WakePup2 v0.2 - Floppy boot disk (or boot CD) for Puppy2

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Using WakePup for subdirectories

#21 Post by dsulmon »

I'm trying to use wakepup to launch a puppy saved in a subdirectory. I've been able to modify the autoexec file saved on the disk so that wakepup is able to locate the idehd and start linux. However, soon afterwards, the program reports that it is unable to locate puppy.
Is there an easy way to fix this?

Thanks for the help
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Re: Using WakePup for subdirectories

#22 Post by pakt »

dsulmon wrote:I'm trying to use wakepup to launch a puppy saved in a subdirectory.
This isn't an issue with wakepup but with Puppy. Puppy can only find files that are in the top directory. However there is a thread where someone (sunburnt?) has modified Puppy to look in subdirectories. You'll have to search the forum for more info.

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Wakepup problem with old P2 box.

#23 Post by msumner »

Hi Guys, I am trying to boot an old P2 box with a wakepup floppy but it has thrown this at me:

Unable to open ASPI Manager!
ASPIDISK. SYS is not installed.
Invalid Opcode at 00C3 235B 0A03 80AF 1295 1295 1285 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA BFBF BFBF
Bad or missing command interpreter: A:\command.com A:\ /E:1024/F /MSG /P=A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Enter the full shell command line:

Does anyone know what I need to put in here? Thanks.
Cheers, Mike
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Re: Wakepup problem with old P2 box.

#24 Post by pakt »

msumner wrote:Hi Guys, I am trying to boot an old P2 box with a wakepup floppy but it has thrown this at me:

Unable to open ASPI Manager!
ASPIDISK. SYS is not installed.
Invalid Opcode at 00C3 235B 0A03 80AF 1295 1295 1285 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA BFBF BFBF
Bad or missing command interpreter: A:\command.com A:\ /E:1024/F /MSG /P=A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Enter the full shell command line:

Does anyone know what I need to put in here? Thanks.
Cheers, Mike
Sounds like you've got corrupt files on your floppy. Try again with a new floppy disk - see if you get better results.

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#25 Post by msumner »

Thanks Paul, I wrote a new floppy and this time it got started properly but still didn't manage to force a boot from the cd, the flash or the hard drive.
I did manage to get it up and running though, by putting the hard drive into another box that boots from cd and set up a type 2 full install. When I swopped the drive back to the old box, it booted fine. :D It is ok with stuff like abiword but painfully slow with anything more resource hungry. It appears to only have about 28mb of RAM and I don't know the processor speed, so I made a swap partition of 250mb.

Is there a way of getting the system specs from the command line, like processor speed, motherboad and size of RAM?
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#26 Post by pakt »

msumner wrote:Is there a way of getting the system specs from the command line, like processor speed, motherboad and size of RAM?
Cheers, Mike
This will give you some info on the cpu
# cat /proc/cpuinfo

For RAM size, you can use
# free
look under Total - Mem:

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#27 Post by msumner »

Thanks Paul, that will be useful
Cheers, Mike.
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wakepup2 doesn't find USBFLASH

#28 Post by whittycat »

I have a laptop with a dodgy hard disk so it seemed a good idea to run puppy on a USB pendrive and use wakepup to start it. I read the instructions carefully and

1 d/l the puppy iso and copied it to the Windows XP disk
2 d/l isobuster and copied that to the Windows disk
3 fire up Windows XP and format the pen drive; I had a choice of FAT32 or FAT and I chose FAT
4 unpack the iso and copy the files to the pen drive, which now has
vmlinuz initrd.gz pup_200.sfs
5 fire up linux, mount the pen drive and touch USBFLASH
6 d/l wakepup2.gz, unzip it and do
dd if=WKPUP202.IMG of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k
7 leave the floppy in and reboot

What happens is

" ASPI device ID:0 LUN:0=Kingston Data Traveller ...
Installed ASPI manager

Checking any USB driver for marker USBFLASH

Checking IDE ....

No device found with marker (or something like that)"

but the marker is really there !!

Wakepup2 leaves you with a DOS prompt so I typed A:, B:, C: etc and found that E: recognized a device with a volume label but NO FILES (DIR said 'file not found').

What am I doing wrong? It does work with a pen drive? Or is it only Compact Flash? Is there something odd about the Kingston drive? Why does wakepup tell me the drive is empty when I can mount the drive and see them loud and clear.

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#29 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

First of all, don't use Puppy 2.01 with an ntfs hard drive...only in 2.02 did Puppy gain ntfs read-write capability...better if you use 2.10 or higher.

I'm using wkpup2x to boot 2.15CE on a 2GB USB stick through a USB 2 port, and can also boot with wkpup2x through a USB 2 PCMCIA adapter. However if in a USB 1 port, then use the earlier wakeusb 0.1.

What menu options (e.g. acpi on? Off?) are you choosing?

Also, copy your usb stick's boot configuration file, linld.cfg, as a reply.

Also, filename case matters. Post here a directory listing of the stick, like from a Windows command-line window.

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wakepup2 doesn't find USBFLASH

#30 Post by whittycat »

> First of all, don't use Puppy 2.01 with an ntfs hard drive.

I don't have a ntfs drive anywhere.

> I'm using wkpup2x to boot 2.15CE on a 2GB USB stick through a USB 2 port

I have USB 2 ports on the PC I am testing this with.(Later the idea is to
use it on a laptop which will have USB 1.) What is wkpup2x? Is that the
same as wkpup202? I tried putting the pup215CE files on the stick but the
result was the same.

> What menu options (e.g. acpi on? Off?) are you choosing?

in the BIOS ACPI and S1 are enabled but USB(S3) not.

> Also, copy your usb stick's boot configuration file, linld.cfg

I can't find this file anywhere. Where do I look?

> Also, filename case matters. Post here a directory listing of the stick,
like from a Windows command-line window.

fdisk says that the partition on the stick is FAT16 and the filenames are
only one case surely. Should it be VFAT? The listing is (pup215CE):


(the file usbflash was created with 'touch USBFLASH' but they are all one case)

If you can do this then I am sure I can too, eventually. Whether it will
transfer to the old laptop I don't know but when it works on this PC
I'l try it.

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#31 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

whittycat wrote:...no ntfs...
Good, that makes things easier. FAT16 is perfect for the USB stick.
whittycat wrote:...What is wkpup2x? Is that the same as wkpup202?
Open a:\autoexec.bat in a text editor. The second line should identify it as "wkpup2x 0.1" which is why I call it that.

Below is a screenshot of a directory listing of my stick. Never mind the other .sfs files for now--just put pup_215.sfs and zdrv_215.sfs on. Never mind the "RECYCLED" subdir that stupid Windows put there. Notice that INITRD.GZ and VMLINUZ are in uppercase. Frankly, why it won't boot if these are lowercase (even if the names in linld.cfg are also lowercase) is a mystery to me. Use Windows Explorer (or whatever it's called in XP) or Rox in Puppy to rename these two from lowercase to uppercase. Also uppercase the two marker files (you'll need PUPXUSB when you boot on usb1 using the older WakeUSB. Just copy USBFLASH.).

Ah--I forgot. You don't have linld.cfg when you first start. Create linld.cfg on the stick as a textfile (use Geany) to read like this. It is all a single line. Later you can try changeing PHOME to sdb1 or even eliminating it altogether; you might also later try acpi=on for power management; and later you can try taking out the irqpoll parameter. This, below, is a sort-of "belt-and-suspenders-safe" rendition to get you going no matter what your hardware profile:

Code: Select all

kernel=VMLINUZ initrd=INITRD.GZ root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=usbflash PUPSFS=pup_215.sfs acpi=off irqpoll PHOME=sda1
...and put the stick in your first (top) usb2 port and try booting it. Let me know if a problem arises. Back in ten hours...
Windows Directory of USB install of Puppy 2.15CE Final (patched).png
Directory of Sit Heel Speak's USB stick
(10.26 KiB) Downloaded 3494 times
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#32 Post by whittycat »

Thanks for all that. It gives me quite a bit to think about, so I'll need some time. Oh, btw if I look at the files on the stick with a windows XP command window the filenames are all lower case except USBFLASH which is upper case. I'll make the changes you suggest.

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#33 Post by whittycat »

I changed the filenames and the stick now contains

Volume in drive H has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0CC1-D1FA

Directory of H:\

21/04/2007 20:27 0 USBFLASH
06/04/2007 08:58 2,048 boot.cat
06/04/2007 08:58 960 boot.msg
06/04/2007 08:58 10,648 isolinux.bin
06/04/2007 08:58 141 isolinux.cfg
06/04/2007 08:58 116,178,944 pup_215.sfs
06/04/2007 08:58 1,751,229 VMLINUZ
06/04/2007 08:58 17,756,160 zdrv_215.sfs
22/04/2007 18:09 109 linld.cfg
06/04/2007 08:58 1,316,243 INITRD.GZ
10 File(s) 137,016,482 bytes
0 Dir(s) 366,346,240 bytes free

> to get you going no matter what your hardware profile:

Ah, if only ...

Tried this, same result. You suggested putting the stick in the top
slot so I moved the mouse out of the way and put the stick in the top
left slot at the back. Same result.

I am not sure what PHOME is doing so I tried changing this to sdc1. Same

Why is that everyone in the world is walking their puppies except me?
It's not fair. Waaaa!

It seems to me that the basic problem is that the FreeDOS program
can't see the files on the stick whereas Windows can. When the
program has searched for the marker and not found one it gives you a
DOS prompt and on disk E: it finds a device but then reports 'File not
found'. It doesn't matter what is on the stick if the program can't
see any of the files. I think the matter of upper case filenames and
linld.cfg are irrelevant until this can be explained. Or is there some
other solution?

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#34 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Are you very sure that your usb port is usb2?

You are plugging straight into the port, not through an adapter or hub, right?

If you can boot Puppy or any other Linux in some other fashion (either live-CD, or copy the files pup_215.sfs, initrd.gz, and vmlinuz to c:\ and then boot using WinGrub, etc.) then I would like to see the output of the command


issued in an rxvt terminal window. Just the lines which say something about usb will do, i.e.

lsmod | grep "usb"

Or, for that matter, if you can see the brand and model number of the Universal Serial Bus controller from Windows (e.g. Device Manager), what is it?
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#35 Post by whittycat »

Pretty sure. It is plugged in to the port not via a hub.
This is lsmod | grep -i usb

usbhid 45088 0
usb_storage 87616 1
scsi_mod 152880 3 sd_mod,libata,usb_storage
ide_core 147584 4 ide_cd,usb_storage,generic,amd74xx

(which is not very useful) and /proc/bus/usb/devices includes this:

T: Bus=02 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#= 1 Spd=480 MxCh=10
B: Alloc= 0/800 us ( 0%), #Int= 0, #Iso= 0
D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=09(hub ) Sub=00 Prot=01 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1
P: Vendor=0000 ProdID=0000 Rev= 2.06
S: Manufacturer=Linux 2.6.18-3-amd64 ehci_hcd
S: Product=EHCI Host Controller
S: SerialNumber=0000:00:02.1
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=e0 MxPwr= 0mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 2 Ivl=256ms

(which is the controller, seems not to have a vendor?)

T: Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=09 Cnt=01 Dev#= 4 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1
P: Vendor=0951 ProdID=1603 Rev= 2.00
S: Manufacturer=Kingston
S: Product=DataTraveler 2.00000001815
S: SerialNumber=0000001815
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 50mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 Driver=usb-storage
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms

and this is usbtree:

/: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci_hcd/10p, 480M
|__ Port 10: Dev 3, If 0, Class=stor., Driver=usb-storage, 480M
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci_hcd/10p, 12M
|__ Port 4: Dev 2, If 0, Class=HID, Driver=usbhid, 1.5M

In autoexec.bat the command 'if exist E:\usbflash' returns nothing
which is not surprising since A:\DIR E: finds the volume but says there
are no files on it. FreeDOS does better than MSDOS which just says
'invalid drive E:'.

I looked at Wakeusb but the .iso file is bigger than 1440k.

Does it matter that the usb stick has a partition table? I started by
creating a single FAT16 partition on it.

Thank you for your patience but I think I just give up don't you?

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#36 Post by whittycat »

I wonder ... I looked at what Windows XP says about the USB controller and it says 'Standard USB host controller', again with no manufacturer. So if USB is controlled by the OS and when I boot from Freedos there is no OS present there is no USB either. Is that what the problem is?

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#37 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

You seem to have a problematic controller. Here is my lsmod:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# lsmod | grep "usb"
usbhid                 40736  0 
usb_storage            83904  1 
usbcore               126116  5 usbhid,usb_storage,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd
ehci_hcd is the usb2 module, uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd are usb1.

Evidently the usb-controller-sensing code in your Linux (and therefore, I presume also in wkpup2x) fails to sense your particular usb2 controller. How new, if I may ask, is this notebook?

Plug the stick in, boot Puppy (or other Linux), and see if you can mount the stick (should be /dev/sdx, x=a if no scsi or sata drives, /dev/sda0 = /mnt/sda1).

If it won't mount, try issuing

modprobe ehci_hcd

and then try mounting again; and let me see lsmod | grep "usb" now.

If your Linux has usbview, I'd like to see a screenshot--just of the USBView window, not the whole desktop.
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#38 Post by whittycat »

> You seem to have a problematic controller. Here is my lsmod:


> ehci_hcd is the usb2 module, uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd are usb1.

ehci_hcd is loaded, it just doesn't show up with 'lsmod | grep usb'
because I do not have usbcore. There is nothing wrong with the USB 2
controller. You can see from /proc/bus/usb/devices that the stick is
on a USB port with speed 480, so it is high-speed USB2, and the module
running it is ehci_hcd.

> How new, if I may ask, is this notebook?

I should explain. What I want to do is use an old laptop, with a
faulty HD, to run a program all the time measuring the temperature of
my solar heating system. That is all it needs to do. It seemed a good
idea to run the OS from a stick and avoid the HD altogether and I am
trying it out first on my desktop PC which I built last summer round a
Mainboard NF4ST-A9 mobo which has 10 USB2 ports. The OS is Debian etch
and this works fine in all regards, including access to the Kingston
stick. I can mount it and there is no point in 'modprobe ehci_hcd'
because it is already there.

It is now clear that I cannot load Puppy or any other OS from the
stick because FreeDOS cannot see the USB port, even though there is
nothing wrong with it. I can do what I want with the laptop by
running Puppy from a CD and loading the temperature measuring program
into RAM without involving the HD so I have abandoned the stick
idea. The only way I could run Puppy from a stick is to have a BIOS
that loads from USB.

I do have usbview but it just confirms what I have said. Among other
things it says:
Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.18-3-amd64 ehci_hcd
Speed: 480Mb/s (high)

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#39 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Actually not FreeDOS's fault; the usbaspi.sys which wkpup2x and wakeusb both rely on was a lucky find, a proprietary nugget found tucked away in an obscure, deep-down subdir of a Japanese-language Panasonic corporate website. That it works at all is fortuitous, a piece of serendipity. I guess you just happen to have the exact two newer and older ehci controllers on which usbaspi.sys won't work. C'est la vie, unless you have friends in Tokyo who can persuade Panasonic to update it. If you are so fortunate, please keep us informed!
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#40 Post by whittycat »

I have few friends in Japan (like none) so I'll have to run puppy
linux another way. Thank you again for all your help and advice
and I wish you continuing success with wakepup development.

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