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#41 Post by wiak »

Hello wanderer,

How are you? Not seen you on here for a couple of months now and just hoping you are reading posts to your thread and are well.

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#42 Post by rockedge »

I was also wondering what wanderer is up too.
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Joined: Tue 02 Sep 2014, 04:48

#43 Post by s243a »

rockedge wrote:I was also wondering what wanderer is up too.
I was also wondering about wanderer and this project but I'm not quite ready to delve into it yet. Hope to see wanderer back soon :)
Find me on [url=]minds[/url] and on [url=]pearltrees[/url].
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#44 Post by wanderer »

hi guys

thanks for the concern

i am still reading the forum everyday
but haven't been posting
because i have been very busy with personal stuff
nothing existential just time consuming

i am still playing with my little project
and following all your great work

absolutely amazing

the nice thing about my project
is that it is really just tinycore
so i am not really essential
between the tinycore and puppy forums
anyone could get all the answers they need

i will post when i have made things more usable
but i didn't want to clog up the forum

you all also stay well
and keep up the awesome work

if anyone wants to contact me
just post on this thread
like i said i read the forum everyday

best regards

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