QTR Suite 18.06.10

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QTR Suite 18.06.10

#1 Post by ITSMERSH »


This is QTR Suite, a small Suite to run easily QJackCtl, Qtractor, QSynth, Hydrogen, JACK Mixer and ZynAddSubFx. QTR Suite was developed and tested in/for Studio2Go and BionicDog. Though, it should work in other Puppies as well. The attached archive will extract a directory containing QTR Suite RoxApp. Just store this RoxApp to a ext partition or to /usr/local/apps (recommended for BionicDog). There is a .desktop file in a sub-directory (menu) of the RoxApp, to be placed at /usr/share/applications (only if the RoxApp is stored at /usr/local/apps), so QTR Suite can be executed from the Menu.

After appr. seven months of mainly composing music using GNU/Linux software, I found two combinations of setups being very useful. Meanwhile there have been lots of sequencer programs and software synthesizers tested, as there was:

- ardour
- muse
- qtractor
- rosegarden

- aeolus
- ams
- amSynth
- din
- drumkv1
- hexter
- Mx44
- nekobee
- Petri-Foo
- phasex
- fluid synth
- QSynth (GUI for fluid synth)
- RTSynth
- samplv1
- Sineshaper
- specimen
- sooperlooper
- synthv1
- yoshimi
- zynaddsubfx

Lots of nice programs, though I could not get all to work combined with ALSA MIDI and JACK Audio. Those programs being most useful in a 16 channel multi-track setup have been:

- qtractor

- QSynth (with fluid synth)
- zynaddsubfx

So, I started to do a re-write of my 'Audio Recording Suite' to easily start some programs for the use to create some music. Just select a Qtractor Song Archive (.qtz) from the list and click 'Load and Work'.

It will start QjackCtl, QSynth (if chosen) Qtractor and loads e.g. Default.qtz into Qtractor. If ZynAddSubFx was chosen, it will load Default.xmz into ZynAddSubFx.

To create a new project, just select a Qtractor Song Archive (.qtz) from the list, enter a name for the new project in 'Project' frame and click 'New'. It will create a new project using the selected Qtractor Song Archive (.qtz) as its template.

To mix down a project, just click on 'Project Mixdown'. It will run JACK Mixer and connects the programs to JACK Mixer. Start Audacity and choose the JACK Audio Connection Kit as audio device and JACK Mixer to record from.

Clicking 'Mixdown finished' (exit JACK Mixer first) will re-connect the programs to system outputs.

The tool-tips may explain some more details...
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Fluid Synth and Ardour

#2 Post by pagestep007 »

Hi, thank you for this program. It opened in a puppy 5.7 right off. :)

I have just managed to install Ardour 3.5.3 (it's the most recent I can find that will install on the puppy 5.7 ) I am doing video, and so far it is looking excellent for scoring the videos. However, the midi only has a simple inbuilt piano plugin. I cannot find anything anywhere that will install fluidsynth so that Ardour can find it to use sound fonts, and the latest fluidsynth needs cmake version 3 to compile, which I can't get to compile to use it, and I have never had any success in compiling anything anyhow (puppy REALLY could do with 'help' to help us to learn to compile programs for puppy.)

Now, since you seem to have had some experience with Ardour and fluidsynth... do you by any chance have a pet for puppy 5.7 or any assistance on getting it to work? Thanks :)

#3 Post by ITSMERSH »

Hi pagestep007.

I have uploaded the LP2_Qsynth-0.3.4-1-precise-full_1.0.0.sfs which includes QSynth 0.3.4, fluidsynth, fluidsynth DSSI plugin plus the fluidsynth midi soundfonts.

Download here. Note: it will stay for 35 days only after the last download.

Though, I don't know, if it will work with Ardour or even in general, as I never used QSynth and/or Ardour in Precise.
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#4 Post by pagestep007 »

Thank you very much for doing that. :) Unfortunately I get fatal:failed to append'/initrd/pup_ro6' to unifonts. So it did not load...:(
I have slacko puppy 5.70 . ( That is because it's what I started with, and it has taken a lot of effort to get my entire workflow onto one puppy that works, and it is such a load of work to try and migrate to other versions. I tried it and gave up and went back to slacko 5.7) I admire people like yourself who can compile and make .pets and sfs. Do you have any idea where the fluidsynth files need to be for Ardour to find them? .Thanks for your time and expertise.

#5 Post by ITSMERSH »


I've just overseen Puppy 5.7 is Slacko Puppy.
Precise was 5.6.
I don't have Slacko Systems and/or Programs locally existing.


No, I don't compile usually, as I was successful only on a few small tools - like xdotool and wmctrl for 64bit Puppies.


I'm absolutely new to Ardour and so I didn't really understand the most of all yet in Ardour.

Isn't there QSynth, fluidsynth and the fluidsynth soundfonts in the repositories of Slacko Puppy?
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Fluid Synth and Ardour

#6 Post by pagestep007 »

Thanks for that. No problems. Yes I have slacko, which a few years ago looked great, and I have trawled the net for compatible programs and got a workable system with lots of tools I use regularly, so I am a little reluctant to switch to another flavor. It does seem Precise puppy has quite a support base though.

With Ardour I found out how and where some other plugins install on the Puppy Slacko system, but I am having difficulty getting fluidsynth to work. None have worked of about 10 versions I have tried from slacko repositiories, .deb nor .rpm (that sometimes work),,,

So I thought it was time to learn to compile, but the Fluidsynth needs CMake 3 or newer to compile and I only have 2.8.. and I am having difficulty compiling the 3.1 compiler to be able to compile.... argh. If I can crack this one it will open doors for more stuff.

Thanks for your help anyway.
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Mike Walsh
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#7 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, LazY.

A question, if I may?

This ROX-App doesn't contain QTractor, JACK, FluidSynth and all that stuff, does it? What actually needs installing for this to be functional, and where would I obtain the required items from?

Mike. :wink:
Terry H
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#8 Post by Terry H »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hallo, LazY.

A question, if I may?

This ROX-App doesn't contain QTractor, JACK, FluidSynth and all that stuff, does it? What actually needs installing for this to be functional, and where would I obtain the required items from?

Mike. :wink:
Mike, Lazy is no longer a forum member, membership was revoked.
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Mike Walsh
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#9 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ TerryH:-

Yah, I know its RSH now....but I still think of him as 'LazY'. To me, that's what he'll always be....

(EDIT:-) Hmm; I see what you mean. Well, that's a recent development; when did that happen? :? What'd he do this time; get into one of his diatribes over right-wing German politics - again?


Mike. :wink:
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#10 Post by mikeslr »

I don't recall RSH ever expressing any Right-Wing politics. Perhaps he may have been over-sensitive. But as I recall the problem, it was not of his making. Rather, the criticism of a forum member developing some competing applications --not this one-- became, or was threated*, as a personal attack to which RSH responded in kind. I don't think his membership was ever revoked. As I recall, there was a problem with the password associated with the handle, either RSH --his original--or LazyPuppy-- voluntarily chosen. When that happened other members of the Forum --with knowledge of Flash and perhaps his participation-- assisted in creating the ITSMERSH account. But, of course, under that handle he could post to threads started under the prior handles, but not edit any prior posts. It was under that handle --a long time after the 'difficulty'-- that he posted his improvements to PaDS.

AFAIK, the absence of ITSMERSH from the Forum is voluntary, either because of 'Real-World' obligations; current lack of interest; or because he has just moved on, unwilling to respond to 'bullying'.

I, for one, miss his participation. I did not at first share his vision of a Puppy which was expanded primarily by the use of SFSes. But always found him willing to help and his posts informative. Today, of course, expansion of Puppies via external applications --SFSes, AppImages, portables, containers-- has become the norm.

* RSH/ITSMERSH is not a native English speaker. I think his original posts, other than in the German Sections, were run thru google-translate. That he made the effort to do so was evidence of his desire to contribute. I was very impressed by his growing command of English over time.
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Mike Walsh
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#11 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ Mike:-

Funnily enough, his name is no longer on the MembersList.....but his profile, and posting history, are still accessible. That, you see, is what's confused me.....and possibly, where TerryH got the idea he'd been 'evicted'?

Don't know. :? On previous occasions, where folks have been removed from the MembersList (for whatever reason) everything else has been removed as well. Mu (Mark Ulrich) being a prime example. 15,000+ forum posts, but not a shred of evidence that as an individual he ever existed...

Perhaps another 'falling-out'. (Or perhaps not. It was long before my time....and I'm really not interested., TBH)

Mike. :wink:
Terry H
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#12 Post by Terry H »

Mike and Mike,

I don't remember the specifics, but in short I believe he requested his id be revoked, so Flash obliged.
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Mike Walsh
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#13 Post by Mike Walsh »

Ah. That explains it.

Thanks for the clarification, Terry.

Mike. :wink:
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