Fatdog64-810 Final [17 Jan 2020]

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#161 Post by stefan21 »

Glad when I can help.

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#162 Post by stefan21 »

I changed the second partition and luks to ext4. This seems to work a little slower, but acceptable.

What I see is from time to time the

/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/devsave type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/pup_save type ext4 (rw,relatime)

is changing in

/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/devsave type ext4 (ro,relatime)
/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/pup_save type ext4 (ro,relatime)

So something must still be wrong. I took a look in /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE:

# This file exists for compatibility with Puppy apps and scripts.
# Fatdog-only applications don't use this file.
# Only important entries are emulated, the rest are left blank.
ATADRIVES='sda sdb'

In my understanding this should be PUPMODE=13 as I'm using an USB-stick. PMEDIA therefore should be usbflash, and ATADRIVES='sda' only.

Could someone please advise?

Thanks in advance.

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#163 Post by SFR »

stefan21 wrote:What I see is from time to time the

/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/devsave type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/pup_save type ext4 (rw,relatime)

is changing in

/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/devsave type ext4 (ro,relatime)
/dev/mapper/dmcrypt0 on /aufs/pup_save type ext4 (ro,relatime)
Could be a sign of filesystem corruption. You may want to add dofsck to your bootloader line.
Perform a filesystem check on filesystems that will be used by the savefile and basesfs, before they are used. It will check both the physical partitions as well as the savefile. Only ext2/3/4 and FAT filesystems will be checked.
stefan21 wrote:In my understanding this should be PUPMODE=13 as I'm using an USB-stick. PMEDIA therefore should be usbflash, and ATADRIVES='sda' only.

Could someone please advise?
Just change direct to ram here:

Code: Select all

append rootfstype=ramfs savefile=direct:uuid:myuuid:/fd64save:dmcrypt waitdev=5
[color=red][size=75][O]bdurate [R]ules [D]estroy [E]nthusiastic [R]ebels => [C]reative [H]umans [A]lways [O]pen [S]ource[/size][/color]
[b][color=green]Omnia mea mecum porto.[/color][/b]
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#164 Post by stefan21 »


thank's for helping. I'll give this a try and will report.

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PXE booting from FatDog64 802

#165 Post by WB7ODYFred »

comments, help appreciated. How do you PXE boot from Fatdog64

Place holder for more details about booting PXE from a Fatdog64 800 series.
I think I had to download the NETBOOT3.pet
Had to edit a line 100~ in file netboot-fix-jb.sh to correct a line Xdialog wrong number of terms. Fixed with change

Code: Select all

  [  $Choices "" ]
Howto load a .PET package on Fatdog64 ( I opened with archive and hand copied files where they should go.) Is there a proper netboot_server3.pet for Fatdog64 800 series.


ps anybody else test and make work

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 2&start=15
Look for October 2019 post at end

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 2f43dd3de3
GCMartin talks about PXE Boot

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 348#488348
5 steps to netboot document GCMartin wrote up

Will add more later.
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Frugal Installs

#166 Post by ICPUG »

I was rather pleased to read that in the latest release, 8.10, one could choose to run all applications as root. This, I thought, would resolve a problem I had with running 8.02. It didn't, so I am now flagging this for your attention.

I run Fatdog as a frugal install on my hard drive, dual booting with Windows 7 and a number of other frugally installed puppies and Knoppix. I keep my Windows 7 on its own partition and any data I create on a separate NTFS formatted partition (sdb5). My frugally installed linuxes are stored on this data partition. The frugal install of Fatdog is stored in a directory called fatdog64-810.

I find when I run Fatdog that when I go back to Windows the Windows permissions at the root of this data partition have been changed. The changes are as follows:

- Two user groups have been deleted: Authenticated Users and Users
- The SYSTEM user has had its permissions changed: Full control removed and special permissions added.
- An Everyone user has been added with limited permissions: read execute; list folder contents; read
- An unknown user had been added. Curiously, the name of this user is S-1-5-21.314159....Lovers of mathematics may recognise the bit after the point as the decimal expansion of pi! Whether this is caused by Fatdog or is a Windows thing I don't know.

I only noticed these changes after I investigated why I was being asked for Administrator permissions to delete data files I had created in Windows!

Needless to say I am very concerned by this Fatdog behaviour - so much so that I think the only way I can run Fatdog this way is if I create its own partition and do not share any data with Windows. Fatdog should not make such serious changes to Windows permissions.

I have tested and this behaviour happens even if I just boot Fatdog for the first time and immediately exit without creating a save file.

I have also tested:
(a) running Chrome in Spot followed by (c)
(b) running Chrome as root followed by (c)
(c) creating a save file and a download folder
(d) creating a save file and NO download folder

In all cases the behaviour above happens both to the root of the partition AND the directory fatdog64-810. If I just go in and out the directory permissions are NOT affected.

I should point out that the behaviour at the root of the partition does NOT happen with my other Puppies or Knoppix. Knoppix will create an Everyone User will full permissions in folders where data has been stored from Knoppix which, although a little less secure, is acceptable in my single user environment.

Any thoughts on why this behaviour happens and how it could be stopped would be welcome.

Other dual booters with Windows and NTFS partitions - beware!

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#167 Post by don570 »

fatdog64 software....


available here
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 44#1049444
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#168 Post by jamesbond »

@ICPUG: This is because Fatdog runs ntfs-3g with its full permission system enabled, enabling NTFS volumes to behave like a POSIX filesystem (which, for example, enables it to be used as a savedirectory instead of just savefile); and provides two-way access control mapping from Linux to Windows and vice versa.

I haven't installed Fatdog on NTFS for years now, so I need to test it myself before I can provide a more intelligent advice, but for now, here are some documents from Tuxera, the author of ntfs-3g itself:

ntfs-3g acccess handling and security
Data ownership and permissions
Creating a User Mapping
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#169 Post by jamesbond »


The netboot-fix-jb.sh is no longer supported.
Netboot is now directly supported by Fatdog.

If you look under /etc, there is a file called dnsmasq.conf.netboot.
Copy that file as /etc/dnsmasq.conf, and edit the file.
In it you will find sections that need to be changed, so change that.

Thenc copy Fatdog's "vmlinuz" and "initrd" to the /var/lib/tftp/pxelinux.cfg directory.
Edit /var/lib/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default - change "initrd.gz" to "initrd".

Then on the command line, run "start service dnsmasq".
Your PXE server is good to go.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#170 Post by ally »

after many false starts I've managed to get fatdog64-810 installed frugally on a HP Pavilion 15 UEFI laptop having been unable to have it co-exist with windows (8.1) which was removed

I would now like to add additional puppies and have the machine dual/multi-boot

how do I accomplish this?

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Frugal Install on NTFS

#171 Post by ICPUG »

Thank you jamesbond for the info and links.

I had a look at the links and can now see the source of the unknown account with a name involving the decimal expansion of pi. It is mentioned in the user mapping notes, under the section about NO DATA SHARING with Windows, which is clearly not the case in a dual boot system with Windows. As for using the other info to enable me to stop the behaviour, I'm afraid it is a bit above my skill level and I suspect I would have to remaster Fatdog somehow. I'm left with putting Fatdog on a separate partition, I guess.

I find it odd that, while Fatdog has incorporated ntfs-3g in such a way to interact better with Windows, it causes some existing Windows users permissions to change and deletes some Windows users from having any permissions at all on directories that Fatdog has touched. Adding a (Windows) unknown user account is OK but messing with existing Windows users accounts is not acceptable behaviour.

jamesbond wrote:@ICPUG: This is because Fatdog runs ntfs-3g with its full permission system enabled, enabling NTFS volumes to behave like a POSIX filesystem (which, for example, enables it to be used as a savedirectory instead of just savefile); and provides two-way access control mapping from Linux to Windows and vice versa.

I haven't installed Fatdog on NTFS for years now, so I need to test it myself before I can provide a more intelligent advice, but for now, here are some documents from Tuxera, the author of ntfs-3g itself:

ntfs-3g acccess handling and security
Data ownership and permissions
Creating a User Mapping
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#172 Post by don570 »

I would now like to add additional puppies and have the machine dual/multi-boot

how do I accomplish this?
https://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/f ... drive.html

https://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/packa ... arch-1.txz

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#173 Post by ally »

sorry don

I'm a bit slow, is the refind where you would add lines for a separate frugal, like you would with grub4dos?

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#174 Post by don570 »

I have an old computer so I'm not the best person to ask :oops:

If you had windows installed I would have suggested LICK which is located
in ISO , but it is a microsoft DOS exec file.

Reading here

It appears that you can get the boot loader from inside the iso if you use the terminal.

It seems a bit complex :cry:
but remember to partition your hard drive properly as outlined here

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#175 Post by dr. Dan »


based on this page, http://lightofdawn.org/wiki/wiki.cgi/SonyLinuxUefiBoot, it seems that the refind menu is where your puppy entries belong. I think someone will correct me if I'm off base.

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#176 Post by LateAdopter »

Hello ally

If you want to boot using refind, there are two things required:

A refind_linux.conf in the directory where the kernel and initrd are. My fatdog 8 one looks like this:

Code: Select all

"Boot with nano" "waitdev=3 savefile=direct:label:XORO:/fd8/fd64save.ext4 mergeinitrd1=label:XORO:/fd8/initrd initrd=fd8\initrd-nano"
"Boot with Mega" "waitdev=3 savefile=direct:label:XORO:/fd8/fd64save.ext4 initrd=fd8\initrd"
That creates two options for booting fatdog under one menu item. Each line is just what is on the kernel and initrd lines of g4d, concatenated onto one line.

You need to edit refind.conf which is in \EFI\BOOT\ on my SD card. I have:

Code: Select all

# Which types of boot loaders to search, and in what order to display them:
#  internal      - internal EFI disk-based boot loaders
#  external      - external EFI disk-based boot loaders
#  optical       - EFI optical discs (CD, DVD, etc.)
#  netboot       - EFI network (PXE) boot options
#  hdbios        - BIOS disk-based boot loaders
#  biosexternal  - BIOS external boot loaders (USB, eSATA, etc.)
#  cd            - BIOS optical-disc boot loaders
#  manual        - use stanzas later in this configuration file
# Note that the legacy BIOS options require firmware support, which is
# not present on all computers.
# The netboot option is experimental and relies on the ipxe.efi and
# ipxe_discover.efi program files.
# On UEFI PCs, default is internal,external,optical,manual
# On Macs, default is internal,hdbios,external,biosexternal,optical,cd,manual
#scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
scanfor external
So that is searches the external SD card. And:

Code: Select all

# When scanning volumes for EFI boot loaders, rEFInd always looks for
# macOS's and Microsoft Windows' boot loaders in their normal locations,
# and scans the root directory and every subdirectory of the /EFI directory
# for additional boot loaders, but it doesn't recurse into these directories.
# The also_scan_dirs token adds more directories to the scan list.
# Directories are specified relative to the volume's root directory. This
# option applies to ALL the volumes that rEFInd scans UNLESS you include
# a volume name and colon before the directory name, as in "myvol:/somedir"
# to scan the somedir directory only on the filesystem named myvol. If a
# specified directory doesn't exist, it's ignored (no error condition
# results). The default is to scan the "boot" directory in addition to
# various hard-coded directories.
#also_scan_dirs boot,ESP2:EFI/linux/kernels
also_scan_dirs fd8
Because the fd8 subdirectory is not somewhere refind would search by default.

NOTE: I did not start from a fatdog EFI install. I just did it by hand. The entries needed for Puppy installations would be similar.

NOTE 2: When booting linux with the EFI stub there isn't another boot loader. Refind is scanning for linux kernels not bootloaders.

NOTE 3: I don't recommend using refind to start grub4dos. When I tried that refind broke my bios F11 boot menu which was a bit tricky to fix.
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#177 Post by mistfire »

@LateAdopter use grub efi instead of grub4dos with refind
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#178 Post by LateAdopter »

Hello mistfire

Refind is intended to be a boot manager that can manage multiple boot loaders. But it doesn't work with bios boot loaders, on external media, on a PC.

However Refind works very well as a minimal boot loader for linux. It only takes about 1MB with the GUI and icons.
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#179 Post by ally »

thank you all

I'll update when....

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#180 Post by don570 »

Just a reminder that the easy way to install Fatdog64 in a modern machine
with UEFI is to keep Windows installed . This allows the use of the program LICK
to install fatdog64 . A bootmanager program is automatically installed
if you use this method. You will see a bootup screen that will allow you
to choose fatdog64 or windows10.
LICK is easy to use: It does not require a CD to be burnt or a USB drive to run. Download a Puppy Linux ISO and select it in the program to install it.
LICK works on old machines as well, which is why I know about it. :lol:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... -lick.html
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