A NWP/A NWPUS--A Noob's Word Processor and Utilities Suite

Word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, translation, etc.
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Puppus Dogfellow
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some overview

#101 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Puppyt wrote:Darren P. Dogfellow,
I have lurked on your multiple threads from time to time, I admit that I have been overawed with all your content to try anything seriously. So many bright and shiny toys on offer - where does anyone start? I am strongly reminded of "Hunt the WUMPUS" from both your thread title and the maze of information and links you provide... as I work through it I get "Zap - Superbat snatched" and lose the wood for the trees. You are learning as you go too - thanks for all your updates and your enthusiasm for your projects. Keep it going! Anyway I have a little time to kill, and found that your initial impetus for your wordprocessor was from Nooby - so in my books that is a Good Thing. So I want in.
make some templates--cv, stories with beginnings, middles, and ends, a place for class and name according to school rules, etc

Just experimenting with bwp1.5 now, just picking any of your projects at random. Oooooh, I am having a bit of fun *trying* to break things and explore intuitively, but pleasantly surprised with what I can do here.
excellent on both counts
Appreciate your gifs, but pretty-please could you post a video about cranking up and using the key features of your wordprocessor (and assorted JWM tweaks) ? Cheers Smile

you mean it's not self explanatory :cry: :oops:

"I feel a draft..."
:shock: 8) :lol:
(mere inspiration, i hope)


on a more serious note, what do you feel needs video clarification (i'm not adverse to the idea, just would have to figure out what to shoot that can't be "giffed" (i've been meaning to get some screen shots up for a while now--then thought maybe a pdf of gifs and info made by it to show some of what it can do--do i show my mouse cursor clicking the file and print menus?...), and what software to use and which machine to do it on).

as far as features for a nooby (and if by "i want in" you mean contribute, posting templates you've made as attachments to this thread may be the simplest way, but if you can hack the browser gui...that's be cool, too 8) 8) ) that are somewhat not word processor specific--i'm about to make a specific version of the keys for this word processor (bwp1.5 or any of those that type directly into a browser tab) for the make concurrent copies thread--i'd have to go hunt for code if not for "sehd" (sed help) in the launcher).

i'm glad there's enough there for you to "explore intuitively," and it should stand up to all manner of abuse (or repair itself by remaking itself), and i agree with your post in scsijon's Storywriting program for teenagers--it is potentially useful there. i see it as something you don't really need computer experience to use (no more fumbling around with this than menus and buttons of a new interface--people get to use a relatively familiar interface (their choice of browser, or at least the one they've seen before on the computer a relative, caregiver, or teacher is trying to get them to use--and all word processors should allow a tabbed interface, though lack of ability to key in a tab is somewhat of an annoyance (but less so if you haven't yet been conditioned to use it, i suppose)), but if you have some, you can somewhat painlessly gain a little more (page break code spit out from launcher in html (geany/leafpad/box1-2) view ("paw," which stands for pagebreak above whitetext(though blank)) is much faster than finding the page break spot to copy off of Styles2, copying it, and pasting into your document--it will get its own key in the mcc version, too (i was sort of building it up as a microcosm of this mess of a thread to serve as a almost brief explanation :P ).

anyway, i'll have some time coming up to do the visuals in a bit, but a quick tip i've picked up is that pasting in formatting for text (color, font, size) doesn't seem to rely on line breaks being copied, but paragraph formatting often does. sometimes it appears necessary to make room for the paste in by adding carriage returns to the target (pressing enter about where you want to new formatting to go before you paste), and sometimes it doesn't, so your own templates seem to be the best way to go about organizing things. pointing your browser at the directory that holds the templates (bwpt in a terminal will give you a set in any given directory, minus the big styles and info sheets and boxes--the box2 and 1.1 files can make more styles sheets) gives you a set of documents you can launch at a click. advantages over most other word processors is speed and multiview (same document viewed from many browsers or windows or tabs or text editors at once to keep many versions alive and your wake safe (so long as your machine doesn't crash, which leads to the next strength, robustness--any modern browser or text editor should work, and pdf and html are universal formats from what i can tell. you shouldn't lose your ability to view or work on your work no matter what OS you use.

it's fast and light on resources. templates load instantly and most have the browser running anyway, so it's almost invisible in that regard (not that it's not impossible to choke the machine with heaps of browsers running at once, each with multiple tabs and instances--it inspires that kind of abuse, whereas i remember lighting candles before using Word).

anyway, that's my sales pitch.

the jwm stuff (and the aemenu stuff that mirrors it) is the same idea as the custom keys and layers--make it easier to work on your documents--resize things, split the screens, --i use the lpx notepad everyday set at autostart--i don't notice it as a feature but i suppose "lpx" in the launcher is a key feature and organizational tool...

it's supposed to be easy to swap out the useless and annoying stuff for stuff that specifically fits your needs, whether we're talking wp or uup (word processor or ultimatesque utilities pack).

to get back to concerns mentioned in scsijon's thread--autoindentation is something html can do from what i've read, but i've failed at it on two for two templates so far. as far as autocapitalization of the first word in each sentence, libre office has "sentence case"; i thought that was a property of geany, but it can probably approximate it with a find and replace of some kind.


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#102 Post by Puppyt »

Hi Puppus - thanks for your lengthy and considered reply. I've been juggling projects on different computers/puppy environments since my last post - apologies for the delay.
My earlier statement for inclusion related to that irrepressible trailblazer, Nooby. Even now, nearly 2 years from his passing I find myself retreading his footsteps as I track down one issue or another on the forum. Like Nooby, I guess - I have occasional voids in my databank - what really does "VTG" even stand for?? Couln't find a definition in several threads and not in your 226-page users guide for nwp and vtg... That, unfortunately, could indicate to you the "Dummy's Guide"-level of understanding that I have in just obtaining your word processor - not even addressing template creation at this stage...

So - what do you recommend for a word-processor ONLY approach, pu/up (puup! or puup.1)? bwp1.5? emergency wp? nwp? While I appreciate the really useful series of launchers you included with an nwp package I downloaded - really liked 24 virtual desktops etc (selling you short sorry - it was a few days ago when I was testing) - I also really liked the jwm setup that I had going in radky's dpup stretch 7.5... couldn't get my tray2 back (or tray1 or menus), even after I uninstalled your pet. Perhaps an environment like your Precise spins or a basic official Puppy might be best for all your launchers and hotkeys etc - although I think that new users to Puppy/JWM/rox would benefit greatly from a cutdown version of your launchers to provide *all* the winkey combinations they are familiar with from the M$ environment.

With regards an introductory video about your nwp/enhanced geany, really I meant something straight-forward about getting in, and getting on with producing text without the distractions of the M$ Word model (e.g., comments outlined to a retrospective on WordStar. I think that much information you have written is also self-explanatory - but unfortunately I have not been able to pick the cherries of information out very cleanly at this stage. Although with regards to the Storywriting for Teenagers issue - I thought I saW [EDIT] from my re-readings of your jwm/geany/nwp threads this morning that you had the automatic new paragraph indent sorted, and that got me excited - but that ability isn't always resident?

I'm on a fresh install of Dpup Stretch now and will test out what I think are your word processor -only (without launchers and other enhancements) pets while I drum up a report for an academic governance wrangle... cheers :)

"I feel a draft..."
:shock: 8) :lol:
(mere inspiration, i hope)
Maybe - but don't sit downwind of me, just to be safe...
My obscure statement relates to the warning of a bottomless pit nearby in WUMPUS - American spelling though - so for Australian/English it appropriately reads here as a version of a manuscript. We would write "draught" for the same breeze... but on reading it we would get confused about whether we were talking about a wind or a beer... I'm thirsty now...
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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Puppus Dogfellow
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#103 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Puppyt wrote:Hi Puppus - thanks for your lengthy and considered reply. I've been juggling projects on different computers/puppy environments since my last post - apologies for the delay.
My earlier statement for inclusion related to that irrepressible trailblazer, Nooby. Even now, nearly 2 years from his passing I find myself retreading his footsteps as I track down one issue or another on the forum. Like Nooby, I guess - I have occasional voids in my databank - what really does "VTG" even stand for?? Couln't find a definition in several threads and not in your 226-page users guide for nwp and vtg... That, unfortunately, could indicate to you the "Dummy's Guide"-level of understanding that I have in just obtaining your word processor - not even addressing template creation at this stage...
Virtual Terminal (,)Geany (since that's the only thing it'll work on)
it's also sometimes the Virtual Geany Terminal

in short, the geany document you are working on becomes a terminal screen with persistent history and tabbed browsing. it's also indifferent to context--it'll only work on what the cursor is positioned for or what is highlighted. that is, if you're writing about leafpad

and at the above stage (ie the cursor is there because that's what you just wrote and arrowed back one on; if you don't arrow back you'll get a potential leafpad document called whatever the next word in your sentence is) press the cauliflower button, anything labeled vtg or vgt (or the same capitalized), or alt+z, leafpad will launch--it works for one liners by placing the cursor and then hitting the cauliflower, and any commands longer than one line work on the same principal but need to be highlighted.

it's a geany specific thing as far as being a launcher and menu system, but for non geany use, it's a series of text files that had commands i found useful or thought potentially useful as i was finding my way around this new working environment.

and that's where Nooby's concerns overlapped my own. puppy is light and quick, and the major word processors generally part of suites that are not; he wanted to be able to code his way to a formatted document with a text editor, and i wanted geany's tabs, speed, and reliability. i saw some code from miriam that i thought would help us both, but it turned out too late to be of use for Nooby. i didn't really know him well, but he seemed like a friendly and guiding presence, so i figured i'd pursue a common interest and see what he thought.

So - what do you recommend for a word-processor ONLY approach, pu/up (puup! or puup.1)? bwp1.5? emergency wp? nwp? While I appreciate the really useful series of launchers you included with an nwp package I downloaded - really liked 24 virtual desktops etc (selling you short sorry - it was a few days ago when I was testing) - I also really liked the jwm setup that I had going in radky's dpup stretch 7.5... couldn't get my tray2 back (or tray1 or menus), even after I uninstalled your pet. Perhaps an environment like your Precise spins or a basic official Puppy might be best for all your launchers and hotkeys etc - although I think that new users to Puppy/JWM/rox would benefit greatly from a cutdown version of your launchers to provide *all* the winkey combinations they are familiar with from the M$ environment.
i see now how buried some of the documentation has gotten and apologize. one of the features is supposed to be (worked last time i tried it in xenial32 and tahr64...and one of the six series slackos...--it's been a while since i've tested) quick switches for your configuration sets--your original pristine set (as far as jwm is concerned) was supposed to have been ported in as configuration 39; my39 in the launcher would've/should've given you back your original setup but allowed you to keep the launchers and functions (you'd need a new way to activate it, but the scripts it calls and files it uses would still be in place).

mae in the launcher and as a desktop file (also utility menu) allows piecemeal uninstallation of the rest of the thing. i seem to remember there being a version somewhere on the root1 menu, but all i'm seeing now is mod the configuration file helpers and quickswitches...

i'm in the process of making a cut down version of this that can be built up; maybe the giant thing that can be taken apart approach wasn't such a good idea, but i wanted to take my stuff with me as quickly as i could (for general use, that became the port and store features).

i'd recommend bwp1.5 since it gives you two initial launch choices instead of one. full screen in browser mode is a huge wasteland of usable, distraction free space. you can use a plain text editor and paste in and format after the fact--the Untitleds are blank--choose justification or left align to start. or just use one of the bwpt templates and write over what's there--save formatting examples you think you'll need (or use a separate copy for general templates, one for your working document and paste between them) until the end, then delete the excess.

if i had a serious report to do, i'd write it in geany, and format it after the fact in a bwp window after picking a font and spacing for the thing as a whole.

as far as the winkey, in jwm that's modifier 4 and i haven't used windows in a while and don't remember their original functions too well. the xmod pets that were "plugins" for the earlier versions include a way to use mod 3, but you'd have to pick a key to use for it (i generally pick pause break). with it, you can get 24 keys for anything, and the file you use can be swapped out with a quick rename--sets of 24 for any key (though five modifiers at a time may not work or be prohibitively silly, so 15 to 23 layers per key (mod 3 optional) times however many swap folders of scripts with the same name as what the keys call you have).

in short that's how the key banks and menus get swapped in, but the older approach relied more on sed, and this seems quicker and better (preview next post)--i kind of feel i've left you in a lurch and am trying to respond as quickly as i can (six in the morning here).

for the most part i've avoided assigning anything to the winkey, but i made templates for hundreds of combos that include it (playing around with substitutions and the then new for me select to copy middle click to paste linux feature ended with piles of keys and windows positioning scripts (etc)).
With regards an introductory video about your nwp/enhanced geany, really I meant something straight-forward about getting in, and getting on with producing text without the distractions of the M$ Word model (e.g., comments outlined to a retrospective on WordStar. I think that much information you have written is also self-explanatory - but unfortunately I have not been able to pick the cherries of information out very cleanly at this stage. Although with regards to the Storywriting for Teenagers issue - I thought I saW [EDIT] from my re-readings of your jwm/geany/nwp threads this morning that you had the automatic new paragraph indent sorted, and that got me excited - [/b]but that ability isn't always resident?

I'm on a fresh install of Dpup Stretch now and will test out what I think are your word processor -only (without launchers and other enhancements) pets while I drum up a report for an academic governance wrangle... cheers :)

i saw the concern in that thread and took interest because in browser mode, you can't use the tab key to enter a tab space--the specific solution being sought there would've worked here, but i more or less accept two modifiers plus the spacebar as a workable substitute for ctrl+enter for page break and tab for tabspace.

as far as the specific need for tabs and sentence case--a quick search led to a few promising stack exchange answers (and i'm sure the gurus here can polish them further if we ask nicely). there may be a simple dragto script that can be applied, or a text editor find and replace sequence that's fairly painless in that concern's future. i'm cool with tabbing in text editors and the spacebar solution for the browser owning the tab key.

"I feel a draft..."

:shock: 8) :lol:
(mere inspiration, i hope)

Maybe - but don't sit downwind of me, just to be safe...
My obscure statement relates to the warning of a bottomless pit nearby in WUMPUS - American spelling though - so for Australian/English it appropriately reads here as a version of a manuscript. We would write "draught" for the same breeze... but on reading it we would get confused about whether we were talking about a wind or a beer... I'm thirsty now...

i've known a few abysses in my time... but i thought of the ghosts of (a snorting and suddenly right behind me) Boxer, (a flatulent) Lou Reed, then the lyrics to Wish You Were Here...then Ogden Nash and Lewis Carrol. (searched wumpus and got videogames as most common result).

i could go for a porter or stout right now.

(Flying Dog or Sam Smith)

(that's suddenly and unfortunately become much more of my morning focus than practicing my bmx moves (i have zero skills) at the park...).

if by key features you meant the launcher shorts and versions, and the various keys--i need to do a repost of that stuff as well; for now, i think they're all at the bottom of the previous page (updated it then time turned the page on me).

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Joined: Fri 09 May 2008, 23:37
Location: Moorooka, Queensland

#104 Post by Puppyt »

Cheers Puppus - no I'm not in any dramas whatsoever, so don't hurry on my account. Thanks very much for the tip on the configuration 39 - in truth I need to be more proactive on backing up anyways :) And, I found that you have copious help files throughout your templates. I most recently tried puup.1 but had hassles actually getting started (from '/' install) - whereas eWp{EDITS}(bWp+box 1.1) runs OOTB and looks fine - cheers :) Strangely, I will have to re-download bwp1.5 as the version I had kept returning the weird result (attached). Absolutely nothing {wrong*} at your end. No rush - thanks again, most appreciated.

PS thanks for the VTG/VGT explanation too
*EDIT included - my setup is askew somehow - works fine in other tests
not getting the usual pet installation dialogue
(53.04 KiB) Downloaded 496 times
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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Puppus Dogfellow
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before the new key mod, a little more on the launchers

#105 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 873#993873

So - what do you recommend for a word-processor ONLY approach, pu/up (puup! or puup.1)? bwp1.5? emergency wp? nwp? While I appreciate the really useful series of launchers you included with an nwp package I downloaded - really liked 24 virtual desktops etc (selling you short sorry - it was a few days ago when I was testing) - I also really liked the jwm setup that I had going in radky's dpup stretch 7.5... couldn't get my tray2 back (or tray1 or menus), even after I uninstalled your pet. Perhaps an environment like your Precise spins or a basic official Puppy might be best for all your launchers and hotkeys etc - although I think that new users to Puppy/JWM/rox would benefit greatly from a cutdown version of your launchers to provide *all* the winkey combinations they are familiar with from the M$ environment.

the launchers are based on Iguleder's pexec001: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 234#544234

i eliminated the dash dependency (it still needs yad, which i think most pups have, at least in the ppm) and preloaded an address to the popup:

Code: Select all

CMDLINE=$(yad --width=350 --skip-taskbar --center --on-top --fixed --sticky \
              --title="" --window-icon="/nwp/icons/purwup.png" \
              --entry --entry-label="Run command:"  \
              --column="command" --entry-text "/nwp/")
[ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && exit 0

exit 0

it's that --entry-text "" bit that you have to change to get the thing to point to a specific location (batch of scripts with easy to type and remember names in an off path location i.e. a mini nwp) or to make it an application launcher (add a leafpad or geany or browsername to the quotation mark slot, skip a space, then mod the path as before and you'll either get a quick way to access extant files or a quick way to make new ones (new files opened with whatever name you give them may only work/has only been tried with the text editors ). the p launcher is a call to p- (the above file) plus and xdotool command to sweep right--the popup is prehighlighted in all the auxiliary launchers (you need to sweep right or your input will delete what's there--t calls a terminal, p is the main launcher, ll is the leafpad version, ...i'll repost the launcher shorts again soon as well).

with xdotool, the launchers can be made to access shortcuts and menus that work for any program--you just give the scripts that call the menus a name you can remember. for nwp use, it's original intent apart from moving around and resizing windows was to make it easy to enter the html code you'd need to make a formatted document with a text editor (assuming you didn't know markup (which i don't)). you could make the keys or the launcher call the files and codes and folders you need to do whatever you want faster than you could in just about any other way, i think.

my coding skills are particularly limited and i wasn't able to get the feature i wanted from pexec (preload a path and//or command) without losing its ability to store your command history (there originally was a dropdown menu of past commands you access). if you know how to put that feature back it could be of use apart from its original (lamentably gone) intent: you could access it, copy it, and make a vtg launch sheet from it. the new key mod assumes you'd want dozens of keys for every situation or program, and relies on folder swapping to do it, but with the vtg you could keep to fewer sets and mod them on the fly.

if you find the pets aren't installing smoothly i can add back the -reload and fixmenus lines to the pinstall as a possible solution. new key mod idea doesn't rely on the rest of the nwp, and i'll post the menu files that contain more or less all the paste in html code (and maybe the highlight and replace stuff, but that's more for the (in my opinion) more awkward and unpleasant html view of things--i'd much rather work in a plain text file or the browser window (blank or preformatted template) itself to start.

don't want you to risk another installation, but if my39/my39r doesn't put back your original setup and then toggle it back for the default nwp, something's broken, or at least incompatible with the pup you're running.

the mae popup and the alt one menu should give you ways to swap trays in or out and edit both them and the menus.

(my own interests are moving toward the smaller, mcc-folder based version).
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Puppus Dogfellow
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Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

update and cleanup

#106 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

it's the last 2.5 updates from a few posts up, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 0d1#993194 (mcbwp "plugin" updated to mcbwp1; encompassing 1.5 updated), the removal of the extra launcher entries on various jwm menus, and a tip on how to edit them.

a power plant blew up in astoria while i was making the icons, but the file that grabbed the text versions of the two i picked for the ewp (black and green in upper and lowercase) survived. see a lighter alternative to the icon pack (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 059#930059) for the file i used (included in the nwp in /root/my-applications/bin).

the spins use for the nwp is the same as general use for it, so that update is this update. from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 08#1014808:
here's a firefox update (firefox64 32/64) thanks to fredx181.

from the notes and links document in the above folder:
if you've installed the nwp, you may've noticed the (likely) dead firefox entry on the alt+1/left click menu. if you enter

geany /nwp/root3/9/root1menu

into a terminal and scroll down to the bottom of the document, you'll see something like the following (yours may be set to /opt):

<Program label="Firefox Web Browser" icon="/nwp/root3/icons/Appfffirefox.png">/mnt/sda1/firefox/firefox</Program>

fred's version uses a script called ff to launch the browser, and when you download and extract the archive you'll find it somewhere like


highlight the ff script wherever you've downloaded it, copy that path into the geany document you opened to replace the bold faced path above (which might say /opt/firefox[…] on your version), save and close the document, and enter fixmenus; jwm -reload in a terminal (or use the entry for it that's also on that left click menu).

tried doing an x75 spin but the ppm broke, the extend select geany plug in didn't work correctly, and the the cnt nwp shortcut (at the very least) appears broken, but here are links to folders for xdotool and xpad and their dependencies (contains the gtk3 dependency some installations may need for the recent firefoxes (among other things)), the main workshop folder, and the geany plugins i snagged from ubuntu after my ppm went down (i was able to use an older version of sc0ttman's pkg to install sakura....

Pkg - CLI package manager

(as i said, it was an early version but it looks promising. added repos (seems easier than doing so though the ppm), but failed to install either recoll or vlc, both of which can be dependency hell...)).

anyway, i'll likely move to bionic beaver (32 by peebee and 64bit by 666philb) next (though i have an x75 running that --has been taken over), but you're welcome to treat it like a mystery to solve (post the solution when you find it). here are the folders:

using a working (xdotool dependent) cnt script/shortcut, i made the update from nwp9 to nwp10, ewp1.pet (it's also a small standalone word processor (update aspects will just fail if there's nothing to update)--83k).

here's its pinstall script:

Code: Select all

mv /usr/share/applications/icons-alt/desktops /nwp/wp/desktops
#fix for redundant menu entries (sometimes docs, sometimes utilities, sometimes both)
#rm -rf  /usr/share/applications/icons-alt/desktops 
#swap to # from the rm line to the mv line if you'd like to just delete the offending folder rather than save it for future mods/launchers
echo $'
ln -s /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser /root/Choices/URI/https
ln -s /usr/local/bin/xdg-open /usr/bin
' > /nwp/lolf
chmod 755 /nwp/lolf
#nwp shortcut for libreoffice unresponsive hyperlink fix --lolf is the shortcut; copy the ewp over to nwp/wp/ and make desktop files and icons for both launchers:
echo $'
 /* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"21 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #000000",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #00FF5F",
' > /root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/ewpa.xpm
echo $'
/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"21 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #000000",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #00FF5F",
' > /root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/ewpnwp.xpm
cp -f /root/my-applications/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html /nwp/wp/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html
#copy the file/word processor to the nwp itself (it'll be in the wp folder set to launch with your default browser.)
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ewp out of /nwp/wp
Exec=defaultbrowser /nwp/wp/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html
' > /usr/share/applications/ewp-nwp.desktop
#EWP outta nwp, ewp outta /root//my-apps
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ewp out of my apps bin
Exec=defaultbrowser /root/my-applications/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html
' > /usr/share/applications/ewp-a.desktop
#this stand alone is also an update and fix for the nwp (9 to 10), which would include the following two pets:
petget /tmp/bwp1.5.pet 
petget /tmp/mcbwp1.pet
jwm -reload
pet is last couple of updates and will fix the redundant launcher entries you may have on various root menus. it also installs the ewp and copies it over to nwp/wp--you get one version to launch from /root/my-applications/bin and one version to launch from /nwp/wp. if you haven't installed mcbwp1 or bwp1.5, you'll get pop ups asking if you'd like to.

lolf (libre office link fix) is a new shortcut--run it if you notice your hyperlinks not opening correctly in libreoffice (see link to mow9902's post above for more).

short form: install ewp1 on its own or to update nwp9 to nwp10 and get rid of redundant nwp/pwn menu entries.


bonus content:

add a mkdir -p /nwp/wp/ before the cp -f /root/my-applications/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html /nwp/wp/ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html line or run it in a terminal before running the pet or install script if you don't have the nwp folder installed and would like two copies/locations from which to launch the The Emergency Word Processor--download the html version to /root/my-applications/bin and then run the pinstall script above (dump it into a terminal) and you'd have the ewp but not the bwp(1.5) or mcbwp(1).

if you don't have the nwp but would still like two locations for the ewp, copy the one from /root/my-applications/bin to wherever you like and change the Exec= line in the desktop file to reflect the browser you're using and where you've put the file.


here's the pet again:


here are forum attachments for the ewp.pet and The Emergency Word Processor as as a single html file (download the latter to /root/my-applications/bin and change the cp -f and exec= lines above to match your setup and you can install it without petting it in by dumping the pinstall script into a terminal--no harm will come from the inapplicable bits).
(82.59 KiB) Downloaded 581 times
change the fake .gz extension to .html (it's not compressed--the forum doesn't allow html extensions on this sort of thing). open with any modern browser.
(158.58 KiB) Downloaded 456 times
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Puppus Dogfellow
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nwp isn't fully compatible with the bionic pups

#107 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

first off, after installation enter /nwp/my39 to get your original jwm configuration back if you've installed this in bionicpup 32 or 64--all the other functionality is still there, but until i get things better sorted out, here's the fix (the alternative is screen shots every time you press the up arrow. it's the only real bug i've found so far, but it's a big one...)

i use this thing a lot so i got it working the fastest way i knew how to: drag the pwn launcher from /usr/share/applications/ and assign shift plus space bar to it with a right click in rox. then i relied on the aemenu duplicates to use this as i would normally. after a few days i decided i missed the vtg button, the geany jwm menu (root2 or middle click) so i altered the tray and personal files slightly. to do the same, enter

geany /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwmrc-tray in a terminal and to jwmrc-personal, add

<Include>/nwp/root3/9/root2menu</Include> (i added mine between <!-- Key bindings --> and </WindowStyle>).

to jwmrc-tray add:

<TrayButton label="vtg" icon="c.machue-207.jpg" >exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7</TrayButton>
<TrayButton label="gny" icon="puppy-white.svg" border="true">root:2</TrayButton>

(i added it right after the main menu (<TrayButton label="Menu" icon="puppy-white.svg" border="true">root:3</TrayButton>) bit).

then enter fixmenus; jwm -restart into the terminal and you've got at least some of the jwm stuff and the vtg button back (v in the launcher also works).

jwm seems now less tolerant of blank icon and label fields, but icons made with the mcc icon maker (based on technosaurus's txt2xpm script) should still work; on the other hand, jpg's worked on the menu but not on the tray so i'm not sure what the deal is. (edit: just checked and at least one group of icons i thought were jpgs are actually pngs so maybe that does have something to do with the trouble).

other than two versions of take a screen shot (in jwm personal 1 and 2), i don't see anything in the pups themselves that cause the incompatibility beyond having a newer jwm--xenial seems to be the newest pup that this installs straight away in, but 666philb's 64 bit bionicpup includes all the geany plugins you'd need for those custom menus and launcher shortcuts to work, which no other pup before it has, so that's nice.

(in short, n in the launcher is the main nwp menu, and gg in the launcher is the geany launcher in aemenu. aef is all the aemenu menus as a popup. i'd also recommend dragging the lpx notetaker along with the pwn launcher to the desktop).

the Add A JWM Bookmarks Menu or Submenu/Messing Around With JWM thread (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=93637) has more on adding menus and buttons to your setup (generally and it shows how much of this word processor/utility suite came together).



the vtg line for ubuntu pups doesn't need the F2 in it and should read
<TrayButton label="vtg" icon="c.machue-207.jpg" >exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</TrayButton>

the two versions of the vtg activation code came about as a fix for the way geany works in slacko 700 (and possibly other slackos). the easiest way to check which one works better for you is to open up a document in geany, type out a command and see if shift plus spacebar plus v or plus vtg cleanly returns to the editing window (messenger window/terminal window shouldn't remain open once the vtg is done sending the command. use ctrl+7 if it's stuck open).
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Puppus Dogfellow
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more workarounds for bionic and an update for MMView

#108 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

here's the pet:

makes a backup of your current jwm configuration and adds as much of the the default nwp-jwm setup as i've gotten to work so far (many keycuts are gone--more info on the pinstall script):

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/.jwm/con0/
#some of the keyboard functions still don't work under bionic 32/64, so i'll try to use xmodmap to compensate in a future version 
#for now, stay awayfrom the configuration swaps in bionic apart from this toggle (full retail plus shipping swaps should still work, but they'll likely have the same arrow bug i mentioned in the nwp thread. keycut and tray swaps won't work (apart from the toggle stock tray on or off and my39/my39r (the latter is prenwp and nwp default--first install toggle))--menu swaps should work but i haven't tested them yet
#use ctrl+7 if message window gets stays open when using vtg
#use the ll (two lowercase els) launcher command to pick between vtg and v (may as well make the shorter call to the one that works better. if v works better, nothing to do. if vtg works better, swap the # in the v file to the other line so that it works as well (save and close the file)).
 #backup original jwm configuration:
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/con0/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/con0/_root_.jwmrc
#configuration swapper (original and bionic workaround) for nwp and the jwm folder:
 echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/con0/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/con0/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
 jwm -restart
  ' > /root/.jwm/jwmc0
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmc0
 echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/con1/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/con1/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
 jwm -restart
  ' > /root/.jwm/jwmc1
 chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmc1
 echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/con0/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/con0/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
 jwm -restart
  ' > /nwp/jwmc0
chmod 755 /nwp/jwmc0
  echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/con1/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/con1/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
 jwm -restart
  ' > /nwp/jwmc1
 chmod 755 /nwp/jwmc1
 #jwmc1 or jwmc0 in the launcher to pick and activate a configuration
 #or go to /root/.jwm and click the activation scripts directly (modify the configuration files in the con1 con0 folders or future activations will overwrite your mods)
 #make icons and desktop files for jwm menu:
0txpm "jwmc0" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/0tjwmc0.xpm
1txpm "jwmc1" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/1tljwmc1.xpm

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmc0.desktop

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=nwp/anuupuus workaround for bionic 32/64 (partial installation with toggle)
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmc1.desktop
 jwm -restart
 # jwmc1 and jwmc0 are the launcher shortcuts for the swap (1 is original activated, 0 is bionic-nwp activated (far fewer keyboard mods by default--what works in other installations should still work))
 #p. dogfellow 4/25/19
here are the configuration files that get swapped in:

this is etc/../ _root_jwmrc:
<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!-- IMPORTANT, ONLY EDIT /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc -->
<!-- jwm menu for puppy Linux -->
<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">
<Program label="winswitcher" icon="ws.png">/nwp/ww</Program>
<Program label="speedials">/nwp/sd</Program>
<Program label="MMView" icon="dabullmv.png">/nwp/mmv</Program>
<Program label="applications">rox /usr/share/applications</Program>
<Program label="sakura">sakura</Program>
<Program label="partview">partview</Program>

<Menu label="original menu" icon="" height="16">
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-desktop.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-system.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-setup.menu


PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-utility.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-filesystem.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-graphic.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-document.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-calculate.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-personal.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-network.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-internet.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-multimedia.menu
PUPPYMENU jwm-xdgmenu /etc/xdg/menus/puppy-fun.menu

<Menu label="Shutdown" icon="shutdown24.png" height="16">
<!-- <Exit confirm="false" label="Exit to prompt" icon="prompt16.xpm" /> -->
<Program label="Exit to prompt" icon="prompt16.xpm">exec wmexit</Program>
<Program label="Reboot computer" icon="mini-turn.xpm">exec wmreboot</Program>
<Program label="Power-off computer" icon="mini-stop.xpm">exec wmpoweroff</Program>
<Program label="Restart X server" icon="mini-x.xpm">restartwm</Program>
<Restart label="Restart JWM" icon="mini-windows.xpm"/>
<!-- <Program label="Change Window Manager" icon="mini-windows.xpm">changewm.sh</Program> -->

<Menu label="Shutdown+" icon="shutdown24.png" height="16">


<Program label="vtg" icon="">xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</Program>
<Program label="winswitcher" icon="">/nwp/ww</Program>
<Program label="gnysys2" icon="help24.png">/nwp/gnysys2</Program>
<Menu label="menus submenu" icon="" height="16">
<Program label="windows menu" icon="" >xdotool key shift+Escape</Program>
<Program label="showdesktop" icon="" >xdotool key ctrl+Escape</Program>
<Program label="r1" icon="" >xdotool key alt+1</Program>
<Program label="r2" icon="" >xdotool key alt+2</Program>
<Program label="r3" icon="" >xdotool key alt+3</Program>
<Program label="r4" icon="" >xdotool key alt+4</Program>
<Program label="r5" icon="" >xdotool key alt+5</Program>
<Program label="r6" icon="" >xdotool key alt+6</Program>
<Program label="r7" icon="" >xdotool key alt+7</Program>
<Program label="r8" icon="" >xdotool key alt+8</Program>
<Program label="r9" icon="" >xdotool key alt+9</Program>
<Program label="r0" icon="" >xdotool key alt+0</Program>
<Program label="escape" icon="" >xdotool key Escape</Program>
<Program label="menu-f10" icon="" >xdotool key F10</Program>
<Program label="fullscreen" icon="" >xdotool key F11</Program>

<Program label="speedials">/nwp/sd</Program>
<Program label="applications">rox /usr/share/applications</Program>

<Program label="sakura">sakura</Program>
<Program label="partview">partview</Program>
<Program label="Restart X server" icon="mini-x.xpm">restartwm</Program>
<Restart label="Restart JWM" icon="mini-windows.xpm"/>

<!-- 130630 joe added support disable flashing in tray, all apps -->




<!-- <Option>icon:info16.xpm</Option> -->



<!-- created 130618, a class for all future popups -->

<!-- Additional tray attributes: autohide, width, border, layer, layout -->
<!-- Tray definition moved to separate file: .jwmrc-tray -->
<!-- <Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include>-->

<!-- Visual Styles -->

<!-- <BorderStyle>
<Font>DejaVu Sans-10</Font>
</BorderStyle> -->

<!-- new for jwm 2.0, replaces borderstyle above -->
<Font>DejaVu Sans-10</Font>
<!-- <Corner>white</Corner> -->
<!-- <Corner>#aaaaaa</Corner> -->


<Font>DejaVu Sans-10</Font>
<Font>DejaVu Sans-12</Font>
<Font>DejaVu Sans-11</Font>

<!-- <Icons> -->
<!-- <IconPath>$HOME/.icons</IconPath> -->
<!-- </Icons> -->


<!-- Virtual Desktops -->
<!-- Name tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. BK: syntax change with jwm 500... -->
<Desktops width="3" height="1"/>

<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->

<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->

<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->

<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
<SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>

<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->

<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->

<!-- Key bindings -->
<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>

<!-- <Include>/root/.jwm/themes/jwm-default</Include> -->
here's /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal:
<!-- Personally configurable options for JWM: these override default settings and theme settings -->







<!-- <TrayButton label="1">root:1</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="2">root:2</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="4">root:4</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="5">root:5</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="6">root:6</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="7">root:7</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="8">root:8</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="9">root:9</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="0">root:0</TrayButton> -->

<!-- Number of virtual desktops -->
<Desktops width="8" height="3"/>

<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->

<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->

<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->

<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
<SnapMode distance="10">none</SnapMode>

<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
<MoveMode coordinates="off" delay="700">opaque</MoveMode>

<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
<ResizeMode coordinates="off" >opaque</ResizeMode>


<!-- Key bindings -->


<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
<Key key="F12">root:3</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F6">minimize</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
<Key keycode="160">exec:amixer sset Master toggle</Key>
<Key keycode="176">exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+</Key>
<Key keycode="174">exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1-</Key>
<Key keycode="178">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key keycode="236">exec:defaultbrowser</Key>
<Key key="Print">exec:defaultscreenshot</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:/nwp/ww</Key>

<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:/nwp/t</Key>
<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:/nwp/rup</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="space">exec:mmv</Key>

<Key mask="4A" key="space">exec:sd</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="space">exec:/nwp/sdr</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="space">exec:/nwp/bm</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
^added back the shift plus space keycut--not sure why it wasn't work first go around...

<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F2">root:2</Key>

<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/nwp/cr</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:/nwp/vtg</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="Tab">exec:/nwp/tabspace</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Print">exec:xdotool key space space space space</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/nwp/v</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/nwp/tabspace</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="Tab">exec:xdotool type ' '</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="Tab">previous</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Print">exec:xdotool key space space space space</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="Print">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="Print">previous</Key>
<Key key="179">previous</Key>

152 255 148 179

<Key key="152">exec:xdotool key space space space space</Key>
<Key key="255">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</Key>
<Key key="148">previous</Key>

<Key mask="S" key="F1">exec:xdotool key space space space space</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F2">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return ctrl+7</Key>
(^commented bits that failed...)

and here's the key file (keys-sd) swapped in (24 desktops, s4 send-tos, and alt plus 0-9 keycuts for the menus work)
<Key mask="A" key="1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="2">root:2</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="3">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="4">root:4</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="5">root:5</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="6">root:6</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="7">root:7</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="8">root:8</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="9">root:9</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="0">root:0</Key>

<Key mask="4" key="1">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="2">exec:/nwp/n2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="3">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="4">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="5">exec:/nwp/tem</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="6">exec:/nwp/uh</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="7">exec:/nwp/ii</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="8">exec:/nwp/pbw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="9">exec:/nwp/paw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="0">exec:/nwp/elp</Key>

<Key mask="4" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d12</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d11</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d10</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d9</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d8</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d7</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d6</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d5</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d4</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d1</Key>

<Key mask="4A" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d24</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d23</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d22</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d21</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d20</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d19</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d18</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d17</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d16</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d15</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d14</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d13</Key>
<!-- go to desktops 1-24-->

<Key mask="4C" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s12</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s11</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s10</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s9</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s8</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s7</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s6</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s5</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s4</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s3</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s2</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s1</Key>

<Key mask="4S" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s24</Key
<Key mask="4S" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s23</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s22</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s21</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s20</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s19</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s18</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s17</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s16</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s15</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s14</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s13</Key>
toggle for the configuration will also work in already working nwp installs--you'll just lose the key and tray swaps, but you'll gain a general backup of your currently working setup and a version to mess with.

if you've set the nwp/pwn launcher shortcut already with rox, move the spacebar plus shift line back between the <!-- --> or delete the rox shortcut (which would work regardless of config choice so maybe it's better overall).

there were some errors on the original nwp root three menu--they're fixed above in dark red. open (geany /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc) /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc and fix that manually. add the shortcut for Mochi Moppel's MMView (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 325#941325) while you're there.

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Puppus Dogfellow
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terminal text editors and nwp utilities for them

#109 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »



getmicro to install micro editor in either the launcher or terminal or use the micro batch launch folders renamed to the text editor of your choice. the nano pet popups will overwrite their alternative's config file but back it up--just install the one(s) that match your pup's architecture (say no to 64 bit if running a 32 bit pup and vice versa). as far as i know, 293 is the newest nano pups up to bionic can run. micro's a bit more user friendly but you can fiddle around with the configuration files for both. most of this is adapted from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 71#1030571, the posts below it, and from pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/recs and notes/notes2.

here's the contents of the pet:

Code: Select all

root# pwd
root# tree
├── pet.specs
├── pinstall.sh
├── root
│   ├── my-applications
│   │   └── bin
│   │       ├── note
│   │       ├── notesm
│   │       └── notesn
│   └── puppy-reference
│       └── mini-icons
├── tmp
│   ├── nano293-32md.pet
│   ├── nano293-32.pet
│   ├── nano293-64md.pet
│   └── nano293-64.pet
└── usr
    └── share
        └── applications

9 directories, 9 files
(basepet right click rox shortcut (right click utility under new) gives the usr folder--nothing in it but the empty defaults)


Code: Select all

mv /nwp/wp/0n4n /nwp/wp/0n4n-0
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/
cd /nwp/wp
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd  /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd  /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /nwp/getmicro
chmod 755 /nwp/getmicro

#default is to open up with rxvt (which you can swap out above) and to open the templates as created by the micro pet's pinstall script. you can change that too--overwrite the nwp and regular PATH versions with your custom jobbies.#
#i'm in the process of releasing a general/migration (anuupuus) update for the recent additions and changes, so some of this stuff may seem redundant, but the extra's to be altered (or maybe i've abandoned an idea and left part of it in...)#
#the next batch of launcher shortcuts are still focused on the terminal text editors. most of them will either launch a batch from the desktop or terminal, but some will launch batches of batches in tmux windows. the basic breakdown of that launcher code is the first number is how many tmux panels will be filled with text editors launching batches of files; second is n for nano or m for micro as the coices for editor; next is version number (for either nwp/pwn or regular terminal--i.e. your renaming scheme goes here; letter that follows version number is s for sakura, u for urxvt, r for rxvt, rx for roxterm, l for txterminal; last letter is an optional n to say whether the version of, for example, nanb in my apps bin is being called or the one in nwp is being called. default is they're the same. alter for your placement of the (renamable) 0n4n/0m4u folders (scripts within folders are ignorant of of their parent folder and launch differently than the nwp and PATH versions (i.e. they're portable).#
#next bit is#
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/guc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/guc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gina
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gina
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
#reverse: same as above but with nano opening micro's default folder and files and micro opening nano's folders and files:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/mnan1
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/mnan2
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/mnana
chmod 755 /nwp/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/mnanb
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/mnanc
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/nmic1
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/nmic2
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/nmica
chmod 755 /nwp/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/nmicb
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/nmicc
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nana
chmod 755 /nwp/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanb
chmod 755 /nwp/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nanc
chmod 755 /nwp/nanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/mica
chmod 755 /nwp/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micb
chmod 755 /nwp/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/micc
chmod 755 /nwp/micc


#activate the cat scripts then open the catted .txt files in batches with micro or nano
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt1


echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1

echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s

echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s

echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s

echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s

##nwp calls main systems version fo the batches#
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1r
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1u
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1l
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nanb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nan2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'nmic1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1rx
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'micb' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'micc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mic2' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys 'mnan1' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/6m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1rx
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mnana' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mnanb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'mnanc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'mnan2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1rx
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nmica' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'nmicb' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys 'nmicc' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nmic2' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
" > /nwp/4n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1rx
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'mitxt1' C-m \; split-window -v \;   send-keys 'mitxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1rx
echo $"#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys 'nantxt1' C-m \; split-window -h \;   send-keys 'nantxt2' C-m \; attach
" > /nwp/2n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1rx
#the portable folders made by note, notesm, and notesn have "cat" scripts.#
#catted as opposed to cat on a script or .txt file means it was concatenated without overwriting (has past)#
#the other version only differs in catting all the cats or not. for that pair, the one with the 0 (cat4n0) overwrites. alter to call notesn/m folders elsewhere or delete. hold down control x in in nano or control q in micro to quickly close a batch. add any readable file to the folders and the text editors will open them when that folder's batch is called.#
#p. dogfellow
#nwp and my apps bin set to launch a set in root/my-documents with nano and micro
#swap to suit
#tebatches2-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nancd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/miccd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/miccd

#tebatches-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano  /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano  /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano  /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nanad
chmod 755 /nwp/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano  /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanbd
chmod 755 /nwp/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano  /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nancd
chmod 755 /nwp/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/micad
chmod 755 /nwp/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micbd
chmod 755 /nwp/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/miccd
chmod 755 /nwp/miccd

#install nano
petget /tmp/nano293-32md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-32.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64.pet
#the md packages have mouse support disabled, which may allow it to keep some of its expected terminal behavior--you cna install both versions of a given architecture and the second one will backup the earlier one's rc file (but don't install 32 bit in 64 bit or 64 bit in 32 bit--say no to the popups)


Code: Select all

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0m4u/a/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/b/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/c/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/1/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/2/
touch  ./0m4u/b/00{1..10}
touch  ./0m4u/a/0{1..10}
touch  ./0m4u/1/{a..z}
touch  ./0m4u/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n*  > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0m4u/allcat
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nc.txt
cat 4n*  >> ./4cata.txt 
' >> ./0m4u/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./1/*
' > ./0m4u/mic1
chmod 755  ./0m4u/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./2/*  
' > ./0m4u/mic2
chmod 755  ./0m4u/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./a/*  
' > ./0m4u/mica
chmod 755  ./0m4u/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./b/*
' > ./0m4u/micb
chmod 755  ./0m4u/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./c/*
' > ./0m4u/micc
chmod 755  ./0m4u/micc


Code: Select all

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0n4n/a/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/b/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/c/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/1/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/2/
touch  ./0n4n/b/00{1..10}
touch  ./0n4n/a/0{1..10}
touch  ./0n4n/1/{a..z}
touch  ./0n4n/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n*  > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0n4n/allcat
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nc.txt
cat 4n*  >> ./4cata.txt
' >> ./0n4n/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./1/*
' > ./0n4n/nan1
chmod 755  ./0n4n/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./2/*  
' > ./0n4n/nan2
chmod 755  ./0n4n/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./a/*  
' > ./0n4n/nana
chmod 755  ./0n4n/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./b/*
' > ./0n4n/nanb
chmod 755  ./0n4n/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./c/*
' > ./0n4n/nanc
chmod 755  ./0n4n/nanc


Code: Select all


i'll add a more concise list of the launcher and terminal shortcuts (names of the scripts generated above), but for now here's the most recent one explained as a guide:

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1d
chmod 755 /nwp/[b]mic1d[/b]
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/micad
chmod 755 /nwp/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micbd
chmod 755 /nwp/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/miccd
chmod 755 /nwp/miccd
there are five subfolders (1,2,a,b,c) that get generated with the note(sm,n) scripts. each is filled with blank documents. you can add to, delete, or rename what's there and still batch launch and combine them with the helper scripts. this one's got the mic for micro and the d- because i generated the folders in my-documents with a call to "note" in the pinstall script. the letter/number in between that last d and the the mic is which batch is being called. versions without a terminal (as in that ..sakura -e bit) are better suited to be called in tmux panes, and there are templates for a number of those as well (get tmux through your ppm before trying the ones in the link at the top of this post).


--p. dogfellow
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

newest batch of launcher (and terminal) shortcuts/codes

#110 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

i'll add a more concise list of the launcher and terminal shortcuts (names of the scripts generated above), but for now here's the most recent one explained as a guide:


echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/micad
chmod 755 /nwp/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micbd
chmod 755 /nwp/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/miccd
chmod 755 /nwp/miccd

there are five subfolders (1,2,a,b,c) that get generated with the note(sm,n) scripts. each is filled with blank documents. you can add to, delete, or rename what's there and still batch launch and combine them with the helper scripts. this one's got the mic for micro and the d- because i generated the folders in my-documents with a call to "note" in the pinstall script. the letter/number in between that last d and the the mic is which batch is being called. versions without a terminal (as in that ..sakura -e bit) are better suited to be called in tmux panes, and there are templates for a number of those as well (get tmux through your ppm before trying the ones in the link at the top of this post).
that's the launcher version. the terminal version has no addition terminal as part of the launch command. helpful to know: control q in micro and control x in nano will rapidly close all your open documents (unless there's an unsaved change). another tip is that you can move the default folders anywhere you like and rename them--just symlink back to the original location and rename the symlink back to the original folder (0n4n/0m4u) or just recopy the pinstall in a text editor, do search and replace, and resend through the terminal or vtg it in geany.

use ll or gl (name) to edit the individual sets (for instance, keep the name, swap the terminal you don't use out, swap in a new set (like nand), or substitute custom commands in those nan/mic slots):

(nwp only:)
6--open all defaults of one plus one of the other
4 the rest of the five from the one not covered by the 6tmux series
2 catted files from micro set or nano set
rx roxterm
l - lxterminal
u - urxvt
r - rxvt
s - sakura
m - micro
n - nano
6,4,2 --how many panes; defaults are:






in terminal launches subfolder named out of /root/my-documtents/(0n4n/0m4u)
in launcher opens terminal to do it (set for sakura)(most things default to rxvt.


in nwp/pwn (p in terminal) launcher,
nana --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0nan4/a with nano
mnana --same but with micro
nanb --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0nan4/b with nano
mnanb --same but with micro
nanc --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0nan4/c with nano
mnanc --same but with micro
nan1 --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0nan4/1 with nano
mnan1 --same but with micro
nan2 --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0nan4/2 with nano
mnan2 --same but with micro
#(0nan4 was nano's default folder from the earlier nano293 pets, now part of notesn,note)
in nwp/pwn (p in terminal) launcher,
mica --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0m4u/a with micro
nmica --same but with nano
micb --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0m4u/b with micro
nmicb --same but with nano
micc --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0m4u/c with micro
nmicc --same but with nano
mic1 --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0m4u/1 with micro
nmic1 --same but with nano
mic2 --open the txt file batch in nwp/wp/0m4u/2 with micro
nmic2 --same but with nano
#(0m4u was micro's default folder from the earlier nano 293 pets, now part of notesm,note)

non terminal perusal:
same as the micro nano sets for nwp/wp but with gui based editors. mp is minimum profit, gi is geany new instance, g is geany. the 12abc are the same convention as above. the ones tith the n use nano, the ones with t u use micro.

send template to directory through terminal:
nanotes (nano directory as xz compressed file)
nanoh -nano config and help and markdown help
nanoc -just nano config file

nan + a,b,c,1, or 2 --open the sub folder in nano
mic + a,b,c,1, or 2 -- open that subfolder in micro
(terminal and nwp are laid out the same way, but the nwp one makes no sense to call from the launcher--modify and use in scripts (such as the tmux batch launches).

getmicro -- get or update micro text editor

for desktop files you can either use the file manager to open the directory where you keep/move the defaults--the scripts inside can be clicked or just use cd (new directory); script in that folder, or make separate ones for the terminal opening up either a subdirectory (terminal e- nan/mic (a,b,c,1,2,) or a group of them (terminal e- tmux nan/mic (a,b,c,1, or 2).
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

update of earlier nano-micro-text editor utilities pet

#111 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

tnux.pet will back up your folders if you've installed the earlier version. as above, say no to the wrong architecture when the nano pop ups appear (or both as that's the same as above--293. if you've got newer, say no to all). menu entry opens up /root/my-documents to the folders with the scripts and blanks. you could change the exec line to point to specific scripts inside those folders depending on how you want to run things. the pinstall script:

Code: Select all

mv /nwp/wp/0n4n /nwp/wp/0n4n-00
mv /nwp/wp/0m4u /nwp/wp/0m4u-0
mv /root/my-documents/0m4u /root/my-documents/0m4u-0
mv /root/my-documents/0n4n /root/my-documents/0n4n-0
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/
cd /nwp/wp
cd /root/my-documents/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /nwp/getmicro
chmod 755 /nwp/getmicro

#default is to open up with rxvt (which you can swap out above) and to open the templates as created by the micro pet's pinstall script. you can change that too--overwrite the nwp and regular PATH versions with your custom jobbies.#
#i'm in the process of releasing a general/migration (anuupuus) update for the recent additions and changes, so some of this stuff may seem redundant, but the extra's to be altered (or maybe i've abandoned an idea and left part of it in...)#
#the next batch of launcher shortcuts are still focused on the terminal text editors. most of them will either launch a batch from the desktop or terminal, but some will launch batches of batches in tmux windows. the basic breakdown of that launcher code is the first number is how many tmux panels will be filled with text editors launching batches of files; second is n for nano or m for micro as the coices for editor; next is version number (for either nwp/pwn or regular terminal--i.e. your renaming scheme goes here; letter that follows version number is s for sakura, u for urxvt, r for rxvt, rx for roxterm, l for txterminal; last letter is an optional n to say whether the version of, for example, nanb in my apps bin is being called or the one in nwp is being called. default is they're the same. alter for your placement of the (renamable) 0n4n/0m4u folders (scripts within folders are ignorant of of their parent folder and launch differently than the nwp and PATH versions (i.e. they're portable).#
#next bit is#
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/guc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/guc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gina
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gina
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
#reverse: same as above but with nano opening micro's default folder and files and micro opening nano's folders and files:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/mnan1
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/mnan2
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/mnana
chmod 755 /nwp/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/mnanb
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/mnanc
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/nmic1
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/nmic2
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/nmica
chmod 755 /nwp/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/nmicb
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/nmicc
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nana
chmod 755 /nwp/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanb
chmod 755 /nwp/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nanc
chmod 755 /nwp/nanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/mica
chmod 755 /nwp/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micb
chmod 755 /nwp/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/micc
chmod 755 /nwp/micc


#activate the cat scripts then open the catted .txt files in batches with micro or nano
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s

##nwp calls main systems version fo the batches#
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1rx
#the portable folders made by note, notesm, and notesn have "cat" scripts.#
#catted as opposed to cat on a script or .txt file means it was concatenated without overwriting (has past)#
#the other version only differs in catting all the cats or not. for that pair, the one with the 0 (cat4n0) overwrites. alter to call notesn/m folders elsewhere or delete. hold down control x in in nano or control q in micro to quickly close a batch. add any readable file to the folders and the text editors will open them when that folder's batch is called.#
#p. dogfellow
#nwp and my apps bin set to launch a set in root/my-documents with nano and micro
#swap to suit
#tebatches2-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nancd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/miccd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/miccd

#tebatches-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nanad
chmod 755 /nwp/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanbd
chmod 755 /nwp/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nancd
chmod 755 /nwp/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/micad
chmod 755 /nwp/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micbd
chmod 755 /nwp/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/miccd
chmod 755 /nwp/miccd

wktxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/wkttnu.xpm
gbtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/gbttnu.xpm
rdltxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rdlttnu.xpm
rldtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rldttnu.xpm
1txpm "DOCS 0,0" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/1ttnut.xpm
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=open panel main directory
Exec=rox  /root/my-documents

' > /usr/share/applications/DOCS00.desktop

#install nano
petget /tmp/nano293-32md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-32.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64.pet
#the md packages have mouse support disabled, which may allow it to keep some of its expected terminal behavior--you cna install both versions of a given architecture and the second one will backup the earlier one's rc file (but don't install 32 bit in 64 bit or 64 bit in 32 bit--say no to the popups)

jwm -restart

the new notesm:

Code: Select all

#nano batches (0n4n) still set for rxvt
#micro batches (0m4u) now set for sakura
#tmux 6grid of text editor banks as part of improved
#notesn, notesm, and notes scripts
#last box is the other five catted in a number of ways
#use ctrl b +z to toggle zooming of one specific panel
#use ctrl b +x to close a panel
#remove "send-keys \'micro/nano ./a-c,1-2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;" type chunks to 
#make smaller grid presets

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0m4u/a/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/b/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/c/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/1/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/2/
touch ./0m4u/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/1/{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0m4u/allcat
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt 
' >> ./0m4u/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./1/*
' > ./0m4u/mic1
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./2/* 
' > ./0m4u/mic2
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./a/* 
' > ./0m4u/mica
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./b/*
' > ./0m4u/micb
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./c/*
' > ./0m4u/micc
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > ./0m4u/mitxt
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mitxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'micro ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'micro ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./mitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0m4u/6m1s
chmod 755 ./0m4u/6m1s
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.
the new notesn:

Code: Select all

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0n4n/a/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/b/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/c/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/1/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/2/
touch ./0n4n/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/1/{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0n4n/allcat
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
' >> ./0n4n/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./1/*
' > ./0n4n/nan1
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./2/* 
' > ./0n4n/nan2
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./a/* 
' > ./0n4n/nana
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./b/*
' > ./0n4n/nanb
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./c/*
' > ./0n4n/nanc
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > ./0n4n/nantxt
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nantxt

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nano ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'nano ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./nantxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0n4n/6n1r
chmod 755 ./0n4n/6n1r 

#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.

and something in what should be in the icon path for most pups, an on the spot version of the earler icon scripts, iconshere:

Code: Select all

#mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/{scripts,icons/{pans,defaults,dirs,conf,cus}}
#requires mcc http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=884162#884162
#or some later for of nwp/anuupuus: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=850270#850270
#mkdir -p ./[add/subfolders]icon.xpm
#search and replace TMUX to change the icon, tnu to change the icon's name
#/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/ should be in your icon path 
#so you'd only need to name of the icon to get it to show up on desktop files.
#(you could also skip that part and right click associate icons with files--no menu
#entries, but you can still use them on the panels and desktops and assign
#keyboard shortcuts to them
0artxpm "TMUX" >./0arttnu.xpm
0atxpm "TMUX" >./0attnu.xpm
0rwtxpm "TMUX" >./0rwttnu.xpm
0txpm "TMUX" >./0ttnu.xpm
1txpm "TMUX" >./1ttnu.xpm
2txpm "TMUX" >./2ttnu.xpm
3txpm "TMUX" >./3ttnu.xpm
4txpm "TMUX" >./4ttnu.xpm
5txpm "TMUX" >./5ttnu.xpm
6txpm "TMUX" >./6ttnu.xpm
7txpm "TMUX" >./7ttnu.xpm
8txpm "TMUX" >./8ttnu.xpm
9txpm "TMUX" >./9ttnu.xpm
bltxpm "TMUX" >./blttnu.xpm
botxpm "TMUX" >./bottnu.xpm
btxpm "TMUX" >./bttnu.xpm
bwtxpm "TMUX" >./bwttnu.xpm
deftxpm "TMUX" >./defttnu.xpm
defxpm "TMUX" >./deftnu.xpm
gbtxpm "TMUX" >./gbttnu.xpm
gwtxpm "TMUX" >./gwttnu.xpm
kwtxpm "TMUX" >./kwttnu.xpm
lbtxpm "TMUX" >./lbttnu.xpm
lotxpm "TMUX" >./lottnu.xpm
obtxpm "TMUX" >./obttnu.xpm
oltxpm "TMUX" >./olttnu.xpm
prtext2xpm "TMUX" >./prtext2tnu.xpm
prtxpm "TMUX" >./prttnu.xpm
ptxpm "TMUX" >./pttnu.xpm
rdbltxpm "TMUX" >./rdblttnu.xpm
rdltxpm "TMUX" >./rdlttnu.xpm
rldtxpm "TMUX" >./rldttnu.xpm
rrdbltxpm "TMUX" >./rrdblttnu.xpm
text2xpm "TMUX" >./text2tnu.xpm
wbtxpm "TMUX" >./wbttnu.xpm
wgtxpm "TMUX" >./wgttnu.xpm
wktxpm "TMUX" >./wkttnu.xpm
wtxpm "TMUX" >./wttnu.xpm
wtxt2xpm "TMUX" >./wtxt2tnu.xpm
1txpm "DOCS 0,0" >./1ttnut.xpm
#swap tmux for icon and tnu for name of icon
#recs: pinks for sakura:  rldttnu.xpm     rdlttnu.xpm
# black and white for rxvt: wkttnu.xpm
# green and black in general for tmux: gbttnu.xpm
#mkdir -p ./cus/cus{1..4}
#wktxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/wkttnu.xpm
#gbtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/gbttnu.xpm
#rdltxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rdlttnu.xpm
#rldtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rldttnu.xpm
#1txpm "DOCS 0,0" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/1ttnut.xpm
#echo $'
#[Desktop Entry]
#Comment=open panel main directory
#Exec=rox  /root/my-documents

#' > /usr/share/applications/DOCS00.desktop
#jwm -reload
the last icon making bit's not activated by default, but you can click it to get TMUXes in all the default colors. it's set for /root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/, and the above script has the uncommented out version activated at installation--swap out the exec=rox line for one of the scripts in the folders (wherever you drag them--they're portable from within, but external calls need to know the absolute path(s)) if you want a specific script called (..nanb, 6m2s1) rather than the platter of choices.


here's the pet again:

from tnux.pet updates/improves micro1..-nuupn3264n.pet above
menu entry for my-docs set; update mmv; individual and batch launch batches from folder..(
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 42#1032042)
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

another update for the tnux pet (some fixes, some additions)

#112 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

here's the pet:



├── pet.specs
├── pinstall.sh
├── root
│   ├── my-applications
│   │   └── bin
│   │   ├── mmv
│   │   ├── note
│   │   ├── notesm
│   │   ├── notesmce
│   │   ├── notesmcx
│   │   └── notesn
│   └── puppy-reference
│   └── mini-icons
│   └── iconshere
├── tmp
│   ├── nano293-32md.pet
│   ├── nano293-32.pet
│   ├── nano293-64md.pet
│   ├── nano293-64.pet
│   └── tnux-a.sh
└── usr
└── share
└── applications

i'll post all the pieces since that'll make it easier to grab and mod in the future, but the android compatibility comes from the tnux-a script above, which you can run in termux or a terminal app on your android device (tested on a phone, a kindle, and two android t.v. boxes). the script gets sent to /nwp/wp, where you can mod it, sent it to your android, and run (once you've got a terminal and or tmux up and running) with bash tnux.androido (it gets recopied from the pet back to it's original name, but overall the script tries to approximate this utility).

from Androido!/notes3:

here's a general use version of the script i've been using (piecemeal) to configure my android devices to use the tnux text editor utilities (it's not a typo--text editors, nano, micro (u), tmu(x) terminal multiplexer; sometimes the little red line's more annoying than others) and be more usable in general. the .. business moves up directories (rather than cd /path to where you were), but the everything else should be fairly heavily commented (it started out as Androido but is now tnux-a):

#androido/tnux-a. tnux0.pet as a script to configure android devices to use binder like batches of text editor files launched in tmux or terminal
#text editors used are nano, mc edit, and micro; terminal app and tmux req.
#android version gets rid of calls to specific consoles since you have to be in the terminal to use in the first place
#i perhaps mistakenly use terminal and console interchangeably.
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#seems that in android/termux/tmux you need to call bash to run scripts not in the path. i.e. bash ./ thishere.sh.
#try changing permissions or preceeding the call with bash if things aren\'t working as expected. this script is the
#android device version of tnux.0 and the other On4n/0m4u grids of text editor notebooks in tmux (nano, micro, and now mc edit).
# call with notesn, note (all at once), notesmcx, or notesm (there\'s no lpx conflict but i named things the same way in the android version anyway). in testing i used puppy to make the folders i tried out on the android boxes, phone, and kindle, but this newest version can make the folders in the android device itself (in theory--i haven\'t actually tested it yet--at worse it\'ll just fail and you can make it in linus and access them in the networked android folder)
#some of the bits that are commented probably should be uncommented out and their versions taken off bash.bashrc, but calling cd /path scripts wasnt working on the kindle originally (i think a bash update fixed that and opening the asterisk weirdness (opening a file named * rather than all the files in a directory). if not, i\'ll post the longer version at some later time. (all files listed and you don\'t get auto inclusion of whatever you put in that folder or syncing conflicts, etc--it\'s not preferable).
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/note
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/note
#above refers to scripts not yet included, but first i want to get the bashrc stuff out of the way (mostly stuff to make navigation and editing of configuration files easier):
#back up bash profile and add some stuff to it:
cp -f /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc-bk
echo $'
alias .....=\'cd ../../../../\'
alias ....=\'cd ../../../\'
alias ...=\'cd ../../\'
alias ..=\'cd ..\'
alias ll=\'ls -sa\'
alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\'
#(can\'t find the specific original source, but) the above bit is pretty common--hop up the directory tree and make ls a little more user friendly. more navigation shorts:
alias usr=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/\'
alias config=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/\'
alias etc=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/\'
alias home=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/\'
alias home2=\'cd /storage/emulated/0/CUS/\'
alias sto=\'cd /storage/emulated/0/\'
#these next two are uncommented but you should either swap in your dropbox stuff and card details or comment them out:
alias cardb=\'cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.dropbox.android/files/[]/\'
alias card=\'cd /storage/[somenumber]\'
path1=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/\'
path2=\'cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/\'
#you could add a path and do other bash tricks, many or all of which may be better than having to remember to not update the bash profile when you update bash (the reason some of the individual scripts this script makes duplicate some of these functions--you may forget and need to get back in here (or you can just rerun this bit).
alias microno=\'nano /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nanorc /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/micro/settings.json /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc\'
alias microc=\'micro /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nanorc /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/micro/settings.json /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc\'
#^main configuration files i seem to find myself tweaking, opened in your choice of nano or micro.
#i put cd ../[sto]/0n4n (etc) on the bash profile as well for easy access, but i no longer think the cd /path scripts would be a problem--i may have forgotten to add some authorization package first time around.
' >> /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc
#sto and home2 (swap out CUS or the rest of the path) are set for where android seems to prefer you store your stuff.
#the rest of my original config script (assumes you made the text editor batch launch folders already and placed them ..storage/../CUS:
#swap out the CUS for the folder if using sto; swap out whole path if using some other location
#(though you could just ignore the defaults and use the note(s- n,m,mcx) scripts)
# for easy fillin gof the tmux grids with text editor/document batches:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/1/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/na1
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/na1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/2/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/na2
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/na2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/a/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/naa
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/naa
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/b/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nab
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nab
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/c/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nac
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nac
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/1/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mi1
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mi1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/2/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mi2
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mi2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/a/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mia
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mia
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/b/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mib
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mib
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/c/*
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mic
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mic
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/*.txt
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/natxt
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/natxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0n4n/*.txt
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mnatxt
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mnatxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/*.txt
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mitxt
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/mitxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /storage/emulated/0/CUS/0m4u/*.txt
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nmitxt
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/nmitxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'naa\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nab\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nac\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'natxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6ny2
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6ny2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mia\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mib\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6my2
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6my2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'naa\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nab\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nac\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnatxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6nCUS
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6nCUS
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mia\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mib\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6mCUS
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6mCUS
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'naa\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nab\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nac\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'natxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6n
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mia\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mib\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6m
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'naa\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nab\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nac\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/4n
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mia\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mib\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/4m
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/4m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'na2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'natxt\' C-m \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/2n
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/2n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mi2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt\' C-m \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/2m
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/2m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux kill-server
#To close a specific session, use tmux list-sessions to identify the session you want to kill, and then use tmux kill-session -t targetSession to kill that specific session.
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/kil
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/kil
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux kill-session -a
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/kila
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/kila
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'naa\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nab\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nac\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'na2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnatxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6nm
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6nm
echo $'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mia\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mib\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mi2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6mn
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/6mn
#presets/quick calls have no mcedit version, but you can navigate to the 0mce folder to batch launch those versions
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nanorc /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/micro/settings.json /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/bashm
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/bashm
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nanorc /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/micro/settings.json /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/bashn
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/bashn
#end of original file. here's the bit that makes the folders and tmux grids from the terminal (and which will attempt to run them in the ../CUS/.. folder--do a search and replace before running this script):

echo $'
#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0n4n/a/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/b/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/c/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/1/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/2/
touch ./0n4n/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/1/{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/c/{1..10}
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
\' > ./0n4n/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
\' > ./0n4n/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n0
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
\' > ./0n4n/allcat
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcat
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
\' >> ./0n4n/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcatted
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
nano ./1/*
\' > ./0n4n/nan1
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan1
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
nano ./2/*
\' > ./0n4n/nan2
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan2
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
nano ./a/*
\' > ./0n4n/nana
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nana
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
nano ./b/*
\' > ./0n4n/nanb
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanb
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
nano ./c/*
\' > ./0n4n/nanc
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanc
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
\' > ./0n4n/nantxt
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nantxt
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \\; send-keys \\\'nano ./a/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'nano ./b/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'nano ./c/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'nano ./1/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'nano ./2/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'./nantxt\\\' C-m \\; select-layout tiled \\; attach
\' > ./0n4n/6n1r
chmod 755 ./0n4n/6n1r
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesn
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesn

echo $'
#nano batches (0n4n) still set for rxvt
#micro batches (0m4u) now set for sakura
#tmux 6grid of text editor banks as part of improved
#notesn, notesm, and notes scripts
#last box is the other five catted in a number of ways
#use ctrl b +z to toggle zooming of one specific panel
#use ctrl b +x to close a panel
#remove "send-keys \\\'micro/nano ./a-c,1-2/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\;" type chunks to
#make smaller grid presets
#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0m4u/a/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/b/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/c/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/1/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/2/
touch ./0m4u/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/1/{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/c/{1..10}
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
\' > ./0m4u/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
\' > ./0m4u/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n0
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
\' > ./0m4u/allcat
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcat
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
\' >> ./0m4u/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcatted
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./1/*
\' > ./0m4u/mic1
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic1
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./2/*
\' > ./0m4u/mic2
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic2
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./a/*
\' > ./0m4u/mica
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mica
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./b/*
\' > ./0m4u/micb
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micb
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./c/*
\' > ./0m4u/micc
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micc
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
\' > ./0m4u/mitxt
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mitxt
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \\; send-keys \\\'micro ./a/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'micro ./b/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'micro ./c/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'micro ./1/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'micro ./2/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'./mitxt\\\' C-m \\; select-layout tiled \\; attach
\' > ./0m4u/6m1s
chmod 755 ./0m4u/6m1s
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesm
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesm
echo $'
#swap /usr/bin/lxterminal for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/mcedit -x for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0mce/a/
mkdir -p ./0mce/b/
mkdir -p ./0mce/c/
mkdir -p ./0mce/1/
mkdir -p ./0mce/2/
touch ./0mce/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0mce/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0mce/1/{a..z}
touch ./0mce/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0mce/c/{1..10}
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
\' > ./0mce/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0mce/cat4n
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
\' > ./0mce/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0mce/cat4n0
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
\' > ./0mce/allcat
chmod 755 ./0mce/allcat
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
\' >> ./0mce/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0mce/allcatted
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
mcedit -x ./1/*
\' > ./0mce/mcx1
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcx1
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
mcedit -x ./2/*
\' > ./0mce/mcx2
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcx2
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
mcedit -x ./a/*
\' > ./0mce/mcxa
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxa
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
mcedit -x ./b/*
\' > ./0mce/mcxb
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxb
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
mcedit -x ./c/*
\' > ./0mce/mcxc
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxc
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0mce/
mcedit -x ./*.txt
\' > ./0mce/mcxtxt
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxtxt
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
tmux new-session \\; send-keys \\\'mcedit -x ./a/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'mcedit -x ./b/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'mcedit -x ./c/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'mcedit -x ./1/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -h \\; send-keys \\\'mcedit -x ./2/*\\\' C-m \\; split-window -v \\; send-keys \\\'./mcxtxt\\\' C-m \\; select-layout tiled \\; attach
\' > ./0mce/6mx
chmod 755 ./0mce/6mx
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.
' > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesmcx
chmod 755 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/notesmcx
#make a copy of the three defaults (0n4n, 0m4u, 0mce) in the CUS folder:
cd /storage/emulated/0/CUS/

#pkg install tmux
#pkg install nano
#pkg install micro
#pkg install mc
#(xsel and/or xclip and some repos that need to be added (termux opens with suggestions) could also be helpful)
#i'm leaving this part commented out as you may already have some/all of it.

#the android/termux version of pkg is backwards compared to sc0ttman's; if you haven't got micro/nano/tmux installed but have installed his gui/cli package manager (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 531#985531) the above (uncommented and with the install swapped to add would add those packages in puppy (but for this to work in puppy, you'd still need to swap the path1 path2 matches (see the cd bash shortcuts) for that stuff to work (/root/my-applications/bin is where i usually send the non-nwp nwp stuff)).

#in nano, use alt plus < > to cycle through the batch of documents in a given pane; in micro use , .; in mcedit use F9 w l (unless you know of a faster way to get the document list). alt+g is help in both nano and micro.

#swap out the names/locations of the default folders and text editors (nano, micro, and/or mcedit -x) before running and those changes will be present as the new defaults
#---puppus dogfellow, 8/12/19


(440 pm edt)


some of android's configuration files end up in /../home/.config and others in ../etc. mcedit's configuration folder is in .config/../mcedit, but its .config (which would need to be created) is not one of the configuration files that pops open with the bashn or bashm command (nano or micro opening their configuration files and bash.bashrc). as the comments say,



almost forgot: the tnux.0 pet is just a fix of the earlier tnux.pet: i accidently had some files with duplicate names and i left out the nwp shortcuts for the gui text editors opening these files.

tnux.1 will include (a possibly compressed to keep deactivated..paths are different so it shouldn't cause a problem regardless...) version of this script--swap the paths and it's puppy friendly without forcing specific terminals on your batch and editor choices.


before i realized you had to use bash /path/to/script to call non-PATH scripts in android, i was saving the scripts to a folder, catting them (cat ./script), and then using highlight middle click paste to run the contents. sometimes the non terminal android editors are better at making a highlight to select and middle click to dump in a terminal script, but as long as you remember to toggle the mouse on and off in nano (alt m) and install xsel or xclip, moving the text around isn't too awkward (compared to what it was like the last time i tried to write using terminal text editors). last box in the six grid updates each time it's run, so holding down ctrl x in nano or ctrl q in micro to clear it and then arrowing back up to rerun the box gets the updated versions. control s is save in both. tmux has its own clipboard function, but it still seems a bit awkward to me compared to highlighting to select and middle clicking to paste (or relying on the android clipboard. control+b (then) = will get you what you've managed to grab with the tmux clipboard).


tweak the script to match your storage cards and other personal paths (like where your dropbox is (see cardb in the bashrc bit) or where you want there three binder folders made.

here's the pinstall:

Code: Select all

#bk ups of earlier versions:
mv /nwp/wp/0n4n /nwp/wp/0n4n-1
mv /nwp/wp/0m4u /nwp/wp/0m4u-1
mv /root/my-documents/0m4u /root/my-documents/0m4u-1
mv /root/my-documents/0n4n /root/my-documents/0n4n-1

#default is to open up with rxvt (which you can swap out above) and to open the templates as created by the micro pet's pinstall script. you can change that too--overwrite the nwp and regular PATH versions with your custom jobbies.#
#i'm in the process of releasing a general/migration (anuupuus) update for the recent additions and changes, so some of this stuff may seem redundant, but the extra's to be altered (or maybe i've abandoned an idea and left part of it in...)#
#the next batch of launcher shortcuts are still focused on the terminal text editors. most of them will either launch a batch from the desktop or terminal, but some will launch batches of batches in tmux windows. the basic breakdown of that launcher code is the first number is how many tmux panels will be filled with text editors launching batches of files; second is n for nano or m for micro as the coices for editor; next is version number (for either nwp/pwn or regular terminal--i.e. your renaming scheme goes here; letter that follows version number is s for sakura, u for urxvt, r for rxvt, rx for roxterm, l for txterminal; last letter is an optional n to say whether the version of, for example, nanb in my apps bin is being called or the one in nwp is being called. default is they're the same. alter for your placement of the (renamable) 0n4n/0m4u folders (scripts within folders are ignorant of of their parent folder and launch differently than the nwp and PATH versions (i.e. they're portable).#
#next bit is#
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nmicc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mpuc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gna
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/guc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/guc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gin2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gina
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gina
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ginc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giua
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giub
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/giuc
#reverse: same as above but with nano opening micro's default folder and files and micro opening nano's folders and files:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/mnan1
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/mnan2
chmod 755 /nwp/mnan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/mnana
chmod 755 /nwp/mnana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/mnanb
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/mnanc
chmod 755 /nwp/mnanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/nmic1
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/nmic2
chmod 755 /nwp/nmic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/nmica
chmod 755 /nwp/nmica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/nmicb
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/nmicc
chmod 755 /nwp/nmicc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nana
chmod 755 /nwp/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanb
chmod 755 /nwp/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nanc
chmod 755 /nwp/nanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/mica
chmod 755 /nwp/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micb
chmod 755 /nwp/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/micc
chmod 755 /nwp/micc


#activate the cat scripts then open the catted .txt files in batches with micro or nano
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt2
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /nwp/nantxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /nwp/mitxt1
chmod 755 /nwp/mitxt1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nantxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/wp/0m4u/
micro ./*.txt
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mitxt1

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s

##nwp calls main systems version fo the batches#
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1r
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/urxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1u
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1l
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1s
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nan2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmic1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6n1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'micb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'micc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mic2\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnan1\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/6m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/6m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mnana\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mnanb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnanc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'mnan2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nmica\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'nmicb\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmicc\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nmic2\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > /nwp/4n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/4n1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mitxt1\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'mitxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2m1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2m1rx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/roxterm -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nantxt1\' C-m \; split-window -h \; send-keys \'nantxt2\' C-m \; attach
' > /nwp/2n1rx
chmod 755 /nwp/2n1rx
#the portable folders made by note, notesm, and notesn have "cat" scripts.#
#catted as opposed to cat on a script or .txt file means it was concatenated without overwriting (has past)#
#the other version only differs in catting all the cats or not. for that pair, the one with the 0 (cat4n0) overwrites. alter to call notesn/m folders elsewhere or delete. hold down control x in in nano or control q in micro to quickly close a batch. add any readable file to the folders and the text editors will open them when that folder's batch is called.#
#p. dogfellow
#nwp and my apps bin set to launch a set in root/my-documents with nano and micro
#swap to suit
#tebatches2-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/nancd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micad
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/miccd
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/miccd

#tebatches-my Documents (..d)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/nan1d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/nan2d
chmod 755 /nwp/nan2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/nanad
chmod 755 /nwp/nanad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/nanbd
chmod 755 /nwp/nanbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e nano /root/my-documents/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/nancd
chmod 755 /nwp/nancd

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mic1d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic1d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mic2d
chmod 755 /nwp/mic2d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/micad
chmod 755 /nwp/micad
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/micbd
chmod 755 /nwp/micbd
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e micro /root/my-documents/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/miccd
chmod 755 /nwp/miccd

wktxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/wkttnu.xpm
gbtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/gbttnu.xpm
rdltxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rdlttnu.xpm
rldtxpm "TMUX" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/rldttnu.xpm
1txpm "DOCS 0,0" >/root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/1ttnut.xpm
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=open panel main directory
Exec=rox  /root/my-documents

' > /usr/share/applications/DOCS00.desktop

#nwp/pwn launcher versions of the gui text editor calls:
#mp editor
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/mpn1
chmod 755 /nwp/mpn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/mpn2
chmod 755 /nwp/mpn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/mpna
chmod 755 /nwp/mpna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/mpnb
chmod 755 /nwp/mpnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/mpnc
chmod 755 /nwp/mpnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/mpu1
chmod 755 /nwp/mpu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/mpu2
chmod 755 /nwp/mpu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/mpua
chmod 755 /nwp/mpua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/mpub
chmod 755 /nwp/mpub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mp /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/mpuc
chmod 755 /nwp/mpuc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/gn1
chmod 755 /nwp/gn1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/gn2
chmod 755 /nwp/gn2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/gna
chmod 755 /nwp/gna
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/gnb
chmod 755 /nwp/gnb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/gnc
chmod 755 /nwp/gnc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/gu1
chmod 755 /nwp/gu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/gu2
chmod 755 /nwp/gu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/gua
chmod 755 /nwp/gua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/gub
chmod 755 /nwp/gub
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany /nwp/wp/0m4u/c/*
' > /nwp/guc
chmod 755 /nwp/guc

echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/1/*
' > /nwp/gin1
chmod 755 /nwp/gin1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/2/*
' > /nwp/gin2
chmod 755 /nwp/gin2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/a/*
' > /nwp/gina
chmod 755 /nwp/gina
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/b/*
' > /nwp/ginb
chmod 755 /nwp/ginb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0n4n/c/*
' > /nwp/ginc
chmod 755 /nwp/ginc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/1/*
' > /nwp/giu1
chmod 755 /nwp/giu1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/2/*
' > /nwp/giu2
chmod 755 /nwp/giu2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/a/*
' > /nwp/giua
chmod 755 /nwp/giua
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i /nwp/wp/0m4u/b/*
' > /nwp/giub
chmod 755 /nwp/giub 

cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/
cd /nwp/wp
cd /root/my-documents/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/getmicro
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /root/my-applications/bin/
curl https://getmic.ro | bash
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/micro
' > /nwp/getmicro
chmod 755 /nwp/getmicro

#add a copy of the androido (terminal text editors launching in batches/grids) script to /nwp/wp:
cp -f /tmp/tnux-a.sh /nwp/wp/tnux.androido

#install nano
petget /tmp/nano293-32md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-32.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64md.pet
petget /tmp/nano293-64.pet
#the md packages have mouse support disabled, which may allow it to keep some of its expected terminal behavior--you cna install both versions of a given architecture and the second one will backup the earlier one's rc file (but don't install 32 bit in 64 bit or 64 bit in 32 bit--say no to the popups)
#newer nanos can toggle mouse support
jwm -restart
note is the same but adds an mc -x /lx terminal set. there's also a new command to make the same set but without the -x (mouse support), but that's not one of the defaults made by notes. the names of the other folders make folders as described earlier (works in android also, but if you're sycning between the two, remember that the android versions don't ue a terminal preload--just delete that part from the code or run the individual pieces (i.e. the ./nana, which will run all the files in directory a.

if you want to fix the duplicate file name error from the earlier pet manually (it messed up the cat scripts (6th box), which i think of as a form of running back up in two versions), run:

sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' ./allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' ./allcatted

anywhere you've previous run note or it's components (notesn, notesm).


Code: Select all

sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /nwp/wp/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /nwp/wp/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /nwp/wp/0m4u/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /nwp/wp/0m4u/allcatted

sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/0m4u/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/0m4u/allcatted
sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /root/my-documents/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /root/my-documents/0n4n/allcatted
sed -i 's/\.txt/a\.txt/' /root/my-documents/0m4u/allcatted
sed -i 's/cataa/cata/' /root/my-documents/0m4u/allcatted 

to fix the earlier ones. new version renames old folders to ..-1.


(post is already kind of long, but here are the corrected main binder-making scripts:

Code: Select all

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0n4n/a/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/b/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/c/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/1/
mkdir -p ./0n4n/2/
touch ./0n4n/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0n4n/1/{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0n4n/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0n4n/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0n4n/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0n4n/allcat
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
' >> ./0n4n/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0n4n/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./1/*
' > ./0n4n/nan1
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./2/* 
' > ./0n4n/nan2
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nan2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./a/* 
' > ./0n4n/nana
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nana
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./b/*
' > ./0n4n/nanb
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e nano ./c/*
' > ./0n4n/nanc
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nanc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
nano ./*.txt
' > ./0n4n/nantxt
chmod 755 ./0n4n/nantxt

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/rxvt -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'nano ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'nano ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'nano ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./nantxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0n4n/6n1r
chmod 755 ./0n4n/6n1r 

#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.


Code: Select all

#nano batches (0n4n) still set for rxvt
#micro batches (0m4u) now set for sakura
#tmux 6grid of text editor banks as part of improved
#notesn, notesm, and notes scripts
#last box is the other five catted in a number of ways
#use ctrl b +z to toggle zooming of one specific panel
#use ctrl b +x to close a panel
#remove "send-keys \'micro/nano ./a-c,1-2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;" type chunks to 
#make smaller grid presets

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0m4u/a/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/b/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/c/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/1/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/2/
touch ./0m4u/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/1/{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0m4u/allcat
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt 
' >> ./0m4u/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./1/*
' > ./0m4u/mic1
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./2/* 
' > ./0m4u/mic2
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./a/* 
' > ./0m4u/mica
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./b/*
' > ./0m4u/micb
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./c/*
' > ./0m4u/micc
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > ./0m4u/mitxt
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mitxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'micro ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'micro ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./mitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0m4u/6m1s
chmod 755 ./0m4u/6m1s
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a d
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

^shouldn't have hit submit before checking the preview

#113 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


here's notesm:

Code: Select all

#nano batches (0n4n) still set for rxvt
#micro batches (0m4u) now set for sakura
#tmux 6grid of text editor banks as part of improved
#notesn, notesm, and notes scripts
#last box is the other five catted in a number of ways
#use ctrl b +z to toggle zooming of one specific panel
#use ctrl b +x to close a panel
#remove "send-keys \'micro/nano ./a-c,1-2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;" type chunks to 
#make smaller grid presets

#swap rxvt for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/nano for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0m4u/a/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/b/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/c/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/1/
mkdir -p ./0m4u/2/
touch ./0m4u/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0m4u/1/{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0m4u/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0m4u/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0m4u/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0m4u/allcat
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt 
' >> ./0m4u/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0m4u/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./1/*
' > ./0m4u/mic1
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./2/* 
' > ./0m4u/mic2
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mic2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./a/* 
' > ./0m4u/mica
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mica
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./b/*
' > ./0m4u/micb
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rxvt -e micro ./c/*
' > ./0m4u/micc
chmod 755 ./0m4u/micc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0n4n/
micro ./*.txt
' > ./0m4u/mitxt
chmod 755 ./0m4u/mitxt
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sakura -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'micro ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'micro ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'micro ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./mitxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0m4u/6m1s
chmod 755 ./0m4u/6m1s
#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.
here's notesmcx:

Code: Select all

#swap /usr/bin/lxterminal for terminal of your choice
#(search and replace) micro/mcedit -x for text editor of your choice
mkdir -p ./0mce/a/
mkdir -p ./0mce/b/
mkdir -p ./0mce/c/
mkdir -p ./0mce/1/
mkdir -p ./0mce/2/
touch ./0mce/b/00{1..10}
touch ./0mce/a/0{1..10}
touch ./0mce/1/{a..z}
touch ./0mce/2/a{a..z}
touch ./0mce/c/{1..10}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#no overwrite by incoming/running tabs
cat ./a/* >> ./4nal.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nbl.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1l.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2l.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4ncl.txt
' > ./0mce/cat4n
chmod 755 ./0mce/cat4n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#incoming 0verwrites contents
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
' > ./0mce/cat4n0
chmod 755 ./0mce/cat4n0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* > ./4na.txt
cat ./b/* > ./4nb.txt
cat ./1/* > ./4n1.txt
cat ./2/* > ./4n2.txt
cat ./c/* > ./4nc.txt
cat 4n* > ./4cat.txt
' > ./0mce/allcat
chmod 755 ./0mce/allcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./a/* >> ./4naa.txt
cat ./b/* >> ./4nba.txt
cat ./1/* >> ./4n1a.txt
cat ./2/* >> ./4n2a.txt
cat ./c/* >> ./4nca.txt
cat 4n* >> ./4cata.txt
' >> ./0mce/allcatted
chmod 755 ./0mce/allcatted
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e mcedit -x ./1/*
' > ./0mce/mcx1
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcx1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e mcedit -x ./2/* 
' > ./0mce/mcx2
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcx2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e mcedit -x ./a/* 
' > ./0mce/mcxa
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxa
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e mcedit -x ./b/*
' > ./0mce/mcxb
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e mcedit -x ./c/*
' > ./0mce/mcxc
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cd ./0mce/
mcedit -x ./*.txt
' > ./0mce/mcxtxt
chmod 755 ./0mce/mcxtxt

echo $'#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/lxterminal -e tmux new-session \; send-keys \'mcedit -x ./a/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \;  send-keys \'mcedit -x ./b/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'mcedit -x ./c/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'mcedit -x ./1/*\' C-m \; split-window -h \;  send-keys \'mcedit -x ./2/*\' C-m \; split-window -v \; send-keys \'./mcxtxt\' C-m \; select-layout tiled \; attach
' > ./0mce/6mx
chmod 755 ./0mce/6mx

#if not symlinking back, replace the dot with the rest of your real path to make launcher codes or terminal calls for them. for a desktop file you could do the same or just open the folder in your file manager and click on individual or group launch for the subfolders.

the launch codes for the gui based text editors running these binders' files are set around g for geany, gi for geany new instance, mp for mp text editor, and abc12 for the folders. the two default locations are /root/my-documents and /nwp/wp. the my-documents versions add a d to the end. the same convention more or less holds for nano (na or nan), micro (mic), and mcedit (though mce and mcx run from the folder only, and in at least one earlier version reuse nano's codes), but that sixth box is catting files named something.txt and runs a slightly different naming convention. (it's like a tape back up in two version). hold close (ctrl q (micro) or ctrl x(nano)) to quickly close the batch; arrow up and press enter to rerun/update the backup record or any other batch/binder--they don't seem to offer to reload on their own like geany does. you can add to, delete, or rename the files in the binder folders (1,2,a,b,c).

current shortcuts list is about thirty pages in a regular word processing file--i think the last time i posted it was about two thread pages back..

i'm sorry for how long it would take to read all the shortcuts.

:oops: :cry: :)

enjoy/sorry for the overlong post,

--p. dogfellow
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

something neater and better than the previous version (but

#114 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from microdoc.1.2.pet: some more text editor utilities/addons
catting, themeing, batch launching, conflict fixes, other improvements over 0m4u:

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:

from pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/recs and notes/microdoc/notes 4:

i've been playing around with nano, micro, and mcedit and have developed a distinct preference for micro. i'm more used to its built in shortcuts (typical word processor copy paste select all, etc) and with a few tweaks it's getting to be almost as useful as geany. with the github colorscheme (ctrl+e > set colorscheme github) on an android box running termux/tmux, you get that tv is off aesthetic while still having a powerful text editor that does in fact offer to reload when you've changed your synced files elsewhere on the system (apologies for an earlier post down at murga-linux that claimed otherwise--i must've been thinking of nano). the pinstall script for microdocs1.1 can explain a little further why this pet exists

mkdir -p /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs/10110/
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs/az10/
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs/azaz/
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdocs/10az/
#microdoc00 produces considerably more files and is better done through the terminal than right click menu (feels instantaneous compared to watching rox display the names as they move). both versions cat (combine) all to micro with the callm callm2 scripts. pet fixes the ctrl+b conflict with tmux (shell mode for micro is tmux's command prefix). code for batch launching a directory's so short the launchers don't really save too much time relative to the space they take up (one per directory), so none for the 100s and an option for 10s (26x26 gets made by both microdoc and microdoc00)
#update to 1.1. adds microdoc0, which calls both to a directory (backtick, microdoc0) and tmuxm, which is set to enable mouse control on tmux vintage tahr and older. (comment out what's there and uncomment (or manage to remember) tmux set -g mouse for xenial and newer. not sure about which version to use for what slacko or unicorn)
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./N/* | micro
#micro ./N/*
#added many of the non tc (true color) colorschemes from micros website
#new keycuts are f6 close all, f7 shell mode, f8 save all, f9 save as, alt t tab switch (enter name or number in status bar)
#microdoc and microdoc00 can be called to the same directory without overwriting one another. default for right click is microdocs (ten versus 100 version) with the mini batch scripts included in the subdirectories.
#p. dogfellow 9/29/19

#see micro's website for more https://micro-editor.github.io/

though it would take some rationale of the logic behind androido and tnux.1_ to see what's being improved and why. basically, this pet makes it easy to call, navigate, and collect the text from batches of files using micro and the cat utility. here's the tree -sa output of the pet:

root# tree -sa
├── [ 140] pet.specs
├── [ 1971] pinstall.sh
└── [ 80] root
├── [ 60] .config
│ └── [ 80] micro
│ ├── [ 112] bindings.json
│ └── [ 440] colorschemes
│ ├── [ 802] bubblegum.micro
│ ├── [ 1374] cmc16.micro
│ ├── [ 1316] cmcpaper.micro
│ ├── [ 770] codeblocks.micro
│ ├── [ 824] codeblocks-paper.micro
│ ├── [ 1073] darcula.micro
│ ├── [ 1057] default.micro
│ ├── [ 678] geany.micro
│ ├── [ 810] github.micro
│ ├── [ 591] gruvbox.micro
│ ├── [ 1057] monokai.micro
│ ├── [ 1038] nano.micro
│ ├── [ 1031] railscast.micro
│ ├── [ 817] simple2.micro
│ ├── [ 811] simple.micro
│ ├── [ 807] solarized2.micro
│ ├── [ 814] solarized3.micro
│ ├── [ 941] solarized.micro
│ ├── [ 1067] twilight.micro
│ └── [ 722] zenburn.micro
└── [ 60] my-applications
└── [ 180] bin
├── [ 113] getmicro
├── [ 408] mbatch10
├── [ 1012] mbatchaz
├── [ 1402] microdoc
├── [ 29] microdoc0
├── [ 1394] microdoc00
└── [ 215] tmuxm

6 directories, 30 files

here's microdoc:

(sorry, but i don't have the energy to mimic geany's syntax highlighting like i did with the pinstall script (plus it's also got orange and really green is for numbers there and code on forums (generally), and i'd have to change most of the non commented text back to black...):

mkdir -p ./10110/{1..10}/
touch ./10110/{1..10}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./10az/{1..10}/
touch ./10az/{1..10}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az10/{a..z}/
touch ./az10/{a..z}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./azaz/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz/{a..z}/{a..z}
#./10110/m110 ##10X10
#./az10/m110 ##26X10
#./azaz/maz ##26X26
#./10az/maz ##10X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110
chmod 755 ./10110/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110
chmod 755 ./10az/m110
#cat only version plus open the 4 catted directories as 4 files in micro:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110c
chmod 755 ./10110/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/mazc
chmod 755 ./az10/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110c
chmod 755 ./10az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
' > ./callm
chmod 755 ./callm

here's microdoc00, which makes and can call/cat even more files (as with the above set, you add, rename, remove contents to/of/from the subdirectories without affecting the efficacy of the tips or scripts):

mkdir -p ./100/{1..100}/
touch ./100/{1..100}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./100az/{1..100}/
touch ./100az/{1..100}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az100/{a..z}/
touch ./az100/{a..z}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./azaz2/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz2/{a..z}/{a..z}
#./100/m110 ##100X100
#./az100/m110 ##26X100
#./azaz2/maz ##26X26
#./100az/maz ##100X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110
chmod 755 ./100/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz2/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110
chmod 755 ./100az/m110
#cat only version
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110c
chmod 755 ./100/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz2/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/mazc
chmod 755 ./az100/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110c
chmod 755 ./100az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./100/{1..100}/* | micro

' > ./callm2
chmod 755 ./callm2


that's basically it. the getmicro script is on the path like in the tnux scripts: i consider this more or less an improvement of those pets (minus the provisions for the other terminal text editors).

...here's the config file for the keys that gets added to /root/.config/micro:

"F6": "QuitAll",
"F7": "ShellMode",
"F8": "SaveAll",
"F9": "SaveAs",
"Alt-t": "command-edit:tabswitch "

F6 comes in handy because the batches take a while to close even at .12 seconds per (hold down ctrl plus q otherwise). alt+t comes in handy for a similar reason--entering 85 or 13 (m) or the name is faster than holding down alt+ , or .

this version makes almost no txt files for the catting by default. the scripts in the subdirectories do, but when you call callm or callm2, the buffer is opened in micro but not officially saved anywhere unless you decide to save what you see (which is a sense is a potential back up of either main batch of batches (4 directories are made by each microdoc or microdoc00, 8 are made by microdoc0, which calls both to your current directory (if you call it from the terminal) or your chosen directory (if used in a script of with cd /chosen/path; microdoc0)).

--p.dogfellow, 9/29/19

(fwiw, i thought i remembered reading typical delay between repeats is about .12 seconds on most keyboards but now that i think about it some more, i think it may be xdotool's default repeat rate).


here's the mouse fix for the newer tmuxes (if you need it, dump it in a terminal and it'll overwrite the previous one for the older tmuxes):

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#older than xenial:
#tmux set -g mouse-select-pane on
#tmux set -g mouse-resize-pane on
#xenial and newer: set -g mouse
tmux set -g mouse
' > /root/my-applications/bin/tmuxm
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/tmuxm

dump this into a terminal to update the microdoc0 script:

echo $'#!/bin/sh
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
\' > ./callm0
chmod 755 ./callm0

' > /root/my-applications/bin/microdoc0
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/microdoc0
#callm and callm2 get made with the first two commands and cat the a* directories first. if you call either of these scripts while already in micro, it opens another "layer" you can add other tabs/files to or must close to get back to your original set or file. if you call both from shell mode, you have two other layers (which may not be what you want)
(^not as tedious to mimic as the earlier script, which bounced back and forth from color to color a lot more. micro's version of geany doesn't look like geany on my terminals, and many are arguably prettier (see http://zbyedidia.webfactional.com/micro ... shots.html for some), but


has me sitting at the machine when i intended to get up, so...i went back on my word and...continued to put effort into the wrong aspects of the is file.



(syntax highlighting aside, the github theme on a black t.v. is mostly black (no white bars for contrast or messages) with gray, grayed or white text (tab names and micro's ui text is slightly brighter than your text, line numbers are gray))
(looking at the color config file, my old eyes appear to be seeing light blue as gray..



excerpt of changes/tree -sa for 1.2:

└── [ 60] my-applications
└── [ 260] bin
├── [ 362] echocat
├── [ 310] echomicro
├── [ 113] getmicro
├── [ 408] mbatch10
├── [ 1012] mbatchaz
├── [ 1678] microcatters
├── [ 1402] microdoc
├── [ 442] microdoc0
├── [ 1394] microdoc00
├── [ 444] mkcallm0
└── [ 215] tmuxm


are new for 1.2 or changed. microcatters makes cuscat, medcat, and largecat.
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/* | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/* | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* | micro
#cat ./{a..z}/* ./{0..110}/* | micro
cat ./{0..110}/* ./{a..z}/* | micro


#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/* | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* | micro
cat ./{0..10}/* ./{a..z}/* | micro


#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/* ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/* | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* | micro
cat ./{0..4}/* ./{a..e}/* | micro

microdocs0 now adds the callm0 micro cat code for all the directories (call it from the terminal (back tick) and it will make both the 26 and 10s set and the 26 and 100s set.
echo cat is helper code for catting/combining the directory sets and opening the results in micro
microcat is helper code for opening the subdirectories as batches in micro
mkcallm0 makes the callm0 script in the directory it's called from.

you can see a lot of commented out code in the three -cat files--use that to include or exclude directories or further customize your cat calls. one of the ways i discovered i had a preference for micro was i found i kept changing the nano and mcedit codes in the 0n4n and 0mce folders to micro. all of them also wound up going to e and 4, so that's what the custom version of the cat2micro scripts shows. if you go above and possibly below (00.. or 0001 to where you start and a few beyond the last directory you've got (set to 105 in your directory of 100 az's for example), you can symlink in directories from other sources and they'll get picked up so long as you rename the symlink to follow the convention you're calling (though you don't have to worry about it if you call all the numbers and letters together). if you want to give yourself a buffer in that regard (use the 100s script in a directory with subdirectories of 10 to 26), the error messages from cat saying the directories don't (maybe yet) exist fly by instantly--i'm only aware they happened after i close micro and see what messages the terminal gave. if you want to be able to call the micro scripts without first opening the terminal, either right click run in terminal or make a version that prepends terminal (rxvt, urxvt, lxterminal, roxterm, and sakura all are standard or attainable--use sc0ttman's pkg utility if the package manager in your pup fails) -e to the code. that is, micro blah becomes sakura -e micro blah (which would open a file called blah in micro in the sakura terminal). use that on scripts or desktop files.


in a somewhat related matter, i'm porting all these scripts over to my android by making three folders (in addition to a micro folder, since i know the locations of the config files for it on both the pups and android boxes. updating that's even simpler than what i'm about to describe (copy contents of folder by clicking a script set up to send the stuff over).

for general use, i have a script folder and two file folders. script folder takes into account setting permissions in puppy might not mean anything to android, so in a synced folder, i copy the scripts over the paths after chmod 755 ./* -ing the thing. androido (see notes 3) has path2 listed, which is on the android $PATH. copied that over and added some copy to ./ (copy to here) scripts to the android system--installing updates and overwriting older files and adding scripts is pretty painless now. added more scripts to open the bashrc file since some of the cd /path scripts only work on that file and not as scripts (not sure why but i'm going to give up trying to get it to use those scripts. stuff >> bash.bashrc is the way to go with that sort of thing. adding to the path makes you prefix with bash, even if your shebang is #!/bin/bash.

guess i should up this thing before i end up updating it again.

--puppus dogfellow, 9/30/19
some of scripts i forgot to show:


Code: Select all

#copy paste batch cat code. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//) 
echo "cat .//* | micro"
echo "cat ./10az//* | micro"
echo "cat ./100//* | micro"
echo "cat ./100az//* | micro"
echo "cat ./10110//* | micro"
echo "cat ./az10//* | micro"
echo "cat ./az100//* | micro"
echo "cat ./azaz//* | micro"
echo "cat ./azaz2//* | micro"

Code: Select all

#copy paste batch launch help. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//)
echo "micro .//*"
echo "micro ./10az//*"
echo "micro ./100//*"
echo "micro ./100az//*"
echo "micro ./10110//*"
echo "micro ./az10//*"
echo "micro ./az100//*"
echo "micro ./azaz//*"
echo "micro ./azaz2//*"
unlike the scripts made by microcatters, callm, callm2, and callm0 cat the subdirectories inside the made by calling microdoc(0/00).the microcatters (cuscat, medcat, and largecat) are meant to work from inside directories that follow that sort of (customizable/flexible) naming convention.

documentation suggests expanding the {1..#}bits to allow for symlinking in, but you could always delete a batch and symlink in its virtual replacement (you could work with its files without endangering their content).

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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
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microdoc.1.3: zooming out and backward compatibility

#115 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »



from pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/recs and notes/microdoc/notes 4:


here's the pinstall script for 1.3:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/10110/  
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/az10/
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/azaz/
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/10az/
#microdoc00 produces considerably more files and better done through the terminal than right click menu (feels instantaneous compared to watching rox display the names as they move). both versions cat all to micro with the callm callm2 scripts. pet fixes the ctrl+b conflict with tmux (shell mode for micro is tmux's command prefix). code for batch launching a directory's so short the launchers don't really save too much time relative to the space they take up (one per directory), so none for the 100s and an option for 10s (26x26 gets made by both microdoc and microdoc00)
#update to 1.1. adds microdoc0, which calls both to a directory (backtick, microdoc0) and tmuxm, which is set to enable mouse control on tmux vintage tahr and older. (comment out what's there and uncomment (or manage to remember) tmux set -g mouse for xenial and newer. not sure about which version to use for what slacko or unicorn)
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./N/* | micro
#micro ./N/*
#added many of the non tc (true color) colorschemes from micros website
#new keycuts are f6 close all, f7 shell mode, f8 save all, f9 save as, alt t tab switch (enter name or number in status bar)
#microdoc and microdoc00 can be called to the same directory without overwriting one another. default for right click is microdocs (ten versus 100 version) with the mini batch scripts included in the subdirectories.
#p. dogfellow 9/29/19

#see micro's website for more https://micro-editor.github.io/
# see https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/ for colors that seem to work in termux/tmux on an android box running 6 or maybe 7.
#10/3: new for 1.3, microdocs1 makes a better version...
#you can copy or symlink in the batches made from the older version (0mce, 0n4n, 0m4u) and mdcat will work on them from outside the main directories, catset will work from within. exclude files from catting or batch launching by taking them out of the terminal directory (i.e. with D meaning directory and f standing for file, of /D/D/D/f(s) or /D/D/f(s) only the f and any other files in that last directory will get picked up. files outside that line of nested directories (that is, files alongside the directories at any step of the way) get ignored by the batch launching and catting scripts (some are general (*--launch all) and some have templates commented out so you can fine tune your choices.
#i was trying to color code directory batches since i have my config file set to ignore base names and there are recurring patterns...
# use rm -f /root/.config/micro/colorschemes/tv*
# and rm -f /root/.config/micro/colorschemes/9* #to get rid of most of them

cd /root/my-documents/
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/10110/  
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/az10/
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/azaz/
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/10az/
# the catmd script outside the microdocs directory collects and displays all the contents minus what's described above (by default only launching/helper scripts are excluded. mdcat does the same thing from inside the main microdocs  directory)
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-bk
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-bk  
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-bk
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json1 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro  /root/.config/micro/settings.json1 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/microconfig
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/microconfig
#json1 (which doesn;t overwrite the default unless you uncomment the line above) has soft wrap (word wrap) and a colorscheme that's a dimmer github.micro enabled. unlimited undo insn't enabled but i've been considering it...

#echo $'#!/bin/sh
 #cat ./*/* | micro
#' > ./catset
#chmod 755 ./catset

#echo $'#!/bin/sh
#micro ./*/*
#' > ./mset
#chmod 755 ./mset
#two new additions that are like smaller versions of mdcat and catmd--use inside a directory whose subdirectories are filled with files and not more directories (though you could use those as an exclude from list--you'll just get error messages after the fact stating cat/micro can't open a directory like you're asking it to)

#--p dogfellow, 10/4/19
new pet is 9k. the 50k microdoc.tar.xz file is a compressed version of the new microdocs folder (inside a microdoc folder and along side an mdcat script) that gets made in Templates and my-docs (the one in my-docs isn't nested in microdoc--mdcat file's along side it).


here's microdocs1 (makes the microdoc folder):

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./microdocs/*/*/* | micro
' > ./catmd
chmod 755 ./catmd
mkdir ./microdocs
cd ./microdocs
echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./*/*/* | micro
' > ./mdcat
chmod 755 ./mdcat
mkdir -p ./10110/{1..10}/
touch ./10110/{1..10}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./10az/{1..10}/
touch ./10az/{1..10}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az10/{a..z}/
touch ./az10/{a..z}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./azaz/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz/{a..z}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./cal/{1..12}/
touch ./cal/{1..12}/{1..31}
mkdir -p ./cal2/{1..52}/
touch ./cal2/{1..52}/{1..7}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..52}/* >> ./cal2.txt
' > ./cal2/catcal2
chmod 755 ./cal2/catcal2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..52}/* >> ./cal2.txt
micro ./cal2.txt
' > ./cal2/mcatcal2
chmod 755 ./cal2/mcatcal2
# ./cal/{1..12}/{1..31} ##12x31
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..12}/* >> ./cal.txt
' > ./cal/catcal
chmod 755 ./cal/catcal
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..12}/* >> ./cal.txt
micro ./cal.txt
' > ./cal/mcatcal
chmod 755 ./cal/mcatcal

#./10110/m110  ##10X10
#./az10/m110 ##26X10
#./azaz/maz ##26X26
#./10az/maz ##10X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110
chmod 755 ./10110/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110
chmod 755 ./10az/m110
#cat only version plus open the 4 catted directories as 4 files in micro:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110c
chmod 755 ./10110/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/mazc
chmod 755 ./az10/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110c
chmod 755 ./10az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
' > ./callm
chmod 755 ./callm

mkdir -p ./100/{1..100}/
touch ./100/{1..100}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./100az/{1..100}/
touch ./100az/{1..100}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az100/{a..z}/
touch ./az100/{a..z}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./azaz2/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz2/{a..z}/{a..z}
#./100/m110  ##100X100
#./az100/m110 ##26X100
#./azaz2/maz ##26X26
#./100az/maz ##100X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110
chmod 755 ./100/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz2/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110
chmod 755 ./100az/m110
#cat only version
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110c
chmod 755 ./100/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz2/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/mazc
chmod 755 ./az100/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110c
chmod 755 ./100az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro

' > ./callm2
chmod 755 ./callm2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
' > ./callm0
chmod 755 ./callm0

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, letters first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
' > ./callm0a
chmod 755 ./callm0a

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, letters first but sandwiched between cal 1 and cal2
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./cal/{1..12}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./cal2/{1..52}/* | micro
' > ./calll
chmod 755 ./calll

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
cat ./{0..10}/* ./{a..z}/*  | micro
' > ./medcat
chmod 755 ./medcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
cat ./{0..4}/* ./{a..e}/*  | micro
' > ./cuscat
chmod 755 ./cuscat

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
#cat ./{a..z}/* ./{0..110}/* | micro
cat ./{0..110}/* ./{a..z}/* | micro
' > ./largecat
chmod 755 ./largecat

echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./*/* | micro
' > ./catset
chmod 755 ./catset

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro ./*/*
' > ./mset
chmod 755 ./mset

cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./10110/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./10az/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./az10/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./cal/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./cal2/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./100/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./100az/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./az100/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz2/

updated echocat and echmicro scripts:

Code: Select all

echo "#copy paste batch cat code. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//)
cat .//* | micro
cat ./10az//* | micro
cat ./100//* | micro
cat ./100az//* | micro
cat ./10110//* | micro
cat ./az10//* | micro
cat ./az100//* | micro
cat ./azaz//* | micro
cat ./azaz2//* | micro
cat ./cal//* | micro
cat ./cal2//* | micro
#whole sets of subdirectories combined and opened in micro:
cat ./*/* | micro
#^from within the subdirectory. those below are for along side it.
cat ./10az/*/* | micro
cat ./100/*/* | micro
cat ./100az/*/* | micro
cat ./10110/*/* | micro
cat ./az10/*/* | micro
cat ./az100/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz2/*/* | micro
cat ./cal/*/* | micro
cat ./cal2/*/* | micro

#output to text file instead of text editor (incoming doesn't overwrite older contents):
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
#output to text file instead of text editor (incoming does overwrite older contents):
cat ./{a..z}/* > ./az.txt"

Code: Select all

 echo "#copy paste batch launch help. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//)
micro .//*
 micro ./10az//*
 micro ./100//*
 micro ./100az//*
 micro ./10110//*
 micro ./az10//*
 micro ./az100//*
 micro ./azaz//*
 micro ./azaz2//*
 micro ./cal//*
 micro ./cal2//*
#no */* batch launching but as a tip, for better use with the alt+t shortcut, swap the main config's setting for base directory name to not show whole path (this is also a reminder to myself to do it)
#swap out micro for text editor of choice and ignore the config advice
#micro ./*/*/* would open up a ridiculous amount of files...
#files outside of of the final destination are ignored so you can pull things out of what's to be catted by pulling them out of that last nested directory

the mdcat script made alongside the microdocs directory pulls the files' contents in the order the file manager lists the directories that contain them. inside are helper scripts similar to the content of the two echo scripts above. they may further help you customize your calls of batches or their contents. you can add some of the helper scripts (such as the catset and mset) back to the folders made by the tnux pet(0m4u, 0mce, on4n), or copy or symlink those into the microdocs folder to be picked up by mdcat, catmd, etc. batches and catcalls are directed to the files in the last nested directory--anything else (including a final terminal directory) will get ignored (and possibly receive a harmless error message--you can use off-nest locations as safe houses or quarantine sheds or exclude-from-batch-call-unless-specified (perhaps in a cuscat script) lists.

the two new calendar folders (cal1 and cal2) are set for 12 directories of 31 blanks and 52 of 7 respectively.
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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

microdocs updated to 1.4

#116 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from: the help files for the previous pet
Subject description: and other commands for the terminal
(http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 16#1039916 )

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
c2j swaps joe for micro in the catting script, echocat, echomicro, and echo3 print out help in the terminal they're called from (paste and place and tips), dbn opens batches in nano, ...

Very Happy

run in terminal on directory as

Code: Select all

one deep means directories inside those directories won't have their contents read--only the files along side them have their contents combined in. the d2b series of batch scripts work the same way (but there are no presets to do all subdirectories in a directory as a batch--100 would open up 10000 files--f6 to close all at once if you want to make your own)

c2j - combine contents of directory and display in an unsaved buffer in Joe's Own Editor (one deep)
c2m - combine contents of directory and display in an unsaved buffer in micro (one deep)
ccj - combine contents of all subdirectories in a directory and display in an unsaved buffer in Joe's Own Editor (one deep)
ccm - combine contents of all subdirectories in a directory and display in an unsaved buffer in micro (one deep)
d2b - open up contents of directory in micro
d2bj - open up contents of directory in micro
d2bl - lxterminal opening batch in nano
d2bmx - mcedit -x opening batch
d2bn - nano opening batch
d2br - roxterm opening batch in joe
d2bs - sakura opening batch in micro
d2bu - urxvt opening batch in mcedit -x
d2rmb - rxvt micro
dr2d2b - make portable versions/drag-tos of some of these scripts

also part of the pet (some will rewrite their earlier, identical selves):

getmicro - 
mbatch10 - 
mbatchaz - 
microcatters - 
microdoc - 
microdoc0 - 
microdoc00 - 
microdocs1 - 
mkcallm0 - 
mmv - 
note - 
notesm - 
notesmce - 
notesmcx - 
notesn - 

i think the other scripts have been covered but i'll post the content of the three help scripts here:

echo3 - 
echocat - 
echomicro - 


# echocat
#copy paste batch cat code. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//) 
cat .//* | micro
cat ./10az//* | micro
cat ./100//* | micro
cat ./100az//* | micro
cat ./10110//* | micro
cat ./az10//* | micro
cat ./az100//* | micro
cat ./azaz//* | micro
cat ./azaz2//* | micro
cat ./cal//* | micro
cat ./cal2//* | micro
#whole sets of subdirectories combined and opened in micro:
cat ./*/* | micro
#^from within the subdirectory. those below are for along side it.
cat ./10az/*/* | micro
cat ./100/*/* | micro
cat ./100az/*/* | micro
cat ./10110/*/* | micro
cat ./az10/*/* | micro
cat ./az100/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz2/*/* | micro
cat ./cal/*/* | micro
cat ./cal2/*/* | micro

#output to text file instead of text editor (incoming doesn't overwrite older contents):
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
#output to text file instead of text editor (incoming does overwrite older contents):
cat ./{a..z}/* > ./az.txt


ccm file for DDf(s), c2m file  Df(s) (Directory, file(s))



root# echomicro
#copy paste batch launch help. add subdirectory of your choice between the double slashes (//)
micro .//*
 micro ./10az//*
 micro ./100//*
 micro ./100az//*
 micro ./10110//*
 micro ./az10//*
 micro ./az100//*
 micro ./azaz//*
 micro ./azaz2//*
 micro ./cal//*
 micro ./cal2//*
#no */* batch launching but as a tip, for better use with the alt+t shortcut, swap the main config's setting for base directory name to not show whole path (this is also a reminder to myself to do it)
#swap out micro for text editor of choice and ignore the config advice
#micro ./*/*/* would open up a ridiculous amount of files...
#files outside of of the final destination are ignored so you can pull things out of what's to be catted by pulling them out of that last nested directory

tldrv: d2b file where file is the directory containing the files you want to batch launch in micro (use d2bn to for nano,...


t# echo3
replace ./ with the directory containing microdocs or the folders below or use in the following form to launch from the microdocs directory (substitute micro with the text editor of your choice (nano, joe, mcedit, etc):

micro ./0m4u/{}/* 
micro ./0mce/{}/*
micro ./0m4u/{}/*
micro ./10az/{}/*
micro ./100/{}/*
micro ./100az/{}/*
micro ./10110/{}/*
micro ./az10/{}/*
micro ./az100/{}/*
micro ./azaz/{}/*
micro ./azaz2/{}/*
micro ./cal/{}/*
micro ./cal2/{}/*

replace {} with an appropriate subdirectory or range (i.e. in that spot would go {a..e},, {32..40}, {32..48..2}, or a specific directory name (default is letters and numbers to z and 100 depending on the set). i.e. micro ./azaz/e/* for that specific set of subdirectories. the ..2 means go by twos. swap that last asterisk for a range or file to narrow the batch further or open a specific file. 
cat is quick even when you're doing large batches or the whole set and the output from these presets is a single file/buffer (potential real file if you save it) opened in micro so those presets don't get any more specific than the following:

cat ./0m4u/*/* | micro 
cat ./0mce/*/* | micro
cat ./0m4u/*/* | micro
cat ./10az/*/* | micro
cat ./100/*/* | micro
cat ./100az/*/* | micro
cat ./10110/*/* | micro
cat ./az10/*/* | micro
cat ./az100/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz/*/* | micro
cat ./azaz2/*/* | micro
cat ./cal/*/* | micro
cat ./cal2/*/* | micro

(for these you could swap out micro for joe, but nano and mcedit can't use this form (i'd be surprised if vim or emacs couldn't, and any of them could of course open the text versions:

output to file instead of micro (0 for 0verwrite):

cat ./0m4u/*/* > ./cat00m4u
cat ./0mce/*/* > ./cat00mce
cat ./0m4u/*/* > ./cat00m4u
cat ./10az/*/* > ./cat010az
cat ./100/*/* > ./cat0100
cat ./100az/*/* > ./cat0100az
cat ./10110/*/* > ./cat010110
cat ./az10/*/* > ./cat0az10
cat ./az100/*/* > ./cat0az100
cat ./azaz/*/* > ./cat0azaz
cat ./azaz2/*/* > ./cat0azaz2
cat ./cal/*/* > ./cat0cal
cat ./cal2/*/* > ./cat0cal2
output to file instead of micro (no extra 0 for 0verwrite):

cat ./0m4u/*/* >> ./cat0m4u
cat ./0mce/*/* >> ./cat0mce
cat ./0m4u/*/* >> ./cat0m4u
cat ./10az/*/* >> ./cat10az
cat ./100/*/* >> ./cat100
cat ./100az/*/* >> ./cat100az
cat ./10110/*/* >> ./cat10110
cat ./az10/*/* >> ./cataz10
cat ./az100/*/* >> ./cataz100
cat ./azaz/*/* >> ./catazaz
cat ./azaz2/*/* >> ./catazaz2
cat ./cal/*/* >> ./catcal
cat ./cal2/*/* >> ./catcal2
copies made from the original folders would use the same format helper scripts as above. folders added by the user would use the same format if arranged so that the nested directory's/directories' contents contains the target files (./d/d/f(s) with ./ being where you are, d being the possibly new directories, and f being file(s)). the new ones (added by microcatters2) only look at if 0,1,a,c, by default so any directories named similar will be included, otherwise excluded (you could also exclude files from catting or batch scripts by removing them from that nested target to anywhere else).

without the tnux.x set linked or copy in, there's no default 0-set (but there are scripts that provide for its existence). 

use the above copy/paste bits and included help scripts to organize, launch, read, and write your files. 


--puppus dogfellow, 10/7/19

d2b is a new one--drag to a terminal emulator version (like d2bs) or launch a batch of files with it by
 d2b /path2directoryof/subfolderscontaining/file(s)
see microdoc/notes4
( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dp8wyEuezPN_r5he0E3L5JdDFv2uFcSUXAWrG0iqNiY/edit?usp=sharing )
and where the microdocs business starts in the nwp/pwn anuupuus thread:
( http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=1038645#1038645 )
for more

...db2n is the nano version. c2m  (D/f) or ccm D/D/f where D is directory and f is files in contained therein. ccm will go two deep (use on something like azaz or 100), and c2m goes one deep (for example, one of the subfolders in the two aforementioned examples). the result of the catting is opened as an unsaved buffer/file in micro. doesn't work in nano or mcedit, but c2j and ccj are the joe's editor versions.

--puppus dogfellow, 10/14/19


if you want to edit the help files quickly, use[color=green] lab[/color] or [color=green]gab[/color] in the launcher (presently only presets for leafpad (lab) and geany (gab--the ab in both are apps-bin. the defaults on which those are based ([color=green]ll[/color], [color=green]gl[/color]) are set to edit in /nwp/--at the wp to get to the microfolder in nwp/wp. there's also a rox launcher ([color=green]rl[/color]) that works the same way)) and enter the name of the file you want to edit.[/quote]

from   Post subject: microdocs 1.4: much simpler batch launching and catting,
Subject description: updated mmv (MochiMoppel'sViewer can preview +/or preload terminal+text editor choice +batch load...
( [url]http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=1039910#1039910[/url]):

[quote="Puppus Dogfellow"][url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l8FtSLPFUvgPDj_PeY7htqr4--hBZ2I7/view?usp=sharing]microdoc.1.4.pet[/url]

from [url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByUDhE3nQF8uSENoWTFuMEtZSWs?usp=sharing]pupli repo/[/url][url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByUDhE3nQF8uVjV6M3NFSWl2Yk0?usp=sharing]word processing and related[/url]/[url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByUDhE3nQF8uRVZjLTZ4Z0hZVzg?usp=sharing]nwp+vtg/[/url][url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByUDhE3nQF8uel8zUkMxYmZ5Ukk?usp=sharing]recs and notes[/url]/[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dp8wyEuezPN_r5he0E3L5JdDFv2uFcSUXAWrG0iqNiY/edit?usp=sharing]microdoc/notes 4[/url]:


just uploaded microdoc.1.3.1, which i think makes catting/combining and batch launching easier, but i see the last minute addition i made to echo3 (spit out help and paste and paste code) is wrong about d2b (directory to batch). navigate to one of the subfolders containing subfolders holding files and not subfolders (ie inside azaz or 0m4u), click backtick (`--usually the first key on the keyboard apart from the row that begins with Escape), then d2b [Dir] --just the directory name or number--no leading ./ or trailing /* (and no brackets).

anyway, enjoy.

--puppus dogfellow, 10/11/19

the above seems to be a sort of checking of pockets for keys and phone when you know you've got both--if it's incorrect in that file, i didn't find where--the end bit has it correctly. what may not be clear from the DDf vs Df stuff (for the scripts that call batches to be combined and displayed in micro, use c2m (Df) or ccm (DDf, or c2j/ccj for the joe version--neither nano nor mcedit can use the code that way)) is DDf isn't just calling the lone terminal batch (the way d2b (folder of files you want to open at once by name but without ./ at the beginning or trailing / or * at the end) ). that's just to help you visualize where you'd use it based on how many levels deep your target directories are; it's really DD*f* as opposed to Df*, which is to say it's opening all the subdirectories in the target directory, reading their files, and combining the output--it's significantly more files and probably impractical to use as a batch launch script (the equivalent of the nonexistent dd2b opening the real 100 directory opens 10000 files at once, and it's only one of the 13 or so directories (now that 1.4 includes the 3 tnux 0- folders) the catmd and mdcat scripts inside/outside the microdocs main folder call). 
must've modded and run the wrong pinstall script, or i ran the command, decided to include it, and then forgot, but it would've been more accurate to say the 13 potential default folders (though you can add as many as you like and there will be catting and batching scripts for them, but not all will work if you don't follow the structure or naming convention of the subdirectories, which is a way to create exclude lists if you want to think of it that way). 
so it's ten with the option for thirteen default folders. if you want the three 0-series defaults from the tnux pet (a folder with nano presets, one with mcedit presets, one with micro presets, all with templates for tmux grids and their own helper scripts; subdirectories only go from a-c, 1-2; will offer to install nano for you), open a terminal in the microdocs directory (backtick) and run note (type note and then hit return/enter). 

...still can't get the arrow keys to work with the select function in micro (so use the mouse or alt a to delete word left, alt s to delete word right, and see below for the alt f/b b/f for select left right or forward back controversy).

(text below shows development from 1.1 to 1.3 with some more notes on 1.4 at the end)


update to microdocs includes updated version of [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-BS6KZURXbCVtb1q0gv5BaiiH2yPI5ip/view?usp=sharing]mm_view_20190829.gz[/url] by [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=941325#941325]MochiMoppel[/url] (mmv in the nwp/pwn launcher (space bar plus shift)).

use [color=green]/usr/bin/sakura -e micro "$@"/*[/color] in its command box, swapping the micro and sakura to test out various text editors and terminals for your presets or just have another way to batch launch. 

main improvements of the update are being able to open a terminal and db2 [directoryname] or ["directory name"] to open a batch of files, and c2m [directoryname] or ["directory name"] to view the contents of a batch in a unsaved buffer in micro.

c2j swaps joe for micro in the catting script, echocat, echomicro, and echo3 print out help in the terminal they're called from (paste and place and tips), dbn opens batches in nano, ...




here's the pinstall:

mkdir -p /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/10110/  
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/az10/ 
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/azaz/
cd /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/Templates/microdoc/microdocs/10az/ 
#microdoc00 produces considerably more files and better done through the terminal than right click menu (feels instantaneous compared to watching rox display the names as they move). both versions cat all to micro with the callm callm2 scripts. pet fixes the ctrl+b conflict with tmux (shell mode for micro is tmux's command prefix). code for batch launching a directory's so short the launchers don't really save too much time relative to the space they take up (one per directory), so none for the 100s and an option for 10s (26x26 gets made by both microdoc and microdoc00)
#update to 1.1. adds microdoc0, which calls both to a directory (backtick, microdoc0) and tmuxm, which is set to enable mouse control on tmux vintage tahr and older. (comment out what's there and uncomment (or manage to remember) tmux set -g mouse for xenial and newer. not sure about which version to use for what slacko or unicorn)
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./N/* | micro
#micro ./N/*
#added many of the non tc (true color) colorschemes from micros website
#new keycuts are f6 close all, f7 shell mode, f8 save all, f9 save as, alt t tab switch (enter name or number in status bar)
#microdoc and microdoc00 can be called to the same directory without overwriting one another. default for right click is microdocs (ten versus 100 version) with the mini batch scripts included in the subdirectories.
#p. dogfellow 9/29/19

#see micro's website for more https://micro-editor.github.io/
# see https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/ for colors that seem to work in termux/tmux on an android box running 6 or maybe 7.
#10/3: new for 1.3, microdocs1 makes a better version...
#you can copy or symlink in the batches made from the older version (0mce, 0n4n, 0m4u) and mdcat will work on them from outside the main directories, catset will work from within. exclude files from catting or batch launching by taking them out of the terminal directory (i.e. with D meaning directory and f standing for file, of /D/D/D/f(s) or /D/D/f(s) only the f and any other files in that last directory will get picked up. files outside that line of nested directories (that is, files alongside the directories at any step of the way) get ignored by the batch launching and catting scripts (some are general (*--launch all) and some have templates commented out so you can fine tune your choices.
#i was trying to color code directory batches since i have my config file set to ignore base names and there are recurring patterns...
# use rm -f /root/.config/micro/colorschemes/tv*
# and rm -f /root/.config/micro/colorschemes/9* #to get rid of most of them
mv -T /root/my-documents/microdocs /root/my-documents/microdocs00
cd /root/my-documents/
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/10110/  
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/az10/ 
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/azaz/
cd /root/my-documents/microdocs/10az/ 
# the catmd script outside the microdocs directory collects and displays all the contents minus what's described above (by default only launching/helper scripts are excluded. mdcat does the samething from inside the main microdocs  directory)
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-bk 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-bk  
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-bk
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json1 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro  /root/.config/micro/settings.json1 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/microconfig
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/microconfig
#json1 (which doesn't overwrite the default unless you uncomment the line above) has soft wrap (word wrap) and a colorscheme that's a dimmer github.micro enabled. unlimited undo insn't enabled but i've been considering it...

#echo $'#!/bin/sh
 #cat ./*/* | micro
#' > ./catset
#chmod 755 ./catset

#echo $'#!/bin/sh
#micro ./*/* 
#' > ./mset
#chmod 755 ./mset
#two new additions that are like smaller versions of mdcat and catmd--use inside a directory whose subdirectories are filled with files and not more directories (though you could use those as an exclude from list--you'll just get error messages after the fact stating cat/micro can't open a directory like you're asking it to)

#--p dogfellow, 10/4/19

#10/8/19#nwp version:
mv -T /nwp/wp/microdocs /nwp/wp/microdocs00
cd /nwp/wp/
cd /nwp/wp/microdocs/10110/  
#(10 of 1-10)
cd /nwp/wp/microdocs/az10/ 
cd /nwp/wp/microdocs/azaz/
cd /nwp/wp/microdocs/10az/ 

#new for 1.4

echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat0
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/mcat0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat1
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/1*/*/* | micro   
' > /nwp/mcat1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat2
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/mcat2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcata
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/mcata
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatb
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/mcatb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatc
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/mcatc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatall
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/*/*/* | micro   
' > /nwp/mcatall
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat02c
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/*  /1*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/*  /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro         
' > /nwp/mcat02c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatc20
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/*  /1*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/*  /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro      
' > /nwp/mcatc20
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2b
micro "$@"/*
' > /nwp/d2b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2bn
nano "$@"/*
' > /nwp/d2bn
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat0
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro 
' > /nwp/ncat0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat1
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncat1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat2
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncat2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncata
 cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncata
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatb
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncatb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatc
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncatc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatall
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/*/*/* | micro   
' > /nwp/ncatall
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat02c
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/*  /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/*  /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncat02c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatc20
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro
' > /nwp/ncatc20
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2bs
sakura -e micro "$@"/*
' > /nwp/d2bs


echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat0
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcat0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat1
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/1*/*/* | micro   
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcat1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat2
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcat2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcata
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcata
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatb
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcatb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatc
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcatc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatall
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/*/*/* | micro   
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcatall
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcat02c
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/*  /1*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/*  /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro         
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcat02c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# mcatc20
cat /root/my-documents/microdocs/0*/*/*  /1*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/2*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/a*/*/* /root/my-documents/microdocs/b*/*/*  /root/my-documents/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro      
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcatc20
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2b
micro "$@"/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/d2b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2bn
nano "$@"/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/d2bn
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat0
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro 
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncat0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat1
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncat1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat2
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncat2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncata
 cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncata
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatb
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncatb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatc
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncatc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatall
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/*/*/* | micro   
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncatall
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncat02c
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/*  /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/*  /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncat02c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# ncatc20
cat /nwp/wp/microdocs/c*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/b*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/a*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/2*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/1*/*/* /nwp/wp/microdocs/0*/*/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/ncatc20
echo $'#!/bin/sh
# d2bs
sakura -e micro "$@"/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/d2bs
chmod 755 /nwp/ncat* /nwp/mcat* /nwp/d2* /nwp/c2* /nwp/cc*
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ncat* /root/my-applications/bin/mcat* /root/my-applications/bin/d2* /root/my-applications/bin/c2* /root/my-applications/bin/cc*
#to swap for other locations, 1. paths for activation:
#/nwp/ and /root/my-applications bin
#2. locations used for microdocs(where microdocs1 was activated and the microdocs folder was made):
#/nwp/wp/  /root/my-documents/
##use for tmux presets or desktop files that launch particular batches or catted sets of your files.
#cat /root/my-documents/microdocs
#for android, i used the following to generate the helper scripts into a directory, then copied the contents over to 
#/data/data/com/nwptermux/files/usr/bin/applets/, then from within that directory ran chmod 755 /nwp/*
#three files above can be useful but aren't activated by default:
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings2.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json 
#cp -f /root/0.tmux.conf  /root/.tmux.conf 
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json1 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
#i added back the three 0- folders from the tnux pet by copying over some scripts. since that pet also updated MochiMoppelView for my spins, and MochiMoppel has since updated that excellent utility, this pet includes an mmv update (i rename it that to more easily call it from a terminal).
#^earlier comments. i think in the end just adding a folder to the path saves the most headaches...and it pays to take a few minutes to customize the quick directory link feature in mc...mc looks pretty cool..
#nwp launcher and on path (root/my-apps bin) versions--mostly done presets for four folders with a little find and replace here and there (if you've installed 1.3 or another earlier version, that set would now be in microdocs00 (or more if you've grabbed 1.3.1 from the repo). swapping wp/microdocs for wp/microdocs00, as an example, would change the scripts' target to that directory--you can quickly call multiple sources for the batches from the terminal that way (once you get the hang of and/or customize the naming conventions)).
#will probably go on pinstall for 1.4
#some of the scripts that aren't preset for specific folders (c2m, d2b and the like) could be copied and versioned to allow you try out more terminals and text editors with your files and this set up.
#as before, you can rename, link in, add to and/or delete the files the batch calls call, but some of the scripts will fail (see "set for specific folders" above) if you rename the directories themselves (though those symlinked in can be named anything so long as the name of the symlink mimics one of the presets (or you stick to mdcat, catmd, cat0 type scripts).
#enter echo3, echocat, or echomicro in the terminal for more help and readme type stuff.
#puppus dogfellow, 10/15/19



(if microdocs1 fits here i'll post it, otherwise next post):


echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./microdocs/*/*/* | micro
' > ./catmd
chmod 755 ./catmd
mkdir ./microdocs
cd ./microdocs
echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./*/*/* | micro
' > ./mdcat
chmod 755 ./mdcat
mkdir -p ./10110/{1..10}/
touch ./10110/{1..10}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./10az/{1..10}/
touch ./10az/{1..10}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az10/{a..z}/
touch ./az10/{a..z}/{1..10}
mkdir -p ./azaz/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz/{a..z}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./cal/{1..12}/
touch ./cal/{1..12}/{1..31}
mkdir -p ./cal2/{1..52}/
touch ./cal2/{1..52}/{1..7}
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..52}/* >> ./cal2.txt
' > ./cal2/catcal2
chmod 755 ./cal2/catcal2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..52}/* >> ./cal2.txt
micro ./cal2.txt
' > ./cal2/mcatcal2
chmod 755 ./cal2/mcatcal2
# ./cal/{1..12}/{1..31} ##12x31
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..12}/* >> ./cal.txt
' > ./cal/catcal
chmod 755 ./cal/catcal
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..12}/* >> ./cal.txt
micro ./cal.txt
' > ./cal/mcatcal
chmod 755 ./cal/mcatcal

#./10110/m110  ##10X10
#./az10/m110 ##26X10
#./azaz/maz ##26X26
#./10az/maz ##10X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110
chmod 755 ./10110/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
micro ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110
chmod 755 ./10az/m110
#cat only version plus open the 4 catted directories as 4 files in micro:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10110/m110c
chmod 755 ./10110/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/maz
chmod 755 ./az10/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az10/mazc
chmod 755 ./az10/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..10}/* >> ./10.txt
' > ./10az/m110c
chmod 755 ./10az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
' > ./callm
chmod 755 ./callm

mkdir -p ./100/{1..100}/
touch ./100/{1..100}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./100az/{1..100}/
touch ./100az/{1..100}/{a..z}
mkdir -p ./az100/{a..z}/
touch ./az100/{a..z}/{1..100}
mkdir -p ./azaz2/{a..z}/
touch ./azaz2/{a..z}/{a..z}
#./100/m110  ##100X100
#./az100/m110 ##26X100
#./azaz2/maz ##26X26
#./100az/maz ##100X26
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110
chmod 755 ./100/m110
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/maz
chmod 755 ./azaz2/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
micro ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110
chmod 755 ./100az/m110
#cat only version
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100/m110c
chmod 755 ./100/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/maz
chmod 755 ./az100/maz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
' > ./azaz2/mazc
chmod 755 ./azaz2/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{a..z}/* >> ./az.txt
micro ./az.txt
' > ./az100/mazc
chmod 755 ./az100/mazc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./{1..100}/* >> ./100.txt
' > ./100az/m110c
chmod 755 ./100az/m110c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat the four directories and open them up with micro
cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro

' > ./callm2
chmod 755 ./callm2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
' > ./callm0
chmod 755 ./callm0

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, letters first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
' > ./callm0a
chmod 755 ./callm0a

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, letters first but sandwiched between cal 1 and cal2
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
cat ./cal/{1..12}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./cal2/{1..52}/* | micro
' > ./calll
chmod 755 ./calll

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
cat ./{0..10}/* ./{a..z}/*  | micro
' > ./medcat
chmod 755 ./medcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#all 8, numbers first. #callm,callm2:
#cat ./az10/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/*  ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#cat ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./100az/{1..100}/*  ./100/{1..100}/* | micro
#cat ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
cat ./{0..4}/* ./{a..e}/*  | micro
' > ./cuscat
chmod 755 ./cuscat

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
#cat ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{0..1000}/*  | micro
#cat ./{0..1000}/* ./{a..z}/* ./{aa..zz}/* ./{A..Z}/* ./{AA..ZZ}/*  | micro
#cat ./{a..z}/* ./{0..110}/* | micro
cat ./{0..110}/* ./{a..z}/* | micro
' > ./largecat
chmod 755 ./largecat

echo $'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./*/* | micro
' > ./catset
chmod 755 ./catset

echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro ./*/* 
' > ./mset
chmod 755 ./mset

cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./10110/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./10az/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./az10/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./cal/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./cal2/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./100/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./100az/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./az100/
cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz2/
#cp -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz2/
#mv -f ./catset ./mset ./cuscat ./medcat ./largecat ./azaz2/

echo $'
#ac01 --all 13, letters first. 
#3 adds the 3 0- folders from tnux.x.x
#cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#^get more specific
#easily add or remove batches:
#cat ./0*/*/* | micro
#cat ./1*/*/* | micro
#cat ./a*/*/* | micro
#cat ./c*/*/* | micro
cat ./a*/*/* ./c*/*/* ./0*/*/* ./1*/*/* | micro
#line without the leading # is the active choice. adjust as necessary.
'> ./ac01
chmod 755 ./ac01

echo $'
#01ac --all 13, numbers first. 
#3 adds the 3 0- folders from tnux.x.x
#cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#^get more specific
#easily add or remove batches:
#cat ./0*/*/* | micro
#cat ./1*/*/* | micro
#cat ./a*/*/* | micro
#cat ./c*/*/* | micro
cat ./0*/*/* ./1*/*/* ./a*/*/* ./c*/*/* | micro
#line without the leading # is the active choice. adjust as necessary.
'> ./01ac
chmod 755 ./01ac

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* | micro' > ./cat03
chmod 755 ./cat03

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0m4u/*/* | micro' > ./cat0m4u
chmod 755 ./cat0m4u

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0mce/*/* | micro' > ./cat0mce
chmod 755 ./cat0mce

echo $'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0n4n/*/* | micro' > ./cat0n4n
chmod 755 ./cat0n4n

echo $'#!/bin/sh
echo $\'
#ac01 --all 13, letters first. 
#3 adds the 3 0- folders from tnux.x.x
#cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* | micro
#^get more specific
#easily add or remove batches:
#cat ./0*/*/* | micro
#cat ./1*/*/* | micro
#cat ./a*/*/* | micro
#cat ./c*/*/* | micro
cat ./a*/*/* ./c*/*/* ./0*/*/* ./1*/*/* | micro
#line without the leading # is the active choice. adjust as necessary.
\'> ./ac01
chmod 755 ./ac01
echo $\'
#01ac --all 13, numbers first. 
#3 adds the 3 0- folders from tnux.x.x
#cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* ./10az/{1..10}/* ./100/{1..100}/*  ./100az/{1..100}/* ./10110/{1..10}/* ./az10/{a..z}/* ./az100/{a..z}/* ./azaz/{a..z}/* ./azaz2/{a..z}/* | micro
#^get more specific
#easily add or remove batches:
#cat ./0*/*/* | micro
#cat ./1*/*/* | micro
#cat ./a*/*/* | micro
#cat ./c*/*/* | micro
cat ./0*/*/* ./1*/*/* ./a*/*/* ./c*/*/* | micro
#line without the leading # is the active choice. adjust as necessary.
\'> ./01ac
chmod 755 ./01ac
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0m4u/*/* /0mce/*/* ./0n4n/*/* | micro\' > ./cat03
chmod 755 ./cat03
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0m4u/*/* | micro\' > ./cat0m4u
chmod 755 ./cat0m4u
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0mce/*/* | micro\' > ./cat0mce
chmod 755 ./cat0mce
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
cat ./0n4n/*/* | micro\' > ./cat0n4n
chmod 755 ./cat0n4n
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
 cat ./*/* | micro
\' > ./catset
chmod 755 ./catset
echo $\'#!/bin/sh
micro ./*/* 
\' > ./mset
chmod 755 ./mset
'> /root/my-applications/bin/microcatters2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/microcatters2

echo $'#!/bin/sh
'> /root/my-applications/bin/microcatsh
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/microcatsh

it fit


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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

micro text editor and browser based word processor tweaks

#117 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 41#1049641, aesthetic and practical tweaks for the word processor plugin
Subject description: customize tab names and the icons displayed for files and directories
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:the browser based word processors/word processor plugins use whatever generic icon your browser provides for a new tab. to customize the tabs and names displayed you need to edit the file directly (through a text editor (recommended) or one of the text box tabs (ewp, box1, box2)). make desktop files that match the directory and files tabs to be opened.

xpm doesn't appear to be supported by the convert-to.ico site linked below.

from [...]
Subject description: aesthetic tweaks for the browser based word processors (bwp, bbwp, mcwp, ewp--there may be more...)

(http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 76#1049576)
from pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/ico/ico-title-adjust:
browser based word processor and spinoffs use a generic tab icon unless you add a version of the following code to the head area in the html files (viewable in box1 tab or a text editor but not in default):

Code: Select all

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">     
 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="file:///[cus]()/mc/bwp1/()[cus].ico">

adjust to suit your choices and paths/addresses.

from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/488 ... te#4888458

jpegs and pngs converted with:

while in the head area, you can change the name of the tab by swapping out the text between the <title>tags</title>
(above example would give you a tab that's named "tags" regardless of the name you saved the file under.)

--p.dogfellow, 12/19


edit 2/20: the ico format apparently also works in .desktop files and with rox's right click file association function (tested in bionic64)
at the very least, the custom icons make it easier to identify your files when you have the tabs pinned.


--p. dogfellow
the icons appear to be scalable--desktop versions get expanded to 48x48, tabs are (i think) 16x16, and you can seemingly use whatever jpg, svg, or png you like and the converted image remains pretty crisp and/or discernible (at least to my old eyes).


also from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 76#1049576:

F12 and Alt+F1 activate the root3/right click/main menu in most if not all jwm based puppies, and none of my tweaks have messed with those two shortcuts (even though i use alt+3 on my setups for it--alt+0-9 access the ten default jwm menus) until the last micro plugins/configs pet used F12 for delete word right. to allow micro to use that keycut, choose/terminal-dump one of the following options:

Code: Select all

#comment out:
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#move to alt+__:
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
sed -i 's/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
sed -i 's/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart

the microplugins.pet that helps out is from the post above that one, micro plugins and configuration quickswitches: work around for navigation and selection issues (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 39#1048639)

the rest of the post also relates to the anuupuus and some of its functions so here it is in its entirety:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:microplugins.pet

new commands are mbs1, mbs2, mbs3 to swap between the three default choices (mbs1 restores your originals). here's the pinstall/explanation:

Code: Select all

cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-00
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-00
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
#activates set ..-12 by default, but your originals are the basis for the quickswitches (pet before this in bb insta-spin) and can be reactivated by mbs0 in a terminal. the set marked -11 is mbs1 and the default set is backed up as mbs2 (mbs = Micro's Bindings, Settings)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-00 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-00
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs2
chmod 755/root/my-applications/bin/mbs2
#after running, run CtrlE > reload in micro. mbs1 (micro keyboard configuration 1) is your originals, 2 is a custom set without messing with multicursor functions, 3 uses those functions to replace some of the selection and navigation shortcuts that don't work/would otherwise be missing. short cuts/ changes from the original file or from 2 to 3 are :
#"CtrlW": "ShellMode",  
#"AltW": "PreviousSplit",  
#"Alt-e": "NextSplit",
#"CtrlH": "HSplit",
#"Alt-v": "VSplit",
#"Alt-x": "SelectToStart",
#"Alt-c": "CursorStart",
#"Alt-n": "CursorEnd",
#"Alt-m": "SelectToEnd",
#"Alt-p": "PastePrimary",
#"Alt-f": "SelectWordRight",
#"Alt-b": "SelectWordLeft",
#^ for forward and back
#"Alt-a": "SelectLeft",
#"Alt-s": "SelectRight",
#//tmux conflict --scroll back
#"F5": "SelectUp",
#"F6": "SelectDown",
#"F7": "SelectRight",
#"F8": "SaveAll",
#"F9": "SaveAs",
#"F10": "QuitAll",
#"F11": "DeleteWordLeft",
#"F12": "DeleteWordRight",
#//  //   "F10": "DeleteWordRight",
#"Alt-t": "command-edit:tabswitch "
#//  "F7": "Find",
#//"Alt-n": "SpawnMultiCursor",
#//"Alt-m": "SpawnMultiCursorSelect",
#//"Alt-p": "RemoveMultiCursor",
#//"Alt-c": "RemoveAllMultiCursors",
#//"Alt-x": "SkipMultiCursor",
#//function keys plus original additions/changes to default
#// Integration with file managers
#//"CtrlF1": "SelectToStart",
#//"CtrlF2": "SelectUp",
#//"CtrlF3": "SelectDown",
#//"CtrlF4": "SelectToEnd",
#"F1": "SelectToStart",
#"F2": "SelectUp",
#"F3": "SelectDown",
#"F4": "SelectToEnd",
#keybindings 12 gives more of the navigation and selection controls back to the keyboard but you lose some multi cursor functions
#settings 12 has undo history enabled but is otherwise the same as 11
#delete word left delete word right have been move to f11 and f12
#shell mode and close all have been changed to ctrlw and f10 from f7 and f6. ctrlw, ctrle are shellmode, command mode
#the rationale behind the new xcnm combo is spatial mostly.  alt plus c=cursor (start, since that was a missing keyboard shortcut), and on the inside of the same row n for (cursor to) end. one over on either side of those is select to start/end.
#settings 11 is same as last micro config containing pet i offered
#settings 12 has unlimited undo (save undo history. set option is the ctrlE toggle way of changing the file)
#micro in terminal to launch--desktop file for further discussion (though which terminal, launching what files to start, tmuxed or no, etc)
#also updates mmv
#getmicro in terminal if you don't have it installed will download it for you and set permissions
#--puppus dogfellow, 1/23/20

#(in short, not being able to bounce around in or highlight the document through the keyboard is somewhat annoying and is supposed to work with no fiddling around but doesn't, at least through the majority of terminal/pup/tmux combos i've tried it out in)
here's another version of the quickswitches from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 38#1048638,
templates/examples of configuration quickswitches
set for 6 jwm variations, 3 for micro text editor (back up your defaults/import and store your mods)
(a post in the mcc thread):
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:ease of configuration is one of the joys of puppy, but it's also a way to mess up your system. script below makes copies of your jwm configuration in folders that each contain an import script--when you get a configuration or variation you like, go to one of the folders and click that to repopulate the switch with the new files. set for six jwm and three micro, but you can swap out the paths, files, and icon (names) below before you run it to incorporate whatever you find yourself tinkering with most. quickswitch-jm:

Code: Select all

#examples of configuration quickswitches (add flexibility to your setups and safety to your experiments)
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf1
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf2
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf3
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/conf1/settings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/conf1/bindings.json
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf1/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf1/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon1
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf2/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf2/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon2
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf3/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf3/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon3
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon3
#unlike the version in microplugins.pet, this set up isn't on PATH. work from the configuration directories themselves 
#and/or substitute /root/.config/micro/ for /root/my-applications/bin/ in the mcon scripts above. the ones below assume you're in the directory and have fiddled around with the configs to sufficient satisfaction that you'd want to be able to switch or revert to what you'd done to them. use this template to set other configs to come to you for easy modding
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf1/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf1/importcurrent
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf2/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf2/importcurrent
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf3/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf3/importcurrent
#this section is three backups/switches for your micro editor configs
#using the mcc icon/label maker for the desktop files and menu entries (thanks again technosaurus for txt2xpm)
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon1.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon2.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon3.desktop

mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cona/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cona/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cona/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cona/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cona/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cona/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cona/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmca
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmca
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conb/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conb/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conb/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conb/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conb/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conb/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conb/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcb
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcb
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conc/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conc/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conc/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conc/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conc/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conc/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conc/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcc
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcc
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cond/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cond/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cond/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cond/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cond/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cond/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cond/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcd
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcd
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cone/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cone/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cone/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cone/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cone/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cone/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cone/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmce
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmce
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conf/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conf/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conf/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conf/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conf/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conf/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conf/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcf
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcf
0txpm "JWM-A" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/0tjwmc.xpm
1txpm "JWM-B" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/1tjwmc.xpm
2txpm "JWM-C" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/2tjwmc.xpm
3txpm "JWM-D" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/3tjwmc.xpm
4txpm "JWM-E" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/4tjwmc.xpm
5txpm "JWM-F" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/5tjwmc.xpm
6txpm "MiCon1" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/6tMiCon.xpm
7txpm "MiCon2" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/7tMiCon.xpm
8txpm "MiCon3" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/8tMiCon.xpm

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmca.desktop

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcb.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcc.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcd.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmce.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcf.desktop
jwm -restart
most programs seem to keep their configurations in /root/.config or in /opt, but pfind can help you find where a given program scatters its files (pfind>search system files). backups clobber the experimental live version of whatever you're working on, but the affected program usually would need to be restarted or reloaded for change to take effect. template i used for the desktop files puts the entries in desktop and utility--swap the line to mimic a location/entry of your choice by copying the Categories= line from the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications.

--chose one each to represent the default set of color combos, but it seems the reference screen shot and all others from that service are gone, so...i guess that's something else to do.

anyway, enjoy/hope someone finds it useful/helpful
been working taking the spin to bionic (my machine running 6t4 is dead, a 32 bit laptop also recently died, i replaced them with two 64 bit desktops, both now running nwp'd pups. here's the work shop folder:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing, and by nwp'd i mean has the nwp installed.

so it's six micro configs and another 6 jwm swaps, plus better keyboard control in micro.


the jwm swaps are an alternative to the my# my#r series for pups with the arrow picture taking problem as well as a way to safeguard your configurations should you start experimenting.

beaver editor is (you can grab it at http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 37#1047237) is another lightweight text editor. it's like a tabbed leafpad you may find useful (one possible use is leafpad replacement/alternative for the lpx notepad popup utility).


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Puppus Dogfellow
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xpcat, lpxcat, lpxcatg, xpcatg

#118 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from xpcat, lpxcat, lpxcatg, xpcatg
combine your xpads or default location lpx 1-25 and open in either geany or micro

(http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 90#1050490)

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:four new utility scripts for two of the spins' utilities. collect all the data on your xpads or lpx notes and combine them in a document opened in geany or micro. launcher codes are only for geany (lpxcatg, xpcatg) but all four can be called from a terminal (xpcat and lpxcat rely on micro, which is terminal based. t will get you to the terminal from the launcher, sk will get you sakura if you have it installed).

Code: Select all

#cat lpx and xpad (4 for terminal, two for launcher)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#lpxcat --cat lpx default set 1-25
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcat
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcat --cat xpad "content" files
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/xpcat
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/xpcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcatg --cat xpad "content" files --geany 
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* > /tmp/xpcat; geany /tmp/xpcat
' > /root/my-applications/bin/xpcatg
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#lpxcat --cat lpx default 1-25 --geany 
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* > /tmp/lpxcat1; geany /tmp/lpxcat1
' > /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
#cat lpx and xpad with geany--for nwp/pwn launcher
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcatg --cat xpad "content" files --geany version
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* > /tmp/xpcat; geany /tmp/xpcat
' > /nwp/xpcatg
chmod 755 /nwp/xpcatg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* > /tmp/lpxcat1; geany /tmp/lpxcat1
' > /nwp/lpxcatg
chmod 755 /nwp/lpxcatg
lpx in the launcher opens up a popup menu for five banks of five documents. xpad is a note taking application i find useful (you can get it through the ppm or sc0ttman's pkg utility if you don't have it) . these scripts make it easy to grab the content produced in either set and view it as a single document.


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Puppus Dogfellow
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Location: nyc

some helper scripts for a recommended utility (fzf)

#119 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes:

fuzzy file finder website: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf

packages are from https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keyw ... ection=all

disco (19.04) (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.17.5-2: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el s390x
eoan (19.10) (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.18.0-2: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el s390x
focal (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.20.0-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x

i've only started playing around with this utility, but it's really impressive. it indexes a few hundred thousand or so files in the amount of time it was taking me to read the previews of just a few.

here's a little set of helper scripts and a help file centered around what's impressed me so far (copy-paste the green text into a terminal to use):

echo "
echo \"
#---- Token Match type Description
### sbtrkt fuzzy-match Items that match sbtrkt
### 'wild exact-match (quoted) Items that include wild
### ^music prefix-exact-match Items that start with music
### .mp3$ suffix-exact-match Items that end with .mp3
### !fire inverse-exact-match Items that do not include fire
### !^music inverse-prefix-exact-match Items that do not start with music
### !.mp3$ inverse-suffix-exact-match Items that do not end with .mp3
from: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
ubuntu fzf packages: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keyw ... ection=all
#help for these shortcut scripts:

#fz = fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document
#fz1 = same as above but only first 500 lines previewed
#default behavior is to print out the paths of the files selected (the program is a file finder). if the command has an m in it, the file(s) are opened in micro rather than just having their paths displayed. the g files use geany, the gi files use geany opening a new window, and the b version opens beaver as the editor of choice.
#fz -h displays this help message.
#i didn't make a preset for leafpad, but you can make your own with editorchoice \"\$(fzf or wrapper/preset)\".
#^the code part of the line above is coming out invisible in the terminal, so here's a link to here:
#pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19p_ ... sp=sharing
#convention used here is first preview choice (all or up to 500), then decide if you want the paths displayed or the document(s) opened.
# e.g./includes: fz, fz1, fzg, fz1g, fzm, fz1m, fzb, fz1b, fzgi, fz1gi.
# m, b, g, or gi in the name opens the selected files in an editor rather than just displaying the paths after you enter your selections

--puppus dogfellow, april 2020

" > /root/my-applications/bin/fz-h
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fz-h
echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzm
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzm /root/my-applications/bin/fz /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzg /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi


i have the version for dingo (or whatever ubuntu's d series animal was) running fine in xenial 32 and would be surprised if you couldn't use it back at least as far as precise (which seems to predate the existence of the utility). it instantly responds to your input and filters the files in one part of the screen while it previews in another part. check out the author's site above to learn more.

short version: it finds your files through the terminal and can be set to give you a preview. it's configurable and blazingly fast, and although a cli app, it's surprisingly user friendly.

(short version is from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 99#1054999, fzf fuzzy file finder, a few helper scripts and some praise [...] plus the d2bb microdocs helper script i meant to include a while back)

edit 4/9/2020: fixed the above script so it can handle spaces in file names. tested briefly and found eoan version of fzf seems to work fine in bionicpup64.

snippet suggested above for leafpad also works as a finder/launcher for libreoffice, vlc, and deadbeef (and i'm sure more but this is what i just tried out). i'll make a terminal dump version a little later, but here's the basic command for the little scripts/shortcuts:

vlc "$(fzf -m)"
libreoffice6.4 "$(fzf -m)"
deadbeef "$(fzf -m)"
libreoffice6.4 --writer "$(fzf -m --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window wrap)"

i left in a preview template/example, but for non text files i'm not sure how much help the preview pane is (mostly looks like squiggles and gibberish to me, with some recognizable characters and shapes thrown in every once in a while).

here are the terminal dump in versions of the above (plus leafpad, rox and mpv)

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mpv "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv
echo $'#!/bin/sh
deadbeef "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
vlc "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 --writer "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop
echo $'#!/bin/sh
leafpad "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx
chmod 755  /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx

terminal launching codes are the names, which are formed by fz+part of the second program's name. new ones from this batch are

fzlea - fuzzy filtering to leafpad (preview enabled)
fzlop - fuzzy filtering to libre office (preview enabled)
fzlo - fuzzy filtering to libre office
fzvlc - fuzzy filtering to vlc
fzmpv - fuzzy filtering to mpv
fzdeadb - fuzzy filtering to deadbeef
fzrx - fuzzy filtering to rox-filer




you are here: pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes
here's some fzf packages and the directory batch launch with beaver i meant to include earlier:

PostPosted: Wed 08 Apr 2020, 23:54 Post subject: fzf fuzzy file finder, a few helper scripts and some praise,
Subject description: plus the d2bb microdocs helper script i meant to include a while back

here's a 32 bit package: fzf_0.17.5-2_i386.deb
64 bit packages: fzf


also, here's the batch launcher for beaver i meant to include a few posts ago:

Code: Select all


echo $'
# d2b
beaver "$@"/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/d2bb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/d2bb
i'll include these little scripts in the next nwp, but fzf's site says they update frequently so it's probably better get fzf itself through an updated PKG, your package manager(PPM), or the fzf site directly to check out the latest releases and info. (i'm pretty sure the for ermine would run in bionic, and i know the one from dingo runs in xenial).



(update: code can now handle spaces in file names, and it appears the ermine version works fine in beaver)

short version: it finds your files through the terminal and can be set to give you a preview. it's configurable and blazingly fast, and although a cli app, it's surprisingly user friendly.

i always install recoll search utility on my personal spins, but fzf plus ag (silversearcher-ag) are tiny, nearly as fast, and don't require large databases (have played around even less with ag than fzf, but it's also really fast and impressive/user friendly so far).

here are the new shortcuts for terminal use (not launcher/first use t or sk in launcher if you don't have your own shortcut for it):

fz - fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document
fz1 - same as above but only first 500 lines previewed
fzg - fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document - files opened in geany
fz1g - same as above but only first 500 lines previewed - files opened in geany
fzm - fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document - files opened in micro
fz1m - same as above but only first 500 lines previewed - files opened in micro
fzb - fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document - files opened in beaver
fz1b - same as above but only first 500 lines previewed - files opened in beaver
fzgi - fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document - files opened in geany, new instance
fz1gi - same as above but only first 500 lines previewed - files opened in geany, new instance
fz-h - help file for these wrappers and basic usage; links

fzlea - fuzzy filtering to leafpad with preview
fzlop - fuzzy filtering to libre office with preview
fzlo - fuzzy filtering to libre office
fzvlc - fuzzy filtering to vlc
fzmpv - fuzzy filtering to mpv
fzdeadb - fuzzy filtering to deadbeef
fzrx - fuzzy filtering to rox

and here are the fzf packages again:

32 bit: fzf_0.17.5-2_i386.deb
64 bit packages: fzf


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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

a small tip/update for the browser based word processor

#120 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from usability tip/update for the word processor plugin(s) (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 13#1058113):

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from
a small restructuring and some added functions
Subject description: (it's now also a tiny browser based word processor (complete with keyboard tweaker)) (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 915#965915):

[...]seems saving to pdf works in mozilla based browsers after all, and i need to take back some of my hedging on its usability as a word processor--it will save the changes you make in the editable tab if you save it as a pdf through the print dialog, but the same file downloaded through the same interface doesn't show your changes if you save it as an html file.

(both functions work as expected in chromium based browsers, and either can use bookmarking to return to previous work. drag and drop the file to an open browser; use the rox new templates to start a project wherever you like.)

--p. dogfellow, 8/22/17

edit: save as webpage complete as opposed to html only and the mozlilla based family works fine. saving as plain text also works through the ctrl+s function and file menu.

sorry for all the unnecessary drama--it works, it's a word processor.


works in android and windows as well, but i now recommend webpage complete regardless of browser if you want to continue to edit the file and reliably save your changes. something seems to have changed in the last few months and the html only option no longer does anything useful in any browser (beyond download a copy of the template). adjust in page layout view to choose what headers and footers appear (date, path of the file, page numbers, etc).

tested in firefox, midori, palemoon, vivaldi, chrome, chromium, edge, explorer, and some of these same in android (after some fiddling with permissions through a file browser, iirc.)


also remember that the internal/tab display name and the name you save it as are unrelated--open a text editor and change the <title> tag to change the name that appears in the browser tab (i think this also affects the internal name of the pdf, but some of that stuff is editable through the browser interface).


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