated
wl.ko only nothing else
dpkg-deb -c shows contents
Yes, that's all needed (made by broadcom-sta-dkms), there were earlier reports (I think from Debiandog 64-bit thread) that it works well this way.

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bcm4311 wl on DELL Inspiron 1521 same problem as dv5000

#1468 Post by sindi »

2007 DELL Inspiron 1521 has bcm4311 wifi chip.

Lupu525 and Wary 5.5 use b43, which works.

Lupu2016 uses wl, which does NOT work, and there are error messages during boot about a tainted kernel. MIXED/Proprietary module. wlan drivers failed with code 21. Kernel BUG... Lupu2016 failed to shut down. HDA Intel...disabled.

Jessie 2015 automatically loads b43 (same as on the HP dv5000) but Frisbee finds no wifi connection. I did not try wl.ko, or 2016 Jessie.

It looks like earlier kernels work with b43 and this chip, while the 2.6 kernel used by lupu2016 and the kernel used by Jessie have a bug and do not work with wl or b43. (I thought wl worked with lupu2016 on the HP dv5000).

Anyone know how to use ndiswrapper in Debian? I will try it in lupu2016.

The ethernet cable works but does not reach to the right side of the DELL. My partner who owns the place runs long cables from the router in the basement directly upstairs instead of having ethernet ports. Wifi would be nice.
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ndiswrapper in Debian Jessie

#1469 Post by sindi »

apt-get install wireless-tools and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9
and then compile the ndiswrapper module.

I downloaded the zip file for bcm43xx XP driver.

Puppy is easier.
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2008 XP driver for bcm43xx failed in lupu2016 w/ndiswrapper

#1470 Post by sindi »

As stated in the subject line. Will look for a later driver. The laptop was working with Vista but I deleted Vista.
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HP whitelists wifi cards in BIOS

#1471 Post by sindi »

Lupu2016 wl works on 2006 HP dv5000 with bcm4311 card (but appears not to work on 2007 DELL Inspiron 1521).

To try to get wl module working I removed (modprobe -r) possibly competing drivers b43 (auto loaded) ssb and some that were probably not there b44 b43legacy brcmwmac bcma.

modprobe wl. Did not help. iwconfig and ipconfig show ethernet not wifi.

b43/wl is a headache for a lot of linux users.

I read that HP whitelists wifi cards in BIOS in some computers, including one we have from 2005, which means you cannot change to a different card unless it is also whitelisted. None of our cards worked in that laptop so it is ethernet only unless I get rtl8180 USB wifi to work. It was hopeless in one or more puppy linuxes with linux drivers (I tried many of them) and with ndiswrapper would work briefly then crash linux.
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b43 not working in Tahrpup 6.0.5 either

#1472 Post by sindi »

HP dv5000. Lupu2016 works with wl (though maybe not on DELL 1521). Lupu525 works with b43 on HP. Wary 5.5 with b43 on DELL.

Freshly installed and updated Tahrpup 6.0.5. b43 appears to work, IP address is assigned, but cannot ping or ssh or browse.

Tahr has kernel 3.14 and Jessie 3.16. Buggy range of kernels?

There is a DebianDog Stretch (Preview) with kernel 4.7 to try next.

mikeslr sent some links about rtl8180 (USB wifi card that was hopeless in lupu but worked in XP).

Ethernet cable is increasingly attractive.
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b43 working in DebianDog Stretch kernel 4.7 pae

#1473 Post by sindi »

Menu, Internet, Wifi Configuration. Error message when I try to connect. But after typing one sentence with ethernet cable I checked again and it says I am connected. I am unplugged and still typing. Odd. Kernel bug fixed?

About 200MB memory used (not counting buffers and cache).
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b43 still not really working

#1474 Post by sindi »

I had to plug in the cable to SUBMIT.
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b43 not working with Slacko 6.3.0

#1475 Post by sindi »

kernel 3.14, like Tahrpup 6.0.5. As with Tahrpup, sns, and frisbee all appear to configure b43 correctly but there is then no connection. I cannot even ping the router, or

Tahrpup runs Palemoon 28.4 and probably Slacko also does. Wary and Lupu do not, but they work with wifi.

I tried five USB wifi dongles with built-in modules for rtl8180 and they were detected but no wifi connection. wheezy, jessie, stretch, tahr.

I do not NEED wifi on a laptop. Or a newish 2006-2007 laptop, now that youtube-viewer works at 720p on 2003-2005 laptops with Jessie, 866GM (PM, GME) that do not display correctly with lupu and wary, and iw2x00 wireless B/G.

The dv5000 and 1521 play 720p youtube in wary with wifi and the viewer pet. Or with debiandog and ethernet cable. Good enough.
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USB wifi M-510 11B no WPA works Jessie 2016

#1476 Post by sindi »

I am online with Jessie 2016 via USB wifi card MN-510 prism2_usb, no WPA support (WEP only). 11Mbps, adequate for 720p youtube-viewer.
The card works with no extra software/firmware added in Wary 5.5, Lupu 5.2.5, and Lupu2016, but my notes say not in Tahr.
It is a rounded grey rectangle with long USB cable and short antenna, and short range (sees only our router).

DELL 600M 2004 is also 855PM and the video works better with Jessie but like the other PMs it is usable with lupu2016, though some dialog boxes are
chopped at left side.

Mikeslr (single lens reflex?) sent detailed instructions how to replace kernel in Tahr so I may try the lupu2016 kernel in Tahr on dv6500, where the video
is scrambled by puppies later than lupu2016. The Jessie kernel displays X properly but not fbcon.
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How to add cups to Debiandog?

#1477 Post by sindi »

I installed the lpr and cupswrapper packages for my Brother 7820N printer (about 20 years old?), the ones that work in Puppy Linux, but apparently Debiandog (Jessie 2015) also needs cups itself installed.

I followed a howto for Debian 8 Jessie that said just apt-get install cups, but when I did that it listed lots of missing dependencies.

I also read that apt-get install is supposed to find the dependencies.

What do I need to install first, in DebianDog Jessie?

I installed the Win7 driver and Palemoon 28 for Windows, and in ebay attempted to print a label (no longer possible in Lupu2016 with PM27). Windows will not print - printer not activated. I saved the pdf file and printed it with Lupu.

It would be lovely to print directly with Jessie.

Mikeslr informed me I cannot use a lupu or earlier kernel with Tahr or other puppies newer than lupu. So my 2007 (fastest) laptop with proprietary nvidia graphics is usable only in X (unless I learn to compile the correct nvidia driver). I may use it only for graphical browsing/ebay and youtube, and set up a second (matte) slower laptop for everything else. Thanks to DebianDog I have a large selection from 2003-2004..
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Jessie 2016 PAE installs cups and b43 wifi started working

#1478 Post by sindi »

Jessie 2016 has a different first line for sources.list - debiandog instead of smokey01/saintless.

apt-get install cups found all its required files.
I did not test it with printer drivers yet.

Also it assigned an IP number to wlan0 and goes online wirelessly.
Maybe b43 needed additional packages that Jessie 2015 could not find.

The PAE kernel is incompatible with my 2003-4 laptops.
Where do I add 'forcepae'?

The older laptops do not have b43. Would Jessie 2015 work and install cups using sources.list from Jessie 2016?

Jessie 2016 uses 140MB RAM with openbox and xfce. Maybe less with jwm. The OS that does everything, if you add some missing drivers.

Some day I will learn to compile nvidia drivers.

On the 600M, fbi fbcon image viewer works with puppies but has a bus error (memory conflict?) with Wheezy. Maybe it will work with a Jessie.

Alt-F1 works on newer laptops, just not on 2003-4 models (855GM?).

Thanks for the tremendous amount of help. Puppy forums are the best part of puppy linux.
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Jessie NOT b43

#1479 Post by sindi »

I forgot I had an MN-510 wifi card (non-WPA) plugged in. It works, not b43.
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dv6500 prints with cups using jessie 2015 non-pae 32-bit

#1480 Post by sindi »

My changes.dat file was corrupted (would not even reboot).
First I tested if sources.list from Jessie 2016 would work - it does not.

apt-get install cups worked

dpkg -i the brmc and cupswrapper files (used by puppy)

for my brother MFS-7820N downloaded from the brother driver site.
The printer driver installer file was not needed.
I left the printer plugged in and turned on according to instructions.
Possibly not necessary either.

When Ctrl-P still did not list the printer, I read /usr/share/man/man8/cups*
and then typed:


The 7820N appears now when I type Ctrl-P. The printer printed a page (after I remembered to put paper in the printer - which jams if I insert more than single sheet).

In theory the MFC should also fax (with a phone line) and scan (but that jams). I did not test either in linux or windows.

Unlike in lupu, no pdf writer is listed as a printer. In lupu it is an annoying default. Once you know how, setting up debiandog for printing is simpler than puppy. No graphical wizard is required by cups.

If anyone ever updates jessie again, a script for installing cups would be helpful. I did not see cups in jessie 2016 either.

The default nvidia driver in jessie 2015 is not correct for dv5000 with nvidia 7150M video chip and it stretches images sideways. The moon in Pale Moon is oval. It also does not support fbcon. But it lets me print directly with ebay (Palemoon 28).

There is a large selection of source code packages to create modules for various ranges of nvidia chip, which I will tackle next time it snows.
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