Beryl on Puppy(Installation guide for nvidia gfx cards.)

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Beryl on Puppy(Installation guide for nvidia gfx cards.)

#1 Post by wow »

[Click here if you have an ATI or Intel GPU]

Some info:
  • What is the Beryl Project?
Beryl is an OpenGL accelerated desktop that seeks to provide a free, open source desktop experience to the community that reflects the wishes of the users. Above all else, the project seeks to listen to and respond to the requests of the user base.
Hello, I'm starting this thread to write about Beryl and the possibility of have this 100% working under Puppy. [EDIT: success]

I wrote about my first tests here: ... 098#102098
Also Lobster and MU wrote something here: ... 1215900899

Till now, I got it working BUT without Emerald the "Window Decorator". It doesn't show error messages, so I think that is something wrong with GTK(missing extensions maybe?).[EDIT: solved]

If you have KDE in your Puppy use Aquamarine instead of Emerald for the window borders/decorations. [read more]


Instructions for nVidia cards(AGP):

System Requirements:
  • Software:
    - Puppy-2.13 or higher
    - XFCE, KDE or Gnome
    - Recent version of Mesa
    - Xorg 7.1 or newer
    - SVG support
    - Python(required for beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple)
    - Xserver must be Xorg(change to xorg via 'xorgwizard')
    - And more, read below
Updates, dependencies required and instructions: Notes and extra stuff: Downloads: Known issues:
  • - Emerald crashes when you change or edit a theme.
    - Beryl does not work with Fluxbox(tested by orbisvicis), JWM or IceWM you must use XFCE or KDE(all others untested).
    - "Beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple are mutually exclusive: change settings in one, lose the settings of the other"(orbisvicis).
  • Ok, that's all you need :wink: To start Beryl run this command: "beryl-manager" or clic its icon at:
    Also see:
Image Image Image
Image Image

[Puppy-2.13 running Beryl-0.2.1]
Description: 2 minutes demo, transparent background, negative effect, scale effect, etc.

Video capture plugin for Beryl: Intallation and some demo videos(my current Puppy desktop)
Beryl for Puppy-2.13/2.14/2.15CE (ATI and Intel GPUs): Installation guide, tips, help and more.

Last edited by wow on Fri 13 Jul 2007, 01:49, edited 15 times in total.
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#2 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Whew. Beryl. So much for the "small is beautiful" philosophy.

Double-check this file, I get an error message, either file not found on server, or my download key is invalid:


Also these don't want to come over either (although I admit, I don't know why I would want them):

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#3 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Also, I notice that Beryl 0.2.0 final was just released today...
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#4 Post by wow »

Thanks for the info. It seems that Filefront is having problems. Here is a temporally link for x11-7.2-upd.pup:
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#5 Post by orbisvicis »

wow! thanks for the guide - and no compiling too!

Just a thing - are there any directions for compiz, it might run smoother, with borders?

As soon as I get around to doing this ill see if it works with fluxbox.


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#6 Post by MU »

Mirror of Python 2.5: ... ython-2.5/

Mirror of Xorg upgrade: ... _2-upd.pup

Other files I'll mirror when the remaining issues are solved, but these already could be of general interest.

But note:
If you upgrade Xorg, 3D modules (DRI) from Xorg 7.0 might no longer work!
But I'm not shure about this.

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#7 Post by wow »

But note:
If you upgrade Xorg, 3D modules (DRI) from Xorg 7.0 might no longer work!
But I'm not shure about this.
Me either, and I compiled some of them but since this guide is only for nvidia cards using the propietary driver they're almost useless(I'll upload these files later in the X11R7.2 folder):
  • xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3.pup
The problem is that this specific build of x11-7.2 needs(I'm not 100% sure, can't remember):
  • xcb-proto-1.0.pup
    libxcb-1.0.pup(requires xcb-proto)
    xcb-util-0.2(requires gperf)
    cairo-1.3.2.pup(requires glitz and xcb)
    libdrm-2.3.0.pup(x11r7.2 dependency)
And they all must be installed exactly in that order. That's the reason that I've not posted this x11-7.2 update in the "Additional Software (PUPs, n' stuff)" section.

And talking about updates, I made dotpups for Beryl-0.2.0 final :), uploading . . .
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#8 Post by orbisvicis »

It really blows your mind. Beryl > Compiz
Very nice job!
Recommend install to hd, might be slow slow otherwise.
True, it still is beta (though the lack of window borders could be an ergonomical feature, depending on your taste) but completely usable if you drag/close with the alt key. Perhaps you could change the alt binding as well, shrug.

Other things:
Once it starts itll crash kwin, signal 6 (SIGABRT)
It also does not run on fluxbox, to be expected
Beryl-settings.desktop and beryl-settings-simple.desktop are mutually exclusive: change settings in one, lose the settings of the other; however it works fine after restart!
The lack of window borders might just be a setting - of which there are tons


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#9 Post by wow »

orbisvicis wrote:The lack of window borders might just be a setting - of which there are tons
It's not a setting, I think that puppy lack something. What could it be? :roll:

Emerald(window decorator) is not working but Aquamarine does!! Though it has some complications:

Code: Select all

checking for KDE... libraries /opt/kde/lib, headers /opt/kde/include
checking if UIC has KDE plugins available... no
configure: error:
you need to install kdelibs first.

If you did install kdelibs, then the Qt version that is picked up by
this configure is not the same version you used to compile kdelibs.
The Qt Plugin installed by kdelibs is *ONLY* loadable if it is the
_same Qt version_, compiled with the _same compiler_ and the same Qt
configuration settings.

Anyway, I could compile it after compile and install kdelibs(using the official Puppy's Qt libraries and headers) and kdebase(only kwin), but is quite unstable with others KDE packages(works fine 90% of the time with the Muppy's sfs mounted as addon). Here is the package:


And some info:
- Select aquamarine as Window Decorator:

- If still no have window borders try this setting:

Image Image Image
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#10 Post by orbisvicis »

To have beryl autostart, both beryl-manager and beryl should be soft linked:
ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-manager ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager
ln -s /usr/bin/beryl ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl

I cannot figure out how to disable kwin. It is not in the environment variables, KDE does not read puppy's xinitrc, /opt/kde3/env does not exist, and a text search for KDEWM turns up nothing - so when you start up puppy kwin will start up first, then the autostart folder will be read, and the screen will flicker as Beryl starts up and takes over for kwin.

Edit: How to get rid of kwin - thanks to MU, see
open /opt/kde/bin/startkde and add "export KDEWM=beryl-manager" under all the other exports right at the top. Save. Remove any beryl links in the autostart folder.

Also, if you restart the X server (even with normal logout), kwin runs instead of beryl, that is if you have selected kwin as your fallback WM. Maybe Beryl thinks it has crashed, (?) - but there is its icon in the taskbar.
Edit: fixed by adding "export KDEWM=beryl-manager"

"Beryl-settings and beryl-settings-simple are mutually exclusive: change settings in one, lose the settings of the other" - works fine after ?several? restarts and if you do not change 'effects level' in simple settings.

time to try out beryl 2.0 w/ aquamarine.

Sweet! Window decorations.

A few other things:
-needed to use the copy option to see the window decorations: this seems to draw the windows (Edit: MUCH MUCH slower. Open/close/switch tabs in opera takes literally 5 seconds, as opposed to almost instantaneously with automatic) slower than automatic. Can't wait till emerald ; )
-After installing aquamarine got a duplicate of everything under the 'Actions' menu: settings & system menu.
-I used the mkkde script and included pretty much everything,~400 Mb's worth - but so far aquamarine runs fine/stable!
-It might be that I'm running 500 mb in ram, but when (only with the copy option) I click logoff, I get the usuall darkened screen with horizontal streaks. Also one .svg icon on the desktop seems to get silhoutted to the wallaper.

Thanks for the great work
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#11 Post by wow »

Finally, Emerald is working. :)

In the file '/etc/profile' comment out*, delete or set to 0* this line:

Code: Select all

EDIT: *delete or set to 0* doesn't work. After edit '/etc/profile' you must Restart X or Reboot Puppy to see the changes.

By the way, Emerald crashes if you change or edit a theme, to solve it go to: Beryl-Manager(systray icon)>Reload Window Decorator.
The emerald binary in the dotpup was previously 'strip'ed and 'upx'ed, it also crashes with an unpacked binary.

Last edited by wow on Mon 26 Mar 2007, 00:47, edited 2 times in total.
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#12 Post by wow »

How about on getting Beryl working with ATI and Intel gpu's :) Are there somebody with expecience on this or with the hardware?
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#13 Post by MU »

the XLIB_SKIP... might be required for some Gtk 1 -Applikations.

You might better try to set

in a script, that starts emerald.

So Gtk 1 would use the default "1", and Emerald "0".

Too bad, I just have my Notebook here in the hotel with slow SIS-graficscard.
At home I have a desktop with Nvidia-card.

Great work :-)

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#14 Post by orbisvicis »

This worked:

Code: Select all

This did not work:

Code: Select all

Very nice job.
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#15 Post by wow »

MU wrote:the XLIB_SKIP... might be required for some Gtk 1 -Applikations.
We're using another version of x11. So, I'm not sure about that, need to do more tests.
orbisvicis wrote:This worked:

This did not work:
Yep, that's right.

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#16 Post by titanreign »

Wow. Amazing work guys! Beryl on Puppy! Are you kidding me? Nice nice work. Can't wait to give it a whirl. Once again, very good job.
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#17 Post by MU »

could you add all needed dotpups to a tar.gz and upload them? (without Xorg72 and python)
This would make it easier to mirror them.

It would be great, if you could upload it here: ... 9400#99400

I can extract it on the server then.
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#18 Post by wow »

MU wrote:It would be great, if you could upload it here: ... 9400#99400
It's too soon, I need to do more tests, remove some unnecessary dependences, etc. For now It got Beryl working with cairo-1.4[with svg] instead of cairo-1.3[with svg, glitz and xcb].
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#19 Post by John Doe »

*edit - Nevermind. I think I found the answer here, at the bottom:
MU wrote:But note:
If you upgrade Xorg, 3D modules (DRI) from Xorg 7.0 might no longer work!
But I'm not shure about this.
I built up xorg7.1 with packages/xorg directory out of the latest T2 trunk and I get a bunch of errors like this in /tmp/xorgprobe.txt when I try to run xorg.

Code: Select all

(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
(EE) Failed to load module "apm" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
(EE) Failed to load module "ark" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
(EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module requirement mismatch, 0)

Is this what Mark is talking about when he says '3D modules (DRI)'? How do I compile all these?

I've never compile x before and I'm a bit lost. Thanks for any tips.
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another issue

#20 Post by wow »

Just to confirm, Gxine crashes after install the x11-7.2 upgrade. This mostly happens when you resize the window.
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