PulseAudio, xvidcap, mozilla and mHwaveedit

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PulseAudio, xvidcap, mozilla and mHwaveedit

#1 Post by oui »


We have now one powerful Puppy with pulseAudio (Dpup_buster-64 from josejp2424) built in (as wel l as in 32 bit: also the version with no PAE kernel really includes PulseAudio! All versions are about the same. I did find until now only one difference: 32 bit versions include Gimp, the 64 bit one includes mTpaint).

We have probably somewhere a 64bit-compatible version of xvidcap made in the older time by fredx181 (but not available any more under the old attachment to the forum message. Probably/I hope, it did be move to some Puppy archive?). Xvidcap has the benefit to be extremely simple to limit the field of recording on the screen to avoid extremly large recording of the video data (but perhaps there is no need? Would be better as the quality of recording would of course be reduced...) and don't to require for these reason lot of memory!)

We have in each Puppy a robust but operable recorder mHwaveedit for sound (alone) and can easily add divers recording systems for videos and sound (Dpup_Buster has apt-get and can install all video recorders available in Debian Buster!)

And this week, divers of the most famous scene of opera and orchestra of the world will offer to us because of closed houses (coronavirus precautions) really top concerts with most modern and superb staging and execution for a short limited time (for ex. 20 h beginning tomorrow), also it is

very urgent!

I suppose it is legal to make a private recording of them for the restrictive use at our own home only to see it not tomorrow but one or more days later...

But I am sorry to admit:

I was never able until now to make some hifi recording from browser through PulseAudio!

The first difficulty is to create a separate PulseAudio channel for the recording application (for ex. mHwaveedit or other like kdenlive etc.)

and then the second difficulty is to connect both if possible before the spectacle starts!

to record directly on the hard disk (better as in the Puppy memory as such a recording can become a really big file!)

probably would a script be most secure as to try to do it without experience using pavucontrol etc.

is one of the Puppy user able to give us adequate recommendations to do it immediately correctly?
Last edited by oui on Mon 16 Mar 2020, 08:29, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by mikeslr »

If it helps, you'll find the 64-bit version of Xvidcap here, http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/packages/710/ as the 64-bit version was developed by one of the FatDog Team, rather than fredx181.

As far as I know, this version will function under any 64-bit Puppy. But you may have to decompress the txz and 'roll you own' pet or SFS. I also don't know whether all its possible functions will be available.

As an alternative, you might want to consider Wiak' Wex, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 694#989694
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Mike Walsh
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#3 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, oui.

Well, I can help you out with part of your 'project'. I re-worked an XvidCap FatDog package that Mikeslr linked me to at the same time as packaging up a 32-bit version....quite some time ago, in fact.

(Looks like Mike and I were posting at the same time... :lol:)

You can find both versions HERE, at my Google Drive.....plus a 'portable' version, though I think that's a 32-bitzer, IIRC. I've been meaning to add a 64-bit 'portable', but just never seem to get around to it. One day, one day.... :lol:

I know it's been around since the year dot, but I love its simple (yet quirky) way of doing things..!


It's set to record as an .mpeg file by default. I would strongly suggest going into Preferences, and changing that to the 'Microsoft Interleaved AVI file', because that one automatically gives you the .mp3 audio codec, and will give you audio as well. Only trouble is, it's a somewhat larger file than most when you're done; that's just 'par for the course' with AVI, I'm afraid! Next to no compression, y'see.

Most of the other settings are out-of-date codecs that have since fallen out of favour, unfortunately. As to the PulseAudio stuff, me no expert, I'm afraid. Perhaps drop watchdog a PM? He seems to understand PulseAudio better than most; he put together a very good workaround for the old Skype 4.3 client a few years back.


I'll also second wiak's WeX. I was that impressed with its simple yet very comprehensive concept that I built some all-in-one versions of it, including wiak's Scrox (his own re-build of Scrot; this is what allows you to define a 'region' of the screen) & Weav (a video 'post-processor' utility). The 64-bit version, like the 32-bitzer, seems quite large, but that's because it contains its own ffmpeg package, compiled by Fred, which the entire thing is built around.

This is the 64-bit 'portable':-

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f7S1qF ... sp=sharing

.....which is the one I always recommend. D/l; untar; click on the 'binary' to run. The small control panel will appear top centre of the screen. Use the 'crossed spanners' to open the main window; this where you make all your settings. It looks quite daunting at first, but it's actually quite simple; rather than using a tabbed interface, Will McEwan has put everything in one single window.....and that's why it looks complicated.

Tip:- When exiting the control panel, use the app's 'X' button. Don't use the window 'X' button.....if you do, you lose all your settings..!

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Mon 16 Mar 2020, 13:56, edited 2 times in total.
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#4 Post by mikeslr »

Mike Walsh "You can find both versions [of xvidcap] HERE". Well, that explains why I have the 64-bit pet in Storage without having any recollection of creating it. :lol:

#5 Post by oui »

thank you very much!

I am searching an old approach of solution for manipulating of PulseAudio directly in commando line, that I have somewhere on the HD and will rewrite on the thematic as soon as possible as I hope that other people can also profit of that action and will be interesting to know more
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