BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

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#301 Post by dancytron »

That seems a perfectly logical way for it to work, just a reminder that if they don't want a squashfs in the remaster, then they need to unload it would be good probably.

edit:Just did a test remaster. With sfs files deactivated, exact result I wanted. Worked fine in all other respects.
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#302 Post by fredx181 »

dancytron wrote:That seems a perfectly logical way for it to work, just a reminder that if they don't want a squashfs in the remaster, then they need to unload it would be good probably.
Yes, seem logical to me too, v1.2.1 is up, added info to the GUI (also for Stretch but without zstd compression option)

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#303 Post by trister »

I made the move to busterdog and so far I'm quite happy.
I moved everything I use to buster from stretch.

I have an issue. I'll write a short explanation in case its obvious to you and then I'll try to upload is as a video .

I have installed with the script and selected the DDog version (openbox with whisker menu & jwm)

System boots okand reaches Slim login manager.
I log in with slim and Desktop starts (openbox).
Everything shows (seems) ok. /root/Startup/ scripts starts to load conky shows and also network_tray.sh (without getting and IP yet) .
At this point /mnt/home mount is NOT created yet.
Now, screen goes black and it seems that desktop is loaded a second time.
All /root/Startup scripts seem to run a second time. The "old desktop" is hidden but the programs I had time to start are still executed (I can see them if I run htop).
at some point /mnt/home is created.After the second time the desktop loads then it starts a double request for an IP from the router.

From now on the (second)desktop seems to work without issues. Sometime I run a program eg Skype and the tray is not visible in the down-right tray

Any ideas or how do I find what causes this?

I am attaching the initial config of the busterdog script I run
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#304 Post by fredx181 »

Hi trister, good that you attached the build.conf, I can try the exact build later and see what's causing the problem.
But on first glance I *think* (part of) the problem is with slim and the default autologin.
So try to disable autologin so that slim becomes default for logging in:

Code: Select all

cp -af /etc/inittab-noauto /etc/inittab
And see how it goes after rebooting.

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#305 Post by fredx181 »

Hello again trister,

Tried to replicate your build now. Turns out that I made a few mistakes, the mklive-buster script should disable autologin and it does (so that slim gets the default) but was overridden by later extracting the extra .squashfs module (modules-buster/ddog/zz_openbox_xfce-jwm.squashfs).
I fixed it by changing the module, so if you would build again it should be ok.
But you could also fix manually yourself inside the system:
- disable autologin from /etc/inittab

Code: Select all

cp -af /etc/inittab-noauto /etc/inittab
- the file '/etc/X11/default-display-manager' should contain (if it doesn't edit it):

Code: Select all

Another small mistake :oops: is that conky probably shows "Sidog" instead of "Busterdog" (experimented with Sid and forgot to change back), fixed also now, but you may want to edit ~/.conkyrc-port and change to:

Code: Select all

 ${color grey}BusterDog $nodename on $machine
second line under "TEXT"

The problem with /mnt/home and system tray you described I could not reproduce.

EDIT: I see that Falkon doesn't run as root, so:

Code: Select all

run-as-user falkon

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#306 Post by trister »

fredx181 wrote:
The problem with /mnt/home and system tray you described I could not reproduce.
Thanks Fred!!!
I disabled autorun and I saw a speed difference. The others -except conky (it shows BusterDog) I had already done.

The /mnt/home problem is that for some reason this along with getting network IP takes more time to start.

In debian and stretch these was done almost in the next 5-10seconds (after logging in with Slim).
Now /mnt/home is mounted 30sec+ after logging in with Slim and network starts the process to get IP after that mounting . It still seems like trying 2 times to get an IP and this delays the start up of the system even more.

Note I installed falkon mostly for the libraries dependencies (QT5 etc).

Instead run-as-user I usually run stuff with a command like :
xhost +; sudo -u puppy /usr/bin/flashpeak-slimjet

All of the browser squashfs that I use & have uploaded have this option.
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#307 Post by fredx181 »

Hi trister, maybe you can try this build:
https://github.com/DebianDog/BusterDog/ ... 64-bit.iso
It should be practically the same as yours, as I tried to replicate it with your config.
password root = root
password puppy = puppy
If the same problems occur it can be many things, e.g. your hardware not supporting the kernel, but at least we can exclude that it has to with a build failure (as all works ok for me)
Are you sure there's no conflict with another Debiandog you have installed (e.g. live folder or changes) ?
/mnt/home is a symlink created by the script /usr/local/bin/mountlink, which is called from /etc/rc.local
The partition that /mnt/home is pointing to should be mounted already long before rc.local gets executed.

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#308 Post by trister »

Thanks again for your help fred :)
fredx181 wrote:Hi trister, maybe you can try this build:
https://github.com/DebianDog/BusterDog/ ... 64-bit.iso
It should be practically the same as yours, as I tried to replicate it with your config.
password root = root
password puppy = puppy
If the same problems occur it can be many things, e.g. your hardware not supporting the kernel, but at least we can exclude that it has to with a build failure (as all works ok for me)
Tried it . I still have the same delay . Is it normal after logging with slim to see in the low right taskbar 2 network icons and then one of them remains? This causes what it seems to me like trying 2 times to get an IP.

fredx181 wrote:Are you sure there's no conflict with another Debiandog you have installed (e.g. live folder or changes) ?
Yes , I keep all my frugal installs in different folders.

fredx181 wrote: The partition that /mnt/home is pointing to should be mounted already long before rc.local gets executed.
I see still the delay of the mountint /mnt/home (the drives are mounted ok -just the /mnt/home delays).
Is there somewhere the order of the scripts that are executed before rc.local ? Maybe I could check backwards from there to see if something there is doing that.

In general I think there are 2issues
1) Something delays executing the startup /root/scripts. (eg I wait about 20seconds after logging in and seeing the desktop image before I see the "Requiesting IP on eth0" )
2) Also I see that there are 2 network icons executed (and possible more stuff are happening two times - maybe that dual starting desktop issue still exists).

This PC has in general strange behaviour but I didn't have these delays in StretchDog and DebianDog. It is an i5 and it;s quite fast so that this delay seems strange to me.

I will try and shot it in a video and post it somewhere. It might become more clear whats happening
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#309 Post by fredx181 »

trister wrote:Tried it . I still have the same delay . Is it normal after logging with slim to see in the low right taskbar 2 network icons and then one of them remains?
I assume you tried with empty changes.
Werd... no, for me it shows only one network icon and also I have no delay, what you can try is installing peasywifi instead of frisbee maybe and see what happens after reboot.
EDIT: other thing you can try first is uninstalling slim and reboot, it can be the cause, but just a guess, also there's in /root/Startup a script "zzz-tz-chk", I added that to restart xfce4-panel (otherwise it didn't display the correct (updated) time) try to move it away and restart X (perhaps that restart of xfce4-panel is what's acting strange)
Is there somewhere the order of the scripts that are executed before rc.local ?
Those are the scripts executed in /etc/init.d
Something delays executing the startup /root/scripts.
I have no idea what, sorry.

EDIT: Can you show you menu.lst entry you boot with (if using grub4dos)

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#310 Post by trister »

fredx181 wrote:Werd... no, for me it shows only one network icon and also I have no delay, what you can try is installing peasywifi instead of frisbee maybe and see what happens after reboot.
EDIT: other thing you can try first is uninstalling slim and reboot, it can be the cause, but just a guess, also there's in /root/Startup a script "zzz-tz-chk", I added that to restart xfce4-panel (otherwise it didn't display the correct (updated) time) try to move it away and restart X (perhaps that restart of xfce4-panel is what's acting strange)
These seem good suggestions I will try them.

fredx181 wrote: EDIT: Can you show you menu.lst entry you boot with (if using grub4dos)

Code: Select all

title dogbuster_mklive64  NOMODESET EXIT:changes51.dat
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /dogbuster_mklive64/live/initrd1.xz
kernel /dogbuster_mklive64/live/vmlinuz1 from=/dogbuster_mklive64 changes=EXIT:/dogbuster_mklive64/changes51.dat i915.modeset=0
initrd /dogbuster_mklive64/live/initrd1.xz

title FRED TEST BUSTERDOG64ssd-lickmenu.lst :dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred ISO  NOMODESET CHANGES
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred/live/initrd1.xz
kernel /dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred/live/vmlinuz1 from=/dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred changes=EXIT:/dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred/changes51.dat i915.modeset=0
initrd /dogbuster_mklive64_v05_fred/live/initrd1.xz
This is a video with your ISO (frugal installed) at boot time : (video is with my changes dat -but that it not make a difference -it is almost empty)

BusterDog64_delayInfo_(fred181_ISO)VID_20200509_221444.mp4 https://1fichier.com/?ins07psjevt1izv2h8st

Notes for the video:
33sec: 2 network icons on systray
43sec : mnt/home not mounted yet (but HDDs are all mounted)
46sec : /mnt/home mounted now
47sec : First attempt to connect
54sec : second attempt to connect
1:09 :got IP

1. It seems something is delaying the system before /mnt/home/ mounting
2. Is it normal to have 2 netowork icons appear (33sec)

The solution to this problem is to wait 20-60seconds more but it doesn't seem normal
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#311 Post by kimble »

I tried BusterDog out in VirtualBox and found it workable, but I couldn't install it to SSD because gparted wouldn't give me the option to make it bootable.
So I tried it from CD to my laptop (amd64) and it worked fine. - LXDE.

I created a new user OK, but couldn't get the login process to ask for passwords, it just went straight into root without password. Installed lxdm, it didn't ask about which DM I wanted. At boot it shows the lxdm login screen for a short while, not enough to type my password, and then logged as root without password. This section always confused me, especially without a GUI version. Can't install users-admin - not found.

I will get it working.
Then I will want to know what is in it from scratch up, and what you can remove from standard Debian to get to it.

Great work.
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#312 Post by fredx181 »

trister wrote:BusterDog64_delayInfo_(fred181_ISO)VID_20200509_221444.mp4 https://1fichier.com/?ins07psjevt1izv2h8st

Notes for the video:
33sec: 2 network icons on systray
43sec : mnt/home not mounted yet (but HDDs are all mounted)
46sec : /mnt/home mounted now
47sec : First attempt to connect
54sec : second attempt to connect
1:09 :got IP
Hi trister, thanks for the video, it makes things more clear.
First of all: your computer is too fast !!! :)
No, just kidding of course, but it probably explains why you see things different than me (timing issue, for me the boot process takes much longer, I get IP address just a second after the Desktop appears).

Not that I know exactly how things work, but it looks like that slim is started very early, earlier than /etc/rc.local, so then /mnt/home symlink is not created yet.
2 network icons on systray: I see now that it's double started, one in /root/Startup/network_tray.sh and one in '/root/.config/openbox/autostart', so disable one of the two, e.g. make it #frisbee-tray in '/root/.config/openbox/autostart'
There's a mechanism in /usr/libexec/dhcpcd-hooks/ that prevents 2 icons, but that's executed later (again, the reason why I see initially only one icon on my slow laptop).
47sec : First attempt to connect
54sec : second attempt to connect
Don't know why 2 attempts, this may be a small bug in frisbee.

I realize that above trying to explain things won't fix the long time until you get IP address.
That has probably to do with dhcpcd (used by frisbee), which is slow in connecting, installing another network-manager could fix that.

EDIT: one other thing that may slow down things is the automatic timezone detection, but not sure, it can be disabled by running from Menu > Enable/Disable Auto Timezone

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#313 Post by trister »

fredx181 wrote: Not that I know exactly how things work, but it looks like that slim is started very early, earlier than /etc/rc.local, so then /mnt/home symlink is not created yet.
2 network icons on systray: I see now that it's double started, one in /root/Startup/network_tray.sh and one in '/root/.config/openbox/autostart', so disable one of the two, e.g. make it #frisbee-tray in '/root/.config/openbox/autostart'
There's a mechanism in /usr/libexec/dhcpcd-hooks/ that prevents 2 icons, but that's executed later (again, the reason why I see initially only one icon on my slow laptop).
47sec : First attempt to connect
54sec : second attempt to connect
Don't know why 2 attempts, this may be a small bug in frisbee.

I realize that above trying to explain things won't fix the long time until you get IP address.
That has probably to do with dhcpcd (used by frisbee), which is slow in connecting, installing another network-manager could fix that.

EDIT: one other thing that may slow down things is the automatic timezone detection, but not sure, it can be disabled by running from Menu > Enable/Disable Auto Timezone

Thanks again for your time fred :)
Is it possible to make slim begin later but mount /mnt/home and get IP earlier?
From what I know it seems difficult but I'm not a good linux administrator :)

Also, is there a way to know which files are executed in what order during boot of this busterdog?
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#314 Post by fredx181 »

Hi trister you can change the initscripts order of execution
Try change Required-Start line to :

Code: Select all

 # Provides:          slim
# Required-Start:    $all

Code: Select all

# Provides:          frisbee wpa_supplicant
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
Then to apply, in terminal:

Code: Select all

Then slim will start later and frisbee earlier.
You wrote "mount /mnt/home", but again, /mnt/home is a symlink, not mountpoint.
Why is the delay/order such an issue for you, btw ? (just curious)

The (changed) order you can see in e.g. /etc/rc2.d/ (or /etc/rc3.d/) 2 3 4 5 are startup scripts

EDIT: More info:
https://manpages.debian.org/buster/inss ... .8.en.html

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#315 Post by trister »

fredx181 wrote: You wrote "mount /mnt/home", but again, /mnt/home is a symlink, not mountpoint.
Why is the delay/order such an issue for you, btw ? (just curious)
I run my system with the EXIT parameter. I also has disabled the "save on exit" option. I can save the system only with the save2flash script.
This is the way I want my system with on-demand persistence.

I use persistence only on specific apps . Eg in some of my browsers I have setup them so they keep data and cache in /mnt/home/download_linux. (I choose /mnt/home so that my browsers are "more" portable to my other frugal installs.

So, the problem is that if I'm in a hurry and start one of the apps that uses /mnt/home it kind of messes up /mnt/home path and all the apps are useless -and I need to restart the system and keep in mind to be more patient next time :)
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#316 Post by fredx181 »

trister wrote:So, the problem is that if I'm in a hurry and start one of the apps that uses /mnt/home it kind of messes up /mnt/home path and all the apps are useless -and I need to restart the system and keep in mind to be more patient next time

OK, I see, here's a way to create the /mnt/home symlink very early in the boot process by creating a separate initscript (instead of doing it from /etc/rc.local)
Comment out in /etc/rc.local, so becomes this:

Code: Select all

# By default this script does nothing.
#if [ -f /mnt/live/tmp/modules ]; then
Place attached script "lnmounts" in /etc/init.d (after removing fake.gz and making executable) and activate it:

Code: Select all

insserv lnmounts
Check in /etc/rc2.d/ if symlink S02lnmounts is created

If you changed the order of frisbee (as in above post) can you let me know if you still see the message "IP address acquired ..." ? (if not, it started too early, which is not a big problem, but just like to know how it's turning out on a fast computer).

Remove fake .gz, make executable, place in /etc/init.d and activate with: insserv lnmounts
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#317 Post by trister »

Thanks fred
I tried it along with various versions of re-ordered rc2.d but I always get the same result as before :

I have an initial delay after logging with slim and then all stuff happen (/mnt/home/ get ip etc...).

It seems that indeed it is a speed issue. I will copy the frugal install in another slower PC and I will check. If it is this I will just have to live with it -or I could go back to StretchDog in this PC :)

Thanks again for your time fred
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Bug fix

#318 Post by fredx181 »

Bug fixed for:
- "upgrade kernel" .deb packages
- and initrd1.xz (for porteus-boot) in pre-fab kernel tarballs Here (kernel-stretch-*, kernel-ceres-*(=buster) and kernel-sid-*)

Bug description: When using save folder there's a check for posix compatibility, if not, there should be a message "A Windows filesystem (FAT, NTFS) or other non-posix compatible filesystem has been detected".
This message didn't appear due to a mistake I made when editing linuxrc (init script in initrd1.xz) a few weeks back, resulting in continued boot with a savefolder that's not usable.
Not affected when you use a savefolder on a posix compatible (ext2/3/4) Linux filesytem of course.

To fix when recently made a build with mklive-buster, replace the initrd1.xz in "live" with the one inside kernel-ceres-i386-pae.tar.gz or kernel-ceres-amd64.tar.gz (according to architecture)
Similar for Stretch and Sid (kernel-stretch-* , kernel-sid-*), replace initrd1.xz (or extract all contents of tarball in "live" folder).

Update "upgrade kernel" or "upgrade-kernel-buster-bpo" packages with synaptic or apt.

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Shortcut to snap window to edge of screen

#319 Post by recobayu »

Hi Fred and All..
I just explore about keybinding in my Busterdog, and from here:
http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions#If, I got something interesting.

We can make our openbox like cinnamon/windows 10/stickyjwm. That is the window can snap into edge screen by press win + arrow.
In stickyjwm (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 72#1017372) I use wmctrl, but in openbox, I use the config from openbox it self.

Here what I do.

First, we edit the file:

Code: Select all

and add this code between the <keyboard> and </keyboard> tag
after that, we reconfigure the openbox by type:

Code: Select all

openbox --reconfigure
After that, we can play around by press win + arrow.

Code: Select all

<!-- add shortcut like cinnamon/wdz10/stickyjwm -->
<!-- win + arrow -->
<!-- by: recobayu -->
	<keybind key="W-Up">
		<action name="If">
			<query target="focus">
				<action name="If">
					<query target="focus">
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
						<action name="MaximizeHorz"/>
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
				<action name="MaximizeVert"/>
	<keybind key="W-Down">
		<action name="If">
			<query target="focus">
				<action name="If">
					<query target="focus">
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
						<action name="MaximizeHorz"/>
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
				<action name="MaximizeVert"/>

	<keybind key="W-Left">
		<action name="If">
			<query target="focus">
				<action name="If">
					<query target="focus">
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
						<action name="MaximizeVert"/>
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
				<action name="MaximizeHorz"/>

	<keybind key="W-Right">
		<action name="If">
			<query target="focus">
				<action name="If">
					<query target="focus">
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
						<action name="MaximizeVert"/>
						<action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
						<action name="MoveResizeTo">
				<action name="MaximizeHorz"/>

	<keybind key="W-F5">
		<action name="Reconfigure"/>
Oh ya, we can reconfigure the openbox by press winkey + F5 (I include that in the keybind).

Thank you for your Busterdog build. With this Busterdog, I have a Libreoffice from buster-backports repo in this 32bit Busterdog.
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#320 Post by fredx181 »

Very nice stuff, thanks recobayu !

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