Just started using 24 hours ago!

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Just started using 24 hours ago!

#1 Post by Jessedavid4 »

So yesterday I decided to take the puppy for a walk (I hope this is a pun well worth using!). I took out the bionic pup and it bit me 64 times. I took it on my 32 Grassy Brisk walk. And we ended up going to the Universal Singing Bear.
(I hope that introduction worked out well! If not, I do apologize )

I have to say being able to have a perfectly ( or near perfect ) Operating system that I can move around on the go is quite enjoyable and actually very useful.

I've had experience with Debian processors as well as some intermediate C coding over the last couple years, but I decided this semester at school I would take a Linux class to see if I could learn more or find information I never knew about. So one of the projects was to install a linux Distro and give our thoughts on it and/or problems about the installation.

So alas, I chose Puppy linux as it was a recommended one to try out. And I have to say I have finally found something that I can use without worrying about Sata chord failure on my motherboard and that allows me to use on multiple computers without worrying about partition corruptions from installation. (i hope some of you can relate)

Perhaps it was just a really good install, but none the less, I find myself here very much satisfied with what I had a chance to try and use for maybe 5-6 hours over the last 24 hours.

The pre-installed applications are what really drove my first satisfied opinion about Puppy linux. The fact is, there are 100 MB worth of applications, trimmed down, to run as if they would on any Debian or just Linux based Distro. This saves a lot of time, a lot of RAM, a lot of CPU power and allows you to actually be able to customize your GUI a little more, as I've found out. The choices were actually very great, that when I had the chance to move the USB from computer to computers, I found that it offers a good demonstration why this Linux OS is a great choice. (granted, there are like 6-8 versions and some I may not even know about still, but I think you get the idea)

After messing with it for maybe 3 hours, I was actually able to convince 3 people today to copy it onto a USB and give it a shot on their personal computers at home. My brother in law was actually quite excited about it, as he is a Production Assistant for Stage work in the Los Angeles area, so he can finally just have a USB and work with other people's computer and just do his presentations and what not as needed.

Granted, this is a very early review/thoughts about what I have gathered from using for the last day. But it was enough for me to give it some review or whatever thus far. I am very much satisfied, thank you for the opportunity.

If anyone would like to know a rating I would give personally (though you don't really know me as but a stranger), I would give an 8.8/10 Right now.
There are minor things that need updated, but nothing to really drive me away, hence why it's not really worth stating on here.

Thanks for reading! And my Puppy had a great walk today.


P.S -- I really enjoy the package manager pre-installed. It is very user friendly and gives quite a bit of information.

P.S.S I also ran it on a Macbook Pro 2014 and it ran no problem. On top of that, it actually was running a battery charge info tool on the tray that literally gave you all possible information. It was very Neat![/u]
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#2 Post by tallboy »

Welcome to the forum, Jessedavid4! :D
granted, there are like 6-8 versions and some I may not even know about still, but I think you get the idea
A Puppy is very easy to remaster (modify the contents) or build yourself, there was an estimate in a recent post, saying there are close to 5000 versions of Puppylinux out there now... :shock:
Reading between the lines, I'll say you're hooked! And you have already made others realize the powers of Puppy, that is great work! Most of us have some other Linux distro, or Windoze, on another PC, or on the HDD of the PC you're using for Puppy. You will within a short time discover how complete a Puppy is, and how little you use that other distro! Nice to have you on board! :D

PS You mentioned Debian, there are Puppys based on Debian binaries, which can give you access to some 52.000 Debian program packages... DS
Last edited by tallboy on Wed 11 Sep 2019, 07:02, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by bigpup »

There are minor things that need updated, but nothing to really drive me away,
Bionicpup64 8.0 has an update feature.
On the desktop is an icon for Quickpet.
Quickpet>Info>Bionicpup updates

This will download and install, any updates, the developer of Bionicpup64 8.0 feels, need to be installed.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#4 Post by bigpup »

Puppy has options for about anything.
Eye Candy!
(92.81 KiB) Downloaded 231 times
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#5 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Jessedavid4,

Welcome to the Forum.

You've actually made two major discoveries, Puppy and this Forum. As Tallboy mentioned there are actually over 5,000 versions of Puppy. Each share many similarities, but each is slightly different and not all applications that will run under one will run under any other. Keeping track of what does and doesn't work would be a fulltime, unpaid job no one person has volunteered to do. Consequently, consider this Forum as an invaluable resource, a fairly good, but not perfect, alternative. To get the most out of "PUppy" take some time to examine how the Forum is structure --what is discussed where. Don't hesitate in asking questions. This Search Engine can also help, http://wellminded.net63.net/

You've also experienced the power which results from a Frugal install: which is that Puppy always 'runs in RAM', only accessing files from 'Storage' --the files and file-systems on your USB-Key-- as and when you need them; rarely taking the time to write to Storage. That method of operation, almost unique to Puppies, can be maximized --writing to Storage turned off completely-- for Security purposes. Doing so, however, has both advantages and disadvantages. See this post, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 066#974066 but read or scan the other posts in that thread to see how and why you may want to --especially when using your USB-Key on many computers.

PUppies' Frugal method of operating enables all recen Puppies to use SFSes and (in newer 'Ubuntu-or-debian based' Puppies) AppImages. These applications are not installed, but rather can be loaded and unloaded as and when needed. If you haven't already done so, learn about Puppies' use of them.

Tallboy has also mentioned that it is easy to Remaster Puppies. I'd say fairly easy. If and when you're ready, plug "remaster" into the Search Engine as there are better tools for Remastering than that built into Puppy. Remasterx and nic0S Remaster Suite are two.

But even before undertaking a Remaster, search for the already published varieties on the Projects and Derivatives Sections of the Forum. For example, your brother in law may be interested in the Puppies specifically created for Music, Video or Art production.

Last, first thoughts: Puppies 'Run as Root'. Doing so means the User is also the Administrator having immediate capabilities to access anything and do anything. Other operating systems and those independents who create software for them make efforts to prevent uninformed Users from destroying their systems. Two of those independents immediately come to mind. One is VLC and the other is Google-Chrome and its Clones. In order to use those applications Puppy Devs have had to develop work-arounds and/or rebuilt those applications. Reading the Google-Chrome thread from here, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 311#967311 should give you a good idea about how Puppy has managed to cope with a hostile environment.

-- post script:

After closing, I recalled your particular interest is learning Linux. So, check out the Programming thread. Also, take a look at wiak's FirstRib default WeeDog Linux build system, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 56#1028956, sc0ttman's Pkg - CLI package manager, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 531#985531, plug the names of those who have contributed to those thread into the Search Engine for their other posts, and don't overlook the many threads on the Cutting Edge Section.

FYI, just in case you didn't already know (and there are other techniques): but to examine a pet, Right-Click it and select UExtract. To examine an SFS, Left-Click it and select View. To create a folder, Right-Click an empty space and Select New>Directory; give it a name. Contents from the SFS-View folder can be copied into your new folder.
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