Set of ready-made pupsave and swap files,

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#61 Post by musher0 »

Hi, Mike7.

That's ok. No guilt trip, please!

I think discussing "size of browser caches" here was/is ok. It has a distant
but real link with the overall "space" created by the pupsave and the swap
file. Beyond that would be pushing it, though!


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allo Musher0 help desk,

#62 Post by Pelo »

allo Musher0 help desk, I need your zip to solve the nice and thin WOLX, Puppy from France. It kernels panick when uploading its own wolxsave.
I will feedback if your zip save me from the deroot.
"Would it be a good idea to use gzip since some pups won't support lzo or xz by default.." lzo unrecognized by Wolx
I take a break.
UEextract 2.7 decompresses lzo... moi je m'énerve un peu de ces contretemps Only french speaking citizens could understand.
:) :) :) Canadian Help Desk method is sucessful
My wolx explodes again with kernel panic, but it's a different cause :cry: pupsave is empty, wolx runs in RAM, and explodes kernel panic with empty pupsave, tabernacle ! Patente à gosses! Viande à chien!
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#63 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

At the end of June, nic007 published a nice pupsave creator script, here: ... ost#959268

Enjoy! BFN.
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#64 Post by nic007 »

musher0 wrote:Hello all.

At the end of June, nic007 published a nice pupsave creator script, here: ... ost#959268

Enjoy! BFN.
musher0, hope you don't mind that I'm messing with your thread...and a swapfile creator here:
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#65 Post by musher0 »

Hi, nic007!

This is a thread about pupsaves and swap files, not about me! :)

Please feel right at home in it!

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#66 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I bumped into this old problem again yesterday, in DPupStretch-7.0.0a1, of all Pups!!!

I realized that this thread does not offer a set of ready-made smaller pupsave files, so
here you go! (Please see attached files.)

-- copy the file with the size you need in your Puppy's directory;

-- unzip it TWICE;

-- once that is done, replace the "puppy" mention in the file name with the name of your
pup, e.g. xenial, stretch, lupu, etc. So it will become stretchsave-12Mb.2fs, for example.
Otherwise, the Puppy won't pick it up;

-- you may wish to change the part of the file name after the hyphen to something more
meaningful, but this is optional;

-- do not touch or edit the ".2fs" part;

-- please remember that you may also need to

make executable and

the one-liner called in the OP of this thread if the icons on your desktop
or in the ROX-Filer appear jumbled

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#67 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Does anyone know why this problem resurfaces every now and then? :)

A new member was looking for the pupsave file of a xenialPup the day before
yesterday... ... ost#998643
This inspired me to revisit the script I had written, revised by Karl Godt, and make
it as universal as possible.

Here goes. Please read the comments before copying and pasting it for your own
use or downloading the attached zip.

This saves me some typing, of course, but on your part, knowing how to use this
script instead of poking blindly around with it may also save you some troubles! ;)

Code: Select all

# # Console script.
# Can also be run by typing its symbolic link, psave-N-Xfs.
# (C) musher0, June 20, 2014. GPL3. Rev.: April 3, June 10 & July 16, 2018.
# Please see "LICENCE / LICENSE" below. 
# Purpose: Create, in a Puppy directory, a pupsave file of any number of
# Mb's, containaing an ext2, ext3 or ext4 file system. 
# For use on Puppies where the pupsave creation script seems to be defective, 
# for whatever reason.
# Error routines by Karl_Godt. Thanks, Karl.
# Examples, taking xenialPup as basis:
# -- psave-N-Xfs a 300 4 
# Creates a pupsave file of 300 Mb's in ext4 named xenialsave-arf.4fs
# -- psave-N-Xfs w 192 2
# Creates a pupsave file of 192 Mb's in ext2 named xenialsave-woof.4fs
# Please see "NOTES" below.

[ "$1" = "a" ] && A=arf # Choice of names
[ "$1" = "w" ] && A=woof

B="$2" # size in Mb's # Specified by the user.

C="$3" # extension type: ext2, ext3 or ext4.
# Again, specified by the user.
# Simple limits: 2, 3 or 4.
[ "$C" -lt "2" ] && C=2
[ "$C" -gt "4" ] && C=4

# Name of Pup
NOM="`awk -F'=' '$1 ~ /PREFIX/ { print $2 }' /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | cut -d\"'\" -f2`"
[ $? = 0 ] || { echo "Sorry, unable to find the name of your Puppy. Press Return to exit.";read;return 1; }

if [ ! -f "$NOM"save-"$A"."$C"fs ];then
# Creation
	dd if=/dev/zero of="$PWD"/"$NOM"save-"$A"."$C"fs bs=1M count=$B
	[ $? = 0 ] || { echo "Sorry, unable to create savefile correctly. Press Return to exit";read;return 1; }
# Formating 
	mkfs.ext2 -q -m 0 -F "$PWD"/"$NOM"save-"$A"."$C"fs
	[ $? = 0 ] || { echo "Sorry, unable to create filesystem in savefile. Press Return to exit";read;return 1; }

     echo -e "\n\t\e[1;33mYou already have a pupsave by that name.

Once that is done, reboot.
The Puppy will pick up the save file on reboot.

However, once back on your desktop, you may see icons with question marks.
You may need to update your gtk/gdk cache with the following line:
# gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache # (Uncomment to use.)
to regain the normal (original) appearance of the icons. Source:

EN -- Q.v.
# ~~~~
FR -- Ce programme est libre : vous pouvez le redistribuer ou modifier
selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU publiée par la
Free Software Foundation (v. 3  ou ultérieure, à votre choix).
      Ce programme est distribué dans l'espoir qu'il sera utile, mais SANS
AUCUNE GARANTIE, ni explicite ni implicite, y inclus de commercialisation
ou d'adaptation à un but spécifique. Pour plus de détails, s.v.p. vous
reporter au texte officiel de cette licence à l'adresse Internet ci-dessus
(traduction à, et à
l'explication qui en est donnée àénérale_GNU.
Script is attached as a zip archive; it also contains a link you may find handy.

Unzip in your Puppy directory and make the "*.sh" script executable. Then run with the parameters you desire.
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#68 Post by musher0 »

Hi all.

Hopefully this is the last script I'll ever contribute trying to solve this
vexing problem.

The only thing different from the script above is that in position 1 ("$1$),
you can specify any name you wish for your pupsave file.

Code: Select all

psave-N-Xfs browsers 250 3
Creates a pupsave file of 250 Mb's in ext3 named
xenialsave-browsers.3fs in the Puppy's directory.
"Scarecrow" or "blableblibloblue" will do fine. But may I suggest that you
choose meaningful names describing what you intend to do mostly with
the pupsave file: names such as "PersFin" (for "Personal Finances") or
"wine" (if this pupsave will contain many wine programs), or
"GnumTempl" (if you intend to use the pupsave file mostly for "Gnumeric

I'm sure you are already doing this. Focused names are easier to
remember. Only reservation: not use spaces in the pupsave file name.

Same instructions as above.
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#69 Post by robert_m »

Let's all hope that this can get resolved!

I downloaded XenialPup64, tried it on two systems, I like it!
When I closed it, I save to my USB Flash.
I then moved the flash to the 2nd system, and it booted to the "This is the First Time you are Running..." screen. Did I save the .sfs to the hard drive by accident? No, I have 3 files on the sdc2 partition - see attached "empty3fs.png"

I see that I actually have two eairlier sessions I saved, only the first .2fs has any content.

Is this a result of the problem that is discussed in this thread, or something else.[/img]
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- Rob M.
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#70 Post by musher0 »

robert_m wrote:Let's all hope that this can get resolved!

I downloaded XenialPup64, tried it on two systems, I like it!
When I closed it, I save to my USB Flash.
I then moved the flash to the 2nd system, and it booted to the "This is the First Time you are Running..." screen. Did I save the .sfs to the hard drive by accident? No, I have 3 files on the sdc2 partition - see attached "empty3fs.png"

I see that I actually have two earlier sessions I saved, only the first .2fs has any content.

Is this a result of the problem that is discussed in this thread, or something else.[/img]
Hello robert_m.

No, your problem is not related to the subject of this thread, since you
were able to create three pupsaves.

I would however delete the empty pupsaves or move them to a sub-sub-
directory (where Puppy can't recognize / reach them). Yes, you have
read correctly, that's "sub-sub-directory", i.e. second or even third
"basement" under your /mnt/sdc2. Move the extra pupsaves to
something like /mnt/sdc2/extra/psaves/.

BTW, the "*.sfs" file ending is reserved for use for and by the Puppy
system itself. Pupsaves typically have a "*.2fs", "*.3fs" or "*.4fs" file
ending, depending on whether you chose the ext2, ext3 or ext4 file-
system structure for your pupsave when you created it.

Finally a word of caution on the ready-made pupsaves provided in this
thread: I have created them on a 32-bit system. They are totally
untested on a 64-bit.

I'd be happy to learn that they work on a 64-bit Puppy, the file structure
being the same; but at this point I can provide no guarantees. Thanks
for your understanding.


Edit, 5 minutes later.

I do not have a 64-bit XenialPup on this computer, so I'm groping a bit
in the dark. That said...

Looking at you list of files in your screen cap, I think I can explain why
your Pup is saying "This is the first time..."

The two empty files are automatically dismissed at boot-up because they
are empty. Try to load them manually, and you will get an error message.

The valid one, content-wise, that has +/- 450 Kb, seems to bear only the
default pupsave name, not a personalized one.

A pupsave file name should have 3 parts, like so: xenialsave-arf.2fs.
A default "xenialsave" name, provided by the Puppy (in this case, my
32-bit Puppy), a dash and a second part provided by us, the users, and
thirdly the file ending.

The middle, personalized, part seems to be missing on your pupsave. So
your Puppy thinks that file is also invalid, and concludes: "This user has
not created a pupsave yet". So, of course, it asks you to create a new

Try renaming it from another Pup? Or even from the pristine
xenialPup-64, it should be ok, but you will have to reboot in this case.

I mean adding a middle part to the file name? Maybe something like:
xenialpup64save-me.2fs. I indicate "-me", but it can be "-schmurf" or
anything you like. (A combination of letters and numbers only, however;
no punctuation or fancy characters.)

Although at 450 Kb, you likely have only your time zone and language
localization saved in it, yes? So maybe just respond to the prompt and
create a new pupsave?

But don't forget to provide a personalization part when asked. It is
important to type in one, since a PuppyLinux system can have several
pupsaves for various uses or functions.

IHTH. Keep us posted as to how it went? :)
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#71 Post by robert_m »

musher0 -

Thank you for your help with this.

I am experimenting with burying the empty files, and I get the same results.
I may not have been perfectly accurate previously: the Quick Setup dialog opens when I boot, but I do not see a "first time" message until I save before closing.

I think I may start fresh, gparted tells me most of the 2GB flash is unallocated - huh? I has been quite some time since I put puppy on the drive, I don't remember the details.

I will get back to you tomorrow - I'm done for now
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#72 Post by musher0 »

Hello jayarambro.

Thanks for the thanks. However...

The Android related web sites you mention above have nothing to do
with pupsave or swap files.

Kindly remove those URLs from this thread.

This forum has a "Truly Off-Topic" section for things unrelated to Puppy.
If you must post your Android URLs, please post them there.

Thanks in advance.
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#73 Post by bigpup »

I have not looked at all the posts in this topic, so sorry if this has already been talked about.
downloaded XenialPup64, tried it on two systems, I like it!
When I closed it, I save to my USB Flash.
I then moved the flash to the 2nd system, and it booted to the "This is the First Time you are Running..." screen.
Look in whatever boot loader menu config file that is being used.
If it has pmedia=cd in the boot menu entry.
Change it to pmedia=usbflash
That should tell Xenialpup to look on the USB flash drive for the save.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#74 Post by musher0 »

Hi bigpup.

I felt the need to initiate this thread a number of years ago, shortly after BarryK handed
the maintenance and development of PuppyLinux to the woof-CE team.

For a while, there was a glitch in the pupsave creation script, and it did not create one.
This glitch has been repaired, and Puppy does not have this problem anymore.

It is good to have handy your solution in this thread, I think, but people must be aware
that your solution solves finding a pupsave file that already exists on a USB drive,
not creating one.

IHTH. Bye, all.
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Not quite there yet...

#75 Post by Grogg »

Hi folks,

I dd'd BionicPup64 8.0 onto a 64GB flashdrive while I was on my Slackware linux.

The puppy linux boots just fine, runs like a scalded ape and is really a very nice linux.

My problem is, the pupsaves. When I go to logout and I get to go through all the stuff to do a pupsave and name it, etc, I only get to put it on my slackware shows the flashdrive as a choice - sdc - but when I choose to put it there, it says something about why it can't and I either have to re-choose where to put the pupsave or not save at all.

So, not knowing any better, I chose to put it in a directory on sda, my slackware hdd (and when I booted back to my Slackware, I see the directory there).

Unfortunately when I boot into Puppy again, I guess it doesn't or can't see that pupsave and I start with a brand new Puppy and have to set everything up all over again that takes me 45 minutes to do.

In Rox, I can see the pupsave on sda4 just fine, unfortunately, again, I can't copy or move that directory to the flashdrive - sdc1 - as I keep getting that it is a read-only thing and changing permissions does nothing.

I'd really like to be able to keep using this Puppy linux because I'm liking it a lot, but this is a problem I can't put up with if I have to spend all that time setting it up every time I boot to it.

Oh yes, in Slackware, for some reason when I look at the device Puppy is on, it shows it as 'cdrom' and not flashdrive USB stick. Very strange!

Any ideas what I can do to solve this predicament? I'd sure be grateful, because as I said, I'd really like to be able to use this a lot's simply fun, fast and kicking butt and taking names, heh heh.
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#76 Post by musher0 »

Hi Grogg.

Sorry for your troubles.

I know you are describing a pupsave problem, and I created all these ready-made
pupsave files, but the person you really shoufd be asking a solution to this is
666philb, the author of BionicPup64 8.0, on the BionicPup64 8.0 thread at ... 2&t=114311.

Further, I am out of a 64-bit PC at the moment, so I cannot try to replicate
bugs on a BionicPup64.

What is puzzling me, is your mentions "sda" and "sdc". Normally those would be
sdaN and sdcN, such as sda1, sdc1 -- unless you are an avid UDF fan/user.

Off the top, I'd say it's a problem with the boot order in your BIOS it. My boot order
in my BIOS is
-- bootable USB drive or Flash drive. If not found, goes to look for:
-- bootable CD/DVD. If not found, goes to look for:
-- bootable HD.

Notice the qualifier "bootable": have you made your USB drive bootable?
It's just a label you specify at the formatting stage, through GParted or similar, but
it's important if you want to boot from it. Otherwise, the BIOS will skip it at boot
time as a mere data drive.

Sorry for the partial help only, but I do hope it is still somewhat useful.
In any case, please keep us informed of the outcome?

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#77 Post by Grogg »

musher0 wrote:Hi Grogg.

Sorry for your troubles.

I know you are describing a pupsave problem, and I created all these ready-made
pupsave files, but the person you really shoufd be asking a solution to this is
666philb, the author of BionicPup64 8.0, on the BionicPup64 8.0 thread at ... 2&t=114311.

What is puzzling me, is your mentions "sda" and "sdc". Normally those would be
sdaN and sdcN, such as sda1, sdc1 -- unless you are an avid UDF fan/user.

Off the top, I'd say it's a problem with the boot order in your BIOS it. My boot order
in my BIOS is
-- bootable USB drive or Flash drive. If not found, goes to look for:
-- bootable CD/DVD. If not found, goes to look for:
-- bootable HD.

Notice the qualifier "bootable": have you made your USB drive bootable?
It's just a label you specify at the formatting stage, through GParted or similar, but
it's important if you want to boot from it. Otherwise, the BIOS will skip it at boot
time as a mere data drive.

Sorry for the partial help only, but I do hope it is still somewhat useful.
In any case, please keep us informed of the outcome?

Hi Musher,

No need to be sorry, any help is better than no help.

I remembered incorrectly about the options of what drives I could save to, sorry about that...I'm given the options of sda1-4 and sdb1-3 but *no* sdc* anything at all.

As for if the flashdrive is bootable, I imagine it is if all I have to do is go into the BIOS during bootup (by tapping the 'delete' key a bunch) and then choosing what I want to boot from a choice of my hdd, sdd or bdrom or cdrom or flashdrive.

I *can* set it so that I could make the flashdrive the first thing the BIOS sees and boot straight into it without having to go into the BIOS to choose it, but would that make a difference? I'll try it anyway, nothing to lose.

I'll go to that link and see if anyone there has any more ideas also. Thanks for the help and I'll try to remember to get back here and post if anything gets 'fixed'. It's always good that *everyone* gets to see 'fixes', because it may be the answer someone else is looking for too.
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#78 Post by rcrsn51 »

You put Puppy on the flash drive with "dd". That makes the rest of the drive unavailable, unless you fix it somehow.
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#79 Post by Grogg »

rcrsn51 wrote:You put Puppy on the flash drive with "dd". That makes the rest of the drive unavailable, unless you fix it somehow.
Yeah, that was going to be another question in a separate thread, heh. I couldn't find any other way to put it on the flashdrive...the site even says to use dd, so I just don't know what else to do about it.

As for the flashdrive not picking up on the pupsave...going into the BIOS and setting the flashdrive to be the first drive to boot, sdb next and then sda, then bdrom and then cdrom fixed the problem. When it booted it seemed to find my pupsave and everything is there as I left it from last session.

Thanks, Musher!!

Now, back to figuring out how to use the whole flashdrive instead of just 7GB of it!
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#80 Post by musher0 »

Hi Grogg.

Glad I could be of help! (At least for some of it.)

Now, back to figuring out how to use the whole flashdrive instead of just 7GB of it!
What I'd do is use GParted from another Pup or from a CD/DVD of this one
(because altering the branch you're sitting on may be tricky!)
-- locate the flashdrive (its sdXn name; if unsure type probepart and you'll see a list
of partitions
-- open a console and type gparted_shell (or you may start it from the menu)
-- tick the proper flashdrive and press OK.
(you should be in now; pls see capture)
-- right-click on the 2nd partition if there is one and click delete.
-- right-click on the 1st partition and click resize/move
You may leave as is, but it's handy to have extra room, e.g. to put a pupsave file alongside the Pup! ;)
-- depending on your need, increase the size.
Don't touch the "free space preceding" though, flash drives have firmware there usually.
The easiest and most precise way is to insert a number in the "new size" box, but you
may use the mouse to drag the box to the right to the desired size.

Please note the actions are not applied immediately. They will only be applied when you
click on menu item Edit->Apply All Operations.

Now you should have a grey box to the right of your modified partition. Right-click on it.
The sub-menu will show only a "new" item. Click on that.
A box will pop up with some default settings : primary partition, ext4, automatic size.
The size should be ok. Maybe change ext4 to ext2 or f2fs; those file systems will be
kinder to the flashdrive.
Click OK.

Now click on menu item Edit->Apply All Operations.
It'll take about a minute for the operations to be done.

When finished, get out of gparted, remove your CD or DVD, and reboot as you do normally.

That's it.

Best of luck!
Don't pay attention to the partition names and numbers, this is an example.
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