rtpreempt linuxcnc-uspace x86 spot-experimental

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rtpreempt linuxcnc-uspace x86 spot-experimental

#1 Post by Revolverve »

For who could be interested in the subject of linuxcnc on puppys ,,taught it worth sharing my experiments .
Lets make it clear, dont expect here in any way you could ,as is ,to use the proposed packages/tweaks/ideas/etc in
an "industrial" environment ,safely,no,no,Its all experiments,
everything i share or provide links to here is NOT backed/approved/supported by original authors of programs/packages/etc.
Be advised,If you intend to test some from here,backup your precious savefile/folder please!
all i do come with 100% NO warranty...else than kernel modules possible problems,it should be trouble-free..
Here, presuming you got basic knowledges about puppy linux/sfs/spot/etc...and linuxcnc,.

So,let see whats needed & available the lazy way,thanks to all compilers/packagers/coders/maintainers/etc;
-lots of x86 puppys,here i test with bionicpup64 for now.
-prebuild rtpreempt kernel 4.19.82-rt30,thanks rockedge
-prebuild linuxcnc-uspace debs,here ubuntu ppa-stable ones
-a linuxcnc(not included) dependencies sfs i packed
-script to run as spot needed here
-needed modules here compile for kernel 4.19.82-rt30
What does those can do right(with limitations-see below)?for now..should this first post be edited with future results if it gets there...
on bionicpup64;
-run linuxcnc tested here;2.7.14-uspace bionic deb;
$--as spot (with scripts)
-simulator with axis.ini **
-rtpreempt *depending on cpu/speed/pc/parallel ports/settings to
control in realtime a cnc/3d printer
-run latency test

#--as root( from the menu)
-run stepconf wizard or pncconf wizard
Limitations..bugs?..to do ,to test, to check
a lots....
-not related to these experiments only,but pci/pcie/parallel port card are by experience sometime working for output and not good for input
or vise versa be it m$ or linux , i wrote eslsewhere i got in this setup 2 parallels ports being recognise by linuxcnc i was wrong,
yet i only been able to hook linuxcnc here(2 ports work with debiandog rtai) to 1 port ...to be investigate..
note;linuxcnc debug logs does not point you exactly to ports problems you might encounter,kernel log help here..

-if you run as spot linuxcnc (**simulation or realtime);
-on closing you got to kill linuxcncsrv child process that it leave in the system.

-as i only can test parralel port setting here...could be interesting to see what dependencies are missing for ethernet mesa interface lots of linuxcnc users use these days..
.. doubt to get the interest of one owner of one such thing...may i get one eventualy...
to do or test..
-check run as spot script if it could be more suit to whatever it is needed for here
-check cache/tmp settings that are needed,for now, its running as is...
-check and maybe recompile rtpreempt kernel ...
because i am not sure what should be add/change/remove from it..
-and those dreams,like, explore a possible rtai or xenomai patch kernel or a remastered whatever it could be dedicate preemptpup64....
those sadly wont see the light of day by my alone . you are welcome to give it a go !!
About root ,spot,why?
i cannot explain why linuxcnc/rtpreempt cannot run as root...did not ask devs why..there must be some good reasons..,may i ask devs one day .
My opinion,these "industrial"(or hobbyist ) piece of software should be able to run as root to have that direct access to hardware without those priviledges/security settings..
Modern day$ of automation,intranet possible machine configurations and monitoring do not tilt on the root user side...
You think of running a cnc and browse your social network facething !! naann,no good..

And, as i do,you may think why with all small arduino/grbl/etc being available is it worth the trouble to make it work on a pc?
x86? on an available puppy?
all good questions
,you dont like the subject here?
you could always set it to neutral and relax for 3.5hours with Dr Frankenstein&friends digital mind control robot real monsters creators ,no 3D,just 2...:)
Last edited by Revolverve on Wed 11 Dec 2019, 15:51, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by rockedge »


I have compiled a full RT kernel 4.9.201 which has the userspace modules and parallel port support enabled.

I am having some booting problems although at this time and must work out the kinks. I used the kernel version from the config file you attached.
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#3 Post by Revolverve »

Hey rockedge,
I am having some booting problems although at this time and must work out the kinks. I used the kernel version from the config file you attached.
config i posted was more for reference, it a usb/img intended iso,i think,so their must be in those ntfs-fat related to it! again, i am not sure...
It will be a pleasure to test more of your work!
else, to all
I forgot the compiling result...
in short ,they got 2 options,r-i-p or create debs pkg,
-for run-in place,it seems to compile with rockedge rtpreempt,
-but not succeeded on the deb side...

Rip would probably be the way to go,being their dev-debug prefered way to go,
but spot speaking, its a little more complex for me,
as you can see,i am not half way there in the understanding of all it implied!.
maybe later .. as i did post tests results about machinekit branch neither ..
Tested from ppa linuxcnc 2.9-pre with first post setup, dependencies of the sfs look ok,
got a cannot find usr/bin/tckth8.6 not find warning,ok,symlink to usr/bin/wish8.6,no complain,it started and run realtime the machine,
funny,if someone could try to explain it to me what the point from where it came?
but restarting linuxcnc recreate another tclsh8.6 symlink to usr/bin/wish8.6!!?!!
,deleted first one i made ,it still works!

note; about pre-release,linuxcnc got 2 pre-release......2.8 nd 2.9...mmm...2.8 look more like a rc...mmm red on their forum someone tested their 3.0 which do not seem to be their master branch!?! and github linuxcnc got 660 fork...
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#4 Post by Revolverve »

As if it not enough testing all those...one old cnc gecko g201 stepper motor hardware drive is defective...could not be happier!!!
i can now stop searching parports, wirings,drivers,cnc configuration,etc!!!
and it mean ,its working pretty well!!!
got some very very very decent latency as good,even better then with rtai debdog...i little on the soon side to post them on http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Latency-Test because ,well ,there's too many workaround on the spot subjet...the "oops in loops" posting guy i assume being do sporadically applied lessons learned....
We got a nice candidate distro/kernel/linuxcnc-uspace combination here!!
I may clean , the first post details and shared files ;
-scripts(typos details and more if i find some,or someone else do )
-kernel modules(only ppdev could be needed,anyways some i uploaded dont works,my bad...you will get dmesg errors that says so )
**if rockedge does not come with an included update kernel before i clear things up....
-add about what i removed at startup in bionicpup64 + tweaks to get latency better results.
-add more details of what not or working .
For now,or near future ,no more compiling linuxcnc ,as build unbuntu pkg does it ..
I'll take a break until i resolved my hardware glitches and go dancing...yep..

In hope other users will give it a try!!
Be safe.
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#5 Post by rockedge »

Hello Revolverve!

that is some very exciting news! You have done excellent work Revolverve!

Go ahead, clean it up and use this kernel that works.
Kernel 4.19.82 is a long term ( LT ) kernel as well. Using nic007's remaster package might do a good job of creating a Bionic64 remaster with all the pieces and a running LinuxCNC. Creating a PuppyCNC Bionic to test out.

Just some ideas.

I am looking forward to seeing more about the LinuxCNC and Puppy project!!
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#6 Post by rockedge »

I am still working on some RT kernels but all the reports on 4.19.82-rt30 have been outstanding so that is what I am using while experimenting with some newer kernel versions as RT.
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#7 Post by Revolverve »

Thanks rockedge,you triggered it...i'll take a look at nic007 work.
A "X64 realtime machines operation puppy' would/could ;
-be,free of industrial usage-pompous-pretention ..which anyhow are usualy proprietary thing$.***..next post...
-be internet disabled...on startup..
-forget bling bling,e.g.;compton...
-must use full cpu power ,(here i kept intel_pstate "governing")
-must keep hardware compatibilities...x64 limits speaking here..
-been able to run freecad ,of course..libreoffice,etc..be it sfs or appimages..
-ram/frugal based...i have not installed a linux distro since...ee..2009 maybe...shame on me,i have not a lot of usb/boot experiences,but once in ram,it doesnt matter...
-with jwm/rox/etc puppy's classic, or equal in the system ressources "footprints" leftovers ..
-need testers times,mesa cards eth owners ones...
-with/if eth cards drivers compatible(or usb 3.0+ ,but linuxcnc does not for now support any) ,keep a laptop/tablet friendly side..
-include arduino stuffings !?!
-robots ? anyones? i dont...but afterall they are just cnc's with many many multiples axes!!
...well,an optional jack-of-all-trade-diy-wannabee-an-engineer !! as possible...
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#8 Post by Revolverve »

off topic....***some would say more;Utopic............
***dream dream...or lets be civilized modern "caveman"
*** no more economic $ystem exi$t... in dictionnaries, its defined as: not used anymore...
*** you trade,you share,you beg,you steal,you give >>>to or with/from whoever is your/their need to survive... in luxury if you dont mind to be judge....
***the only purpose of old paper money is to burn it;keep you hot,cook or transform raw ressources...
*** there would still be ,as in the old economic system;
-people that like animals ,plants, their self ,etc more then any other human..
-people that works for 10
-people that pretend that they work for 10
-people that prefer to use their vocal cords as tools..lets still call them singers..
-people that will work for 10 and feed the hungry singers..
-people that laught while sticking a stolen broom in the happy going home singer bicycle wheel...
-people that sing while helping others without asking in return and the others that dont give a $h!t.......or simply kill their feeders...
.....Best wishes to all...yes ,mine is that it cra$h ,sooner for the better...
where i am a proud linux/opensource /open-it-all user/dreamer.....
sorry ,again i could not resist...
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#9 Post by Revolverve »

Wow nic007remastering suite in a 12k sfs
Thats a great find...;) and colorful .
I 'll definitely never become a coder,but do take a peek at all scripts,
and usually get dizzy....

Made my day. + Utopic mad thing...think a will stop at my local SQDC today...
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