Lynx 2-8-7 A simple text web browser

Browsers, email, chat, etc.
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#41 Post by rockedge »

I tried the PET and it did not work on Lucid. I then tried ca-certificates_20090814ubuntu0.10.04.1_all.deb but also no luck.

Lynx 2.9.0dev works on Lucid 5.2.8 but only http so far. I went and compiled some openssl versions to see if any improvment but no.
Palemoon 27.4.1 works great though.
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lynx 2.8.9rel1 for Precise Puppy 5.7.1

#42 Post by sindi »

I just downloaded lynx 2.8.9rel1 source code from Linux from Scratch
and devx from Precise Puppy 5.7.1, working in the updated Light version of 5.7.1,
and compiled a lynx binary that works with https sites like
and Wikipedia in Precise Puppy 5.7.1. In lupu 2016 and racy 5.5 ldd shows that
it cannot find In those OSes it accesses http but not https sites.

I did ./configure --with-ssl after it could not access https sites without that.

The files needed by lynx are in lynxpkg.tgz. The new lynx is 1.5MB.
and worked with lynx.cfg etc. in the original locations. Old lynx 2.8.8 binary is 2MB.
I did not make a pet. My cert.pem is from 2018.

Someone steered me to a wheezy pet for links 2.20 that works in Precise
(but not in debiandog wheezy without added libraries).

Lynx has fewer dependencies than links2 or elinks.

I used it to display graphical hourly weather forecasts with fbi, also
to view photos in console mode. Very fast.

I will try browsh on some laptop with space for Firefox 57+.
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#43 Post by nic007 »

I recommend using Opera Mini running on an emulator for general web browsing. You need Java though but otherwise standalone. Better option than any other text/html only based browsers in my view.
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browsh, and lynx on android 2.3 phone

#44 Post by sindi »

Browsh appears to require X and a mouse, and to display graphics, none of which I want in a text-only browser. Lynx can display images in terminal mode (no X needed) with numbered links.

I discovered that Firefox 60 ESR works in the latest Precise 5.7.1 light (updated to glibc 2.20 already) and automatically downloads and installs version 68 ESR, which also works. They need GTK+ 3. I run Pale Moon and Seamonkey and Firefox from their own directory, not installed. Browsh could not find Firefox.

I can no longer access Wikipedia or on my HTC EVO 4G Android 2.3 phone from 2010, with 'browser', Naked Browser, Via (old version), Opera Mini, or UC Mini 10.7.

So I ssh'ed to my account at and ran lynx from it (also links, elinks, and w3m text browsers). w3m is said to display tables and images and it needs a recent gc to compile.

Did someone from this discussion leave me a private message?
It seems not to be there.
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#45 Post by step »

Thought this might be of interest to some lynx users.
Threre's another command-line text browser I haven't really used it, so I don't know how it compares with lynx. The concept *is* different, therefore comparisons might not be fair. edbrowse seems to have some interesting features.
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edbrowse static binary

#46 Post by sindi »

i386 (32-bit) binary makes its own /root/.ebrc file
.ebrc: unrecognized keyword linelength at line 49

Line 49 - Linelength 700

I think we are supposed to edit .ebrc before using it.
Unless we want mail for Fred Flintstone.

It is set to use various plugins for audio and pdf, etc.
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#47 Post by TiredPup »

I am posting from Lynx 2.8.9rel1 in Bionicpup64. Thanks for this.
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#48 Post by rockedge »

Hello TiredPup,

which one did you install?
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#49 Post by TiredPup »

The 64 bit pet that you provided. I installed it in Bionicpup8.0.
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#50 Post by rockedge »

Hello TiredPup,

glad to hear it installed well! Cool
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w3m pet found in Precise PPM (2011, 0.5.3)

#51 Post by sindi »

Precise PPM (updated, anyway) has the latest w3m, which works.
First I downloaded source and failed to compile it. It wanted gc and the suggested link to gc source was broken.

The pet included libgpm. 'mouse' support seems to consist of arrow keys.

Sourceforge also suggested retawq and netrik, which are much less up to date.
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