Pbackup 3.1.9-1

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#101 Post by headfound »

Hi zigbert, i tried puppymirror and it worked fine. It might help to put a note in the instructions so people don't get caught in a loop like i did! because i was backing up to a mounted drive, it kept backing up mnt over and over so i had to kill the process. :?
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#102 Post by zigbert »

Yepp, this has to be worked out. Thank you headfound.
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#103 Post by PaulBx1 »

Zigbert, maybe you should just check for equal filesystems, and abort if not equal?

I don't know if the shift to mirdir takes care of this problem.

Sorry to have mistaken your nationality. I'm 1/4 Norwegian too, I know it would irritate me if someone made that error. :D

BTW, my Norwegian family came from a place called Hiterdahl or Hitterdahl, but I've never found that on a map. Probably just a crossroads somewhere, a hundred years ago. Got any clue? Just wondering...
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#104 Post by zigbert »

+ It scans fast and accurate.
+ It checks both files and atributes.
+ You can set files it shoudn't check in mirror (to save time).
+ It can simulate process
+ The .pet package is only 12 kb.
- It doesn't handle Follow symlinks.
- You can't exclude files to be mirrored.
- It works only recursively.
- It will delete trashfiles.
- It works without any leading paths, so it will delete any alien files in mirror. You can't have several backups in one destination.

Progress report:
I have made a funny mix of mirdir and the internal mirror function.
Step 1. Internal mirror function seeks for trashfiles.
Step 2. A workaround for mirdir to handle Excluded files, Leading path and Recursively.
Step 3. Mirdir does an ordinary mirroring.
Step 4. Internal mirror function updates the symlinks if 'Follow symlink' is chosen.

http://kart.gulesider.no/kart/map.c?ps= ... &scrollY=0
In norwegian you seldom pronounce H inside a word, and therefor it sometimes has been removed during generations. Could it be the one? :?
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#105 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.1.0 is uploaded. See main post.
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#106 Post by lvds »

zigbert wrote:Version 2.1.0 is uploaded. See main post.
Thank you very much for your work !

At my work there is one thing we use a lot to backup computer is at making a one shot image of a disk drive, very easy to backup, very easy to restore. Something like a diskdump. Then you burn on a dvd the backup file and you are safe.

Associated with the backup file comes a minimum boot allowing one user to boot on the dvd-backup-disc, a message display "Welcome, this your restore tool, do you want to restore this system with the datas contained in this dvd ?" press RESTORE button, and everything comes back to internal hard disk bit by bit.

While your software is an impressive work may i ask for such a feature ?
I don't know if this could be two big buttons at the top of the windows (quick backup, quick restore) or if it needs to be in another independant software.

I would like very much to have such a tool as this is exactly what we use in industry.

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#107 Post by zigbert »


Thanks for your suggestion. It may be a good idea, but I need more flesh on the bone here. I always thought that Puppy itself was made for restoring.
- Total OS in one file (pupsave.2fs). So small, it fits on one CD / DVD.
- Run Puppy with multisession, and you can skip last session if it all crashes.
- Simple way to remaster your custom configuration.

It wouldn't be impossible making a backup-type "make recovery disk", but else you use an full HD install, isn't it already there?

Please explain if I didn't get it right. I'm not a backup-guru at all. In fact, I'm just a simple guy who cares for his files. :?

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#108 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, I would love a snap shot CD save including all files and have a Full HDD install. Is that what Dougals enhanced remaster does? Cheers Zigbert your fab program is an example to us all on how to write great and useful programs...
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#109 Post by lvds »


well, the Dougals remastering is not exaclty the same as a backup bit by bit of a hard drive ! :shock:

Zigbert, with this tools puppy would be useful for people having to work on hard drives which are not running puppies ... Say, a customer come to your store with a hard drive, he says its windows is down and asks if you can restore exactly as it was when you sold him, you take your puppy-backup-dvd (the one you made the day you sold him the computer) and with one push-button you restore the whole windows system to your customer. Simple and easy, just as norton ghost !

in fact, we do this yet with norton ghost or others like tools but it is not as much flexible as using puppy, and moreover we cannot give the customer a one button-restore-cd of its own backup. I know some people do it easily with dd (diskdump) unix commands and then they burn cd but they do not have a whole tool, one button backup, one button restore, with cd or dvd creation of a backup easy to restore. This is exactly what is missing and which would be a great tool to have ! :-)

Feel free to ask for more details if you need, this would be a winner tool to have you can believe me !

Best regards,
Laurent (3296e partitions crashed, and counting...)
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#110 Post by lvds »

...Here is another exemple. A friend ask you to come and install a complete system (windows or not, no matter) on her brand new computer. Pretty as she is you feel a good guy and for sure wanna help a so desperate girl with a bunch plastic (even if it has electricity inside... the plastic box, not the girl... anyway...) So you work hard a whole day at setting up a nice, well the best, operating system you ever built in your life. 8)

But your friend is not only so pretty, she is also a complete newbie, and you know, for sure, she will mess the whole thing up as soon as you will have leave... say, within an hour, no more. :?

Isn't it a pity ? your only way is to create a big backup bit by bit of the hard drive, burn it on a cd, add a restore tool on the cd, and make 3 copies of the precious cd (just to be sure you will always have one) :roll:

Two days later, the lady calls back, and explain you it was a really good work you did and she had good time with the pc until it stopped. Uh, it stopped ? yes it stopped at a blue screen without even a bip and now it does not want to boot again, and is not even capable of a bip noise... at least if it could bip... anyway...

Right now, you KNOW you have been blessed the day you met the guy who learned you how to build a complete bit-by-bit backup on a cd with a restore tool inside :wink:
You tell the lady you can come tonight and it will not take long until this great computer will surrender to his Master ... And you do not need to have divine powers to see the lady on the other side of the phone line dreaming through the window, thinking "yeah, they all say the same, they do not live in the same time space continuum, when they say 10 minutes it means 2 hours etc..." :roll:

But you can smile, it will really take 2 minutes to kiss good-day the lady, 3 minutes to restore the operating system from the cd, 3 minutes to look at her wonderful smile astonished how amazing of a great programmer you are, and 2 minutes to convince her she need to have a diner with you after all of this emotions, far away of this plastic box... even if it has electricity inside... but anyway... 8)

Best regards,
Laurent (Please remember, the one who drinks do not drive... well unless if it was plain water)
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#111 Post by zigbert »

If I ever met such an extraordinary woman, I would certain give her the best. 8) In my opition, that would be a frugal install (if thinking of computing) :D . After tweeking the absolute best of puppy, I would burn pupsave.2fs and store it for the computer-beep-and-wont-start-call.

But still - there could have been a button for it...But then it had to work on both full hd-install and with pupsave.2fs install (CD/DVD/frugal).

I guess Pudd is doing what you want, exept burning a bootable cd/dvd.
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#112 Post by lvds »

zigbert wrote:I guess Pudd is doing what you want, exept burning a bootable cd/dvd.

yes i completely forgot about pudd and you are right it does the bit-by-bit backup but there is one thing missing: a tool to burn along with the bit-image on cd so to have a bootable cd allowing you to restore a hard drive in one shot.

And as you said, it would great to have a one button-push to create the hard drive image and burn it on a cd bootable along with a restore tool.

If you feel good perhaps you could try to add this to your great tool ? or perhaps would it be best to improve pudd ? anyway pudd has a "bug" i think because when you clic on it you have no answer for a long delay and then a long time after you have a window display... In my opinion it does absolutely need a window message saying pudd is doing something taking time :-)

Another thing, as we begun again to discuss about internationalisation in another thread, did you think about supporting locales for you backup program ? We have a lot of people working at translating scripts for puppy, and they do it again at each new release, well i think we need to help each others and to not waste our time in doing many times what we have yet done ;-)

Best regards,
Laurent (Thou shalt backup your datas every day)
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#113 Post by zigbert »

If you feel good perhaps you could try to add this to your great tool ?
I'll put it to the wishlist, and we'll see what happens. This is nothing I personal find very important, so feel free to make your recovery-program, patch Pbackup, or improve Pudd.
did you think about supporting locales
My father ask the same. He is a true Puppyuser (He has to), and as many of us not-english-humans he also sees the point of locals. I'll take a look at it.
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Problem with Downloaded Version

#114 Post by Ardee »

Thanks for what looks like a really useful utility, but I've downloaded 2.1.0 from the link provided, and seem to have ended up with version 1 of the program.

Same result when I tried 2.0.0!
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#115 Post by zigbert »

Remember that PuppyBackup changed name to Pbackup when reached version 2.0.0.

Hope that's it.

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#116 Post by Ardee »


I used the pet links at the top of this thread. The downloaded file is named as 2.1.0, but when I install it the GUI has no flash drive option and is labelled Puppy Backup 1.0.0. Am I doing something silly?
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#117 Post by zigbert »

Check the utility-menu. There is probably a PuppyBackup entry. When installing pbackup-2.1.0.pet, it should also pop up a Pbackup-entry after restarting window-manager. If not, try to open a terminal and write pbackup. If it still doesn't run, the package seems broken. If package is working ok, main files are copied to /usr/local/pbackup/. You can inspect the content of the package by changing name from pbackup-2.1.0.pet to pbackup-2.1.0.tar.gz. When click on the file it should open in arciver program and shows content of pet package.
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#118 Post by Ardee »

Thanks, you were right. I uninstalled Puppy Backup and installed 2.1.0 again. I did a full backup of all files to a USB stick, but data transfer stopped after a while. When I unmounted and mounted the USB drive, it started again and went on to complete the backup.

I'd like to add my name to the request for a simple emergency restore method which can be used easily by anyone.
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#119 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.2.0 is uploaded. See main post.
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#120 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi Zigbert, I'm having a spot of bother with Ver 2.0. I have HDA1, HDA2, HDB1, HDB2, HDB3, SDA1(as root), SDA2, SDA3, SWAP
WHat I was trying to do was back up three folders from SDA3 (My main data drive of about 100gb Ext3) I put these lines into the save from window. (Strangely they all show the first part of the path /mnt/sda3/ but not the full path)
The destination is /mnt/hda2/newest backup from sata which is correct (also ext3). Both are mounted (I have also switched on the auto mount facility)
When run I get three rox windows appear with three directorys



/usr/local/pbackup/sata (this one contains a folder (backup_07-05-2007---0-7-05-2007 and the previous attempt at a backup) neither of which contains any data...

When I click on finished I get a second set of these thrtee rox windows appear!
Perhaps the SPACES are causing a problem?

I tried to save to a folder withour any spaces and this time it worked better. However it tried to copy the entire sda3 to the backup place...

P.S. yes and there is a "u" missing from the "Backup finished, Trobles -Go back" button
P.P.S. A confirmation of removal of backup directory would be handy as would the ability to choose more than 1 directory at a time to add to the backup list.
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