a year of grafpup news (in brief) work in progress

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a year of grafpup news (in brief) work in progress

#1 Post by amish »

grafpup is (imo) the greatest puppy there is. for puppy 1, grafpup 104 is nothing short of the most amazing thing i've ever seen. if you ever thought puppy is the greatest os ever (and it is...) and you ever wished (man, i wish it was a little more tweaked and a little better looking...) grafpup is the ultimate in quality. (at least of what i've seen.)

i rely on puppy 2.11, for a number of reasons including some hardware support, but i wish grafpup 104 worked in the few cases where i need puppy 2. grafpup 104 is only 80 mb, the only apps i miss are abiword and mp, (sadly mu's dosemu doesn't work in 104 but dosbox does) and the deluxe version (less than 400mb and all .sfs modular addons to standard version) has a fully working (but only includes some of) kde. (optional.) grafpup has icewm by default and opera.

grafpup 2 will be mutiluser capable (for those that always wanted the option) and will be based on puppy 2. so far it is buggy but in alpha (testing only.) i've tried it. (it really had some bugs in the alpha i got, no kidding.) i just hope standard will be less than 100mb (about 100 now) and deluxe will stay under 400- i have no idea (actually i asked in another thread and i should go check the reply, i don't remember.)

grafpup's repository is larger than puppy's (new data notwithstanding the repo is maybe twice as big) and if you like puppy you REALLY should try grafpup. my own preferences aside, i have nothing against any other puppy derivatives, i'm also eager to try puppy 2.15 (can't today, but eager) and meanpuppy (50mb, can today, still haven't yet)

this post is actually an INCREDIBLY BRIEF version of: http://www.grafpup.com/news/

...note that each line here represents almost an entire news entry (most of which are multi-paragraphs long.)

march 2007 (which is already in progress):

151 grafpup 2 will have abiword instead of ted (AND) it will have english spellchecking (yes!)
150 grafpup 2 will have nfts3g 1.0, lucent winmodems are no longer supported ("martian" series is.)

149 nathan is experimenting with aufs and hoping to make grafpup more modular
148 squashfs code isn't quite read for lzma, better with gzip, wireless and winmodem support may lack vs. puppy
147 alpha iso is uploaded and should NOT be considered stable... run with pfix=ram suggested
146 404 not found (don't look at me...)
145 menu and mime cleanup (contral panel is "system", setup is "settings") some command line tools removed from menu
144 new wine binary uploaded, user management tools expanded well beyond "new user"

february 2007:

143 blender package is back in the repository
142 following puppy, grafpup has latest gtkdialog, gins, gnocle, and glade- also an increasing number of bash and tcl/tk apps
141 lxpanel has issues with plugins, grafpup may return for now to fbpanel
140 bugs “should
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#2 Post by drongo »

Well that's all well and good, but will the spellchecking be American English, Canadian English, Australian English or English English?

Grey-coloured pyjamas rule!

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#3 Post by Nathan F »

American English, but other dictionaries are quite easy to install if you need more "proper" English...

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#4 Post by amish »

[quite]Grey-coloured pyjamas rule![/quite]

i actually prefer "grey" and "colour," but wasn't there a time when english-english spelled them as we do, and aren't the "u" and maybe the "e" french at all? as for "pyjamas," god forbid, (that sounds gruesome.) but al-yoo-min-ee-um and tamahto are fine by me, and i hope you get your dictionary file sorted. if it was plaintext it would be easier to repair with a script, (and much larger...) cheers.
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#5 Post by drongo »

Sorry, guys. I really shouldn't have derailed this thread with a facetious comment.

Spelling is really just a social convention enforced by printers and lexicographers. Mr Webster just simplified a few words, but let's face it, English spelling (of whatever variety) is broken beyond repair. See Spanish, Italian or German for sensible spelling.

I'm looking forward to the new GrafPup and CE pup immensely. You guys have something very special here.

Next year all the *buntus will be totally forgotten and Distrowatch will be full of complaints about all of the Puppies cluttering up the Page Hit Rankings. At least we can "root" whenever we like! (Joke for the Aussies.)

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#6 Post by Lobster »

8) Nathan produces a polished puplet, have to agree. It needs a strong advocate AND IF Barry does move on from Puppy (end of this year is it?), then someone like Nathan will have to take over. One of Puppys strenghts is his pyramid structure. It can also work as a community project but for example with Viz, most of the co-ordination work is done (and very well I might add) by Warren.

Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#7 Post by alienjeff »

drongo wrote:Spelling is really just a social convention enforced by printers and lexicographers.
That's an over used and bogus excuse of people too lazy to learn the correct spelling of words. Try applying that excuse to some code you write and see how well your program runs. Or is spelling and programming syntax just social conventions enforced by digital equipment manufacturers?
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#8 Post by amish »

At least we can "root" whenever we like! (Joke for the Aussies.)
ah, i know that one :D thank hugh jackman for telling a joke on our late show :)
bogus excuse of people too lazy to learn the correct spelling of words.
there i have to disagree, the bottom line is that in different environments you find different syntactic (and other) conventions, and you have to learn three versions of everything just to make it work. it's not because our "pyramid" is weak, it's because if you have enough people, one solution (or preference) is never going to suit everyone.

that goes without saying. what you *can* do is try a lot to do things in the way that is the most "intelligent," bridging some gaps: ("s/he...") in clever ways, but sometimes the "perfection" is in that many people cannot ultimately be forced not to do

sadly, it is not possible to separate politics from free software. free software - politics = unfree software.
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#9 Post by drongo »

I'm not afraid of trolls, I work for a Norwegian company! (Yes, I know it doesn't refer to that sort of troll.)

That being said, if I am presenting a training course in the UK to American engineers and they complain about my spelling of "colour television", who is wrong, me or them? If I present the same course in the US to American engineers and they complain about my spelling, who is wrong, them or me? (This is not hypothetical, I used to be a technical trainer and I have experienced both of these situations in the classroom.)

If the switches I used to use in Solaris don't work in Linux is that because the switches are wrong, or are they just wrong for that version of Linux? Yes, programming syntax is just a social convention enforced by manufacturers, or I'd be using VisualBasic in Linux!

Tell me, alienjeff, if you go to Canada, are you a traveller or a traveler? Does it depend on which country you are in or what kind of passport you have? If a Canadian goes to the US is he a traveler or a traveller?

How do you spell pyjamas? Is your spelling correct? If you put it on the internet where foreigners can see it, is it still correct?

If you want to nit-pick anything in this post, please be aware that our punctuation guidelines in the UK are different too.

Please define "the correct spelling of words".

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#10 Post by alienjeff »

Aha! A nerve! And a tender on at that.
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#11 Post by raffy »

Don't mind Alienjeff, Drongo, he's a milliounaire who loves to visit the forum now and then to kill time. :wink:
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#12 Post by amish »

son of a puppy, it's a real word... http://clusty.com/search?input-form=clu ... y=millioun
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#13 Post by drongo »

So Chaucer died in 1400 and Caxton introduced mechanised printing to England in 1476?

Good gracious, not only is spelling not globally scoped, but it changes with time.

How are we going to enforce "correct spelling" on the Internet if it's protean and localised? (Or should that be localized?)


How are we going to get the thread back on-topic?
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#14 Post by amish »

drongo wrote:How are we going to get the thread back on-topic?
i'm glad you asked. of course i didn't create this thread to be a chat thread, NOR to practice being dictatorial about the topic, so i've simply played along with whatever is posted here and i was hoping to steer it back to grafpup news. you just saved me the trouble :)

the latest is another thread on this subforum, grafpup 2 now moves to 2.6.20.something (newer kernel than puppy i think) and there will be a 60-something mb barebones that makes it easier to remaster, 20mb of which is drivers.

plus other little things that show as usual just how much thought and care nathan puts into his hard work, like renaming the save file something less than 8 letters so that it works with win98. these are the sort of things that make puppy reliable and a joy to use, much like i think of puppy 1.07 and 2.11 and with luck, 2.15.

but grafpup is the best i've seen, i wish 104 supported my cardreader... that's part of the reason i'm interested in grafpup 2 and puppy 2- i can't find a cardreader that works with puppy 1. there are many, many other reasons to watch grafpup 2, i plan to add to the news at the top, i may bump it at that point, depending on if it's needed. the barebones idea is right in line with grand-unified-puppy (a hypothetical puplet, or "vaporware" If You Must...) and it's wonderful to see puppy growing without losing anything that makes it great, like a small size that goes fast (on more machines.)
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